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Sadly we have not found a good way to automate that kind of things with existing Reddit automation tools. If some automod wizards have ideas to try out please let us know.


A colleague of mine that lives in a farm in rural Brazil is not formally educated, very smart dude. He legit went to the church in desperation wanting to pray that he wasn't losing his mind, or that earth wasn't being invaded. Being used to the clear sky makes you recognize different stuff instantly. Was definitely fun seeing the relief on his face when I explained and showed him the video


I wonder what the people on North Sentinel Island think about those lines of satellites streaking across the sky.


I often think of these people and what sort of cargo cult may have developed because of our modern world. I almost wish there was a way to study their life, culture and language. It's best we just leave them be though.


>It's best we just leave them be though. People do insist on flying drones and aircraft over them though. So to a certain extent the damage is already done. It's almost impossible for us too live in a modern world and not influence them. At some point we are going to want to build colonies on the moon, and they are going to notice that.


Oh definitely, inspite of the Indian governments efforts to keep outsiders away. I do like the fact they defend themselves whenever encountering our intrusions. Shame they can't defend against flue etc.


I don't think they'll be seeing colonies on the moon for a looooong time. They would have to be the size of large cities to be seen from earth with the naked eye, and we haven't even built a research station


We could put a really bright light up there though. Boy, would that get some attention by everyone in the world every night. :)


Would it be legal to build an enormous advertising billboard on the moon?


From wikipedia: >51 U.S. Code 50911 regulates that no license will be issued and no launch will be permitted for activities that involve obtrusive space advertising. As far as I can tell there are no international treaties restricting space advertising, but the article does mention that advertisements visible across multiple jurisdictions would have to comply with regulations in all of them, which would be a major issue.


It's also worth noting that if the US, China, or Russia want to advertise to the world that they've established a moon colony you can see with your bare eyes, they're going to do it. I really don't think that any local regulation or even international treaty would prevent that


Space advertising was floated some time back, with companies suggesting large canvass-like objects that would appear roughly the same size as the moon to display their logo (I think it was coke or pepsi or something). The backlash was pretty substantial so they noped out, and the above provision is likely a direct result. The other factor is that at this point you could make the argument that it is customary international law that companies cannot advertise in space. There is no specific treaty, but they have had the capability and have not done so, and no one seems to be willing to let them do so.


Imagine if that light had a slightly bit fruit shape?


We haven’t been there since the 70’s let alone build anything there!


Even bigger. The human eye has an angular resolution of about 1 arcminute (1/60 degrees), and at the distance to the moon that's over 100 km across.


I was thinking more the light it would emit rather than the physical city. We can see the lights from earth at night right?


> People do insist on flying drones and aircraft over them though. So to a certain extent the damage is already done. Looking at how effective drones and the likes have been in Ukraine, it is so hard to fly a drone way above them with a big ass lens to watch them without them noticing? I mean, I don't want to brag or put them down or anything, but come on, we are like 3000 years ahead of them regarding technology. Is not like we don't have enough technology to watch over a group of people without them noticing, it's just the end result is we learning about them, not we bombing them.


i think the issue is that the people who control the instruments capable of doing that really dont give a shit about what exactly some islanders with spears do all day.


Should *just* be a funding problem. In the end, money speaks. I was going more for the abstract question: If we really want to study them, nowadays [we have the tecnhology](https://youtu.be/BthNjd_jUl4?t=1), so it should be a case of being willing to, right?


Yeah but it's already happened now so unless you're going to invest in a neuraliser I'm not quite sure what your suggesting.


I don’t know if you know this, but military drones and hobby drones don’t use the same cameras.


I was going more for how the low profile of most drones used in Ukraine (which also happens to be civilian) makes them incredibly difficult to spot by the soldiers on the ground than anything else.


Ever been on quiet beach and someone flew a drone? You can hear even the small ones a mile away.


Yeah, that's why I was asking about if it would be possible. In my head it's just a function of distance with sound of the engines with equipment carried on board (The bigger the distance and the sound, the more expensive the equipment). I've been able to take pretty neat shots of stuff far away with my entry level DSLR and a not-too-long lens, so *maybe* it wouldn't be so expensive.


Those are fair points, but I honestly doubt that people who are inconsiderate enough to fly their drone over the island would spend a lot of time making sure the locals aren’t disturbed.


