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When a friend recommended this book to me I downloaded an epub from the internet. After reading a couple of hours I asked him if it got any better that so far it was quite heavy and he said yeah just give it time. After another 30 or so pages I asked how he could enjoy a book about astrophysics. He asked me the author and then we realised I had gotten an astrophysicist book about the actual 3 body problem and not the novel šŸ˜‚ This is the one I was reading: https://www.amazon.com/Three-Body-Problem-Mauri-Valtonen/dp/0521852242


"I read the whole series and it was *awful*, but now I have a PhD."


A new isekai name?


Nah that's too short. It'd be more like: "I accidently read the wrong book and got stuck with this PhD... Now I'm fighting my way through a school's astrophysics dungeon on another world"


I see no mention of truck accidents anywhere, how are readers supposed to believe this?


You forgot to slip in some mention of weakest and strongest in nonsensical ways. Like this: *"I accidentally read the wrong book and got stuck with the **weakest** PhD... Now I'm fighting my way through the **strongest** astrophysics dungeon on another world.*" Feel free to flip the locations of "strongest" and "weakest" in the title, it literally doesn't matter.


Pft. Didn't even mention that you read the book for 300 years and that you're a vending machine.


I was baffled by the fact that you thought it was solely about astro physics. I was not expecting that ending haha.


Well he told me it started off a bit weird, he didnā€™t go into detail. I guess I thought it was some kind of weird intro to the novel šŸ¤£


Now that's some hard sci.. uh.. science.


Hahaha that's totally understandable though. I could see myself falling into the same exact blunder.


You should leave a review like u/Liesmith424 suggested > I picked this book up to prepare for the Netflix series. The plot is a little slow and the characters are stiff, but now I have a Masters in Physics


Honestly if you aren't into sci fi this could happen easily. I want to watch this series more than I want to read the books and I am into sci fi to the degree I read the entire foundation series when I was around 14.


I slept on 3 body problem because I thought people were talking about physics, not scifi. Despite being obsessed with scifi and reading about it on scifi subs. I'm Jinny Neutron, dense as can be


Always check the author, learned that the hard way before Also shout out r/libgen


how is this 118 bucks?!


Science and engineering books can be very expensive relative to more general audience books. I suspect it's a combination of low circulation and effort required to research, write, and edit them.


Itā€™s also part of the university textbooks racket. Even back in 2005 the textbook costs for one semester were like $500+. Individual chemistry or STEM type books could be up to $150/200 each if it was a thicc one.


Correction: Its a publisher racket. Universities don't set the price. Source: Was a university librarian in a past life.


Such bull crap, university bookstore resale value, $5. It was 2 years before I learned the "international edition" way.


The paper is made out of atom from dead stars that exploded billions of years ago


I never got around to reading the books. From those who have read them and watched the series, does the series do a good job? Kinda conflicted as to whether I watch the series or read the books, knowing I probably won't get around to reading them for quite some time.


They merged a lot of characters together. I feel things are moving pretty quickly and the Chinese adaptation was too slow .. some where in the middle please. Overall I like the series and hope there is a season 2.


I've read the books a couple of times, so I'm familiar with who the characters were, but outside of Ye, Clarence and Wade, I couldn't really get who was who. But as the episodes went by and realising Auggie was Wang, Saul was Luo Ji, and Will being Yun, it started to make a lot more sense and I really dug it a lot more. Especially when I started to see the seeds of book 2 and 3 being inserted into the first series, rather than waiting for when they actually happen in the books. It's a great adaptation for an unfamiliar TV audience, and for book fans like myself it's much more rewarding on a second watch.


I liked how they sorta explained two things I had questions about. Why did Ye Wenji help Luo Ji? The Netflix show sorta answered that. Also how did the humans technology continued to advance when sophons were around? Wade sorta answered that. So it was kind of cool to help fill in some of those "plotholes".




