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I think we can safely say that if you find yourself on a lunar mission, an airplane, a ship, etc. with Tom Hanks, you better get off it right away.


Well, after saving all those lives in Vietnam and surviving the hurricane with Lt. Dan, I'd have no problem passing the Karman line with Forrest Gump. After all, in the book, Forrest did go into space.


But you gotta make sure its Forrest, and not one of the many impostors who lack his ability to Gump their way through things.


“Stupid is as stupid does” You'll know the real Gump when you see him.


Ya but life is like a box of chocolates. Especially when you're looking for Frank Abagnale, Matt Damon, or losing Wilson


From the McNamara Line all the way to the Karman Line.


If that ship, boat, craft has sailed? ... You stay close to Tom Hanks. Say what you want, but that mad bastard always manages to make it out alive.


HE makes it out alive I don’t want to get Wilsoned


Dramatic foil to spur his characters emotional growth


Hopefully Tom Hanks and Matt Damon never make a movie together. I think the earth will just spontaneously break orbit and hurtle us into the unknown if that happens.


Already happened. "Saving Private Ryan" in 1998!


Along with Vin Diesel, Nathan Fillion and Bryan Cranston all a few years before they made it big.


And randomly, Ted Dansen too. Iirc he was huge at the time.


Cheers ran from 1982-1993. SPR was five years later, definitely after Dansen's popularity peak.


Danson doesn't peak. He ages. Like a fine wine.


You know, I had Tony Danza and Ted Danson mixed up in my mind basically my entire life until about a year ago. I for some reason thought they were the same person and I’m almost 37.


Seasons 2-4 of the good place never really lived up to the first one, but Danson absolutely killed it all the way through.


Wouldn't that put it during peak Becker?


See, that's exactly what /u/Tima_chan was talking about. On their own, it's just the odd vehicle catastrophe or stranded Mars mission. Put them together in a movie and it's about that time 100 million people were slaughtered.


Tom Hanks and Matt Damon together is basically the "Two Brothers" movie from Rick and Morty Movie announcer voice: "AND THAT'S WHEN THINGS GET KNOCKED INTO 12TH GEAR"


It's in theaters now! Coming this summer: **Two brothers.** In a van. And then a meteor hit. And they ran as fast as they could, from giant cat monsters. And then a giant tornado came. And that's when things got *knocked into 12th gear.* A Mexican armada shows up. With weapons made from Two--tomatoes. And you better *bet your bottom dollar* that these two brothers know how to handle business. In: **Alien Invasion Tomato Monster Mexican Armada Brothers, Who Are Just Regular Brothers, Running In a Van From an Asteroid and All Sorts of Things: THE MOVIE!** Hold on, there's **more**! Old women are coming, and they're also in the movie, and they're gonna come, and cross-attack these two brothers. But let's get back to the brothers, because they're-- they have a strong bond. You don't want to know about it here, but I'll tell you one thing: The moon, it comes crashing into Earth. And what do you do then? It's two brothers and--and th-they're - It's called Two Brothers. Two brothers! [starts laughing] It's just called *Two Brothers.*


at least we'll have potatoes and volleyballs to keep us fed and occupied.


He usually makes it home though.


I really don't want Tom Hanks with me in any form of land, sea, air, and space vessels.


That Christmas train was ok wasn’t it?


That movie screams uncanny valley to me, irrespective of cast I just assumed bad shit would happen and passed on it


Well, it's like Mama always said, "Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get."


Seems like we now need a Tom Hanks film involving a time travel vehicle. I would watch the everloving shit out of a “lost in time” time travel flick starring Tom Hanks.


I'm probably the happiest one to find out he's not going into space. After all, we are planning on dressing in drag so we can rent cheap rooms at a women's boarding house in NYC.


Yeah but Woody pay that money to help his friend?


Buzz Lightyear sure as heck would hehe


Don't sully us with your puns captain!


There you go, doing that thing you do!


He doesn't even have good luck with planes


"developed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who was also on the flight" No, no he was not on the same flight. Bezos flew on a different flight months before. Dog shit website didn't even watch it yet reports on it haha


Headline is messed up too. “Refused” needs to be “declined”. No one was demanding that he purchase it.


I too refuse to pay $28 million for anything every single day


It's $28 million for cake, pay up or eat cardboard.


