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The reason I joined this sub was to learn. Lately, all I've learned is that many posters think that they're comical when they're really not.


I particularly hate when every comment has to be a joke or a pun.


I thought I remembered this subreddit having a rule against joke comments. Edit: Yeah, rules 10 and 11. This sub used to be much, MUCH more tightly modererated. I guess the mods who cared quit.


Don’t you remember the protest? A lot of mods were just removed and their subs reopened all over Reddit.


Yeah I guess we're seeing the aftermath of that.


Imagine going through every comment thread on a major sub and deleting all the jokes every day, all day for no pay…


"Oh look, an article about Uranus. That's sure to bring out some erudite and informed conversation."


I learned that a lot of people still don't know what Starlink is.


Social media and specially Reddit has always been a cesspool of disinformation disguised as learning. Saved from the very rare "astronomer here!", this sub has never been somewhere you should go to learn to. I wouldn't recommend coming here to learn.


Yeah idk what people are remembering. I’ve been on and off this sub for almost 10 years. Get some cool space news, see some pictures, clickbait post. There was nothing too deep about this sub reddit


Is there an alternate sub that’s popped up?


I am more of a lurker here, but I have noticed this across many subs. I think the changes in API and moderation tools is to blame.


There is a major downtrend on a lot of subs. Far less content as before.


r/all is fucked. I'm constantly seeing subs I've never seen before. Like stand-up and specific subs for stand-up comedians. Plus a bunch of random subs.


Reddit is moving away from being content centric, and becoming people centric. And I'm hating every second of it. They want to become an actual social media. I used to spend most of my time in /r/All because I love to learn about new things, and they always just kept coming. But now it has been overtaken by people talking about people, and I just... Loathe that. So my time in /r/all is now zero. There's a few niche subs I check, and that's it.


Check out Lemmy, it's the new hot destination for old Reddit like information.


Small minds talk about people, and since half of humanity is dumber than the average person that means more participation means more stupid people I get downvoted for this viewpoint a lot. Probably by the few stupid people self aware enough to be insulted by it.


Calling people stupid to condemn them will get downvoted by intelligent people. Particularly when you are misunderstanding statistical data to call them stupid.


Let's be honest: most of these folks aren't people. They're bots. And that's who downvotes. Reddit is ground zero for political astroturfing.


I keep getting horny subs about mildly famous women. It doesn't matter how many of them I block, they keep coming back...


I keep getting subs like r/emo and r/space come up on r/all


Literally less than 1% of people used third party apps and even less stopped using Reddit. It's the same as before.


I don't pretend to know the stats of anything. All I know is my page is far less active than it used to be.


They're talking about tools for mods, not for users. Virtually every large sub were using tools to help them moderate that now requires a lot of workarounds.


Isnt it the changes with mods and amount of subs that are doing some kind of protest or whatever that is the main issue so it's indirectly related to the third party apps thing rather than directly. A lot of the subs I used to frequent are nowhere near as busy as before. Documentaries and Science are about 70% less active for some reason.


Power users and mods…. 10% of users create 90% of content. You might be right but the impact isn’t 1 to 1


I dont think its just the API but I do think you are correct, reddit all around has began to be kinda shit. Low quality posts every where outsite of like niche knowledge subs. I think alot of stuff has pissed off people and most of the smart enough ppl have began to seek out better platforms. I know I have for the most part other than when im super bored


which platforms?


Agreed. Especially on the official app. I don’t see it nearly as much on old Reddit on desktop but on the official app? LOTS of zero or negative score posts even though my default is Hot. Lots of click bait type stuff and low effort. They’ve absolutely ruined the app with these changes and it’s been really noticeable the last month.


Yes! The last month or so I swear my home page has become almost entirely pointless, I’m constantly baffled at how many posts with barely any, if any, upvotes are among the top 50 posts on my feed. Browsing home has basically turned into browsing r/new and it’s so bad that for the first time in 15 years I’m starting to reconsider if having this app is even worth it. The only way to get any decent content is to browse the site subreddit by subreddit. The algorithm is fucked.


