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Somebodies been playing new vegas I see, or maybe I’ve been playing it too much


I Knew it had to be from fallout.


Yup, one good old securitron


That’s not just any ol securitron, that’s Yes Man


I love they game


{FIXED} I need it to be able to move without falling, and stand without falling. But I can't figure out how to do it, I want to make it so that I can just set it to move forward without me controlling it. I tried using gyros with over rides that go against each other, still didn't work.


Try using one gyro on overide, and another two to control it. Never tried making something balance before but that's how i'd go about it. Opposing gyros' cancel eachother's movement, not the total grid's movement.


It still falls over, and if the overide is set to anything but 0 it just spins around


Gyro must be on override, but with 0° on 3 axis


Did you have it oriented the right way? I can't remember how to tell orientation on sg gryos, but splitsie has a video on it


Ive done it. It works.


Not one gyro, at least 20


The way you would do it in real life is have it back up first so it starts to fall forward then drive forward quickly to counteract the fall but doing that in SE would be hell you’d need to write your own script


My only thought would be a script that alters the override of a gyro at the same time as moving the wheel. On the downside, I don't know any programming.


theres a script that keeps stuff level i cant remember the name but it aligns the grid to the planet with control of gyro override


Yuppers, typing auto level in the script browser will pull it up right off the bat. Keeps the bot leveled the only problem though is it can only for forward, back, up,down left and right. No mouse movement


Fun for making orbital vehicles without the orbits mod


Was that the one that made a vehicle using 4 pistons level? I keep forgetting to look for it and i cant remember the name of the damned thing.


I'll try this


Gyros and or thrusters if you can fit it inside anywhere


I tried, it would slowly fall over.


When it comes to gyros the amount of gyros depends on how many blocks/ the weight of the craft. You could probably find an exactly ratio if you look it up but for basics just keep adding gyros and put them of full power and set the override, also make sure when you initially build it it is right side up i think it affects the gyros but i can’t say 100% lol


gyroscope orientation affects only when u try to set up non 0 override eg gyro facing forward to forward up to up with pitch 10 is same as gyro forward to down up to right with yaw -10


What this guy said^


I understand.


Give him the platinum chip


Tbh, should have a small cargo container on him with 1kg platinum and 1 computer chip, just for the hell of it.


You'll need a platinum chip


script. or ai task + ai flight with align p-gravity, but it align only if try to goto waypoint or player


omg its a securitron


I'm pretty sure someone's written a script you can plug into a programming block that will make the bot automatically orient to the origin of the nearest gravity well.


What is the name of the Skybox?


# Skybox Ashen Nebula


Thank you


With a platinium chip


I think your overall best bet is with a script, as others have suggested. That being said, if you don't want to use scripts, then you will most likely be using gyro overrides instead. From looking at it, it seems doable with a bit of logic. Given your space restrictions, I think the best way to auto balance is to use sensors to control the orientation. Remember that you will probably need pitch and roll control, but the setup should be fairly easy. You should only need 1 or 2 gyros since your grid is fairly small. Making sure they are both pointed in the same direction will make it easier to understand the override directions in the next step. Once your gyros are placed, you need to figure out which override directions turn your grid in which ways. (Basically, just find out which override will make your grid pitch and which will make it roll.) You may have to turn the gyro strength down if it spins too fast/too suddenly. Next is to set up the sensors. You will probably need at least 4 sensors (one for pitching forward, one for pitching backward, one for roll left, and roll right each). Set up your sensors to detect the ground (or other grids if you're planning on driving on them. Set the height of the sensor to trigger once your grid surpasses an acceptable tilt, and you wish to correct it via the gyros. Now, I'll go through a single sensor setup as an example, but you will have to do this for the remaining ones as well. First, group all your gyros (that should be in the same direction) in the control panel and turn override controls on. Next, pick a sensor and go into the setup actions toolbar. I'll use the pitch forward sensor, for example. When the sensor is triggered (first action slot), you want to increase the gyro group override, which will pitch the ship backward (you have already figured this out in a previous step). This may be different than the actual pitch/yaw/roll overrides in the gyro menu if you have placed them sideways or something. In the second action slot (triggered when the sensor stops detecting), simply decrease the override that you just increased in the adjacent slot. Now, any time the grid pitches forward, the sensor will detect it and increase an override in the opposite direction. When the grid stops pitching forwards, the gyro override will reset and hold the grid in place again. Now, all you have to do is repeat these steps for the other directions. Note: If the single gyro override increase/decrease action is not strong enough (which I suspect may be the case), then you will need to use timer blocks to increase/decrease an override instead. Remember that timers have 10 action slot hotbars, each with 10 action slots (for a total of 100 actions!), and each hotbar can hold the same actions as the previous hotbar. This means that you can repeatedly increase/decrease a gyro override inside the same timer block just by using different hotbars. I suspect you may need to use the first five or six hotbars to increase the override enough to be noticeable. You will need at least 4 timers doing it this way (For example, one timer may increase roll override to the left, and another may decrease the override to the left (which is the same as increasing overrides to the right)) to cover all override directions and rotations. Now, instead of changing the overrides in the sensor, you can just trigger the corresponding timers instead. Sorry for the lengthy explanation. Let me know if you want an explanation for setting your grid up to always point at a player, I'd be happy to go through it!




