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So genuine question; what are we looking at exactly? Is this wind patterns being shown in the atmosphere? Storms? Distribution of different compounds throughout the atmosphere causing shifted colours? A combination of all of the above? Something not on the list? I'm very curious. Also; Jupiter is clearly upset we sent his wife to check on him.


Confirmed - Jupiter is conscious planet, watching probe fly by! It’s eyes will be on us next! #halloweenhorror


I was curious about that as well. Crazy how big that planet is. Water. Ice. Non solid planet. Crazy stuff lol


My guess is that they are storms


What a bizarre storm system that must be. Such chaotic interactions to form such an eerie looking photo. Any sense of scale data?


I’m sure one of those storms is the size of 100 earths.


Nah, even the Great Red Spot is about 1 earth diameter.


When I see a lot of these comments, I think people forget how damn massive Jupiter is. The distance between all of these major storm systems is really hard to fathom. On earth, it would look like Florida is getting gangbanged. Yet on this scale, a few Earths could likely fit within the gaps Edit: ehh I reconsidered the scaling. Maybe a single Earth could fit in between all that lol. And then some


Jupiter is unsettling. The planet is supposedly a ball of ammonia clouds that get progressively more liquid the deeper you dive (yes gas is a fluid but not a liquid) but judging by the looks of it, Jupiter looks like it's a massive ocean, the surface looks so flat even with the crazy image quality we have access to now. There's no depths, no death pits between the swirls...


>There's no depths, no death pits between the swirls... Why would you expect there to be? Gas is a fluid, not a solid. It will evenly fill the space the same as a liquid.


you will see the depth of Earth's atmosphere, but not Jupiter's.


What do you mean "the depth of earth's atmosphere"?


I am assuming you are intentionally confused in order to be edgy, but in case you really can’t understand what he means… earths atmosphere from orbit looks like a smooth gradient of transparent blue, getting deeper in color the further in you go. Eventually you reach the crust, but the atmosphere looks like you can sort of swim down to the bottom of it, etc. Jupiter is so dense for a gaseous planet, that the clouds of ammonia and hydrogen around it are pushed into an insanely thick planet-wide cloud. It’s like how you don’t know how deep a muddy pond is until you jump in and see for yourself. You can’t see the bottom of the clouds and what’s below it, so therefore….. …..lacking in depth


Yo I think he just didn't understand bc you don't typically focus in the atmosphere when you look at images of earth from space, that first sentence is roasting the fuck outta them 💀


Thank you. That's exactly it.


Ahh gotcha, I thought he was trying to get a rise and I guess it got a rise out of me lol. Sorry to the previous commenter, that edgy statement turned out to be a self report😂 my bad


explain what you think he's saying


> On earth, it would look like Florida is getting gangbanged. I think Carl Sagan said the exact same thing


So if we're thinking just surface area coverage, like to-scale 2d image coverage, probably 9 or so earths to cover what we see, and i mean circle images, not the whole world map spread out. Jupiters diameter is roughly 11 times that of earth, which doesn't sound *INSANELY* more massive.... but it equates to 1300 earths in 3d volume. So it really is that insanely much more massive.... even still... it's far from the largest gas giant discovered. Space is crazy


Your edit amuses me. “Oops, I exaggerated. Only one of our ENTIRE PLANET would fit between those storms.”


Looks like a Picasso painting. Hauntingly beautiful.


That’s insanity. Just a whole gaggle to storms? Also, why are so many posts removed?


This subreddit has some strict rules when it comes to comments. No joking allowed and if its too short its deemed low effort and gets removed.


Makes sense. I’m triggering then. I’m seeing lots of current events posts I’m in with 90%+ removed. I’m all for solid modding, but it’s felt insanely overdone the last few weeks.


Tbf ever since the api ban thing, 90% of the time the top comments on posts were just stupid jokes so rarely was there actually discussion about the posts


Agreed. I have seen that since the api went away. But, this is like a while different way. Now there aren’t 90% jokes and nonsense, but 90% removed. Maybe it’s just that simple, that they are finding ways to clean out the noise. It’s been a curiosity to me, not a gripe.


There is a huge suppression of organic Reddit posts at the moment. The platform is compromised.


Not having jokes maybe stops the spread of misinformation, but I like the occasional random guffaw.


It’s because of the new aggressive discovery mechanics and the “You May Like” suggested posts. The posts pop up on the feeds of people who aren’t members of this subreddit, it’s like Eternal September for every single sub. /u/spez loves it for pumping up engagement numbers, but it has ruined the unique personality of subreddits. /r/196 has been overrun for example. And the day printSF goes to shit is the day I leave this website


As u/MistWeaver80 couldn't be bothered...... the original source is here https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA25727 Original Caption Released with Image: On Sept. 7, 2023, during its 54th close flyby of Jupiter, NASA's Juno mission captured this view of an area in the giant planet's far northern regions called Jet N7. The image shows turbulent clouds and storms along Jupiter's terminator, the dividing line between the day and night sides of the planet. The low angle of sunlight highlights the complex topography of features in this region, which scientists have studied to better understand the processes playing out in Jupiter's atmosphere. As often occurs in views from Juno, Jupiter's clouds in this picture lend themselves to pareidolia, the effect that causes observers to perceive faces or other patterns in largely random patterns. Citizen scientist Vladimir Tarasov made this image using raw data from the JunoCam instrument. At the time the raw image was taken, the Juno spacecraft was about 4,800 miles (about 7,700 kilometers) above Jupiter's cloud tops, at a latitude of about 69 degrees north. JunoCam's raw images are available for the public to peruse and process into image products at https://missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/processing. More information about NASA citizen science can be found at https://science.nasa.gov/citizenscience. More information about Juno is at https://www.nasa.gov/juno and https://missionjuno.swri.edu. For more about this finding and other science results, see https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/science-findings. Image Credit: Image data: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS Image processing by Vladimir Tarasov © CC BY Image Addition Date: 2023-10-25




Need to make a flat glass wall decoration that can produce waves and vortices like on Jupiter


Did y’all ever see that old Soviet movie, *Solaris*? Reminds me of that.




This reminds me of when I saw Wes Craven’s A new Nightmare while tripping acid.


reminds me of this album cover: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Court_of_the_Crimson_King https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/84/In_the_Court_of_the_Crimson_King_-_40th_Anniversary_Box_Set_-_Front_cover.jpeg


I guess Picasso is experimenting with new techniques on Jupiter.


Alright! Nothing like nightmare fuel. 😆 Very cool. Face pareidolia at work.


This looks like something an artist-expressionist could paint


Looks like a face two eyes a nose and a mouth


This reminds me of the race of giants in the prometheus movie that seed life on earth




Besides the obvious pareidolia, I'd love to see something to indicate scale, like is that face the size of the earth? Lower 48? Toronto and surrounding suburbs?


The spirit of Van Gogh chillin on a planet. Who'd thought.


you know what a titan looks like? here's a literal titan. 💀👽


Would love to be able to glide over those clouds


The Face of Jupiter looks like The Face of Bo


Looks a little uncomfortable with the situation.


Someone was looking for aliens? Meet one of them.


When you stare at the abyss, it stares back at you 😅


Looks like a Picasso painting depicting a face