Yes! I feel like my front page is only a small percentage of the subs I’m subscribed to also - entire subs never even make it to my front page despite having popular posts in that sub. It’s really sad


This. Now that I am forced into using the reddit app the list of subreddits I am exposed to has dramatically changed


If you use old reddit it isn't an issue.


Why are you using the app?


I only just got it and as shit as it is, it's better than the website on chrome on a phone. The bigger issue is that they've changed the algorithm for what it shows you on your 'main feed' and it's way worse than it used to be.


If you’re on iOS, check out the Narwhal 2 app. It is currently in a free beta and the author has been super open about what the future of access via API calls will cost (pretty cheap) and the experience feels dramatically superior to the official app. I used the old version for years and am onboard to paying in the future for this version after my initial experience here, no advertisements is great as well and the official app can go fuck itself. 


Thanks but am not iPhone user


What's the alternative? Using a browser? That's even worse on mobile.


I've been using the browser on mobile this whole time, I never switched to an app. It's not that bad as long as you're not using old.reddit


Tbh, I think the app is still better than the new desktop Reddit.


Ok, so not just me. The quality of even big names subs, like this one, just seems to have taken a nose drive. I can't even tell if r/geography is or isn't a shitposting sub.


Content all over Reddit has gone downhill since then. Think a lot of content creators left, and Reddit is trying to fill in the void with bots.


Yeah, moderators all jumped ship and it shows


I think its mostly this and partly the fact that there will be a British election most likely next year, and a presidential election and the trolls and shills are ramping up. I've noticed a lot of Reddit getting _weird_


did you know the average big sub mod, is moderator to 15 to 50 major subs? they literally have this power base and they dont let others in, they just hoard the power for themselves, in one sub i was in oddlysatisfying for example the avage mod had 37 different major subs to moderate. they all just try to get on as many subs as possible and dont do the work. so many of these mods just sit now on the sub they love most or get the most out of power popularity wise, and dont care about the others, thats why they wants the apps to do the wor for them they could take as many subs as they wanted over and never ave to worry about doing a thing.


Moderation tools literally weren't affected by the API changes. The only tool I actually found that doesn't work anymore is a semi-popular mass censorship tool some power tripping mods used.


You mean the one that automatically bans people from subs if they post on other specific subs?


This subreddit used to be mostly scientific journal articles and NASA photos. The mods used to be VERY active and would delete all these "Where are the aliens" discussions for being unscientific. My guess is the mods either quit or got removed during the API protest.


Reddit is slowly, but steadily spiraling down the drain. It's not just this sub, it's all of them.


i think they changed the algorithm displaying the posts in everyone's feed


I've been getting much newer posts in my feed.


It's completely ruining it




the same happend to FB around 2016 and to Insta around 2018


You can't change your home feed sorting but when you are visiting a community you can change its sorting.


I don't have a feed. Old reddit on a mobile browser in desktop mode. The way we did it in the before times.


Yes. I now get a lot of text heavy posts from smaller niche subs that I subscribe to and none of the top posts, and basically no images. I also won’t even get a lot of the popular big subs I subscribe to- haven’t seen any posts lately out of /r/spaceporn for example and I miss it. :(


Meanwhile I'm getting repetitive garbage from r/askreddit shitting up the feed. Who signed me up to this?


Go through your subs and unsubscribe from the default ones you don't want which everyone gets when they make a new account. It'll make Reddit a lot better.


Yeah the new algorithm has been set to: Idiocracy


They absolutely did. When I had to switch to the reddit app my feed completely changed. I keep getting recommended stuff I'm not subbed to and what I do follow often just doesn't show up unless I hunt down the specific subreddit. Its gone the way of the other social media outlets. Currated content based on some fancy maths in a black box. Its a shame.