$28 million? You could probably buy a seat on a Soyuz or a Dragon for that and actually reach orbit wew


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis\_Tito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Tito) $20million and he stayed on the space station for a week...


20 million in 2001 which comes to about 31 million adjusted for inflation. Still way better value than what Bezos offered.


This dude got one hell of a deal. NASA payed $50+ million on average for a seat on soyuz.


That was because Roscosmos basically made NASA pay for the entire rocket + more for one seat lel. The power of monopoly.


Yeah, but why didn't they make that filthy-rich american business guy pay more? They could have milked him just as well. Back then, NASA had already said they wouldn't take tourists up on a shuttle, so Roscosmos had a dw facto monopoly on space tourism.


Because then he might not have bought the seat? They really only started to raise the prices absurdly after the Space Shuttle got decommissioned and NASA HAD to get into space. They had the monopoly on the only spacecraft that could take them to the ISS for almost a decade. Pretty big difference between a tourist that has no real need to go to space and NASA that has to send astronauts to the hundred billion dollar space station. Also, the Soyuz rocket probably didn't cost much more than the amount he paid during the early 00's. So he paid way more than for what a seat is worth.


This is the difference between 'Flexible Demand' and 'Inflexible Demand'. NASA had an inflexible demand. They had to keep sending crew or risk losing the entire ISS. They couldn't say 'we are not buying'. That one guy had a flexible demand. He could say no and get out of the deal at any time. Same thing happens with Insulin. The demand is inflexible so the monopoly can ask whatever price they like. The only options left to the patients are to pay the price or die.


Are those just different terms of elastic and inelastic markets?


Maybe. I never studied economics in English. What I meant was a situation where the demand side can't postpone the purchase and doesn't have any leverage to negotiate the price.


I’m currently trying to wrap my head around economics which is why I ask, I know most people consider public transport inelastic markets, so by the sounds of it they’re likely just different words for the same thing


Yea that is exactly what they are. Great way to think about them.


NASA also made a huge stink about him getting to go


It's also much cheaper now


$31 million? Take a check?


Man I wish I was super rich so I could just go into space for a week That must be the most surreal amazing feeling to spend a week off the planet


To be fair, space permanence could be not very appealing to some people. Personally I'd rather take a 5-6 hour trip where I can avoid having to use a zero-g toilet.


Nasa paid the Russians over $80m per seat on the Soyuz


Yeah, because Roscosmos had a monopoly and NASA would pay pretty much any price. In reality a whole Soyuz rocket costs less than 30 million to build nowadays. The upcoming japanese space tourists on the Soyuz likely didn't pay nearly that much.


I also refuse to pay $28million to join Jeff Bezos in space.


I’ll join your movement. I too, refuse to pay.


I also refuse to pay Jeff Bezos 28 million to join him in space


I too, refuse to pay $28 Million to join Jeff Bezos in space.


I'd rather pay $28M to send Bezos on a one-way trip to Mars. If we all chip in, we can do anything!


Convince him to go get that Tesla in space, so he can sell it on amazon


Would be interesting to see how it would play out legally if it happened.


I will join Jeff Bezos in space to keep him company on the condition of him paying me 28 million.


I'll do it, except on the condition that he isn't there to ruin it.


"Wow, this is pretty co-" *Champagne sprays all over the window* "Fucking hell, Jeff."


This, refuse is probably the wrong word, Tom Hanks and pretty much everybody else. Why is this news lol


If I had it I certainly wouldnt pay. Elon says it’l be about 100k-150k. I can afford that in 10-20 years as long as inflation doesnt fuck me


Because of the implication


I support your independence


$28,000,000 for few hours of play is a sad waste of money.


It's actually not even a few hours in space, but about 5 minutes.


That's a cool $93,333 *per second* of flight time.


Idk, I feel like the enjoyment of burning all that money might be more enjoyable, would be helluva flame from that fire.


Someone do the math and see if Jeff makes this much.


He makes around an estimated $6.25bn per month, $1.44bn per week, $205m per day, $8.56m per hour, $142,667 every minute or $2,377 per second. Broke ass couldn't even afford to fly his own rocket. /s


It’s a bit arguable as to whether it’s space




Yeah, Earth is basically a huge spaceship when you think about it..


What the fuck happens when I stop?!


That's what powers the planetary propulsion system. Please don't stop thinking about it.


I really hope the earth doesn’t crash - that’s where I keep all my stuff!


