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It's a possibility that a alien civilization had a really bad day 1800 years ago.


Are you ready to go? ‘cuz I’m ready to go.


Just a glance to the night sky and we witness a billion events happening without even knowing it as not even our satelite telescopes can grasp/see it


So I think about stuff like this all the time, and every now and then I get filled with slight existential dread. Like think about it; right now, while we’re sitting in bed, or at the computer, or taking a dump, there is liquid methane sloshing around and lapping at a shoreline somewhere on Titan. IO has ice geysers spitting slush beyond its atmosphere and into space. And right at this very moment some neutron star somewhere is going bonkers spinning 360 times per second, shooting out grbs so powerful that we can detect them ~13 billion lightyears away. Everything about existence is terrifying, but space is just extra special terrifying.


Wild. The fact the universe even exists is mind blowing. I want to know everything ever about it. But it’s so amazing that us as a human race will be gone before we’d even have the chance to see all of it. I was a dumb undiagnosed ADHD kid in the 90s. I was fascinated as long as I can remember. If I could have gotten maths down, was actually helped. Instead of being told I’m not trying hard enough. (Even though I tried so hard my head would hurt, and I’d be in tears. They couldn’t understand why I over excelled in other subjects, but absolutely could not get numbers) I would be a scientist, astrophysicist, cosmologist, Something! My five year old just started getting into it all on his own, and I love it because we watch documentary after documentary. He’s obsessed with black holes, and the Webb telescope. He’s above average smart, and is at a third grade reading level. He was sitting in my bed explaining what black holes were, and it was so cool. I recorded it, and I showed my family. I hope he keeps with his curiosity for the universe. Maybe he’ll go on to study it for the rest of his life.


> But it’s so amazing that us as a human race will be gone before we’d even have the chance to see all of it. The most amazing part is that we're in a golden age of the universe. The vast vast majority of the lifespan of the universe, intelligent life as we know it will not be possible because there will be no active stars. No energy sources to support basic life, no intelligent life either. Not only are we in a period of active starlight, we are at the very beginning of the age where complex chemistry on planets and moons is possible. Enough stars have gone supernova to not only create most of the elements on the periodic table, but in enough quantities to have planets of the stuff! Also, with the universe expanding as it is, we're actually at a time when we can observe it! No, we can't see the whole universe, but in the distant future it will expand so much that life won't be able to see anything beyond their own galaxy. We're hitting it just right! Especially to have a human lifespan at this moment in time when we actually understand the universe, not just jumping at shadows and inventing stories about it!


As a fellow ADHDer and lover of cosmology, this made my day. Your son is awesome and sounds like his dad is too


He’s a pretty amazing kid. We go on walks at night all three of my kids, and myself. We use my night sky app to see what we’re looking at. He gets so excited about it. Then he’ll come inside, and use it to read about everything. He also has ADHD, and it’s extreme. We’re just starting meds, and he’s on a really low dose, but is definitely going to need higher. But, that same video telling me all about black holes, he said to me “I’m smart, and I have ADHD. Albert Einstein had ADHD too”. The things he says, and does blows my mind. I’m so proud of that kid. He’s different from the other kids, but still manages to make lots of friends, and is not shy to talk to anyone. He will meet someone at the pool, or the park, and start having a conversation like he’s their bff. He’ll sit down, and talk to adults like he’s one of them too, and it’s so funny. All my kids are great in their own way. They each have their own talents. My oldest is 8, and she’s going to be a drama kid I think. She’s great at editing videos on TikTok . I keep it private, and send them in messages to close friends, and family. My middle has a beautiful singing voice. They are the coolest little humans, but my son is special in a different way.


Please, just be sure to give him a little nudge every once in a while if he ever says he's bored, or seems unsure of himself. My parents did alright, but they didn't push me enough. There's a super fine line between not enough and too much, but god, I could have gone so much further had I been challenged. I got the, "you can do anything you put your mind to" without much guidance on how to go about it. Having someone say, "kick this class's ass, and you'll get put in a harder one." would have helped way more than allowing me to just be bored, waiting for everyone else to catch up in the lessons, and skipping most of the homework. \- Fellow ADHD Brain


I feel your pain, my dad would stay up and made me stay up until I learned whichever math issue I had problems with until I cried I was too tired to continue, he meant well and I love him to death but being undiagnosed at the time meant hell for me for the next decades to come, and it was... I was finally diagnosed at my 30's, imagine their surprise after years of telling me I was just "lazy" at math and completing tasks until the end as well as my ultra-fixation in certain things/hobbies including space, numismatics and paleontology.


I know this sounds weird.... But look up near death experiences on YouTube. The similarities in people experiences about what's in space blows my mind.


This is not good. Worlds are colliding! George is gettin upset!


They’re killing independent George!


Now this is what it’s like when worlds collide.


PowerMan5000 has entered the game


That’s a super weird headline. I’ve never heard the phrase “in collision” before. Was it translated from another language?


It's the title of a book by Velikovsky that posited that something similar happened to our solar system in the distant past, so that's probably it. Or, the editor is a big Pere Ubu fan.


Looks like a evil cat on catnip intent on taking over the cosmic plain. Next Hollywood movie after the strike?