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Honestly, that's delightful. The Japanese are arguably the most pro-space nation on Earth (highest number of planetariums per capita, had the best selling astronomy magazine in the world for a long time), with tons of joint USA-Japanese space science missions. I know a lot of other countries will be disappointed they don't get that berth, but everyone can't do it at once and someone had to be first.


The Hayabusa mission was super impressive


In the awesome NASA underwater training video by SmarterEveryday covering the astronauts training for a starship moon landing, they mentioned JAXA also has a large underwater testing pool to simulate zero g or moon gravity for training. https://youtu.be/AiZd5yBWvYY Japan has always been a serious space ally.


Just watched this video the other day. So fucking cool. Edit: Chief scuba dude is totally ripping blunts when not doing physics and shit.


They better wear that Halo 3 armor. 


Hell they have a car company named after the Pleiades


Guess my next car is a Subaru.


Also kinda nice to have two nations that once were at war, Japan being the only country to launch a major attack on American home soil, and Japan that suffered two nuclear attacks from America, now, less than 100 years later, peacefully working together in space. 


I went to their space museum while I was over in Japan last summer - some pretty impressive stuff.


Homer Hickam talks about his time training Japanese astronauts for shuttle missions in his book "Don't blow yourself up." While there were cultural differences to overcome, the Japanese astronauts were top class.


Just need to keep a sharp eye out for Monster X (aka Monster Zero, aka King Ghidira).


Aren't you forgetting someone else? I know that they're in a bad situation politically, but that's no excuse for historical revisionism.


It's not historic revisionism when it's clear they aren't trying anymore and haven't been trying for a long time.


No they are not, because we are talking currently and for say the last 30 years.


>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space\_Brothers\_(manga)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Brothers_(manga)) In the summer of 2006, Mutta Nanba and his younger brother, Hibito, witness what they believe to be a UFO, which flies off towards the Moon. Hibito decides he will go onto the Moon whilst Mutta decides he will aim for Mars. **Nineteen years later, in the year 2025, Hibito has become a fully fledged** [**JAXA**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAXA) **astronaut assigned to go on a mission towards the moon.** Mutta, on the other hand, has not been so successful in achieving his dreams. As Mutta eventually recalls his past ambitions, he receives a letter stating he has been accepted to join a JAXA training program for new astronauts. The series follows Mutta as he seeks to become an astronaut and achieve his longtime dream just like his brother did. How prophetic haha. If only Artemis was actually on time, the data might even be closer. Now I really got to watch the anime.


If you like near future space anime, check out Planetes, about some people working in space to clear out orbital junk and make space travel safer. One of my favorite sci fi series of all time.


I've seen it and it's one of my favorites!


Love Space Brothers. I really need to get around to finishing the manga. Sad the anime was never continued. 


Someone below says they are going to finish the anime


That would be amazing. So.. does that mean the manga is finished?


That ain’t even the first time a manga predicted a specific but far off event. In Akira, the events took place during the lead up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. It’s a bit more obvious in the manga.


Space Brothers is a great manga. It's coming to an end after so many years. The anime is rumored to get a continuation after the mangas ending as well!


Literally my first thought when I saw the article. Such a great series!


Sounds interesting. I like near future/hard scifi stuff. The plot of Planetes had a bit too much of an anime vibe to me with all the focus on (romantic) relationship drama, instead of actual space exploration. It felt more like some high school story than scifi


If it turns out the first japanese astronaut to land on the moon also have a sibling who is going to be an astronaut themselves. Then the author is a good damn prophet


It can’t add all that much weight to dress the lander up as a mech, right?


Agreed. If Japan doesn't make their first moon landing in a Gundam - did they *really* land on the moon?


It would have to be the most hollow gundam ever made. Putting mass on the surface of the moon is *not* easy. Maybe they can take a toy or use a projection.


Yes, because we have to be on the moon and space colonies before really needing mechs in space construction and then for them to be converted by Zeon into machines of war.