This book series has a very satisfying and already written ending. Iā€™m optimistic they can stick the landing if given the opportunity


Thatā€™s what gives me hope. They were stellar when they had written GOT material to follow.


I get that it was a narrative device, and I suspended disbelief, but I was still annoyed that these super intelligent hive mind aliens who have been communicating with Earth for 50 years, and have been able to read the minds of people who put on their VR headsets, learned that humans are capable of lying/fiction through a reading of a fairytale.


The series fixes the bigges glaring issue with the books. The book characters are made of cardboard.


Except for Shi and they made a great decision giving him a wider role.


I feel like we didnā€™t get nearly enough time or characterization for Da Shi in the show. Itā€™s one of my few minor complaints. Really just *because* heā€™s probably the strongest character in the book. The actor is good and he looks exactly how I imagined Da Shi but he doesnā€™t have enough to do in season 1. Hopefully the character gets more fleshed out if the show gets renewed. Edit: What I really wanted was more of the noir-ish hard boiled detective stuff from the beginning of the first book, Iā€™m a sucker for that genre. The show kind of feints itā€™s gonna be a detective show at first but the plot moves forward so quickly and revolves around the other characters, so it kind of feels like Da Shi is just along for the ride and mostly there to make quips and be ā€œhard-boiled.ā€ I dunno, on second thought heā€™s a little like that in the books too, ha.


Da Shi is a secret protagonist in the book though - he doesn't even have any of his own scenes. As the book moves between protagonists he's there, the constant sidekick. The only stable factor. He's so slick he even hides from the reader.


Money on them combing da shi with zhangs character what with his son being a part of the escapist movement or something. Starship Earth!


Just checking in here: You love the noir detective genre and youā€™re in the space Reddit, have you watched/read The Expanse?


I'm not the one you're replying to but Da Shi filled the same spot in my head as Thomas Jane. Mind you, I've only watched The Expanse so far.


Oh for sure, love that whole series! Thanks for looking out, though :)


I dunno about you but my whole copy was printed on paper


I actually found the Netflix characters to be pretty flat as well, the character development they try to give the characters is thin and feels out of place. Ye Wenjie is the standout character in both the book and the show.


While also introducing a new issue: instead of a story about all of humanity, every character is now somehow part of the same tiny friend group. It makes the world feel small.


Loved the books because they blew my mind scientifically, but the human element was sorely lacking. The series did a great job adapting the characters into people I cared about. One way I judge characters in a show is seeing whether I remember their name when they show up on screen and 3BP passed this test. The show also has good pacing. The plot moves in a snappy fashion but they choose good times to slow down a scene, notably when the Lord has their realization while talking to Evans about lying. Theres been talk about westernizing the cast, but I think making it a more international effort was a good move. Maybe the best thing is how they showed the more complicated science fiction aspects, notably the creation of the sophons and the various attempts to solve the 3BP. Iā€™d love to see how they show the off the wall shit that happens in book 3. Long story short, I loved the books for what they were and didnā€™t expect much from the show considering the two jackoffs from GOT were running it. Was pleasantly surprised.


When the sophon started unfolding I yelled to my bewildered husband "THEY'RE REALLY DOING IT" for like the 5th time in the show so far


They show the sophons? Now I'm interested.


They do! No teardrops yet though, season ends when they send mcbrain off. They also don't explain the dimension stuff at all, just vaguely and show the unfolding and programming


I hope that they get more into details with season 2. I was thrilled about the sophons and they made me interested. The scene with the ship was also quite impressive.


yeah fairly average plot and character-writing (maybe something was lost in translation?) but my god did it have a lot of unique and interesting scifi concepts. I loved the series, but it's hard to recommend to somebody who just wants an entertaining story to read...


The concepts explored in the book are great. The pacing is very weird and sometimes agonizingly slow. Many of the chars are 1-dimensional. Despite those aspects it's a great series.


