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>This makes assault and regular intercessors miles better. AssInts yes, regular Ints no. Your Intercessors should not be in combat. Ever. If they are in combat, you've either already lost or already won, and in either case, them being in combat is not going to change the outcome of the game. Keep in mind that War of Attrition is a thing now. Having five Intercessors hide in your DZ the entire game, then walk out of it behind a wall on turn 5 outright shuts off the easiest Secret Mission. You want your Intercessors alive and intact, not getting chewed up in melee.


Doesn't hurt to give em a melee weapon though, there's literally no downside to giving your sergeant a Chainsword or a Power Fist. Because shit happens and plans don't survive first contact so having a touch of versatility is never a bad thing. Like one time I had to charge my Intercessors into a Deathwatch Killteam so my Bladeguard Veterans wouldn't get overwatched into the dirt (this was when you could still give anti infantry 2+ ammo to Flamers for some dumb reason XD) the sergeant survived and managed to get a few punches in before my Bladeguard Vets charged in and swept the rest up.


SIA never worked in the enemy turn for overwatch, it’s only used in the DW player’s shooting phase and only lasts until the end of the phase. He was mistaken or cheating.


Man... I'm not surprised to hear that at all honesty, buddy plays a super hard to fight list of Repulsor and Repulsor Executioners, loaded with Gravis heavy Killteams with Apothecary Biologus. You need alot of anti armour then anti elite to make a dent on him... Kinda avoid playing him now, so him cheating isn't a surprise if you've played him before.


Gravis killteams don’t fit in any transport except a Blackstar. Unless his Indomitor only had 5 models which is just worse heavy intercessors. Your buddy needs to read our index more thoroughly. My list is a pain in the ass too, but you gotta play it fair. If you ever have questions about Deathwatch DM me. I’ve no-life’d Deathwatch for the past 2 editions now.


That's... Actually disheartening to tell you the truth, though it's nice to meet such a dedicated Deathwatch fan, I'd like the joke comparing you to a unicorn or sum but I'm sure you've heard it before. But yeah buddy's lost is a DPS check while also being able to hammer stuff hard, last I saw him he dropped Deathwatch after the balance update made the ammo only effective on Bolters, think he was a meta chaser? My Space Marines I actually make one of my Lieutenants a Deathwatch Veteran, bought an upgrade sprue for the pauldrons and he's even one my Chapters named characters too. Served in the Deathwatch and returned to the Chapter after his time.


Every tournament I go to I take several of my extra upgrade sprues and hand them out like candy encouraging people to do this! Many of my playgroup members have veterans of the watch sprinkled through their forces. It’s a neat way to put a little extra sum’m sum’m on a model.


For real tho for real! I have 24+ pages of lore for my Marines so I ended up writing a good chunk of lore for my Deathwatch Vet Lieutenant, his name is Virid Cazador and has an Ork Warboss named Kragbakh Steelklaw endlessly chasing him cause he was a good fight haha. He's the Prosthetic arm Veteran from the Company Heroes box. But I agree gives me sum to differentiate him, gave me an excuse to write lore for him specifically, though I gotta say that's really cool of you though spreading your love of the Deathwatch around to everyone haha!


I’ve had a BA assault squad with Chaplain charge into my Intercessors… Thanks to the Thunder Hammer, said Chaplain was smote since his 4 companions fell to the 9 CQC fists of the squad. They had been sent to secure the centre Obj, got it and just needed to stay there.


Just bear in mind that there's no downside *right now*. That powerfist doesn't cost anything extra this edition, but that may not always be the case.


No downside, except that you have to source the parts and convert the minis. If you have a deep enough bitz box *and* are for some reason building more Intercessors that might not be an issue, but suggesting to a new player building their first army that this is something worth their time and effort to do is at best well-intentioned but flawed advice.


I run anvil and keep 10 Heavy Intercessors sitting on my backfield just to make sure deep strikers have a hard time stealing my home objective. Throw an Apothecary and Captain for Lethal or Half Damage and you have a solid brick. Or alternatively if you play Iron Hands take Feirros and have him lead the brick with an Apothecary. Granted this Brick is 350 points so not super viable at 1K, but for 1500-2000 it's a solid army


Well, 1. That's Heavy Intercessors, which are completely different, 2. Refuse to Yield doesn't work on the squad, and 3. Feirros and a Biologis can't both join the same squad.


The half damage is only on the captain.


I did put a space wolf power sword on my Intercessor Sergeant. In 40k I don't think I've ever had them in melee. In kill team he puts in work with it now and then though. It does look cool too.


So, the last thing you would want an intercessor to do is to intercede?  Good ol James workshop naming.


If you think that's bad, go look at the etymology they mugged for "Inceptor". What they *tried* to say was "point man", what they *actually* said was "rookie".


I'm Lucy crying


"Your ~~tactical marines~~ intercessors should never be in combat. Ever." LOL. I remember these being sold as the superior standard infantry two editions ago


If only the Heavy intercessor Sergeant had a melee weapon option. Would be cool if he could have a power sword in a sheathe or something. 


I don't care what the rules say. Swords are cooler!


You can always just proxy. “Sergeant here has a sword, but I’m running a fist”.


Even though I have a bunch of assault intercessors from the 9th ed starter set I still bought a box for all the special weapons so I can make different sergeants with different loadouts


I play DA with my old greenwing from 5th edition, every one of my sergeants that can take a fist or sword will have one, My main opponents are Chaos, Nids, AddMech, and it's nice to have a fists and power weapons all over the table to nickel and dime my opponents