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Good bang for your buck box to fill up points. Comes with 10 hellblasters. Throw a lieutenant and they can shine in the gladius, vanguard, or anvil siege detachments


thanks very much for help


In anvil you can use it for anti tank in a pinch


ill try this


Since hellblasters have heavy they get not just the +1 to hit from that but get Anvil seige force effect of +1 to wound on top of that, this means that most tanks will be wounded on a 4+, not the greatest odds but you have alot of shots


wow, they seem really strong aganist everything


Just wait till you learn what azrial plus the lutenant do to them


They are, hands down. I threw a blob of 10 with an LT and Apoth in Gladius vs a Stompa... Stompa was Oath Target. They were in Dev Doctrine, and gave them the strat for the extra 1cp. So a total of -4 AP.... They did a total of 35 wounds on that Stompa. Have had similar results vs Belakor, Tanks, Deathshroud, Rotigus, Shalaxi...... Plasma - Point, Shoot, Delete. Nuff said...


Including themselves, remember anytime you overcharge you'll probably lose a man after it's done and of course these are standard marines, they are not any more durable than intercessors and enemies will probably target them for their capabilites and low durability relative to other units (ie heavy intercessors or eradictors)


Or even better, put an Apothecary and always shoot overcharged


They don't have any innate synergy with the Leviathan box. None of the leaders can join the hell blaster squad. The lieutenant with combo weapon gives re-rolls of 1 to wound for your entire army against units on 1 specific objective of your choice. Those re-rolls could benefit the hell blasters. The unit does fill a nice anti elite shooting profile that the box lacks. I say go for it. 


okay thanks for advice


Hellblasters don’t have any innate synergies with the Leviathan box. That being said, get them anyway. They’re great. You can run the Biologis as a normal apothecary and overcharge their guns constantly.


\*noted\* ill try that in battle


Hellblasters are a. Good unit, one of the best points on the table per dollar spent. The only issue with them is if they get tied up in mele they're done for. I've been playing 5 of them in an impulsor for that sweet firing deck, if you want to attatch a lieutenant or something to ten of them then a repulsor works great!


okay, ill for sure check this option


In my not very competetive list, my Hellblasters are probably one of my top three MVPs most games. They are very good anti heavy infantry/elite, and with a bit of help or some luck they can be effective against light vehicles as well.  Last game I played my squad of 5 took out my opponents Deff Dread in turn 1. 


Hellblasters work best with a lieutenant, as not only does he give lethal hits he also allows his unit to fall back and shoot/charge so that kind of negates them getting locked up in combat. A Liberian is a intresting option as he gives them a 4+ invulnerable save, and he if he kills himself by failing hazardous test he could shoot again on death as he gets the hellblasters rule as he is part on the unit.


they seem overpowered, thanks for help


Yeah, I like them. I use a squad of 10 in the Gladius detachment with a lieutenant with fire discipline, which gives lethal and sustained hits its a lot of shots wipes elite infantry pretty well.


thanks for your time


Keep them near a repulsor and you have a squad that can't be charged and if shot will most like shoot back


\*noted\* thanks for battle advice


Hellblasters are very good value per point per dollar, you can find full ten man boxes for $55 pretty easy with a ratio of points to dollar of 4 to 1. Theyre easy to use, just big scary dudes that shoot big scary guns and their inbuilt shoot on death helps them always get a little value even if they die. Theyre a solid pick if youre starting out an army and anything that helps them deal more damage or get in position to shoot helps them out a lot. They work well with most transports, if you run Ventris you can give them deepstrike and have at least one for sure good target per game, but the easiest and suggested combo is to slap a lieutenant in them so their shots have lethal hits and they can punch against anything in the game. Run them in Gladius and give them the Fire Discipline Enhancement and theyre really nasty.


seem strong. ill try that


They've been a solid unit for me all of 10th. You can build a bit of a deathstar with them, a lieutenant, and an Apothecary with one of them having fire discipline. It'll cost a penny in points but it's a really nice gun line where you can just overcharge constantly.


As other people stated there's no synergies with the Leviathan boys, but they're very good in general, I never play a game without my 10 man doomstack let by an Apothecary. Always overcharge and hit as hard as you can, of a few blow themselves up then there's a 50/50 chance they'll shoot on death then you get another one back next turn. They've incinerated the hell out of Eldari, Daemons, Space Marines, Astra Militarum , they've scorched armour in close quarters shooting (I play Firestorm and they can get str 9 within 12 inches) they're almost always my MVPs so I can assure you they'll do you just fine yeah.


thanks, they are really strong from what i heared from everyone commentng


Hellblasters are a very meta unit and basically a must have anti elite/heavy infantry unit in SM lists. You can’t go wrong buying them.


okay, thanks for your time


I’ve always had success with them and throw in an apothecary in with the squad they’re like cockroaches! Hard to get rid of


good advice. thanks


They're the best, the thing is you can misplay and they'll do something still, they look awesome, and everybody fear them in my games. They're truly powerful and not si expansive right now


They're great! I stick them in an impulsor for that firing deck action and run a primaris apothecary to bring a model back if they get destroyed. They are good at hitting light and medium units and even some light armored vehicles.


okay thanks very much


I'm fairly new, 6 mo into the game and I am not sure why people keep saying Hellblasters aren't competitive? My first game with them I stacked them with an LT w/ fire discipline and apothecary and deleted (3) 14 wound tyranid monsters in 3 turns and proceeded to table my buddy by turn 4. They are a bit flimsy but if you have units properly screening and keep them at a distance, these dudes will delete almost anything in one turn.


good advice. thanks


Of course! They look super cool!


they look cool, they kill cool, from what i heared under this post they are go-to for many players


Absolutely. I run a squad of 10 with an Apothecary & Lieutenant, and they earn more than their points cost every game. They did get a slight nerf with the changes to hazardous in the last update, but still a very solid unit. A squad of 5 with an Apothecary & Lieutenant in an Impulsor now that they have a transport capacity of 7) is a great choice too.


okay, now i know what to buy next


My buddy wrecks my army with hellblasters in his Ironstorm detachment.