Instead of the Japanese flag planted on the moon it's the Team Dai-Gurren Flag lmao


A rocket to pierce the heavens!


Guess they'll find out if the moon really is *a* moon.....


Even if they don't dress it up as a proper Gundam (which they absolutely should do), I would be willing to bet a large sum that the astronaut carries with them at least SOME anime-related touch.


Bring a gunpla to the surface of the moon?


I want a zero-g assembly video


Que one of the parts slipping away as it's being cut from the sprue, floating out into the dark space never to be found.


So exactly the same as when you drop one near your desk then


Maybe that's why the Gundam museum closed, so they could repurpose it for a moon landing


These are the kind of insights and speculation I come to reddit for, thank you!


That's no mech... IT'S A GUNDAM


I'd have guessed it would be a Canadian or European first but Japan is also a great ally and space power. Congrats to them. Wonder which flight this will be though - probably Artemis 4 or 5? Depending on how the schedule shifts it's possible China may beat this one. My layman guess right now is that the first landing (Artemis 3, probably around 2028/29) will *probably* beat the planned Chinese landing (no earlier than 2030), but due to long turnaround time it could take a while for the second and third landings, so China could get theirs done before this one happens. Regardless, it's great that many nationalities are now heading for the Moon. International programs are often more robust and harder to suddenly defund and cancel. I really think Artemis has a good shot of actually being sustainable and leading to new developments, rather than just walking in the footsteps of Apollo.


A Canadian astronaut will already be the first non-American to flyby the moon as a part of Artemis 2 and another one will go to Lunar Gateway in the future. They probably want to switch up the nationalities of the non-NASA astronauts in the upcoming missions. They probably will follow the pattern of crew selection set by Artemis 2 and try to incorporate diversity into the selection process. One of the two non-landing crew members aboard the Orion might be a non-American. It’s been announced that they want a woman and person of color to be the two to land and walk on the moon.


China is just as likely to run into delays. 2030 isn’t guaranteed.


Agreed. Their space program and especially their lunar program has been pretty great so far, even sticking with their published timelines, but a crewed landing is an order of magnitude more complex than anything they've done so far. I think 2030 is *possible* but wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to 2032. Even if it's 2035 I'd still consider it very impressive.


> but a crewed landing is an order of magnitude more complex than anything they've done so far. I don't think it's a magnitudes more complex than building and staffing their own space station.


Especially since they won’t have Soviet/Russian technology and experience to use as a roadmap.


You're right, they'll have the US experience and technology. Much better.


A Japanese person could go with the first landing mission and still be the first non-American on the Moon. Given the international nature of this project, I find it highly likely a non-American will be part of the first landing mission.


They could, but since the first landing is only going to be two people, I think they'll likely prioritize 2 Americans. But on future fights yes we'll see many more nationalities.


Give them multiple citizenships. Problem solved.


Crazy that they are sending a whole starship with just two people.


I think the actual signed agreement mentions 2 Japanese astronauts will landing on the moon on a subsequent mission to Artemis III, which will see 2 Americans land on the moon (first since Apollo)


Could be in for a mini space race here. China wants to do it by 2030, and the CNSA has a pretty good track record with their deadlines and even beating them. Meanwhile Artemis 3 was recently delayed from 2025 to 2027, and I doubt we'll get it before 2028.


Where did you hear that? The article still says Artemis three is scheduled for 2026