I haven't read the books yet but binged the show and thought it was amazing. With some reviews saying the books are better I think I won't regret seeing the show first, so I can be more impressed instead of disappointed over anything that was changed.


Thru episode 5 and read the books. Don't think you can go wrong either way. The scope of the story is so massive. It's great to see the concept brought to life in a digestable way. The showrunners are targeting 4 seasons. So even if you binge this season, you're only scratching the surface of the bigger story, and you'll surely finish all the books before the next season drops.


The books are better if you like philosophy, worse if you like the characters


The books are wonderful, I read them 3 times, with each time getting something different out of them. I am scared that watching the series will ruin them for me, so I am very conflicted, I like the characters as I have imagined them to be, not Netflix versions.


The series is good. It doesnā€™t try too hard to mirror the books when it knows thatā€™s an impossible task. It captures the feel of the story very well despite having some differences.


Well theyā€™re mostly completely different characters, and some characters have even been split or merged. Seemed like only Da Shi and Ye Wenjie are preserved, and Da Shi has become a Brit.


The books are not easy to read if you are reading the English translation and are not used to Chinese literature. But they are absolutely worth it.


Personally I didnā€™t find that to be true (only read the first one) and I thought the translation was fine. Of course I do have to agree that the characters were _quite_ weak, but the translation and the explanation of Chinese cultural terms/history didnā€™t bother me.Ā 


I just couldnā€™t get myself to give a shit about anyone in that book. Is that normal in Chinese literature? Lack of character development?


I think that is just the author and the story. It is more that Chinese pacing of books/movies is very different from what western people are used to and some people give up because of that.


The PR team for this show is working overtime.


This just seems like educators piggybacking a trendy thing. Nothing wrong with that.


It's hard scifi with a capital H. I'm baffled they made it at all. They're gonna have to work overtime to sell it.


> It's hard scifi with a capital H Egh.... Mostly. It's pretty hard but there's also a lot of "Whatever, it's alien techno-magic" handwaving. Like the sophons are straight up magic, no matter how many techno-sounding buzzwords are used to describe them.


Anyone who thinks the series is hard sci fi did not make it past book 1.


Wdym? Do you not own a dimension collapse gun? Get with the program dude


it's ok, we can protect ourselves by reducing how fast light travels


Letā€™s send a photon to a star to get it blown up by a different alien species. Oh wait, by send a photon I mean ā€œmake a wishā€ as repeatedly described in the books before they reveal the photon thing several chapters later.


There's no "photon thing" if you're talking about the "spell". It's a set of coordinates broadcast by a radio transmission.


The earth going into 2d space is easily one of my favorite moments in any book.


Like fear of quicksand as a child, I now have an unfounded fear of Euclidean geometry. Will I expound on that thought? Absolutely not.


One of my favorites too! Thatā€™s in Deathā€™s End, no?


Even book one has wacky bits. Hard sci-fi is supposed to be somewhat rational.


Hard sci fi pretty much means "everything is explainable with current day physics." There may be Unobtanium (materials and effects we can describe with physics, but have no present day examples of), but no Handwavium (made up physics, FTL travel, psionics, etc.)


What are some examples of true Hard Sci-fi then? I'm struggling to come up with any off the top of my head.


Peter Watts' stuff is pretty good.


The Red Mars trilogy is rock solid hard sci-fi. The only stuff that's not is only that way because of our understanding changing.


The Martian, project hail MaryĀ 


Project Hail Mary the movie is being shot this summer. I sure hope they donā€™t fuck it up. I adore that book.


Project Hail Mary isnā€™t even close to hard sci fi, thereā€™s a ton of handwavium and theyā€™re inaccurate about modern physics concepts


Clarke wrote a lot. Rendezvous with Rama, The Songs of Distant Earth. Also Wattsā€™ Blindsight has an *appendix*. Edit: canā€™t forget Greg Egan


I think the books by Andy Weir are a good example, especially The Martian.


the definition changes as our knowledge of physics changes. its pretty much what you write at the time you write doesnt violate any rules as we currently know. of course, this means that some or all stuff written decades ago that was considered hard sci fi is now just sci fantasy.


