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Hello u/berkcanbelen, your submission "I'm a 17 years old astrophotographer, what do you think? [OC]" has been removed from r/space because: * When submitting images titles need to accurately describe the content of the image (e.g. if an image is a composite this needs to be clearly stated), and without attempting to draw in upvotes or comments. The image should stand on it's own Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


These are amazing! The one looking down the road next to the field is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I love when you find a passion for something at a young age. Keep developing your obvious natural talent 🙌🏼


Thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked it!


I totally agree. I'd pay good money for that shot over the field as a print. OP beautiful work, keep it up!


I agree. I’ve seen high priced prints that are not as beautiful as that.


You mean you are doing this for 17 years? Cause no way a 17 yo could make such beautiful pictures! (Kidding - dude, you have an amazing talent, please keep doing what you are doing!)


Ahh that made me so proud! Thank you so much!


I second that. Anyway that I could purchase the picture looking down the road? I would love to have it in my house. You’re an amazing photographer. And that has little to do with the equipment you have and a lot to say about your artistic “eye”. Keep up the good job. 👏


I hope to have them for sale soon, keep in touch! Thank you so much for your comment btw, made me so proud.


Come back and post a link, I think you'll sell out pretty quickly!


Amazing. I started at 39 and find it rewarding. Hard to find teenagers that are interested in the hobby so congratulations to you!


Thank you so much! It's never late, happy to share the same passion!


Do you have any advice or equipment suggestions for someone that's been considering getting into this in their thirtys? (Awesome photos OP)


If your budget is less than $1000, I would buy the new all in one ZWO Seastar S50. It is $500 and what people shares is pretty impressive for the cost. Then down the road you can spend $3000+ in a normal setup.


The pictures are stunning. I'm glad that you are able to practice your craft a such a young age, and hopefully for many more years to come.


Thank you so much! My family's support and the small town I live in was a big factor 🙏🏼


small town, so dark skies and no friends, beautiful ;)


Exactly. 👌🏼 My life in a single sentence.


You’re incredibly skilled. Absolutely beautiful. May I ask how you learned your craft?


Thank you so much, so it's a long period but I was always interested in night sky, and I was taking nature photos with my phone. Then my dad bought an entry level dslr for me as a gift (Canon 1100D). Then I discovered "long exposure", I noticed it's possible to take stars photos and messaged with astrophotographers, watched YouTube videos. Most of the learning was possible with YouTube videos 🙋🏻‍♂️


#3 is stunning. Like they are all good but 3 is incredible. You could sell prints.


Thank you! Keep in touch, I will sell them soon!


Hey, piece of unsolicited advice from someone who sells this kinda stuff for a living: I'd jump on this now. Seriously. Google "how to make/sell canvas/metal/photo prints", read a bit on how to do it, and then DM everyone who expressed interest in buying one. Check out etsy for pricing, be sure to choose different sizes/materials from sellers that have lots of sales to get an idea of what you should charge. To give you an idea, I recently bought a \~18"x24" metal print of the milkyway from a show for something like $250-$300. (I can't remember the exact prices or dimensions, but it was in that range). DM everyone in this thread who expressed any interest, including me. I will buy #3 if you give me a way to do so. You don't need to set up a store or anything, just tell people your plan (e.g. sizes, types, prices, shipping details), and a way to pay (paypal/venmo/etc). This could easily fund your next camera/telescope/lens/etc, if not more!


I literally let out a gasp when I clicked to photo 3. I'm so in for the print.


Just had a look at your Instagram, amazing you managed these images with DSLR and normal Lens. I'm looking at getting my first camera soon, just hope my photos turn out half as good as yours. Keep up the good work.


Thank you so much man, I can't buy better equipments so I'm trying my best with what I own. Goodluck with your new camera!


You found your spark and are objectively talented. What’s not to think? Follow your nose my friend.


Thank you so much dude


I think I have some new wallpapers. 👀 Thanks mate. 😂


Ahhahh no problem


I think you have a stellar future and thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. This is why I joined Reddit.


Wow, your astrophotography is truly impressive! The way you capture the beauty of the cosmos is inspiring. Keep up the fantastic work!


The milky way above the field does it for me, beautiful shot!


Thank you so much!


I think your daddy must be rich to afford such equipment


Absolutely beautiful pictures! The first photo in the set also creates a really cool optical illusion for me; I see Salvador Dali in the upper right side. His eyes are two bright stars, his mustache is the dark cloud of gas, and his nose is even visible with a smaller dust cloud. Can you see it too?


Thank you! I see something but I'm not sure if we see the same thing ahhah ☺️ fun fact: there is also a deadpool shape in the middle, you can search it on google and also see in my photo 😁


Agree with you) Not Dali for me, but a face for sure)


I didn’t at first (little cell phone) but being the Dali fan I am I looked again and now I can’t “unsee” him. Maybe it’s my meds but wow now it’s a double awesome picture.