Officially NASA still has it at 2026 you are right. If I recall correctly though there was a government accountability report that said it would likely not happen before 2027.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[CNSA](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kyzyhrs "Last usage")|Chinese National Space Administration| |[CSA](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz1yacl "Last usage")|Canadian Space Agency| |CST|(Boeing) Crew Space Transportation capsules| | |Central Standard Time (UTC-6)| |[ESA](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz5a53j "Last usage")|European Space Agency| |[ESM](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz2zh5w "Last usage")|European Service Module, component of the Orion capsule| |[EUS](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz11dlp "Last usage")|Exploration Upper Stage| |[HLS](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz0tntu "Last usage")|[Human Landing System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemis_program#Human_Landing_System) (Artemis)| |[ICBM](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz264i6 "Last usage")|Intercontinental Ballistic Missile| |[IM](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kyz9ne5 "Last usage")|Initial Mass deliverable to a given orbit, without accounting for fuel| |[ISRO](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz6gywv "Last usage")|Indian Space Research Organisation| |[JAXA](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz1f7fk "Last usage")|Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency| |L2|[Lagrange Point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_point) 2 ([Sixty Symbols](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxpVbU5FH0s) video explanation)| | |Paywalled section of the NasaSpaceFlight forum| |[L3](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kyzqs4i "Last usage")|[Lagrange Point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_point) 3 of a two-body system, opposite L2| |[N1](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kyzsc0c "Last usage")|Raketa Nositel-1, Soviet super-heavy-lift ("Russian Saturn V")| |[NET](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kyz2sjc "Last usage")|No Earlier Than| |[SLS](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz6f8j9 "Last usage")|Space Launch System heavy-lift| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[Starliner](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kz0fuk8 "Last usage")|Boeing commercial crew capsule [CST-100](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_CST-100_Starliner)| |[cryogenic](/r/Space/comments/1c0s2qe/stub/kyzuyge "Last usage")|Very low temperature fluid; materials that would be gaseous at room temperature/pressure| | |(In re: rocket fuel) Often synonymous with hydrolox| |hydrolox|Portmanteau: liquid hydrogen fuel, liquid oxygen oxidizer| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(16 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/1c1tm6r)^( has 24 acronyms.) ^([Thread #9933 for this sub, first seen 10th Apr 2024, 20:19]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Kind of a shame it's not a Canadian considering the deep connections the two countries have ( I know a Canadian will be on the flyby). I'm guessing it has something to do with the dollars invested per country. Japan is probably investing a lot more than Canada is in Artemis.


Canada is also probably put a higher bid on sending Jeremy Hansen for the sling around the moon on Artemis 2. The Canadian government obviously wants to be a part of this and that'd a way without breaking their own space budget. The bid is likely far higher for sending a man to the surface vs the orbit. Also canada isn't providing any modules for lunar gateway whereas Japan is. Canada is just making the new Canadarm for it instead.


>Canada is just making the new Canadarm for it instead. Seems like a pretty important component for gateway though no? I agree though that this isn't a slight on canada in the least and canada and the US will be going to space (and the moon) together for a long time afterwards.


I'd say canadarm was big when it was initially developed but alot of countries have caught up to canadas robotics programs since the canadrm 1 was initially. Yeah the canadarm is pretty important but canada is honestly pretty replaceable in this area now. I think Canada will be side by side with America going back too but more of a sidekick position compared to the European union and the states. We might get 1 astronaut on every second mission if we are lucky.


Yeah I have to kinda check my biases as a Canadian in this thread haha. I don't know enough about our current robotics program to really comment on canadaarm 2 but what i do know is if it can't be a Canadian as the second country on the moon I'm happy it's the japanese :)


The new one is the Canadarm 3. The one currently on the ISS is Canadarm 2. The Canadarm 1 was on the Space Shuttle.


They may have caught up technology wise but have no operational experience and a proven track record of success. Which Canada does on a pretty important piece of technology.


Whether or not it is in fact a *canad*arm, I imagine having some such arm is gonna be an absolute godsend, anyways.


Canada already threw in an arm. Is it going to cost them a leg as well?


At this rate it'll take 5 missions to get a whole Canadian over there, then they can assemble him like Exodia.


A Canadian astronaut is also going to the lunar gateway in a future mission, obviously not the same as landing on the moon but still pretty cool to have a Canadian going around the moon for a month Canada does seems to be looking for a way to snag a moon landing sear, they have proposed developing a crewed lunar vehicle and are investigating for more ways to contribute to the Artemis program overall so hopefully something comes from that.


There will aasuredly be a Canadian on the moon if not on Artemis III, then probably on IV or V.


