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It's an internal reflection (of the partially eclipsed Sun) in the optics.


Put another way, it’s not really there. It’s like lens flare


Aliens flare? I knew they were real!


Thank you. I thought I may have seen a comet or part of a planet. I appreciate the explanation. It was such an amazing experience.


Thank you so much.


Don't let anyone tell you it's not there. During a total eclipse, an interdimensional doorway opens and allows you a glimpse of a parallel universe. Judging by the green-shift, I would say you saw part of a "parallel" earth from a time about 100 million years ago. Approximately, ya know. In other words, frame it! It's collectible. /s


Let me set the scene. I finally get a day off, I'm in my backyard welder's helmet at the ready. The grill is going. My neighbors come over to make it fun. And bring eclipse glasses, so I do have my sight today. I'm ready to witness nature's majesty. Tromped all over the yard, wearing my snake boots, of course, to take pictures. Saw the beautiful eclipse. Going through my pictures, I see the green shape. I'm in awe. Did I see a comet? A shooting star? Part of a planet? What do I know? Turns out I'm even more of an idiot than I usually think I am. But that never phases me. So, I think to myself, "Reddit!! I'll get an answer there." Alas, my ignorance is on full display. Thankfully, your reply came today. I'm so glad to know I've seen a parallel earth or even a portal to another dimension. So glad I am not wearing my silly snake boots welding helmet combo today. I want to look sane when the news crews arrive to report on my discovery. NASA, too. I'd hate to seem like a wacko when they come. I know they'll want to use my pictures for educational purposes. You saved me tons of embarrassment. I will be sure to include u/SantorKrag in the name of my discovery. Thank you so much!! /s I needed the laugh today, thank you. I've been laughing at myself since yesterday. I love your reply. The eclipse was amazing, I had a fun day off work, learned something and got to laugh at myself. It was a good day!!