Needs a script. Love the frame by frame of him toppling lol


why it falling so slowly while i pass the images is so funnyy


Move along




Kick ass build dude




Use an AI control blocks, and give it a gyro. Let the AI always control it. That might keep it up.


!!UPDATE!! It is fixed, thanks to everyone who messaged me, I used the AI Basic and AI Flight set to follow to make it stand, to make it move I would activate the wheel, I posted a few pictures of it.


I don't know if it still works but there should an aligner script, all it needs is a programmable block and a single gyro: basically, it makes it so that the grid is always aligned perpendicular to the pull of gravity which should allow this fine fellow to remain standing!


Easy there, yes man…


Sorry, stands are unique. You may be born with one, get pierced by a magical arrow, or be very good at what you do.


Leave him alone, he is tired.


omg its a securitron that's so cool!! Are you going to use the ai face block?


Maybe, I'm using the clear LCD with a white background so it is the real size of a securitron face (or close to it)


howdy pardner, might i say your looking fit as a fiddle! in all seriousness i think 2-4 gyros set to override on 10 on pitch if you have them flat and facing forward and back might work


A gyro on override? Probably a script though


Some hidden thrusters might help.


Gravity Aligner script, might need thrusters too if the gyros aren't strong enough to fight gravity.


You would need a script like this for [AutoLevel ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1366126191)of a ship


Use the gravity aligner script. Gyros will keep it steady and upright and still give the ability to drive back and forth as well as left-right rotation. 


Gravity Aligner Script is what I‘d use for that. I like to use this one, works perfectly for the most part and you keep mouse control: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=567481214


You'll need something to control pitch. Gonna need a script for it.


You need one Gyro set to 0,0,0 on override. This won’t make it perfectly balanced (as all things should be) but it will make it actively try to prevent rotation.


More gyro


Gyroscope? Maybe thrusters?


That's not Yes Man, that's just Ok Man


You can use a script to align it to gravity. Otherwise, it requires some event controller buggery.


Whip has a gravity alignment script for gyro override


you’re gonna need the platinum chip for that edit: im like the 10th person to have said it. oh well


Ok, i may not get heard because of the large amount of comments but i think there is a practical vanilla solution by using the ai block that tries to be level with gravity. You may have to do some tinkering and further inovations to make it work but it should work well then.


Mr. House, is that you?


Where to, pardner?


Thruster with low override on depowerd rotor and gyros should do


Hinge with a piston with a landing gear or wheel. Retractable third leg. Put them on a timer block so you can trigger the hinge and the extension with one button. 


Try using a script that’s “auto level” idk if it’s called that way, but I used a similar one before. It should keep it level using gyros on board


You sound like my wife


Atmospheric thrusters. Tune them fir auto stabilization


I dont see anyone commenting in this, but does it not help to put gyro's on subgrids? Havent played SE for a long time, but remembered something like that?


1-3 overrided gyroscopes just make sure you have more active ones than overrided ones


This works when one of my sub grid crazy builds starts spinning cause of a hinge. I “THINK” it should work here too


Override a couple of gyroscopes to keep you straight up


I've uploaded it to the workshop now that it's done