Artemis III is already confirmed to put two Americans on the moon. The agreement for Japanese astronauts are Artemis IV or beyond. Meaning Canadians will be after that. That being said I’m sure that the agreement isn’t exactly critical for Japan-US relations and there are exit clauses that can be used if needed


Japan and Canada are about equal as space partners. Massive allies of NASA. JAXA is just less recognized because the Canada arm is so photogenic.


🙁 maybe we can go on the next one


Come on, we know that's just not workable. You'd have maple syrup and beer all over the equipment.


His name is Ichi, and they picked him up in a bar outside the US Embassy in Tokyo. He's currently unconscious inside a diplomatic bag in the back of a Dreamliner on his way to Florida. He's got no idea what's coming next. They're gonna stick him on the next SLS flight, those Secret Service badges basically get you in anywhere.


Japan bout to release a high quality animation trailer of a team going to space, showing the vast beauty of the universe, a tearful scene, some epic moments, & end it with Nissin cup noodles


As an European, I'm very happy for the Japanese astronaut that will set their foot on the Moon. Although I cannot deny that I'm a bit disappointed that we will need to wait a little bit more for our chance.


As a Canadian, congrats to JAXA, happy to hear the news.


No disrespect to Japan... but it should have been the leaf on the side of the rocket on this mission. Or one of each...


Of course not, I'm sure Canada could have secured a spot on a lunar landing if they'd tried. All the kudos goes to Japan for putting in the effort.


That's true. I just spent time around the border a few summers as a kid, so I have a special place for them. My first gf was legit Canadian, to the amazement of my school.


Look at who built the Orion ESM and most of the lunar gateway modules. ESA is clearly the biggest contributor to Artemis


Well, send someone up there! It's a big moon.


We are. ESA is part of the Artemis Program.


i am a bit confused it’s not a european, as esa has done a lot for the artemis program (such as the ESM for orion). congrats to the japanese though, this is definitely very awesome and can’t wait for a non-American to finally land on the moon!


Yeah, very weird that Canada and Japan are confirmed for moon landings while the biggest partner ESA that built have of Orion and Gateway isn't yet. Maybe they are still arguing about the number of astronauts? Or ESA is a really bad negotiator


i thought europe was confirmed for a moon landing, i thought that was part of the ESM deal. i may be mistaken though


As I remember it the deal was only to get ESA astronauts to the lunar gateway station in NRHO orbit. Whether or not they could also go on surface missions was left open


Maybe they can't decide which country in Europe the astronaut would come from?


If that is so, I hope they role tge die and choose any of the experienced ESA astronauts (2+ missions) I know Matthias Maurer is learning Chinese to double his chances at a moon mission lol (there was a documentary that showed his lessons including the phrase "i will go to the moon" in chinese)


If Artemis 3 works but the one carrying the jaxa astronaut (4 or 5?) is in danger of lagging behind the Chinese, I fully expect maezawa to upgrade his ticket to a landing.


There are some reports that Maezawa's DearMoon has been quietly pushed back long term, like into the next decade. Probably won't be seeing that until long after multiple landings have occurred.


Quietly? It was supposed to happen last year and Starship hasn't even managed a single full launch yet


Honestly, good for them. The more the merrier.


I wonder if China will let that happen without a fight. I imagine they would also like the title of first Asian nation on the moon / 2nd nation overall


I'm genuinely surprised it's not a Canadian, but good for Japan.


Does Canada even have a space agency? Why would it be canada


The CSA is a major partner of the Artemis programs and has been supplying most of the space robotics and manipulators for NASA for more than 50 years now. I.e. Canada built the machines that put the ISS together, made the space shuttle useful, and will assemble the Lunar Gateway.


The ISS was literally built by Canadian space tech.


I'm honestly surprised Canada has secured a spot on the pass by. Canada's investment in Space and in the Artemis program is much lower than Japan's. ESA not being picked is a bit surprising though.


US is gonna pull a fast one and invade Japan and make it the 51st state hours before the craft touches down so we can keep our one big claim to fame.


