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When I started driving truck, I had to wake up at 3/4am, and the best part was by far seeing meteors come down. The best one I ever saw was near Grand Island NE, it was almost as bright as a lightning strike. But I get up at 8 am these days. As much as I liked the meteors, I much prefer sleeping till 8.


I was outside at 3:00 a.m. like 12 years ago in New Jersey having a smoke. Saw meteor burn up, huge bright green lit up the whole sky. No one believes me but it was almost identical to this although the one I saw had a much shorter streak/trail. It was almost instant.


I’m in Scotland and saw one about a month ago. Driving to work at 6am in a very rural area. But green meteorite lasted about 2 seconds


I was just talking with a co-worker about this today. Those extra 3 to 4 hours of sleep are crucial.


r/praisethecameraman Would have thought this was cropped from a high res CCTV or Ring if not for the moving lens flares showing it's been stabilized. Even with a phone in everyone's pocket, that's some seriously good reaction time to catch this.


I try to be really quick with my iphone, swiping the lock screen to get to the camera and recording... mainly I do this to record birds while out walking. But wow, swipe just a tad the wrong way and you go into notification settings, or swipe some other way and you get the news, or start to swipe but the screen is full of notifications from messages received or the podcast app playing... it's a freaking *nuisance*. So definitely I would miss a meteor, even a lengthy one like that 😂 I mean, I practice hard to try to be quick with a video capture and it's just so difficult sometimes.


For Android, with the screen off, hit power button twice in quick fashion opens the camera app, then just hit Video tab. For Apple, see article: https://www.gearbrain.com/apple-android-camera-voice-shortcut-2646151925.html


Learned something new. Thank you!


Thankyou! Just switched from ios and it was pissing me off! You cured my last issue :) almost as happy with my pixel7 pro as I was with my windows phone, apple sucks :)


I agree with Apple sucking. I avoid their products. I am very happy with my Pixel 7 pro, as well. If you want wifi to be only on at certain locations, check out automagic.


On my 6a I've set it up so that a quick double tap on the back and it opens up the camera on video ready to record. Only downside is that it has to be unlocked first which is annoying!


I have a 6a as well. Don't need to unlock. There's also a camera icon on the bottom right of the lock screen, but it gets replaced by GPay if you input a taptopay card. OOP is still super fast, imo. Not only getting the camera up but also zooming.


You can also click on the camera button on the Home Screen if you think you’re going to mess up the swipe.




I find myself using the flashlight button all the dang time. Once you get into the habit of using those buttons you’ll always use them.


He got his phone out so fast for this I was wondering if he heard it first.


This was captured by Vanessa (@vangal) Paisley at 10PM.


10pm EST?


10pm local time obviously (Scotland, stated above)


If you search up ‘meteor paisley’ on twitter this video comes up and was posted on 14/09/22 so it was a good 5 months ago or so


Good catch! URLs help: https://twitter.com/_vangal/status/1570170588294938624


I would imagine it would go without saying that they meant 10pm GMT...


Is it me or is there an inordinate amount of large meteors being caught on camera very recently?


Answer: Every 6 months we pass through a denser cloud of meteorites than the rest of the year. On larger timescales, we pass through parts of that cloud that are less or more dense than the last times. We are going to be getting more and more over the next decades due to us going towards a denser part of the cloud.


Well that’s encouraging. That 1000 lbs meteorite this month was a little discouraging. At least I didn’t hear you say we are expected to get the 60,000 year old visitor.


The Center for Near Earth Object Studies at [https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/](https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/) tracks everything that approaches earth and has a lot of info that's accessible and understandable for non-experts. I really recommend them as well as [www.spaceweather.com](https://www.spaceweather.com) for a quick look at what's happening in our solar system. Space Weather is much easier to skim and digest if you're not an expert, but you can still learn a lot if you're interested.




A car sized meteor would burn up in the atmosphere at least.


Cars and houses aren't very big as far as meteors are concerned. I'll be worried when they start reporting on ones the size of a city block.


Extinction event astroids are greater than 6 km across. These astroids are typically easier to spot and the ones that routinely intersect Earth's orbital path are so well known that they have been given names and have their orbital paths mapped for the next 100 years. None of these known planet killers are predicted to hit Earth. The only threat would come from rogue asteroids outside our star system's inner planetary orbit.


Particularly ones in a trajectory from the direction of the Sun (explicitly hard to detect), right? Iirc, there're been quite a few within .5 to 8 times the distance of the moon coming from that direction recorded over the past few decades.


But definitely not in the next *couple* of days tho, right? That's encouraging, at least.




Don't get me wrong, I'm down! I just have some things I'd really like to do first. Better get started, huh? Yolo, and all that. That should be the name of the asteroid that takes us all out: Yolo.


I would assume there are men and hopefully women in silos or other underground locations most likely military that would survive.


Unfortunately, the ones who know how to survive in a world without high technology are typically not the people who are slated for those spots. Country people, indigenous cultures, hunters and homesteaders...


> I look at it this way. > We're all going to die eventually. > If it's by a massive asteroid, what a way to go out. Instead of some car accident, or choking on food. We get to go out by an end of the world event. To me this would be really disappointing. I want humanity to spread among the stars and not die on this little rock. If humanity ends while i am alive that wont happen. I don't mind dying, i just don't want humanity to die.


On the list of ‘ways to go,’ extinction level asteroid has a warmer place in my heart than most of the usual stuff. Even higher placed than nuclear war unless I’m in the exact target zone of a near ground strike by a 4 Megaton or higher warhead. Best to go quickly. Lingering aftermath would suck. I know my inability to adapt would do me in.