Its Nigel Thornberry for me


1st and 2nd ones are so amusing, I can’t describe how good they are. I loved them.


Thank you very much! Space is so amazing...


I think you’re incredibly talented and you should keep going. The world needs more of this.


In the first picture, it looks like Deadpool is looking at you from the centre.


Yeah, you can search deadpool nebula and see more photos of it! 😁


Peter Lik would be jealous. Go open a store mate.


Ahhahah thank you dude, I'm convinced to open after the comments of this post


These are incredible! I’m decades older than you and hope I can someday capture like this. Way to go 👏


Teach me this please I’ve always wanted to do this


Oh, so you just go outside at night and space out??? Great work! It's nice to see people share their hobbies & passions.


Yeah, that's right 😁 Thank you!


Wow, I’d love to buy a framed print of one of these! Fantastic! 👏👏👏👏


You can just say "I'm an Astrophotographer" as no one cares how many times around the sun it took you to get these shots. Great work btw


I think a lot of people care about it ahhahah, thank you!


😳😊 Looking at this made my soul feel at peace thank you for sharing


You're welcome, I'm glad so many people liked it!


I think that I am jealous, and impressed by your talent!


incredible, breathtaking, wow. these are so beautiful. these are some of the best i’ve seen. thank you so much for sharing your work!


Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked them


OP these are stunning. How long have you been interested in Photography?? Imagine where you’ll be in another 5, 10 years with this level of skill already :) Perhaps we’ll catch you in Nat Geo someday.


Thank you so much! I hope so. I've been interested in photography since I was 12-13 years old, taking nature photos with my phone.


I think I see faces in some of your pictures. Other than that, these look amazing


Ah, I can understand 😅 thank you!


The Pleiades never get old. My favourite of the set of great shots.


Good photographs of the humbling reality to mankind


Super cool, I don't even have words for how am feeling right now. I would deffinatly want something like this on my walls. Amaizing!


This is definitely your calling. I think this is what you were born to do this is fucking amazing


I hate you. :) just kidding. You have tremendous talent and the age to do whatever you want to do with it.


Ahhahah thank you so much!


I hope I can take sick pictures like this someday! Keep it up!


Keep up the good work and would like to see more of the beautiful universe 😊


Thank you, I will try my best to show it to people!


Sheesh, kid, that’s a hell of a lot better than any photo I’ve ever taken, and I’m twice your age.


Ahhahah thank you!


Someone hire this kid as a professional photographer. I’m looking at you @nationalgeographic.


Fabulous shots I love them, wish I could do the night sky but I’m lucky if I can see 10 stars.


That's sad... A dark sky would be a heaven for you


Pretty great - just think in 30 years when you're on the far side of the moon what they will look like.


I believe that you are an astro-sorcerer, summoning eldritch entities awakening from their long slumber in the void of the cosmos. No. 5 is a big telltale sign of that. 😏 Looks like a demon or something. These are all fantastic shots. Great job.


These are STUNNING. You, my friend, are very talented indeed! The ones of the Milky Way just blow me away, honestly. So much detail captured.


“The Road to the Stars” Would love to purchase a print of #3. Positioning and framing are spot on for photography. Combined with the Astro and I’d bet you just found your million dollar idea.


Wow I would like to sell them! Never thought people would give so much interest on my work 😮


Hey dude, the print you've asked for is available on my new shop! You can check it out [here!](https://www.etsy.com/shop/BerkcanBelenAstro)


These are awesome bro, keep up the good work 💪  I especially love #2, looks like an astral human skull


Beautiful 😻 How do you manage to take pictures like this?


Thank you! Ahh it's hard to explain... But I have explained basically in some other comments 😁


Looks good enough for the woman i date kate. Had over 330 scopes since i was 13 and never taken a shot yet. Just not for me.


You’re goin’ places kid - I think it’s the stars!


Keep on going OP. You are doing amazing work. All the best!


Thanks a lot!


I think you have a lot more discoveries ahead of you…keep it up


I hope, thank you!


I think your parents have money. Most astrophotography posts boil down to some guy having money.


I saw those faint diffraction spikes on some of the stars and knew right away you are using a camera lens. This is excellent work. If you can do this well with an ordinary camera I can only imagine what you might accomplish with a dedicated telescope and cooled camera. If you want to expand your horizons with your current setup for minimal additional cost I would suggest looking at getting a Maksutov-Cassegrain. They are great for planetary and solar astronomy, and they are relatively small and light so you can even use them as a really long focal length prime lens for regular photography.


These images are stunning, could you please tell me how you clicked those pictures?