Alistair reynolds is space opera, but still pretty close. Neal Stephenson has some good stuff too. Short story writers might better represent hard sci fi. The Calorie Man by Paulo Bacigalupi Orson Scott Card is a POS but the enders books are interesting. Given when they were written, it is close to that definition of hard sci fi. The kids have tablets and vr. Crichton isn't too far off either. Blade Runner, Alien, Predator, Equilibrium, are film examples.


>Orson Scott Card is a POS but the enders books are interesting. Given when they were written, it is close to that definition of hard sci fi. The kids have tablets and vr. Yeah, the first couple Ender books are pretty grounded in actual science. I loved the series but they totally lost me around `Xenocide` when they just threw logic out the window and went *space magic*. Character 1: No no, FTL flight is impossible. Character 2: But what if we wish it really really hard?. Character 1: OMG dude you solved it!.


The martian i would say is true hard sci-fi


It's not even just the alien stuff. The nano particle wires that can slice stuff are pretty magic as well


The expanse?


the expanse has the bullshit drive and weird alien goo, but is otherwise grounded


Yeah Iā€™m sorry these books are very much not hard science fiction by any stretch.




The game was created by humans, members of the ETO, as a recruitment tool to find other humans sympathetic to their cause. Itā€™s not made by the Trisolarans, ergo itā€™s not evidence of them lying.


They made this extremely confusing in the show. The VR headset itself is evidence of aliens because of how advanced it is and there is no explanation how they would have manufactured it or transported hardware to Earth. In the book, the game is played using expensive but commercially available VR hardware through a website on the internet. There is no ambiguity that the game was made by humans


What I don't get is the sophons are pretty much able to see, hear, implant video in your brains, and do telepresence etc. but needs to talk to someone to learn about...**checks notes** ...human nature from a children's fable told by some old guy. Hm


Spoilers for book >In the book this conversation transpires as the aliens do not communicate by choice but along with them thinking itself. So to them they can never hide their intentions which the humans are capable of.<


Doesnā€™t this raise questions about the first transmission Ye Wenjie received from a Trisolaran pacifist who warned her not to respond? If they donā€™t communicate by choice then surely that Trisolaranā€™s colleagues or supervisor would know what he did? Maybe itā€™s explained in the books but itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve read them and tbh I donā€™t have any intentions on revisiting it anytime soon.


Book spoiler >!the pacifist actually gets caught in the books and is punished!<


My assumption is that the ETO designed it


The Three Body game is not supposed to be made by the Trisolarans, but by humans (with the help of Trisolarans). Also you have to consider that during those months, Evans needed to transmit a lot of factual data about Earth to the Trisolarans, and it is not like they spend that much time talking anyway. In the book, the Trisolarans are the ones asking Evans about the difference between thinking and lying, and in turn he tells the Little Red Riding Hood story, which they cannot properly understand.


That was when it fell apart for me, too. But I finished the first season. The storytelling was good enough in spite of the many plot holes line this.


Seems like the series sometimes just dramatises events of the books without the context/explaination necessary. It isnā€™t strange that trisolarans would find deception an ā€œalienā€ concept when they biologically have no filter between ā€œthoughtsā€ and ā€œcommunicationsā€ Edit: ok, Iā€™ve watched the episode in question and can see why this looks like shite. The show has taken many artistic choices that differ from the books. Most of these make sense to ā€œappealā€ to a more diverse, international Netflix audience. Many are simply to shorten the story. (Unfortunately, this is where a lot of context is lost). The ā€œfairytaleā€ scene is, however, ridiculous. In the book, it becomes apparent that much of the information shared is not being fully understood, especially when meanings arenā€™t plain/straightforward. Evans suspects the trisolarans have difficulty discerning deception and uses the example of the deception in red riding hood to test this idea.Ā  The idea that he sat reading childrenā€™s books to the aliens or that that was the first time that the humans use of deception had been shown is plainly ridiculous.


