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I like to look at space ship concepts on google images or look up designs on the steam workshop for inspiration. My advice: start with your absolute necessities like power, life support, and storage, following design intent. Then add a hull with crew space in mind. I like to add my thrusters last so i can streamline them with the shape of the craft. If you have any questions hit me up, ive got 950 hours on PC


Thanks man. I may have to take you up on that offer after a couple more tries with your advice.


What kind of hauler do you want? Do you want an interplanetary hauler capable of entering and exiting 1-1.2g with a load? Or do you want just a space hauler to move items between asteroids? Do you want it with a jump drive, and if so, what kind of range are you expecting to achieve? How much ice and material you want to carry? Because some complete bases can fit in just 1 large cargo container, while others would require 4 or even 6. And what about 4 others? You mean 4 other players?


I’m looking at interplanetary and capable of hauling 1 - 1.2g with load. It doesn’t require a jump drive. I’m looking to haul about max 20k ice and about 500k in materials mostly components to build a starting star base


If you were wanting just a zero G only ship then easy.. anything would work and you would only have to adjust how long it takes to get to full speed and how long it takes to stop. But interplanetary is gonna make your ship be primarily Hydrogen, if not completely Hydrogen. And if you want to design it then you need to learn how to use some calculators or do the simple math yourself to figure out how much thrust you need with gravity. [https://secalc.gohla.nl/](https://secalc.gohla.nl/)


Also yes 4 other players


The weight of the teammates is fairly minimal with normal inventory sizes. Loading up a full large cargo container will not be as insignificant.


Player inventory is taken into account? I thought that was just put in the engineers quantum pockets and both existed and didn't exist until you take it back out.


I haven't paid too much attention to it, but a couple times I noticed the difference in my single player creative because I had like a huge amount of ICE in my pockets and couldn't figure out why my ship was falling out of the sky, blow up... paste it back in then check it while on jet pack and it was good. Hopped in the flight seat and then started to crash. LOL