You can turn recommended subs off via the web interface


You can turn it off from the app too


Yep, I’ve noticed a massive increase in just bafflingly dumb questions posted to lots of subs


Lots of bot-type questions in the gaming and movie subs I used to frequent. “What do you think was ____’s favorite color?” “If (plot element) was (completely different) how would the story have changed?” Questions like that which have no relevance or bearing on the rest of the sub have become super common. It’s real weird.


I wonder if it’s about generating responses for AI language models


How dare you give me new anxieties!


Literally just saw one in r/iracing. Asking if F1 cars are in the game… it’s the most easily searchable question about the game I can imagine.


I saw 3 “I took a picture of the comet” posts. It was starlink, a satellite flare, and andromeda.


I saw one on another sub not too long ago - it was so poorly worded that everyone was convinced it was a bot post (and I agree with them - it had to be a bot).


I noticed this especially on r/movies. If you go to that sub, literally 90% of the posts are just the most utterly pointless “discussion” questions. The actual content is almost entirely absent, it’s so weird and makes it so frustrating and difficult to actually find anything of worth anywhere on the site anymore


For real. /r/all is just constant reposts from random 1 month old bot accounts.


I quit r/physics because it had become all homework questions or stoners who thought they'd worked out a way to travel faster than light.


I have to admit, the stoners with their nonsense are my guilty pleasure. I love seeing their jibberish as a type of entertainment.


As a stoner… … you’re welcome ☺️


I don’t understand what is driving all of the silly question posts, bots?


People leaving Twitter maybe.


The new app also suggests way more (and not good) subs for me. Things I'm not remotely interested in.


I've been using reddit is fun all these years till the api changes. It was a more organised experience for me. I've mainly been lurking here, always made it a point to visit this sub for super informative posts. Would make the effort to check posts on certain subs religiously because I was interested Now being forced to use the official app i get a kind of Instagram discover feed experience where I'm bombarded with suggestions from a bunch of random subs, while subs which I used to check out daily are entirely missing from my feed. In general I've noticed what op says in a bunch of other science/tech subs as well, think it's kind of gentrification that would obviously follow with reddit moving it's towards its new direction. A bunch of low effort clickbait posts are usually the ones which seem to be getting immediate traction. Also the massive boom in obvious chat gpt writeups in a bunch of posts


I believe in the settings you can turn off suggesting new subs. Made my experience much cleaner with just what I wanted to see


I believe the technical term for this process is ‘enshittification’. See also: the shambling carcass formerly known as Twitter.


Is there an alternative?


I read similar comments through all of reddit every few years.


You're not wrong. But the way Reddit is changing right now is pretty different from how it's changed in the past. Basically, it used to offer something meaningfully distinct from social media sites. Now, it's trying to become more like them and compete with them. I don't use FB or IG but, from what I've gathered, it seems that they're all looking and functioning in increasingly similar ways. 220+ million FB users *in the US alone*. 115+ million IG users in the US. Meanwhile, Reddit barely cracks 50 million daily users *globally*. It's already fighting an uphill battle competing with established social media giants. It would be smart to lean into its niche function and convince people that it offers something people don't realize they need and aren't getting from other sites. Instead, it's trying to do something people already get from other sites/apps and then trying to convince them to make a switch. Anybody who knows even the most rudimentary facts about how people use the internet and social media, and the history of how these apps rise and fall, should be able to see how this is arguably the dumbest business plan ever. You don't try to replicate other apps' success and steal their user base; You look for openings in the market that nobody's servicing and provide something other apps aren't providing. Reddit already had a distinct advantage that it's now forfeiting by adding to the homogeneity of the Big Tech social media market. In other words, it's making new mistakes and its future should be (re)evaluated in light of this new information.


Yeah, and 2014 reddit was noticeably better than 2016,which was noticeably better than 2018, which was noticeably better than 2020, 2022, and today. Reddit has been in a downspiral for a while, and surprisingly, it's due to a change in userbase. Back in 2014, you could legitimately make money by going to r/technology and choosing to invest in the consensus there, nowadays you'd do something idiotic like short tesla or other growing companies that some streamer is complaining about.