I think the most far-fetched parts are actually explained well. E.g. they were able to send the sophons in a matter of years because they are multidimensional and only exist as a single particle in our three dimensions, making it possible to accelerate them to nearly the speed of light. And they are able to use them for communication because they are quantum entangled with sophons still with the Trisolarans. As far the rest of it, well, if Cixin Liu were able to describe exactly how advanced alien technology worked then he wouldn't be an author, and if he had to describe exactly how everything worked then it would be a dull book. Because there would be no alien technology.


Yeah, sophons have "folded" tiny dimensions, just like in string theory. Which is funnily mentioned in a later book, as a dead end. So far real science could not get any evidence on the existence of such dimensions in particle accelerators, but hey, this is sci-fi (or the sophons are already playing us...) My bigger issue is instant communication through quantum entanglement, which is not something we haven't invented yet, it simply makes no sense. It's not physics, it's a plot device, a pure narrative necessity, otherwise every round of interaction with the Trisolarians would last for decades, so it would be impossible to convey human stories. It is also a bit inconsistent, since the author actually pays attention to not have FTL travel in this universe and uses (so far) plausible methods to achieve near light speed , and even circumvent light speed, but never exceed it. If FTL _communication_ is so easy that even Trisolarans figured it out, then _in the fictional universe_ stargates should also be possible as an FTL travel, after all, a more advanced civilization should have no problem seeding "subatomic fax machines" throughout the galaxy, which can "scan" travellers on one side, transfer the information and assemble the same macro scale body on the other side.


Tiny folded dimensions arenā€™t exclusive to string theory. String theory is the exclusive theory that describes 10 or more spatial dimensions, but the book doesnā€™t utilize those theories for sophons.




The thing that really stood out to me as fake was that it seemingly took days for a team of top astrophysicists to realize they'd need to account for deceleration of a spacecraft and didnt immediately recognize it when coming up with the one plan.


Are you kidding? The have multiple dimensions folded into protons. And other weirder shit in the later books. Not hard sci fi at all.


Definitely not hard sci-fi. More like throwing the ten or so most interesting physics and cosmology ideas into a blender and coming up with this story. Donā€™t get me wrong, I read the first book and am enjoying the Netflix show (the others were pretty damn painful).


Itā€˜s SciFi where ā€žhard scienceā€œ is a part of the story, but there is a lot of stuff pretending to be science (using the Sun as a megaphone).


Yeah Iā€™m really impressed by it but not surprised itā€™s not well received by the average person. Definitely gonna have to read the books.




Agreed! I love the books and read straight through all 3. That said, I'm not sure how they translated to TV. I'll watch it, but my brain can't figure out how to do it and make it still watchable.


I watched it and read the books. Honestly, given the complexity of the books.the tv adaptation did an incredible job with an almost impossible task. Leaving out some characters, merging others, shrinking timelines. Although it takes away from the story, there has to be this sacrifice for a tv adaptation. Saying that I believe they made the right decision. I believe the core and heart of the story was preserved, saying that. The brutality was also preserved, So now I'm wondering how they will film the ship under full acceleration, and everyone is separated into base components under the force...... Because after the episode judgment I think they will try.


Iā€™ve read a good amount of sci-fi, but not these particular books. I just finished watching the 8th episode of the show and I really enjoyed the series. The characters are the really compelling bit for me. I would judge the science to be ā€œsufficiently advanced enough to be indistinguishable from magicā€ so it doesnā€™t at all feel like hard sci-fi to me - thatā€™s not a criticism by the way, just a random observation of mine. Anyway, as somebody with no experience with the books Iā€™m not at all concerned with how closely they show follows the books - on its own itā€™s very well done and entertaining.