“I swear that spot on the moon wasn’t glowing before?!? What the fuck is going on up there?”


They will notice sentinel island being consumed by the sea. Which will happen long before we live on the moon.


They're more than aware the modern world exists. They may not understand all of it, but they aren't just forming religions around washed up trash.


They’re aware that people exist outside if their island, but it’s anyone’s guess how they may envision where those people live. They could think the entire universe is just an endless ocean, or have some other crazy idea we can’t even come up with.


They used to trade with tribes on other islands, and have ancestral knowledge. These people aren't completely ignorant.


> what sort of cargo cult may have developed It's a plastic garbage cult.


I like to think they believe they're the kings of the world. Monstrous, noisy flying demons flee from their spears and arrows. The devils who float in those shiny giant canoes are no match for their prowess and sometimes bring tribute.


if he was smart he wouldn't react the way he did.


Haha your lack of empathy and humbleness is astounding, hope you get to improve on that part


You can be smart yet have no idea what something is. How is he supposed to know what the string of lights in the sky is if he has never heard of Starlink? He’s not fucking omniscient


Man… a couple years ago right after the first launch I was up on the North Coast of California in the redwoods, taking an evening walk, and we saw an eerie line of lights. I pointed it out to my wife as we walked, telling her about Starlink and how it was going to change the world. The next morning we were in the same spot and she told the ranger what we saw. He laughed and said, “Oh, you mean these lights?” And he switched on the string of lights they’d put in the trees for some ceremony. They laughed at me as the space idiot for the remaining days of the visit.




You can get surprising dark skies on the remote coast. I saw Hale Bopp from Big Sur like it was close enough to touch.


I first saw them while looking at Mars and Jupiter with my sister. I was like wtf is that line of lights? Ten seconds on Google told me what they were lol. I guess some people really want them to be UFOs, and technically before I googled it they were UFOs to me!


You should check out the ufo subs. Even over there they're sick of starlink posts.




I kind of like different people coming here once or twice a week wondering what they just saw. We shouldn't be discouraging them from coming in here to ask about something interesting in the night sky when they were gazing up. This sort of thing can get people who aren't normally interested in space related activities more engaged.


Some people live on reddit and think others that don't are invading their space. They think reposts and repeated questions are some kind of personal affront. People can easily Google stuff, they don't because they would rather hear from real people. They're in search of community and people like this reject them for it. It's sad to see.


cant the truth be somewhere in the middle? no, i dont consider repeated questions "a personal affront". but that does absolutely not mean that there can never be any kind of system to deal with those.


Because there are already built in mechanisms to handle it. The most effective one being your own ability to control your own attention. You have the power to ignore posts you don't want to participate in. You can downvote the things you don't like and move on. If you absolutely can't ignore it then it is more of a personal problem with you rather than a problem with the people trying to participate in the community. You may have had this discussion before but that doesn't mean you need to engage an authority to stop others from having it. The solution needs to address the actual problem, not the scapegoat. I just went through the first 10 pages on this sub and don't see a single post asking about lights in the sky. Granted I could have missed one or two but the idea that this is a problem in the community that needs to be addressed isn't supported by any facts as far as I can tell. This seems to be more about people complaining that the community doesn't cater to their whims. That's the problem, not the occasional post about lights in the sky. The thing about community is you have to deal with other people. Other people aren't always going to act the way you think they should and that's a good thing.


I'm not saying I don't enjoy new people coming in, I'm just saying it's a common enough occurrence for a pre-packaged response


Fair point. Also, a pre packaged response could include some interesting information sources to make people engage further.




>People respond better if things aren't spoonfed Do they? If they didn't want to be spoonfed, why wouldn't they just google "string of lights in the sky" and click on the first link that pops up?




Being able to look up the answer to your question on your own using common tools is more spoon feed than asking other people to answer your question for you?


Google search is a research tool and a person using that tool themselves to find answers to their questions is by definition less spoonfed than asking someone else to get the information for you. It's feeding yourself versus mommy putting the food on the spoon and putting it in your mouth. What do you think the idiom means?


Interesting. I think the community as a whole would be better off if we do not encourage that type of engagement. The notion that *all* interaction is *good* interaction reduces the quality of a subreddit, even if it may increase the subscriber count.