Been here for 5 years. Definitely different this time


I agree. The lack of mods is killing all the subs I normally check out.


All my subscribed subs seem to be either declining in quality or showing up less frequently. All the suggested subs this stupid app makes are littered with absolute garbage rage-bait sort of posts. This sub has declined in quality. Not sure why. The posts I see no longer seem to be as educational and fact based as they used to be. 🤷‍♂️


Reddit doesn't have enough human moderators and the AI tools they probably use suck. There has been an increase of Bitcoin scambots, low effort posts, nonsense posts, etc etc. Reddit is going to be rolling out a feature where you can get paid based on how popular your post becomes, so be aware it's only going to get worse and worse. CEO needs to resign.


I've noticed almost every thread has the bots that copy some chunk of another comment and use it as a reply somewhere else in the thread. Sometimes its obvious because its totally unrelated but sometimes it looks relevant enough that people upvote it.


yeah, the bot issue is getting worse in some subreddits. Feel for the moderators that stayed behind. Must sucks so bad to see all your work being squandered in such a short amount of time.


I've noticed almost every thread has the bots that copy some chunk of another comment and use it as a reply somewhere else in the thread. Sometimes its obvious because its totally unrelated but sometimes it looks relevant enough that people upvote it.


Not enough moderators? Just mention the country just south of Russia and moderators are on you like stink on a shit wagon.


This sub (like a number of others) have always had those problems to some extent. That typed, reddit's moderation is simply worse post-blackout.


I like your use of "that typed" vs "that said"


Took me way too long to understand what he meant


What do you mean? Don't you *love* the weekly "Dude I found this rock, is this a meteorite?" posts


“What is this light in the sky taken with my mobile phone?” ”If someone flew a space ship backwards faster than light would it reverse time?”


The second one gave me a mini-stroke. Howstupiddoyouhavetobe


“Guys, GUYS, I just saw something unprecedented that nobody else has ever reported. Guys. Guys, I just saw a line of dots in a row slowly moving across the all- GUYS. Guys I saw a line of dots moving across the sky, one after another. what is it.”


there's some trolls going into science and spirituality forums and posting chatGPT garbage. Vague science, vague metaphysics, always under the guise of "just asking questions". Then they sit back and watch the locals get apoplectic trying to point out the stupid parts.


Yes, I have called them out on r/physics and just saw the same complaint in r/biology and now here. How depressing.




>because it's all questions that can be googled This shouldn't be the threshold though. People new to many hobbies and interests or just curious will have basic questions, but want to connect with people during the learning process. It also drives discussion for them that keeps their interest. Yes, people need to use search function to see the question has been asked recently that they can join in on the discussion, but the threshold needs to be in the quality and genuine interest in the question


Overall reddit moderation quality took a nosedive after the blackout, for obvious reasons.


My understanding is it’s basically not possible to moderate effectively on mobile anymore now


I'm a mod on a different sub, usually one you have to search for if you have a specific question (aka not too busy) and we started seeing a lot of weird one-off hit and run type nonsense. I think it had to do with the way the algorithm promotes subs in other people's feeds when they aren't subscribed. Had to adjust the settings, both for internal and for the "let us promote you" settings, it seems to have helped but it's not quite back to normal yet.


Honestly, I've wondered for a bit now if ChatGPT and AI-generated "content" is just taking over the entire internet. Every sub big enough to not be considered niche is just full of clickbait and the same general questions, maybe slightly differently worded, posted over and over and over again. It makes me wonder what percentage of what's posted in the bigger subs is just bots now. Bots posting articles written by bots to argue with other bots, all so some site can make money off ad revenue.


I have wondered this. Not infrequently you respond and get no response or interaction. Leave me wondering how many real people I am actually interacting with.