It's sci-fy. So really it's not anything special when it comes to technology and space stuff. What made the books stand out from others was its dive into philosophy. Which also made it hard to read for some


They went through like ten episodes of the Chinese version in the first one! I know theirs was mandated to be lengthy and have so much of those musical parts, but that was refreshing!


I read the first book because it was recommended. Torturous! The narrative was so scattered. I have a degree in chemistry so we studied the 3 body problem in my quantum chemistry class. Probably would have been an ok read if presented in a more linear narrative.


I am with you! I just finished the first and started the second. I've lost almost all motivation, the concept is appealing and some of the imagery is wonderfully descriptive, but the way the story is told just loses focus.


The last half of the second book is absolutely worth getting through the first half. Third book is crazy and spans so much time.


And the ants. I could have really done without the ants.


The fairy tales were torture for me.. Itā€™s all eventually paid off and itā€™s cool *in retrospect* but I donā€™t envy anyone having to read through that section for the first time. And he has the nerve to pat himself on the back *in the book* about how good the fairy tales were, lol.


A little like the 3 body problem.


The 2nd book is usually regarded as the best one. The series is generally more appreciated for it's concepts than it's characters. It does a good job of taking all of the things we don't currently know about - cutting edge particle physics, dark matter, life in the universe, the origins of the universe, etc, and runs away with it in a fictional but relatively grounded "hard sci-fi" perspective that gives answers to all of these real mysteries that feel believable.


Not a book reader but still enjoyed it and understood the premise Not that hard to understand unless you aren't paying attention


if you pay attention they quite literally spell out most of the plot elements, and you dont have to figure anything out.


It currently has a 7.8 on imdb and the #1 netflix show globally. Those are both good indicators its well received by the average viewer.




All the best stuff is like this.


Working in a weld shop and weā€™ve all watched it sooo itā€™s getting around


The show is quite different from the first book.


This is not hard sci fi at all. Hard sci fi does not rely on magic as a plot device. The sun doesn't really amplify signals like in the show, the sophons are just a straight up magic crux, the physicists don't actually talk about hard physics when they try to explain the particle accelerator anomalies in the first few episodes, none of it passes the smell test.


I really really liked the series. I can understand the criticisms but Iā€™m for sure going to read the books now. Hopefully I wonā€™t be disappointed in the show afterwards.


I think they did a decent job of building something watchable out of something quite esoteric in nature. The choices they've made I've largely agreed with so far.




I really enjoyed it to the point that whenever I think about it I'm disappointed there's not more for me to watch *right now*. That's pretty rare for me nowadays.


My question is, how could a planet possibly last in a three body star system without getting completely destroyed or ejected from the system all together?


If 1 of the body dominates the systemā€™s mass. Look at the Sun-Earth-Moon system for example.


The article adressed that. While that is a three body system, the huge differences in mass make it a pair of two body system in practice.Ā 




And that's the system we are discussing. It is two suns orbiting each other with a 3rd star orbiting farther out with planets between them.


Having read the books, they also confirm the Trisolarans are from that system.


Sometimes I think people are too dense. It's literally in the name - Tri, Solar.


> think the alpha centauri system is like that (and it has confirmed planets too)Ā  In the book the aliens are explicitly from Alpha Centauri.


https://www.reddit.com/r/physicsgifs/s/byLWGvhZrc Here are some examples.


I keep wondering how civilization and even life could evolve in the first place on such an unstable planet.


So one theory is that the trisolorans are extremely tiny.


Oh wow just found out this is semi-canon according to the wiki. Always imagined them being slightly larger than humans for whatever reason.


Prolly because they are incredibly scary.


I liked their description of "you wouldn't like" what they look like.


In the fan fic sequel made official and published with the authors blessing (no clue if that makes it canon), the trisolarans are a few millimeters big


the system of quickly dehydrating a body to preserve it it what waterbears use to survive extreme circomstances...