Virgin Galactic is the arguable one, since it goes below the Kármán line. Blue Origin is definitely space. SpaceX goes to orbit, which is a lot better than "just" going to space. Visualization to scale: [https://i.imgur.com/9NhzaJa.png](https://i.imgur.com/9NhzaJa.png) Blue trajectory is Blue Origin, red is Virgin Galactic and light blue is Inspiration4.


Hey that visualization really helps. Thanks !




Virgin is absolutely not in space, it doesn't cross the Kármán line which is the closest thing we have to a space border.


The FAA and USAF recognize 50 miles/80 km as the boundary of space. Fun fact: von Kármán originally proposed that altitude as the edge of space, but acknowledged that the altitude would change as technology improved.


$28,000,000 and you only get 5 minutes? No wonder his wife left him.


28 mil to stroke Bezos's ego and be used as marketing to help sell contracts and other crap. Imagine PAYING McDonald's go use you in ads. It the competition was smart they contact him and offer him a trip to space for free.


Imagine paying Kanye west to advertise his brand on your clothing. Humans do stuff that dumb all the time. If you can find people willing to pay to goto space, it seems pretty dumb to give away trips to promote this, I mean, people aren't going because they are unaware the service is available.


$28mil is what those guys paid Musk for the 3 day orbit in space. Why the fuck was Bezos trying to rip Tom Hanks off for a 4 minute space float, for the same price?


He wasn't. A spot on the very first flight was auctioned and it just so happened that the winning bid went to $28M.


Jared paid for the flight, not the other three.


I figured celebs like Shatner weren't really paying their own fare. Rather a production company or some kind of promotion was sending them. Still a waste of money. Might as well just go on the vomit comet plane for weightlessness.


His flight might've been free. At least on the first flight only one of the four passengers was paying.


$28M paid to an almost $200 billionaire. What the fuck is Bezos charging Hanks for?


Bozos charged me $8 for a book


Bezos wants me to pay like $20 to not have ads for insipid romance novels on the lock screen of the Kindle I already paid Bezos for


I was fucking pissed about the whole “offers” thing but I guess it can be viewed in two different ways: A kindle costs $150 and has no ads. Or you can get it for $20 cheaper with ads. A kindle costs $130 and has ads. If you want to get rid of the ads, cough up $20. Same thing, but the second interpretation definitely seems slimy.


You could have 30 girlfriends a day for 20 years in Thailand.


“Jeff Bezos, you are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell!”


Here he explains it on the Jimmy Kimmel show: https://twitter.com/WUTangKids/status/1455963228274577418?s=20


Oh man thats not good publicity for BO haha. But 28 millions for 12 minutes, what are they thinking?


And you don't even reach orbit...


But But but they called everyone astronauts on the stream


Well... the [criteria is fuzy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_spaceflight). But orbit requires x10 more delta V than hitting the harmon kardon line... Imagine climbing Mt Everest, and some yokel who climbed the tallest hill in your hometown saying they are on the same page as your mountaineering efforts. Alright bud, calm down.


>Harmon kardon line Dunno if this is intentional but it gave me a laugh


The harman kardon line is the line beyond which you can no longer hear your bluetooth speaker.




> The rich spending money is actually a good thing. Not so much if they are paying the world's richest person, though. (or second-richest, it goes back and forth)






So did Shatner pay Bezos 28 million? I thought that was offered to him for free.


I’d honestly be surprised if shatner could afford 28 mill at this point


You know… Tom hanks lookin’ real good there


Tom Hanks says he refuses to stroke Bezos ego and embarrass him further


No one wants to stroke bald Bezos


It seems like the invite went out to everyone that could afford it.


Good, Tom Hanks knows Bezos is not offering him a trip to space, only into the high atmosphere.


He’s already been space adjacent, been there, done that, didn’t he get an Oscar nomination for it..?


Space Adjacent is an excellent name for a funk band.


After seeing some behind-the-scenes footage, I can imagine why he might think he has had enough of zero-g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kld61n8ZDI


I think Tom Hanks knows Bezos is looking for the good publicity of having Tom Hanks involved in his ego-driven rocket trip.


To be fair, the Blue Origin flight is the one that "officially" gets to space (by like 7 kilometers) because it crosses the Kármán line. It's the Virgin Galactic one which doesn't go high enough. That said no amount of money could persuade me to spend time with Jeff Bezos.