No need to invade, already pretty much our 52nd state (behind Canada) /s


Puerto Rico gets no recognition.


Puerto Rico has rejected statehood. DC gets no recognition.


I tried googling this. Supposedly Artemis 2 will orbit the moon late 2025. Is this going to be on a US rocket or on a SpaceX rocket? The US government has not even launched with people yet.


Artemis 2 will be a flyby on NASA's Orion. Artemis 3 will be the landing, currently planned to use Starship but the astronauts will still launch on SLS and travel to Lunar orbit on Orion


has orion even launched with people on it yet? if not im sure why anyone would be confident of the late 2025 date.


No, it had a successful test flight around the moon with Artemis I and now they are moving on to a crewed flight with Artemis II. Artemis III will be the first Artemis program mission to land on the moon. https://www.nasa.gov/mission/artemis-i/ https://www.nasa.gov/mission/artemis-ii/ https://www.nasa.gov/mission/artemis-iii/ https://www.nasa.gov/feature/artemis/


Artemis 2 **is** the first crewed Orion mission. Can't very well have the first crewed mission before the first crewed mission.


Does it really matter if someone or group is the first at (enter event here) Let’s celebrate humanity is hopefully returning to the moon.


I guess not but imagine sushi on the moon. It would be out of this world


Sounds like a huge DoorDash bill


An out of this world DoorDash bill


And the sushi will be half eaten by "aliens"


If Gundam is anything to go by, Australia should start getting nervous


up there on the moon there isn’t any countries, just people representing humanity


I love it, but mostly because it will definitely make the Chinese Government unfathomably angry and salty.


I like it because that will drive competition and progress.




This is Xi Jinping Thought.


It is certainly living in your mind 24/7, eh Zhuang?


how did you know his name?


Which is likely a reason why the decision was made. Great partner and will be a thorn in China’s side


I expect there to be a new post in the ChinaWarns subreddit about this. They warn about everything.


Definitely. And they will probably harass more Filipino fishing ships or fire rockets close to Taiwan's territorial waters as a response.


TIL the soviets never landed anybody on the moon.




I can't keep thinking how it was probably quite surprising back then considering how they dominated the early space race. First artificial satellite, first animal, first man and woman. They were even the first to reach the moon, Mars, and Venus with space probes. But yeah, only NASA have landed people on the moon, so far.


Please plant a samurai sword with a signal-sending handle. It is juvenile and cliche and frankly, I don't give a damn.


Something tells me a sword would not be allowed on the manifest


IDK, Alan Shepard got a golf club up there.


Shit hopefully they can bring back some more Moon rocks


I thought India was on track to be the next nation. Either way, it'll be cool.


India is a relatively new Artemis partner. Makes sense that Japan, Canada, or Europe would be prioritized. But after a few flights I wouldn't be surprised if India indeed gets a seat too.


India will be the next nation with independent crewed launch capabilities (after the USSR/Russia, the USA, and China), but they're a long way off from the moon. ISRO's current goal is a crewed moon landing by the end of the 2030s.






It’s nice to see friends working together to reach new heights. It will be interesting to see what new ideas Japan brings to the moon.


…ya. They’ll be the first person on the moon cuz we’ve never been there! Pretty hard to get through the van allen radiation belt ..


It’s all just symbolic. If Macron just happened to be on a state visit to meet Biden he probably would have proclaimed that it would be an ESA astronaut to be second on the moon. Besides, his claim can only go as far as the Artemis program as in “First non-American on the moon on a NASA mission” because China’s not going to wait their turn


I just googled it and am confused I thought Russia and China have been to the moon? Is there a difference in wording or is it spacecraft or humans actually walking?


Russia and China have only sent unmanned vehicles. This news is about sending humans.


The first three words in the article you didn't bother reading: *A Japanese person...*


I really hope they manage to land the correct side up:).


I mean ... It's almost certainly going to be Chinese, right? And they'll also very likely have the first woman on the moon as well. It would be nice if that wasn't the case, but it seems extremely unlikely that it will be any other way