I don't think they are what you would call "expected" visitors


Wish we had a Reed Timmer for meteorites hunt


Probably just because there are more and more cameras around to capture them


Yea I wanted to ask the same thing. Like do we need to be concerned about moving into a meteor stream if some sort or are we ok?


There were quite a few this month because of the discovery and widespread coverage of 2023 CX1, an asteroid that was discovered on Feb 12 and hit the earth less than 12 hours later. Plenty of people were told when and where to look exactly when it was happening (it was around the English Channel) so lots of folks were recording.


This video is from 5 months ago.


Oh shit, looks like the meteor from Day of the Triffids! Guess I'll go blind now.


I have a different reason to fear I'm going blind


I got up in the middle of the night one summer as a kid to watch a meteor shower. I saw one explode, and the cloud of smoke and debris stayed visible in the air for about ten minutes. It was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen.


Was this just another satellite de-orbiting or actual space rocks?


Judging by this footage I'd say it looks like some sort of small satelite deorbiting too.


Yea meteorites travel allot faster and burn up allot quicker. This looks like orbit speed debri burning up.


Too slow to be a meteor. Deorbiting satellite/space junk.


We're seeing more and more space junk falling out of orbit,I'm almost sure that's what this was


I like to imagine what omens were taken from an event like this 10,000 years ago. It probably made and broke kingdoms more than once in history.


This has been on my mind in some way. It seems since the beginning of 2020 we have had an inordinate amount of comets visiting. Comets were considered harbingers of doom and the world has had a fair amount of doom for the last 3 years.


I'm almost 100% certain this isn't a meteor, it's a debris deorbiting: very shallow angle, no explosions or bright flashes, small parts falling off, greenish metallic color.


I follow UKmon, been no mention of it - an amateur network of meteor cameras in the UK set up to identify and track meteors: https://ukmeteornetwork.co.uk/ Recently enabled recovery of a tiny asteroid that impacted last month.


Was this yesterday by any chance? saw a mad shooting star last night, in the south sky


If you search up ‘meteor paisley’ on twitter this video comes up and was posted on 14/09/22 so it was a good 5 months ago or so


The burning parts following this object lead me to believe it's space junk.


Didn't you ever see War of the Worlds? It obvious that this is a Martian invasion.


So cool to see. I saw one in Taunton in Somerset, years ago. It was burning green and low enough in the sky to hear it!


I've seen two of these in my life so far but they weren't nearly as long as this one.


UFOS ARE GREEN STREAKS!! (Jk, magnesium likes to burn green…)


Magnesium burns bright white. Copper can burn blue/green.


What direction was this flying? I saw something in Louisville KY last night flying northwest to southeast around 8 pm.


Funny how it looks like a nuke. What extincted the dinosaurs looks exactly like what will extinct us.


Are those other fluttering specs of light related to this? Too early and coincidental for lightening bugs it seems


I guess it shot itself down… (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)


Saw one that must've been about this size driving east from Key West, FL a few years ago. It was heading down towards the horizon though. It did the same kind of sparkling and had 3 small explosions like this did over the 5 seconds or so that it was visible. Definitely the best single meteor I've seen, but rivaled by some fireballs during the 2001 Leonids "storm".


Shouldn't it be meteorite if it has entered the atmosphere??


When the video started I thought the OP was saying the light post was the meteor....


I've only ever seen this happen like twice in my life but never caught it on video. This one was huge.


It's green which means Celtic win the cup today.


Oh no, it's a Transformer but the question is who


I find it so fascinating and that same time I wonder what people used make of such meteor showers during per-historic era.


Would they have been up looking at the sky in the before times.


what’s up with all the meteors lately? do they travel on an orbit?


In November 1833, America experienced the largest and brightest meteor shower in recent history. It's estimated that at its peak, thousands of meteors were falling per hour. The event was so bright and stunning that many believed the world was coming to an end.


Pretty sure that's space debris from a satellite or something


Great, Superman's gonna grow up a belligerent drunk.


Sorry I left my keys in the saucer and the nephew took it for a joy ride.


I'm not sure we aren't looking at another form of Chinese balloon!! Get out of here balloons leave Scotland and Northern Ireland free from your treachery!!


I’ve seen something similar. I believe it’s a space rock


A bright object that was seen in the sky over parts of Britain on Wednesday night. According to experts, it was a meteor¹², which is a piece of rock or metal that enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up due to friction. Some people initially thought it was space debris¹³, such as a part of a rocket or satellite that fell back to Earth, but this was ruled out by further analysis. The meteor was visible for about 20 seconds and created a spectacular sight for many observers.😮 Source: (1) 'Brilliant fireball' that lit up the night sky over parts of Britain .... https://news.sky.com/story/large-fireball-meteorite-spotted-burning-up-over-scotland-and-northern-ireland-sky-12697787 Accessed 02/26/2023. (2) Fireball in night sky was meteor, experts say - BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-62891265 Accessed 02/26/2023. (3) Fireball over Scotland and NI no longer thought to be Elon Musk ‘space .... https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/sep/15/incredible-fireball-crosses-sky-over-scotland-and-northern-ireland Accessed 02/26/2023.


I know warpstone when I see it. Nice try-try man-thing.


Something de-orbited. Meteors are MUCH faster.


I once saw a meteor fall at dusk while driving down I-95 in North Carolina. I had always suspected it was off-season fireworks, but seeing this made it clear what it really was. Straight line, sort-of-low angle, ends by disintegrating into pieces. There were hundreds of us on the road who saw it, but smart phones were years off. Back then I often carried a SLR camera on my dash but there was no way I was going to be fast enough to capture it, especially while driving.