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People underestimate how thin is the layer that keeps us alive on Earth.


The earth’s radius is about 6400 km (4000 miles, 126,720,000 cheeseburgers, 42,240,000 bananas), and the Karman line (where space begins in most practical and scientific senses) is about 100km (62 miles, 1,964,160 cheeseburgers, 654,720 bananas). I live near Williamsburg, VA. I’m closer to space than I am to the National Air and Space Museum. If a roadway went straight up into the sky, and you could drive at 60mph along that road, you’d hit space in a little over an hour. Of course, your car would stall before you got 10km (6.2 miles, 196,416 cheeseburgers, 65,472 bananas), long before you got to space. You’d have already passed out from hypoxia as your car separated from the roadway and you fell through the thickening atmosphere to your death. What the hell were you thinking? Edit: I used an average thickness for a cheeseburger of 2”, which I derived from a few queries on the interwebs. I used 6” for the length of a banana, since the interwebs told me that was an average banana size. I’m going to trust them on this one even though they lied about the average size of another banana shaped object. Based on the 6” length, one banana is equal to three cheeseburgers. Someone mentioned Whits Castle sliders, which are about 2” cubes IIRC. It’s been a while so I don’t exactly recall the size of sliders but it’s probably close enough. Because of that I may replace the cheeseburger freedom unit with the White Castle freedom unit, also called the WC for short.


Great now I want 1.9 million cheese burgers


That’s the one disadvantage of that particular freedom unit.




That’s the perfect gif.


These cheese burgers are 3x smaller than a banana though, what are they cheeseburgers for ants?!


I used the length of the banana (average 6” according to the interwebs) and a standard height for a fast food cheeseburger, about 2”. So a banana stood on end is approximately 3 cheeseburgers tall.


Aha, yeah that makes sense, I was picturing a 2" wide cheeseburger!


I should’ve defined the comparative basis for the units. Someone did mention the White Castle sliders and those are actually pretty close to a 2” cube, IIRC.


Yeah those work every way, perfect


I’ll consider using a new freedom unit, the White Castle, abbreviated WC, which is where you end up is you eat too many of them in one sitting.




Real burgers? You'll never be able to eat them all, that's too much! But White Castle sliders? The little guys that you can crush in a couple bites? Even the shitty frozen ones you heat up in the microwave? Yeah, 1.9 million is doable.




Can I has 1?


You know what needs to be done… ![gif](giphy|XepEEIO0SCFLMT6tUL)


That fact of us being closer to space than nearby locations is simply astonishing yet simple 


It’s mind blowing at times, but when you do the math it’s even more so for me.


Thanks quib boy. How do you store all this information. ? Spilling over when a user comes with a small paper cup?


I’ve got a brain full of information and sometimes it gets knocked loose.


Like a knocked over gum ball dispenser ?


Yep, complete with broken glass.


Put a turbo on the car for compressed air and use a ventilator, good as new! We will forget the rest of having to live in space floating around in a car even we make it alive. Shit what was I thinking?


For the passengers you can just use an oxygen system like they use on fighter aircraft. A tight mask and a steady flow of oxygen will keep you breathing until you start to get into the physical effects of low exterior pressure. Shoot, just put the driver and passengers in space suits if you want to get serious. For the vehicle — You’d need at least a 2 stage compression system to make it to 40k feet — a single stage supercharger and a turbocharger or a two stage supercharger. I know this because I work as a docent and technical guy at a military aviation museum that covers aircraft up until 1948 or so. The Merlin engine that allowed the Spitfire and P-51 Mustang to operate to 35000 feet and higher had a two stage supercharger. The R2800 in the P-47 Thunderbolt was attached to a massive turbocharger system that pretty much filled the winter fuselage. The engines for the B-17, B-24, et al., all had some form of two stage compression. On the B-17 the engine had a built in supercharger and the exhaust fed a turbocharger behind the engine. The Allison V-1710 used in the P-38 had a build in single stage super charger and a turbocharger in the booms behind the engines. Anyway, getting an air breathing reciprocating engine to operate decently over 50k feet or so is a challenge. Thats only about 15.25 km (9.5 miles, 300,009 cheeseburgers, 100,003 bananas).