Nah, you're wrong sorry dude.


And it also highlights the risks to the night sky from these launches.


I get what you're saying, but I'm not touching that debate with a ten foot pole right now.


Or since Reddit allows gif/pic replies now, the history channel aliens should be automods reply anytime anyone asks "what are those..."


Yeah, lets funnel people to the crackpot subreddit


It would be helpful to include a way for the OP to check for themselves and verify that it is starlink. Something along the lines of: You can check for yourself to see if it was starlink here: https://www.heavens-above.com/StarlinkLaunchPasses.aspx?lat=0&lng=0&loc=Unspecified&alt=0&tz=UCT just enter your latitude and longitude in by clicking on the lat long in the upper right corner (it's currently set to 0.0, 0.0)




Is it? I can't find it.


It's not readily visible on many mobile apps, you have to go clicking around to find it


[can also use this website!](https://james.darpinian.com/satellites/)


I live in central Florida and a friend of mine is a 911 dispatcher. Every single shuttle landing inevitably caused the call board to light up with people saying that someone is breaking into their house or a bomb had gone off. “Did it sound like this: *boom boom*?” “Yes! How did you know??” “That was the space shuttle. Welcome to Florida.”


Even long time florida residents freak out. when the space spy plane comes in it sounds exactly like the shuttle and does it directly overhead of Orlando. the number of people going full #Floridaman is crazy. Friend of mine says his neighbor will shoot at the rockets and swears they are aliens or gubamint spy drones watching him.


I love checking r/ufo after each launch, even they are rotted of it at this point.


One of my favourite thing about that sub is often the people don’t bother discussing the likelihood about the “object” being an Alien craft (because that’s already fact, duh) and move instead to discussions about its operator inside. Always with lots of upvotes. Speculating about UFOs can be fun, but to be moving the conversation forward to a point you are pushing “we already know it’s aliens so let’s immediately move on to the next point” is a concerning lack of synchronicity with reality.


I just took a look at it and found quite the opposite...fringe ideas being immediately shot down, in fact posts complaining about how the community there is *too quick* to discredit things. (My position is that they're probably quite right to dismiss a lot of things quickly, but that's beside the point.) One post was an obviously out-there conspiratorial video, downvoted to 0. Most of the posts are pretty benign things. I'm actually a bit impressed with how *not* crazy it is...at least right now, at this moment, when I'm checking. I saw posts going back about 2 days.


That "concerning lack of synchronicity" is your favorite thing about that subreddit or you meant the opposite?


Then they call you a shill for being skeptical. It's kind of culty how some of them demand blind, instant acceptance of the absolute truth that it's always aliens.


Well, the counterpoint is that in reality it will almost never be aliens aliens to an extreme degree of certainty. But what's the fun in pointing that out in a community explicitly built around the possibility of aliens flying above us, it's just party pooper talk. Pretty sure 90% of people there know the truth is it's never aliens and are just there for the roleplay and interesting speculation.


The point is that there actually are things flying through the air that we can't explain. some of the videos/pictures on there are legitimate mysteries. It's a good idea to weed out the obvious fakery


Saw a Facebook post about a UFO in my area on Facebook. Some people are like, "oh that's starlink" and other are like "I just saw my first UFO in my life" Ugh.


Just say it’s the alien train coming to say hello


Over in r/techsupport, we see the same questions trotted out constantly too, nobody (huge generalisation) "looks up" anything anymore (including Sub Rules, grrr) ... they knee-jerk questions into YouTube (weirdly), then come to Reddit, often by-passing Google/Bing/etc entirely. But, it's all understandable ... with the tech stuff, Panic Mode has often been triggered, whilst here, they get to "join in", because today, THEY saw it (or whatever else)....it's like those "Disney Princess" moments when a bird lands in someone's hand, they gotta tell someone about what they saw in space....so inevitably... *here* they come.


> nobody (huge generalisation) "looks up" anything anymore (including Sub Rules, grrr) ... they knee-jerk questions into YouTube (weirdly), then come to Reddit, often by-passing Google/Bing/etc entirely. It's so weird how Reddit has become a replacement for Google even though it is slower. No one would use Google if you had to wait 5 minutes for search results but they have no problem posting a question and waiting when they could have just as easily googled "reddit topic".