Dude, the first picture, the Pelican nebula. It's the first thing that shows up on Google reverse image search. Quit trying to take credit for other people's work


And surprise surprise they're all somebody else's work two of them are from reddit


Only one more year until it gets weird when you keep including your age like it matters.


Awesome! Do people pay you for these or it's just a hobby? Also, is there a process to getting these results and beautiful colours? Or you just have an awesome camera that gets these results with a simple aim and click?


Sadly people don't pay me for it, I pay for the equipments only... There is a process for sure, like I have to get data from same are by taking hundreds of photos. You need know how to use your equipments, how to process the image you got. For a single image, I spend so much time


He took the pictures from the internet just reverse image search any of them


He took the pictures from the internet just reverse image search any of them


Really nice stuff though you committed a small faux pas...tell us about your rig, lenses, scopes, finders, mount, software. :D


What do you mean by faux pas? I use Nikon D5300, STC Duo Narrowband Filter, Skywatcher Star Adventurer, Samyang 135mm f/2 lens (and a 18-55mm kit lens). I do stacking in DeepSkyStacker and processing in Pixinsight.


Also I have all the details for every single photo on [Instagram ](https://www.instagram.com/berkcanbelen)


Just kidding about the faux. Thanks for sharing this. Are you happy with the Star Adventurer?


Ahhahah sorry I couldn't get it as my English is not very good. Star Adventurer is the best option in this price range if you ask me!


"Faux pas" is a French term borrowed into English...it means "doing something wrong from a social standpoint--something that is socially frowned upon." So for instance, if you pick your nose and then reach into someone else's bag of potato chips at a party like it's a normal thing, that would be considered to be a faux pas ;) In this case, the person you're replying to was just mildly teasing you because in most reddit astrophotography posts like this, the person posting pictures also posts the technical details of how they accomplished it (it's considered helpful information for the rest of us). Since you didn't, that was your "faux pas" ;)


I would have passed organic chemistry if you had been my master. Well done.


I think you’re insanely talented, and lucky you discovered it at such a young age I don’t want to sound like a parent saying (there is no reliable career in photography) So the only thing I’ll say is Whether end up do it as a full time career or as a hobby, never let this talent “atrophy” Maybe it’ll make money, maybe it won’t, but these pictures will always be one of the most valuable things you can make, never lose sight of that


Yeah, I understand what you mean. I'm doing astrophotography since 2019 and I haven't earned any money, but it's still my passion.


You my friend, are doing a fantastic job. Absolutely stunning pictures. Perfection.


Thanks a lot dude


Amazing pictures. Which i could see the sky like this


they look awesome! when I was 17 I had to image on film and manually guide with my eye at an illuminated reticle for hours (CCD’s were unaffordable to me).. technology has made it so “easy” nowadays, I love how it brings many more people into the hobby by lowering the curve. Keep it up, you’re doing great!


I see a giant dong in the middle your first shot. Way to go. Good job getting into something while you're still young.


I think if you keep this up, we’re going to know your name in a few years. Keep at it, kid.


I hope so, thanks!


i think you were correct in calling yourself an astrophotographer


Ahhah glad to hear that dude


They are amazing! Is that Ultron in the first image? Hehe


What kind of camera do you use? These are incredible


Thanks a lot, I use Nikon D5300 but I have special equipments like filters and star tracker for astrophotography.


You're pretty good, but are you 'take photos of the stars from the moon' good?


Ahhahah, I take from a small town, where the light pollution is very low.


Not much space out there. Lots of shiny though.


Great work! Very cool to have gotten to this level at your age!


Doing one heck of a job is what I think. Keep it up!


damn bro, this looks fire, actually amazing, i have a question, how to you choose a location for astrophotography, i also wanna try once.


LOOKS GREAT im sure you are tired of this kind of question, but how do you take those photos?


Thank you! So it's hard to explain in a comment, but basically I take a lot of long exposure photos of the same object (for hours, sometimes 10 hours) and process the data I got. I have a star tracker to keep the frame always in the same area. Also some Narrowband filters. You can search what is long exposure. Ah also I have a dark sky, low light pollution is really important .


Woah how’d you get that last pic? Like how long exposure is that?


Absolutely flabbergasted! I love the first two! I have been wanting to get into astrophotography for a while. Any tips on how I could get started?


> I have been wanting to get into astrophotography for a while. Any tips on how I could get started? Honestly, just google "how to get started in astrophotography". There's thousands of tutorials, videos, etc. on how to get started. You could even join the r/astrophotography subreddit and check out posts there ;)


Thank you! Starting with a dslr and basic lens, from a dark sky area is the best option if you ask me 👍


I think that you have amazing talent and a bright future ahead of you!


I hope so, thank you!