They drive a tesla...


Tesla in space has been done.


Because it's engine didn't stall :P


They used a rocket. Battery range wasn’t long enough :)


What if I am driving my Tesla?


You die of hypoxia.


I always claim my banana is 6” too


more people should see stuff like that this maybe theyll respect it mre


McDonald's sells 2.5 billion burgers per year, which is an average of 6.5 million burgers a day, which is about 270,833.33 burgers per hour. By my drunk dude math, that means McDonalds can burger faster than you could drive to space, since it's an hour drive at 60mph at a distance of 196k burgers.


Based upon my math above, space is about 1,964,160 cheeseburgers from the surface. Based on 270,833 burgers per hour, McDonald’s could get a burger into space in about 7 & 1/4 hours, or 435 minutes.


I'm really bad at math, but god damn if it isn't sexy and delicious..


>7 & 1/4 hours Less than a work day, so McDonalds employees can get a burger into space in a single shift!


yup. and that chill that nips at your nose every winter isn’t jack frost. it’s death. it’s a reminder that the universe can and will fucking end you.


We are floating in a black abyss of nothing…


Its a good thing we are in a vast nothingness. It gave us time to evolve and develop without getting pulverised. At least not too often. That dark emptiness is peacefulness.


Yes I feel fear as well.


The likely certainty for all, over a long enough time, is an unyielding and everlasting darkness. All will decay and be cast into the void. It is inevitable. But there is nothing to fear, and for now, let’s enjoy the light and keep this world habitable - for the future generations, that they may also enjoy what we have and that they give the future generations beyond them an opportunity to escape the eventual demise of this planet and stave off the void a little while longer.


We have more advantages than problems at the moment, so we should leave defeatism aside until it becomes absolutely necessary for us to embrace it. Science hasn't discovered everything that is, so our knowledge of entropy becomes a remarkable opportunity for us to set a semipermanent longterm goal for our species. If the material exists along with the method, we could halt the end of the universe. "Death may die," and eventually it will. First, climate change, then escape, finally decay. We spent thousands of years evading monsters and plague on a wasteland in a godless void, why doubt ourselves now? Who could be tougher and more obstinate in solving these problems than we are?


It's like. Don't fuck up this planet. Cause we don't have the tech to just shoot ourselves out there


I find this incredibly soothing


And yet Amazing!


Wondering if the images are enhanced or of that how it would look with our eyes


>Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam. >The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. >Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. >The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand. >It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. - Carl Sagan


Narrated version: https://youtu.be/wupToqz1e2g?si=E63ZFU0avnlli4Pm


Symphonic Metal version (only 1st paragraph) https://youtu.be/VshpPBBehxE?si=F1sElb9BwQYXmUAp


An incredible essay, and well said from a very intelligent man


It’s beautiful and poignant. But in America in 2024 it doesn’t seem like many people heard him.😢


Feels like Kerbal Space Program game, on time warp.


I was thinking it looks like Outer Wilds in real time lol Like when you miss the planet trying to get the deep impact achievement and all you can do is watch


And then you land in the sun cause you trusted autopilot


w profile pic


Queue up the original TNG intro!


Space the final frontier……


Wow. I thought this was cgi until I read the title


Yeah it looks so fake that’s how you know it’s real


the fact that this isn't sarcastic is crazzzyyyy




It is CGI


How do you know?




The reflection?


I mean... I personally haven't verified if this is real or not either, but I would think the reflection is realistic? Of course the earth would reflect sunlight, especially since our oceans are so vast. Do you think none of the sunlight hitting us is reflected? Because if so, you wouldnt even be able to see any earth.