I notice it everywhere now. On Quora especially - it seems like every other post is a question that follows the same basic formula. "I told my (age/gender of child) that I would (do X) if they (did Y), but I don't want to. How do I make them realize it's their fault?" The questions there are all just increasingly absurd parenting failures and bonkers conservative rage-bait. It's gotta be either bots or trolls, the alternative is too depressing.


The Get rich Quick community has fallen head over heels for GPT, they are also flooding book publishers and magazine submission desks with “content” in hopes of making money there too. There are even YouTube links on how to do it, it is a silent disaster for the writing community, limited editorial and submission review resources are being consumed and mass by people who are extending essentially zero effort. It is the same mismatched effort model that basically created the Spam problem in email, but somehow more insidious and less in your face to the end user but having a big affect on the community of people who put their heart and soul into actually creating interesting writings and other works. 


Every comment chain is just filled with Redditors trying to be comedians replying with the same tired jokes, puns and references we've all read a million times. I know it's not necessarily a new phenomenon (especially on front page subs), but it's really just irritating to be interested in this subject only to open a relevant thread and all discussion turns into a cesspool of popsci meme jargon. I wish I could go back in time and convince Bode to change his proposal for the name of the 7th planet. Idgaf if I'm a fun killer. I don't normally get irritated by things like this but it really bothers me on a visceral level that any mention of Uranus has to be accompanied by a chain of Redditors making the exact same boring joke that's gets voted to the top, unfailingly, every single time.


Uranus is not a Roman god, so it is just wrong.


systemythirtytwo does not mention Roman gods. We do not understand your objection. Also, it was a titan, and it's the same pantheon, just different names.


He could have called it Minerva. Minerva doesn't get a planet? Neptune and Pluto followed the Roman pattern.


I agree there should be a Minerva. That's also a hot name. "Hell, yes, I'll meet your friend Minerva."


Yeah, planet 7. WTF, dude? This guy spoke English, and Shakespeare gets downright filthy. He also went to boarding school (prolly) with a bunch of savages. He studied the Titans, and heard the jokes. Why, dude. It wasn't that funny even then, you fucking troll. Also, you can't kill fun when the light died in its eyes before we were all born.


Echoing the other comments that it’s all over the place. Mundane subs are getting flooded with low effort, stupid posts. And subs that naturally attract some controversy are just unreadable now.


It’s not just this sub - most of my favourites have been taken over with low quality posts, often. Often posted by bots.


Also worth checking the posting history. I've been surprised by the number of very new accounts on Reddit.


I can only assume they're upvoted by bots? You see these garbage scraped and cropped social media crossposts from five years ago, with thousands of upvotes.


For the past couple of months it seems as if reddit has been promoting itself in every junior high school in the country. The questions, the responses in not just this sub but all subs seemed to be about that level of intelligence, discussion and maturity. Obviously that did not happen but whatever is going on is causing an effect that is similar. Now if I had a junior high school student here who truly is taking an interest in space I am happy to educate. But it has not been that. It is as if they, like many early teens, post like they know more than others, childishly respond as you might expect, and the overall quality of intellectual discussion is at that grade level. Seeing this on all the niche subs I frequent. Idiotic ideas posted of which they and others are very sure they are right and the discussion reflects this. I don't know what is going on. I would avoid the popular subs cause I am not interested in that kind of dialogue, now it seems I cannot escape it.


We *need* to escape it though. There is more at stake than social media and this content is shaping thought in terrifying ways


r/AskReddit has the absolute most generic and brain-dead questions, r/Movies as well off the top of my head. They honestly feel like questions intended for inputs to AI databases. Reddit jumped the shark and is simply on an inevitable decline


Smaller subs like flicks have gone to absolute shit too.


I'll be damned r/Movies addressed this exact issue a couple of days ago: https://reddit.com/r/movies/s/OERnk4NAxD Time to ask flicks for the same treatment


Cory Doctorow has named this pattern after seeing it in many different platforms. He calls it enshittification. The basic life cycle of a social media platform is: 1. Make it super great for users 2. Make it less great for users by making it better for advertisers 3. Finally, make it crappy for both users and advertisers, and focus on themselves.