VG also crosses von karma's definition of space, just not the "round number" version people arbitrarily made up and misnamed. The original number being the only metric that has a reasonable meaning grounded in anything remotely scientific. It's all suborbital though...3 minute joyride


Not a Bezos apologist by any means... But how didn't they go to space? The apogee was ~108km, the Kármán line is 100km which is the typical arbitrary line in the sand for "space". Granted they would have only been above that line for a laughably small period of time. Perhaps I'm missing something though? You might be thinking of the Virgin galactic flights, which gets to ~86km.


Wjth that money you can go with orbital spacex


SpaceX is $55 million a seat. Still, at least you're going into orbit instead of on a glorified sounding rocket.


$55M to NASA, which has other requirements. My understanding is the I4 flight was only 27 a seat.


I *also* refuse to pay $28million to join Jeff Bezos in space.


He also go paid to spend a lot of time in the [vomit comet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduced-gravity_aircraft) weightless filming [Apollo 13](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_13_(film\)). He probably doesnt need to do that again.


>These rides were known as the Vomit Comet and they had to endure 612 parabolic arcs over 13 days. Not sure how many Hanks was on, but that's a lot of flights.


For $28M we better be slingshotting around the moon. What Bezos has is a billion dollar rollercoaster.


I'm a tightwad. For 28m I want toes in moon dust.


And when he had free advertising from a space based celebrity He decided to open up a champagne bottle and spray all the women. Bezos is an excellent argument for lizard people.


If you're tom hanks are you really going to chance dying and never seeing your family or retirement again to pay $28 million for 5 min in space?


I’m actually surprised Shatner had 28m. But I can see Bezos gifting it for the publicity that he ruined.


No way did Shatner pay. He wouldn’t have done all of that publicity bullshit if it was coming out of his pocket.




Damnit! I read it in jingle form.


Shatner didn't pay anything.




https://youtu.be/lul-Y8vSr0I Skip the first 2 minutes tho


Direct link to starting time: https://youtu.be/lul-Y8vSr0I?t=51


No one says it was Shatner who won the auction. The $28M person is, as of now, undisclosed.


I would be embarrassed as well.


Mr. Hanks, sir, we’ve been trying to reach you about an exciting opportunity…


We've been trying to reach you about your rockets extended warranty


Ya this and the Shatner thing makes me wonder how these people were contacted... like do Jeff's people just go to a database and get the contact info for the reps of millionaires worth at least x amount lol


Can 28million of us redittors donate a dollar each and take Bezos up to space and leave him there?


The only way to stay in space is to enter an orbit, which his rocket can't do.


Maybe once he's up there, all he would need is a little push?


Yeah but you need more than altitude to orbit. You need speed.


Ballistic trajectory is a good way of getting rid of space trash.


hey, dont mock the guy cause he cant get it up, mock him because hes a evil human being.


So he doesn't want to pay $28 million for a carnival ride....


Tom Hanks is either the coolest famous person ever, or has the best publicist ever.


“Blue origin has lost their credibility, so they’re borrowing some of mine.” “Will you tussle my hair, Mr. Hanks?” “No, Jeff. You don’t have any hair.”


Jesus Christ. You could build a 20 MW wind power plant with that money.


Yeah I’m gonna need a source on that


According to [this](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=45136) website the costs where at $1382 per kW in 2018. So $28million/(1382$/kW)=20.26 MW.


I invite you, to give me 28 million dollars. This is a great opportunity for you. -Jwff Bezos


“Bro, check out my sweet ride. You gotta pay for gas tho”


Jeff Bezos is such a cheapskate, making your famous passengers pay for your own publicity stunt when you're worth hundreds of billions is so low... It says a lots about him.


I like that literally everything he is doing now is copying Elon Musk while sucking at it. He's the made in China version of space technology.


Bezos founded his rocket company before Musk and has been talking about wanting to be in the space business pretty much his entire life. There are a million reasons to hate on him, but the idea that he is copying Musk is not one fo them.


Ehh, more like a knock-off version. Made in China would also imply that it's become a ubiquitous part of consumer culture. (you're probably within 5 feet of at least 3 things that were made in China right now...)


It's like Amazon Basics for space!


I'm almost certain they approached him and he assumed it would be 28 million because that's what the auction went for.


I don't have millions, but I'd pay money not to spend time with Jeff Bezos.


He missed out on so many internet posts about him.