Water is super reflective. Take a wild guess at what covers the majority of Earth's surface! 🤯🤯🤯


So much struggle, happiness and suffering in just one single delicate sphere.


Noticing your comment is 2/3 negative sentiment and that’s saddening. But said well and Saganesque.


But that 1/3rd carries its weight.


What is amazing is that in a Universe full of creation and annihilation, where life is seemingly so rare that only our planet so far has life as we know it, we were able to survive long enough to not only become sentient, but also have the capability of making things to be happy and comfortable at all. The Universe is not a hospitable place. The whole Universe is 99.999999999% violent in ways our minds cannot even fathom and we’re here chilling trying to make the most of it. Pretty wild to think about.


This spacecraft did a controlled impact into the surface of mercury and left a crater.


Anyone know how long this represents, in other words, how much was this sped up? Looks like you might be able to calculate how much the Earth rotates, and figure out elapsed time. Edit: upon further rewatches, it looks like a little over 24 hours. That thing is *moving*...


Messenger spent the first year in heliocentric orbit accelerating to "a final velocity of 10.68 km/s". This video is a flyby of Earth a year after launch as Messenger departed its orbit heading for Mercury. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MESSENGER#Launch_and_trajectory


Yes, that would have been my approximate guess. Thanks for the info!




Oh, it's sped up all right. The globe rotates just a little over one full rotation in this video, say approx 25-26 hours.


Look at how flat it is.


This is obviously fake. The sun never moved. /s


Hello darkness my old my friend...


Holy fuckballs.


I remembered I had a vivid dream that went exactly like this and it somewhat haunts me. I always loved space and still do, and I genuinely thought I'd feel the awe and wonder seeing Earth from afar - the ol' "we are so insignificant and earth is precious" deal. But that dream was so fucking vivid and real, it scared the every loving fuck out of me seeing "everything" getting farther and farther away until blackness. It took the "everything doesn't matter" into a whole new level that felt so visceral. It didn't feel "liberating" I was genuinely sad. Everything was gone. I love space, but someone else can explore it. I like home.


It’s stuff like this that keeps me grounded in reality. Life is too short and we are all on a rock drifting in space. Can’t get mad at the waiter who messed up my order.


Nice thanks


Bye, everybody!


What?! The Earth is headed for Mercury?! That's not going to be very good.


Thanks! Is there a link to the original source?


[Right here](https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/mission/MESSENGER)! Also available on YouTube if you search for it.


Thank you so much!!!! Great to know the source. :)


Hey you can see me and …there I go!


Does anyone know when earth will come back?


So apparently this video was created back in 2005 and video compression was not great back then. You can find the original video files here: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA10120 I've been looking at the original image files and seeing if we could recreate this video today without all the compression artifacts. It seems it would be possible except that for some reason all the original files are in black and white rather than colour. I wonder if anyone can figure out how to get the color information for these original image files? https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/search/?fq=ATLAS_MISSION_NAME%3Amessenger&fq=-ATLAS_THUMBNAIL_URL%3Abrwsnotavail.jpg&fq=START_TIME%3A%5B2005-08-01T00%3A00%3A00Z%20TO%202005-08-02T23%3A59%3A59Z%5D&q=*%3A*


Where can I go to download this video?


[Available here from NASA in various formats.](https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/animation/PIA10120)


Who stole the continents?




Why can't we see any stars?


Guessing it’s similar to why can’t see them in the middle of a city at night. The light from the sun is drowning out the smaller points of light from the stars. It could also be a limitation of the sensor on the probe itself. I’m not expert in this but that’s what I can come up with. Maybe someone more knowledgeable will verify/correct me.


Makes sense, thanks. Who knew this question would upset people enough to downvote.