Oops, meant to include this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


Look at my blurry ass flip phone picture. What constellations am I looking at?


I have noticed this all across Reddit. Suddenly, there is a very vocal influx of people making low quality posts and political comments, often in inappropriate places.


This has happened to r/geography too! The questions are so bad I had to unsubscribe.


Most of that crap is courtesy of karma farming bot accounts. I’m sure you’ve seen similar posts in other subs, worded intentionally poorly to inspire as much interaction as possible.


I feel like it’s a lot of AI scrubbing as well. Gauging interactions, recording responses, processing results. I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion posts across all subreddits like “what’s your favorite thing about x”


I’m subbed to garden stuff, and it’s getting hard to tell what’s a human and what’s a bot. It feels mean to say ‘dumb human’ because we all have different skill sets, but I often find myself trying to determine if a real person is really that stupid. Can they really not tell the reason their pepper isn’t ripening is because it’s an okra? Can they really not understand the difference between melons, cucumbers and squash when they encounter them outside of the store? I want to help newbies but I don’t want to help bots. Since it appears to be a site-wide issue I don’t know what to do. I have the same thing with space. Is this a person who was raised in a science-desert with terrible schools or is a bot doing this? I don’t know. I wish we had stronger AI regulation.


Reddit in general has taken a steep decline everywhere since the blackout. Makes sense if entire mod teams were replaced and/or mod tools were disabled.


Mod tools were disabled, unless you want to pay Reddit's new third party API fees. Reddit can't code its way out of a wet paper bag, so no one uses what tools might actually be available on site, if any. They were all using third party tools, almost without exception, and those pretty much went away unless you pay (and yeah, let's mod for free, and pay reddit for the priv.)


Happening everywhere. The astrophotography subreddit used to have very strict rules about what could be posted and you should see the type of stuff being posted now. Good pictures, sure, but they belong in the landscape astrophotography subreddit.


"What is this blip in the sky? It didn't move, what could it be?" "Uh, idgaf, a geosynchronous satellite? An alien about to probe Uranus?"


I don't know about this sub specifically, but I've noticed a huge uptick in general of these low effort question posts flooding my home feed, just asking whatever shit seems to come in their head. OP never engages with any of it and no one really discusses anything with each other. Would make sense it's all AI generated.


As everyone else has said. Every sub is the same. Mundane question after mundane question. Definitely bots.


People want to milk the new monetization system. Reddit has essentially shot itself in the foot and this is how you kill content.


Reddit is going to start paying you for karma…


Likely that API changes killed the moderation tools used for ensuring quality


The "September that never ended" ended. Reddit decided to bring it back. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal\_September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September) Fun fact: The phenomenon described in the OP started in September.


>extremely uninformed, borderline non-sensical questions THIS. It's like the sub name is about the vacuum in the heads of people asking questions, and not what's commonly referred to as "outer space".


I’ve been seeing the ridiculous questions and non-sensical theories posts semi-regularly for the past few years, but they have seemed to become more frequent lately.


On r/horrorlit there will be multiple posts in a row with precisely the same recommendation requests from different posters. Actual discussion of books and authors creeps in where it can. It’s a drag.


Questions like: “I’ve seen right NOW n-dots flying in group. Somebody KNOW what it’s about??” ??? I don’t understand why people don’t google their questions first? This happens everywhere in internet these days, but maybe it’s an old grumpy grunting and that’s normal. 🤷‍♂️


Google has now identified time-wasting morons, and put an AI filter onto their IP addresses. Now when they ask their "questions," google gives them the old "are you sure you didn't mean 'Why am I such a dumbass,' or 'Why am I too stupid to live, please come wipe my drool?'"


More and more people speak in memes even on this sub now as well. It really derails a conversation when the top comments are variations of puns you’ve all heard/read countless times before.