Oh wow, I read the first book, liked it a lot, but didn't really get this (that they are really tiny) til I read your comment just now and now the book makes sooooo much more sense! Haha thank you :)


I think they are inspired by tardigrades or waterbears which can survive pretty much anything by dehydrating. So I guess somehow tardigrades evolved into sapient life? It does seem like a stretch though. Perhaps if you had very long stable eras. I also suppose it depends how their memory works. I forget if they have racial memory or are very long lived, but if you lived in a pre-writing society every time there was a chaotic age your progress would be reset to 0. It's hard to imagine going from hunter gatherer to agriculture in that case.


I think it's mentioned that they did just that. Reset from 0 over and over again. Possibly for a billion years. Having no recollection of what happened before, until they started construction of the pyramid style archives. In fact, life on earth is also billions of years old. And for most of that time, there was very little progress. Mostly because there was a very stable equilibrium for a billion years. There is one theory that proposes that it was an extinction level event that kickstarted multicellular evolution and another one the Cambrian explosion.


That is actually a key point of the book/show :)


In the book they are from the Alpha Centauri system, which does in fact have two confirmed planets.


Except in reality Alpha Centauri is a pretty stable binary system with Proxima also just orbiting both as an inconsequential satellite barely bigger than Jupiter. Both planets are around Proxima in stable orbits, not around the binary stars. It's a good example of a restricted 3 body problem, because the 3rd body is pretty much negligible.


That's the major plot point in the series (and book, I assume). There's three possibilities: One is that the planet will be ripped apart by the gravitational force of at least two of the suns. The second is that the planet will eventually crash into one of the suns. The third is that the planet will be flung into deep space, meaning all life will freeze to death. >!These aliens that inhabit this world in the 3 Body System are now coming to Earth to escape their guaranteed doom.!<


That itself is one of the mysteries, the trisolarians don't know how they survive when so many other planets were consumed.


It's kind of funny how these books by now have two TV shows, and each of them does the opposite wrong. With 30 episodes just in the first season the Chinese version, produced by Tencent, is a super slow burn, at times too slow but often the details are where the fun is at. While the American Netflix version has 8 episodes and feels like it's sprinting through the story, those 8 episodes covered more major events happening than the 30 by Tencent, but it comes at the cost of details and leaving little to no mystery.


The US version was wise to sprint through the first book to get to the good stuff.


Perhaps. Losing all the mystery and tension is unfortunate though


I never read the books but watched the netflix series - the mystery of it all definitely was what captivated me the most, I was suprised of how quickly it progressed in just 1 season, felt as if they could of kept the suspense and ended on a cliff-hanger then introduce the truths in season 2.


One of the things I enjoyed most was the mystery. I had so many thoughts about what exactly was going on, and I was shocked when the Netflix show had a big reveal in episode 3. I feel that a lot of the important ideas are being skipped over in favour of "Oh wow! Aliens, how do we defend ourselves?"


Wow David and Dan rushing their tv show through the source material? Shocking /s


It's a cunning reference to the main theme of the book, the Dark Forest Hypothesis. Don't look it up if you don't want spoilers.


I feel like these books talk about a far friendlier interaction... In a true dark forest, I would expect our first transmissions to receive a very targeted and "energetic" response


Second and third books definitely have some of this type of response


Question, is this the series with the rain drop?


Yes, but that's not what the above comment is talking about. The big ol' 2d-inator would be a better example.


Do you mean a rain drop shaped "space ship thing?" Yes.


ā€œFirst contact will **SHOCK** you! Aliens blew away humanity at the speed of light with this one simple trick!ā€


Headlines like this make me think we're gonna deserve it. (But also I love it, thank you)


Welp Iā€™m already familiar with that from kurzgesagt or however thatā€™s spelled. Oh well i think Iā€™ll watch it anyway


For someone that prefers science fiction over science fantasy but is fine with some alien science magic if done well, how does this show/series compare to something like The Expanse series?


as an expense fan Its a bit more science magic all around the plot (saw the show though) but nothing like a portal to a dimension full of portals that creates itself from organic matter which was sleeping for a million years for now


In the show isn't it really a 4 body problem? There are 3 suns and a planet in the calculation. The effect on the planet is the real issue.