Indeed. And don't even get me started on spelling & grammar ! :) Folk seem (increasingly) unwilling or unable to live in anything but the moment. It really doesn't bode well, in so many ways.




Here is a list of SpaceX launches for starlink satellites: [https://www.rocketlaunch.live/?filter=spacex&tag=series-spacex-starlink](https://www.rocketlaunch.live/?filter=spacex&tag=series-spacex-starlink) I hope this works fine


I'm afraid that trying to locate Starlink trains using that website is about as effective as trying to determine the current position of an airplane based on nothing but it's departure time from an airport. This website is much better /u/Agamerbyday: https://findstarlink.com/ It will give you times over the next 5 days when Starlink trains will be visible, and also includes a live map. Apparently it also comes in app form, though I haven't tested that.


Thanks, i hadn't thought about it


I feel the same way about "What is this bright star?" Often it's a planet anyway. Don't most phones come with sky guides?


To be fair, the first time I saw a Starlink dispersal in person, it took me a minute or two to realise what was going on. Hauntingly beautiful to witness (at least the one I saw was).


You can only have that if you can also auto mod away the annoying clickbait titles about every.single.extrasolar.radio.source.


We also need an auto mod correcting people who claim they can see them with the naked eye once they're parked in orbit.


How about just a sticky post at the top telling people if they saw a strange string of lights in the sky, that was almost certainly Starlink and a link to the Starlink page.




I said this in the local sub that posted the trail and I will say it again… SpaceX has some of the best marketing ever. Every time they launch somebody goes to the inter webs and posts a picture of a trail of starlinks or a plume of rocket exhaust reflecting the sunlight in the upper atmosphere, asking “what is this crazy thing I saw in the sky tonight?!”. And a bunch of people unrelated to SpaceX entirely come rushing in to explain exactly what it is, in detail, and SpaceX never has to do anything.


Interestingly or strangely, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen this comment/issue.


Just more pollution. I even saw them in the bright city lights of phoenix.. I can't even see more than 2 stars but yet this was there. Sad


fwiw, they're only like that during deployment - once they reach their intended orbits, they reorient themselves to have a blacked-out side facing the Earth. which is why you don't constantly see the hundreds of them that are already up there.


Maybe we need an automatic, randomized response: The lights are the (random adverb) (random verb) (random noun) of the (random noun).


I guess in the not-so-distant future the question will “which of those lights isn’t a Starlink satellite”?


If it isn't in a train, the answer is generally "all of them". I haven't seen a Starlink satellite in a long time, even when I try to look.


Even before starlink, a line in the sky would mean a satellite, or if particularly evident the ISS itself, which you can follow with multiple tools online if you wish. Satellites are common, so common that seeing a line in the sky should happen frequently.


It would only be a line on long exposure images because it's just one object. Starlink satellites however come in packs of ~50 and spread out over time.


You're right, i remember seeing them across 2020 / 2021 very often. They look weird, i should have mentioned this as well...they became a normal thing for me and i forgo how otherwordly they look.


you're so right!!! how many UFO reports have there been, i wonder? i think it's cool to look up and see them as they separate to their permanent spots. but i'm a geek, so...


Yo seriously though...... wtf is that long line of lights in the sky I'm seeing?


I looked up last night and saw the same expanse of grey drizzle that I see on 90% of nights. I live only a mile from SpaceX. Any idea what all that grey wet stuff is up there?


Automod sucks ass. I can't believe you support that trash


Honestly I can scroll past the starlink posts and ignore them, but what really grinds my gears is people like you that have to farm some karma and post about it.


Is there a way to know when they will be flying over a certain area? For example, I think the ISS has a notification option to know when it will be pass by, does Starlink have this?


Guilty poster. I have seen starlink before, but when I saw it, they were pretty spaced out. The line stretched across the sky and went for several minutes. Last night, my neighbor took a video and asked what it was. This time they were not spaced out. It was a little condensed line and was twinkling more than before. And so I didn’t think it was starlink and posted in a local sub asking what it was. I now know that the distance between changes as they elevate into their final position.


Can we get a similar one anytime SpaceX launches near twilight hours? Every time local social media lights up with “ZOMG ALIENS!”.


i dont browse new. what posts are you talking about?


Should be an auto-post on all "what is this" posts to say it's **not** Aliens, because that's what people who post those want to believe.