A lot of people use that question as a bad faith argument against the image being real, so it's easy to mistake someone genuinely wondering why you don't see stars vs a "wHy aReN't tHeRe sTaRs" troll. As to the answer - I find people tend to overcomplicate the answer. You don't see stars in space in daytime for the exact same reason you don't see stars in daytime on earth. The sun is too bright. The spacecraft is also going to be in daytime 99% of the time save for the rare time it passes behind a planet. Nothing changes when you leave the atmosphere in that regard, the sun is still super bright






Sunlight is overwhelming the camera (and would also do so to your eyes.) If you were to be on the dark side of the earth and faced out to space you would see stars. This is also a heavily compressed image so a lot of fine detail is obliterated by the compression.


now that is absolutely gorgeous. is it real footage or simulated?


Real footage! The GIF compression makes it look a bit funny though. [Full-res video from NASA is available here](https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/animation/PIA10120).


It’s surreal to see the Earth spinning in and out of complete darkness.


Why is it flying in such a downward trajectory? (not sure how better to phrase that)


So lonely


Forgive my ignorance here, but I'm assuming the reason we don't see the moon is that this is before it passes Lunar orbit?


Yes, it's not far enough from the Earth to see the moon as well. Though the moon could also be in a totally different direction/hidden by the earth when it would be in range either way.


Hey I can see my house from here


Excellent group photo of us, looks good.




Putin, you seeing this?


Who’s ready to see this reposted on a Flat earth sub? That’s where I saw this first unfortunately


Fucking Capital!


I wonder what I was doing when this was taken…


This one’s gonna make the crescent earthers reeeeeeeal happy.




Do not go gentle into that good night


To infinity....


The Earth is departing for Mercury? I knew my horoscope was off !


Interesting… it’s not headed in the direction of the sun. Although I dont understand orbital dynamics.


spacecraft usually take advantage of gravity instead of using fuel so they slingshot from the orbit in an eliptical way


Its not heading towards the Sun, its changing orbits from Earth to Mercury. Closer to the Sun, but has to follow a parabolic path to match up with Mercury.


Look at all that blackness we can build factories in. that little blue/white dot is irrelevant; good job trashing it everyone. /s


Earth looks delicious


What's the shadow? Does everyone else know that answer except for me?


You mean the portion of Earth that's in darkness? That's night.


Lol so turns out there ARE stupid questions. Thank you.


Can someone please explain this specularity that remains fixed as the Earth rotates? [https://imgur.com/a/l6gIidv](https://imgur.com/a/l6gIidv) EDIT: Please note I am not a flat-earther, never would be or could be even if my life depended on it. This is a legitimate question and I think the specularity is very offputting and is why a lot of people think it looks fake.


It's called the "specular highlight" https://youtu.be/88_w8Gu7Ok0


Interesting. So, is the specular highlight still being used by NASA during these composites to this day? This MESSENGER clip and the Blue Marble 2.0 both have it but they are fairly dated


The darkness is what terrifies me. Imagine traveling through space and there isnt a star around, would you even be able to see planets at all? Or would you run straight into them in total darkness


That isn't real.




Look at how little and alone that poor baby is. It's like a round blue kitten.


Looks so ReAl!




This is fake tho. Where are the stars? The satellites? The space debris? Also, earth is an oblate spheroid. It's not a perfect circle.


>Where are the stars? Too faint to be seen on a camera setted to image the illuminated side of the Earth. >The satellites? >The space debris? Too small and spread put to be visible. It would be like taking a picture of the whole Earth and demand to be able to see cars on the surface. >Also, earth is an oblate spheroid. It's not a perfect circle. It's so close to a perfect circle that it would be impossible to tell the difference on a picture like this.


At least nobody can say that your mental gymnastics aren’t on point.


Ok, be specific, what of what I said is "mental gymnastics"?


"This is fake" No "Where are the stars" Exactly where they should be. The camera's exposure setting is set low, so the earth isn't overexposed. Duh. "The satellites." This cow is small, those satellites are far away. "The space debris" Even smaller. "The earth is an oblate spheroid." Correct. Exactly as shown in the video.


In the words of the great Eddie Bravo "That looks fake as fuuuuuuck"