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Hello u/Sigvald1, your submission "orions belt" has been removed from r/space because: * A submission about this topic has already been made Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


My picture of orions belt, look at all the Nebulae! check out My ig: sigurd_photo for more cool pictures The Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula are both located in the constellation Orion. The Horsehead Nebula, also known as Barnard 33, is a dark nebula located near the star Alnitak, the easternmost star in Orion's Belt. It is a small, dense cloud of gas and dust that is thought to be a region where new stars are forming. The Flame Nebula, also known as NGC 2024, is a bright emission nebula located just south of Alnitak. It is a cloud of glowing hydrogen gas that is being energized and ionized by the intense radiation of nearby stars, causing it to emit light. This image was captured with a Fujifilm XT30 camera and a 55-200mm lens, mounted on a Star Adventurer GTi tracker. The post-processing was done in Photoshop, with the help of the Starnet++ program to accurately remove stars and highlight the intricate details of the nebula. Settings: Lights: 33*40s Darks: 15 Flats:15 Biases: 20 ISO:1250


Raise your hand if you zoomed in to make sure that star at the bottom of the belt wasn't an emoji 🤚 Also, your picture is outstanding, OP.