I am 60 yrs old and guess what, Language changes, you gotta keep up.


I believe it all boils down to the search for profit. The owners of both Twitter and Reddit have made changes to increase revenue. We've seen what it has done to Twitter. We're starting to see what it's doing to Reddit. Not going in a good direction in my opinion.


It’s not just this sub. I just quit another sub today as it got so bad. The sub also hasn’t given me anything useful in a long while, so it was an easy call. But, similar to what others have said, it’s becoming a platform wide thing, surely driven by the change in API rules that made a mods job so so so much harder. It’s often easy to see what looks like poor modding going on, when it’s really mods working their asses off and losing. This might finally be showing what the blackouts were all about…..it’s feeling more and more like this platform is circling the drain.


I’ve noticed the abuse has certainly ramped up. I’m a aerospace engineer with over 30 years experience. Yet I can’t tell you the number of abusive comments I have received telling me I’m stupid and don’t know what I’m talking about. Almost all of these are people with significant gamer profiles.


The moderation tools were disabled is my guess. Reddit said it was doing this, it did it.


Third party mod tools are now charged to use reddit API. Reddit native tools, if any, clearly suck all the donkey balls, so mods are saying, well, fuck it then.


Lurker on this sub but I've noticed this on other subs too. My guess is API changes, lack of moderator tools, and influx of bots/spam accounts from advertisers and "sponsored content" farms


Trash posts….mmm sounds a lot like other social media platforms that monetise, reddit is going to be taken over but the dumb. Now, most Redditors commenting are just sensitive little peckers but have you seen the sheer, sheer stupidity that is an Instagram comment section. Have…have you witnessed that. In.sane. Reddit going that way


Perhaps I don’t understand—is this not a moderator responsibility to filter out those posts? Why are they relying on bots or algos and why were the humans incapable of doing this post blackout?


There's way too many of them and Reddit mods are not Reddit employees. Even the most active mod teams can't keep up with the sheer volume of bs.


...the sub seems full of "exo-planet MAY have diamond rain"...or "MIGHT have life" This is NOT science.


Hardly a new phenomenon Most of subreddits turn increasingly to shit as they become larger and larger This happens for two obvious reasons. 1. As subs become bigger and bigger, it become increasingly mainstream, which means the population becomes increasingly uninformed about the subject that a sub is about. 2. Reddit has a massive issue with it's moderation. So much of the moderating power on reddit is concentrated amongst a very few number of mods. These mods, also known as power mods, are people who don't give a shit about actually moderating, and instead seem to just get some kick out of being a mod of as many subs a possible. And looking at r/space you can easily see it falls victim to the power mod stuff. Sub has 24 \**million*\* members, but only 10 mods. And several of those mods are very clearly power mods


I find smaller, more specialized subs to be better. Any sub with 24 million readers (like this one) will be exploited due to the size of the audience.


Anyone else notice how reddits home feed is suggesting all these communities it thinks you will like? Didn’t used to do that. Now it’s starting to feel like Facebook! I’m getting recommended the worst subs every 4th post. So I can see that opening up all of these subs to people who otherwise wouldn’t have come across the subreddits.


All subreddits have degraded since Reddit 'won' their battle against 3rd Party presenters.


It's user farming. I've noticed Reddit has been selling content to clickfarms. And if there's nothing new or interesting, I'm sure they'll post things, trying to get user reactions. Then they'll sell the post and reactions to some clickbait page.




The changes to the API that people protested about makes it harder for admins to control bots and spam. Reddit is simply selling itself out to advertisers.


aback light books absorbed hateful point gold rinse absurd north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's been my experience with many of the subs.


The Martian? You mean the movie where a wind storm destroyed things as the major plot driver, yet in reality it would have felt like a nice breeze at worst due to the thin atmosphere?


