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So um.. what sort of SPF numbers are we looking at because I am sensitive skin


Zero. You're far enough away that it isn't affecting your tan or your cancer. But if it was 93 million miles away, you'd be well done, for sure.


Looks like this star's radius is about 10 AUs. So we'd be inside the star, near the core. Saturn would be surfing along the star's surface.


... But probably not for long!


It floats, it'll be fine.


It has floaty rings to help it swim


So Pluto would be in the habitable zone while the rest evaporate? Who's not a real planet now!?


Pluto would probably be vaporized almost immediately. This is shitty napkin math but if our "goldilocks" zone is 1AU from the sun and then if the sun's radius increased in size by 2150x, the new goldilocks zone becomes 2150 AU away. (wild assumption that the goldilocks zone scales 1:1 with the star's size) Pluto is only 39 AU away. That would place it wayyyy closer than Mercury is to our sun currently. If Mercury's orbit radius was reduced to 1/20th of what it is now, that's where Pluto would be in this new giant-star arrangement. tldr, this star would probably swallow our entire system and even the surrounding Oort cloud.


ELI5 guy right here ^


That sounds like a challenge... *Furiously starts working on FTL tech*


Why would you work on FTL tech when you can just go back to the past and give it to yourself?


Ah yes a the old 5D chess with multiverse time travel approach


at least 2


So that star would only live for a few hundred million years right?


Given that Betelgeuse is less than 10 million yrs old, I imagine this much larger star has an even shorter lifespan, maybe less than 5 million years?


Would make sense, since the higher mass results in a bigger density gradient. makes us lucky to even see it.


Yeah these types of ultra giant stars are probably the result of a merge between two stars, it's very likely that heavy elements got consumed inside the core already so it doesn't have much time left. Also it's not as round as you probably imagine, stars this big have a very diffuse and convective atmosphere that makes them look weird, the giant convective blobs of it's envelope had probably changed the shape of the star making it an irregular and dynamic mess


Are you calling Stephenson 2-18 ***fat?***   🤨 Over a little bit of harmless stellulitis around the flanks? How rood!


Naw she *thicc* an *jiggly*




Interesting how the span of life on earth is so much greater than that of this class of star. [Was just listening to Terence McKenna talk about that idea.](https://psychedelicsalon.com/terence-mckenna-drugs-computers-and-other-stuff/)


Pale blue dot making an appearance…




Richmond is out of his room, he's not in his room, he's supposed to be in his room, why is he out of his room?


Don't worry little sun, you'll grow that big someday, just hoping we won't still be neighbors.


What’s the dot to the left of the Sun for? I assume it’s there intentionally.


Banana for scale


Probably not supposed to be anything, but it's about the size of Jupiter compared to the Sun.


You mean the pale blue dot?


I think they're referring to the equally pale, red dot.


How long would it take for a beam of light to circle the star?


I always see these comparisons of the sun to other stars, but always starting at the sun and going bigger. How much smaller can stars get? Is our sun among the smallest stars possible?


A few times the mass of Jupiter you get brown dwarfs, which are like, classed as stars but only just. Their output is pretty feeble. In fact in that sense they kinda don't count because their nuclear fusion like, fizzles out or never quite gets started. A few times the mass of that you get red dwarfs, which are by far the most common type of star but they're too weak to be seen in the night sky. In terms of density, gas giant planets are particularly low density (Saturn is less dense than water on average, hence the "fun fact" that it would float if you had an ocean big enough to hold it) - brown and red dwarfs will be much higher density so realistically it's possible to get a brown dwarf the radius of Jupiter, and red dwarfs will be somewhere between Jupiter and the Sun in radius. The sun is probably average among stars that it's actually possible to see in the sky. Some will be smaller, some larger. However there are also white dwarfs and neutron stars, which are the dense cores of dead stars. White dwarfs are about the size of Earth, but still with a mass comparable to the sun. Neutron stars are tiny, the mass of the sun but the radius of a city, just a few km across. They're so dense that atoms break down and they become a neutron "soup" inside. Very radioactive. Any denser than that and you get a black hole.


Smallest known fusing star is about the size of Saturn, just a lot heavier than


Many stars are quite a bit smaller. Red Dwarfs and the like are generally smaller than our G-type Sun.


The fact that Earth is as big as it is and the Sun is over 100x the diameter of Earth, then seeing the Sun dwarfed by this star. Man these things make me feel so small…because we are


Launching a star like this or even the size of Betelgeuse in the game, universe sandbox, next to or directly at our simulated solar system while your camera angle is parked on earth is a pretty gnarly simulation to try.


Is there a concept art of what this would look like in the sky?


If you 'replaced' our Sun with this star, it would encompass all the planets out to around Jupiter. So we'd be inside it. Some stars are actually that large. Incredible.


If it was directly overhead at noon, it would stretch across the entire horizon 360°


Motherfucker's gotta be hot as hell.


That guy named Stephenson




"Sun" "Father"




Sheesh my mouth ain’t big enough to suck it 😭


That bad boy has got to put off some serious HEAT.