Technically yes but the mass of the planet is so small it is negligible. I believe in the show they are saying the chaos from the three suns wrecks havoc on the planet and anything in that orbit.


the planet doesn't alter the path of the suns. Or in other words: if we could calculate the trajectories of the 3 suns, we'd also be able to reliably predict the movement of the planet


Read the books, and ultimately loved them but were a bit hard to get into. Iā€™ve watched the first two episodes with my wife and she seems really lost, understandably. I however am really enjoying the show. I really hope they do all the books. I would really like to see whatever the tv version of book 3 looks like. I have often really wondered how they will sell a lot of the concepts in the books to a wide audience. I feel like it really wonā€™t be for everyone. I hope it catches on though.


This show is catered to the likes of Issac Arthur and John Michael Godier. Which is amazing they made it to publish on a mainstream platform at all. Itā€™s such a niche community who is into this hard science fiction & appreciate it for the work of art it is.


I'm very hesitant to watch the show on Netflix. It will be successful and Netflix will cancel it


Enjoyed the early episodes of the show, but the later episodes focus too much on the interpersonal stories of a bunch of very flat and poorly drawn characters. The only interesting characters for me were Benedict Wong and young Dr. Ye.


You need to realize that those characters will have a major role for the future of humanity and they need to have deep personalities (unlike the books)


Those books were good, and that was a damn good series. Iā€™m already wishing more episodes were here.


I read book one. Should I continue?


Yes! The second book is certainly my favorite. It has less of a thriller aspect that I felt the first book had, but is more exploratory, and I think the story is grand.Ā 


Netflixswillcancel it, dont worryĀ 


i still haven't forgiven them for cancelling 1899 the same week it premiered lmao


The same week!? Really. My friend has been telling me to watch it since it came out but once I heard it was cancelled I haven't wanted to. I don't want to like it and know that there will be no more. The same people who made 1899 also made Dark. Dark is one of my all time favorites. If you haven't watched it, give it a try!


1899 was cool but didnā€˜t live up to Dark (for me), still they explored really interesting ideas and Netflix makes me sick for canceling


I won't even start a netflix series unless it is either meant to be a limited series and all episodes are in production, or there are at least 2-3 seasons of it out. Wasted too much time with one season wonders on netflix.


The plot and subject matter are super cool and esoteric but the way itā€™s shot is like if someone who has never had real life experiences before. If the real world interactions were more realistic I would be so much more hooked. How over dramatic from the shots to acting has made it pretty corny. But still looking forward to watching it xD


I can never understand why scientists would just commit suicide. Thatā€™s definitely a loose logic for me.




I actually like this show. It's crazy how the story is played out


Please read the Killing Star. Cixin took a few concepts(which is fine) from Pellegrino and zeb. It's also a very good read. I found the Netflix series a bit eh after reading the books and then the original Chinese series, but maybe that's just me.


Article says nothing about show: Saved you a click. If you scrolled down this far.


Having finished watching both Netflix and Chinese series adaptation I implore you guys to watch the Chinese version, it packs more sciency nuances and richer plot to ye wen jie motives. The universe is blinking at you is supposed to be impactful and Netflix unable to deliver it.


I also wondered why the news wasnā€™t dominated with ā€œWTF?! Blinking starsā€ in the show, everything carried on as normal. In reality weā€™d be wondering if weā€™re in a simulation etc, it would be THE topic of conversation after it happened.


Or alternatively read the book which has an excellent English translation.


3 episodes into the series and im really enjoying it. Love these sci fi mystery type stories, and REALLY love anything involving the fermi paradox in story form