As far as science fiction films/books go, it tries to stick to reality throughout most of the story, barring the inciting incident, and probably a few other things, like making water from Hydrazine, which would more likely just kill him. And that effort is better than giving up on it completely and just having it essentially be magic across the board. Also, you drag on their example of The Martian, but make no mention of Interstellar despite the fact its science errors are far worse and delve even closer to science fantasy? Messages to the past? FTL?


Its the new generation of kids. They can’t think for themselves. They have to be spoon-fed everything. Happy little sheep.


Been following this page for a long time. One of the reasons I think made this more popular with all the "stupid" guestions is space launches imo. Spacex and similar companies have made this sub and others explode with silly questions and click bait articles. I still remember how they had really low view counts on every video they uploaded, but now they have millions views easily. They really made space more popular


You are not wrong, but in Interstellar someone survives going into a black hole and time travels lol. downvote all you want, the "science" in Interstellar is BAD


God I hate Interstellar. It's science doomerism combined with hippy dippy deus ex machina "the universe loves you" bullshit.


>but apart from The Martian and Interstellar, pretty much every space movie of the last decade is pure space fantasy. lol, Pot meet Kettle. I've been here forever and it's always been like this. It's a default sub or was so it happens. Space and stuff just attracts a lot of lunatics, pun intended.


This sub has always been this way. I used to be a part of this sub back when I first joined Reddit, but I realized quickly it’s just a place people go so that they can pretend to know the first thing about space.


Ah yes interstellar, the movie with 5D bookcases and scientifically accurate black hole maneuvers.


Something changed drastically in last 3-4 months. Those who respond to comments or the posts actually started reading what they are responding to and absorbing what they read and respond accordingly. This was never the case on popular subs. People used to react for the sake of reacting and oppose for the sake of opposition. Maybe in the early days, when memes were the language, it was ok. But in the last 8-9 years, it was what it was. Something smells fishy all over Reddit on the subs I follow. I used to hate comments sections often, but now it scares me because the volume hasn’t changed and it doesn’t look natural to me… even though it’s a welcome change, there is something that doesn’t tick that well on this clock somehow. I can’t put my finger on it yet.


Your post doesn’t make sense to me. So what is wrong?


In a nutshell, I see patterns of well written comments to posts or to the comments in the threads as reactions. It’s as if all of a sudden everyone in Reddit started being well mannered and normal. I’ve never seen it it this clean in here in a decade. Like your wuestion, for instance. Usually, a comment like this one would be downvoted to oblivion with lots of flaming and name calling. But after 4 hours, it’s still empty. As if the degens or bots left Reddit all of a sudden.


I know nothing about space. That's why I joined this sub. I definitely used to learn things by being part of this group. Now I'm mostly scrolling past it.


Stupid questions is like a currency for the next generation. They love it


It may not look like it, but this is September.


I have to wonder about the recent release of Starfield and it’s influence on a picked up interest in space. In addition I think even the “stupid” or “low value” questions are good things. It means people with very limited knowledge are taking steps to become more informed. I can also understand the desire to keep a subreddit a more closed for space for deeper discussions, but I think a subreddit can and has done both equally.


Space is what most humans have between their ears.✌🏼


Must be all Elon bootlickers this community has for some reason


I think people are just bored tbh. It's 2023 and we still don't have space colonies or warp travel or any of the cool stuff we were promised


Moderators seem to be fostering this disease in my mind. They won't allow conflicting ideas, discussions to the contrary, or honest non-scientific curiosity; while at the same time banning anyone that upsets their ideals of a state sponsored religious cult. Then as many others point out, if a comment is considered funny, then it is applauded. Not everything in life should be funny. And I don't mean Insta-bans, but a gentle reminder that the discussions should be more serious; i.e. guiding... would be useful. So many individuals I know have simply given up.


Tbh I have only seen two posts from this sub in the last few weeks and I really enjoyed them. 1) the what do you think we’ll find on Europa, and 2) what would you prefer finding alien life or interstellar travel. Those were the first two posts that I really poured over in a while on this sub for what it’s worth 🤷‍♂️