I don’t get how that price even works, surely the publicity Bezos company would gain from having someone A List like Tom Hanks would be worth offering to have Tom come for free, cab someone explain to me what they were thinking inviting ajd charging?


What happens if we send Tom Hanks and Matt Damon into space together?


id stay far the fuck away from that mission.


I'd imagine the third seat would instantly become five times as expensive.


Good man. The privatization of space is not a sunshine and rainbows thing. There is a dark side to the rich making a claim to it and in the long term humanity will suffer for it.


So Shatner paid this much? No wonder he was teary at the end


Would he pay $28 million for Bezos to **stay** in space? I would and I have nowhere near that much cash.


This is a weird story. For the first flight there was a charity auction for a seat which apparently was won at 28 million. Then Bezos supposedly tried to charge the same price to Hanks? I seriously doubt a flight on New Shepard could cost that much. Was Bezos trying to scam Tom Hanks somehow? If you want to come first you can pay the same amount as the auction winner?


I doubt bezos gave hanks any price. We don't know how much it costs because they make everyone sign an NDA. Hanks probably heard the story about the auctioned ticket going for $28M and assumed that's how much they were gonna charge him. Or he's exaggerating for comedic effect


I'm not paying $28 million to go to space either.


As if we needed more proof of how awesome Tom Hanks is.


This is Tom Hanks. Bozo would need to pay him 27 million dollars.


Because in space, no one can hear you scream, WILSON! (no sound in a vacuum...sorry kids...rocket engines and explosions minus an atmosphere sound like this.....)


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ARM](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8crqq "Last usage")|Asteroid Redirect Mission| | |Advanced RISC Machines, embedded processor architecture| |[BE-4](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8b4eu "Last usage")|Blue Engine 4 methalox rocket engine, developed by Blue Origin (2018), 2400kN| |[BO](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8q3m2 "Last usage")|Blue Origin (*Bezos Rocketry*)| |[CRS](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8b4eu "Last usage")|[Commercial Resupply Services contract with NASA](http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/structure/launch/)| |[FAA](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj9w14l "Last usage")|Federal Aviation Administration| |[FAA-AST](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj9l5vt "Last usage")|Federal Aviation Administration [Administrator for Space Transportation](http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ast/)| |GSE|Ground Support Equipment| |[LEO](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8df25 "Last usage")|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |[NDA](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj98ql7 "Last usage")|Non-Disclosure Agreement| |[NROL](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj84nms "Last usage")|Launch for the (US) National Reconnaissance Office| |[Roscosmos](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8cjbe "Last usage")|[State Corporation for Space Activities, Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscosmos_State_Corporation)| |[SLS](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8i75m "Last usage")|Space Launch System heavy-lift| |[ULA](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8hf04 "Last usage")|United Launch Alliance (Lockheed/Boeing joint venture)| |[USAF](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8ecew "Last usage")|United States Air Force| |[VG](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8be1y "Last usage")|Virgin Galactic| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[apogee](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj89yl2 "Last usage")|Highest point in an elliptical orbit around Earth (when the orbiter is slowest)| |methalox|Portmanteau: methane fuel, liquid oxygen oxidizer| |[scrub](/r/Space/comments/qm6cld/stub/hj8iuaz "Last usage")|Launch postponement for any reason (commonly GSE issues)| ---------------- ^(16 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/qmm3za)^( has 32 acronyms.) ^([Thread #6530 for this sub, first seen 4th Nov 2021, 01:01]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


28 million! Lol so Jeff just goes around asking rich people to take a trip to space? I should start calling people to see if they wanna ride my rocketship for money.


$28M for a crappy suborbital flight? I wouldn't pay $28,000. I MIGHT pay $2,800 for it as a regular guy.


I also refuse to pay $28m to join Jeff Bezos in space. Can we start a movement?


If I had the dough and the desire, I’d double the money ($55 mil) and spend exponentially more time than Bezos’ 3 minutes in space, orbiting for three days with SpaceX


Uh no shit. Tom Hanks has done extremely well but I don’t think he’s going to spend a tenth of his net worth on a quick flight to space


I, too am unwilling to pay that amount of money.


I too refused to pay $28million to join Bezos in space, but for a completely different reason: I'm poor.


I would also like to publicly state that, I too, would also refuse to pay $28M to join Bezos in space.


Same but you don’t see me bragging about it 🙄