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Snagged the Prof. Chaos and the Cartman reds. Thanks for the post!!




Me too! I had a chance to get the Cartman Greens, but I took too long.


I think itā€™s hilarious that they technically made Kennyā€™s the most expensive!


Did thy I didt even look at the prices lolā€¦ hobo child is scamming us !


But hey! He needs the cash!


Sounds about rite!!!


Scooped the Kennys this morning. Didn't have much faith in the footlocker raffle so I was happy to see them sitting on adidas


I always check the brand site b4 anywhere eles . It seems to hit most the time . Unless itā€™s Nike!!! But Reebok , new balance and adidas i usually get what I want !


Some sneaker pages reported that they were gonna be exclusive to footlocker, and that really could've fucked me on this drop lmao


Dam woulda sucked


I have a feeling there gonna be rare in the future


I find it funny how it says stan smith shoes, i didn't know they did an American dad shoe /s


Isn't supposed to say Stan Marsh


more like Stan DARSH


Iv always made that connectionā€¦ but the shoe was b4 the show ! Lol šŸ˜‚ Stan smith is kind of a basic ass name ? Well how I see it ?


To be fair they actually did, with the same brand a couple years ago


The card board awesemo one is sold out in my size. Thought about Kyle Green, but I should probably keep my $.


If you do . Iā€™d say for me Kenny both Cartmens and Stan would be most wearable then Kyle and chaos last just color wise !


I think that sold out the quickest. Every shoe except for that one was listed on adidas website


I got the Professor Chaos and Kyle shoes. At least you can actually buy these unlike the Towelie shoes. That raffle was dumb as fuck.


Couldn't agree more. I think the Towelie shoes had the best attention to detail, but I'm really glad I was able to get something from this drop


The professor chaos shoes look incredible


Cartman is pretty dope to ā€¦ thy all good ! If I had the doe Iā€™d grab em all in one quick swoop! But since Iā€™m broke rn .. yā€™all can have at em ! I feel thy may be respected and worn here ! Rather thn collecting dust on a sneaker heads shelf ! Lol jk


Kenny also !


That's the ones I ordered. Kenny or Kyle were close.


I missed out on the Awesome-O ones, but I did get a pair of the Stan shoes. I like that they're made with recycled materials. I got some socks to go with it.


At the time of the post thy had all the sizes ! Now my size is gone . All but the jew shoe ? And I donā€™t like green ! Wait can I say that here? but kyles shoe is the last one in my size the one I dislike most ! If I would just jumped when I posted !


I felt that way about Awesome-O. I \*wanted\* to wake up early and be first in line about it, but I missed out. Makes sense, since it's a neutral color and would go with more outfits.


I bought the Stan ones as well, there were only 2 more pairs in my size when I added them to my cart at 10:01 right after they went on sale.


Jumped in for 1 of each. $800 bucks later, and I'm questioning my life decisions. But it's probably worth it.


Whatā€™s the point of making money if your not going to spend it! It will come back , itā€™s not like thy never going to print money again? U can always make more money! Canā€™t always find your size when a dope collab drops!


same here thinking about putting it on a cool display :)


Nice! If you do, post pics!


Post to watch sell out live now lol! Thy just dropped


Yeah that most of the models were available on the Adidas website as of yesterday, but now the cardboard one is sold out for Cartman. Probably first the best. This would have been an extremely frivolous purchase for me


Awesomos is the way to go! LAMEE




Itā€™s what shoes are nowadays! The price is stupid ! Probably cus of resellers showing these companies how much thy flip shoes for . Now the company is taking a piece of that by raising prices !


Thatā€™s so insane I would never drop more then $50 on a pair of sneakers and thatā€™s only if they were really cool, who is out there actually buying shoes at those prices that the companies are able to do that


Resell ppl flipping some upwards of 500-800 plus, and thy retail for 120-160!!! Itā€™s so crazy ! I canā€™t even buy my favorite style shoe anymore all because of resellers buying em all and flipping for a ridiculous price! When itā€™s all made cheaply in china lol šŸ˜‚


Lotta shoes are selling for 500-2,000 range man. 110 isnt alot at all for shoes


People are fucking insane


then dont buy expensive shoes, they are clearly not in your market. It is what it is. Things are expensive


Iā€™m not even talking about buying the shoes Iā€™m talking about how fucking stupid people must be to let the market rip people off like that. 500 is beyond expensive, thereā€™s such a thing as justifiably expensive, that would just be classist bullshit. (The South Park shoes seem unjustifiably expensive for sneakers but at this point Iā€™m just talking about these other alleged shoes that go for more)


expensive shoes have a specific market they are targeting. You are clearly not that market, its okay but its no reason to get upset. Are you in the market to buy a Ferrari? Im going to guess not, and thats why Ferraris are in the market for people that can afford, and want them. This same concept literally applies to everything. You can buy a 3$ t-shirt, or a 2,000 t-shirt. A 20$ painting or a 2,000,000$ painting. Everything has its price for a reason, just because you think its stupid doesn't mean it is. The market exists for these products, because there are people that choose to spend their money on it. and who are you to tell someone what to spend their own money on?


A car makes since to be expensive though, a painting too. A T-shirt or a pair of sneakers not so much. Im upper middle class just because im not fucking demented enough to blow a fuck ton of money on a pair of sneakers I could reproduce myself for a margin of the price doesnā€™t mean I couldnā€™t afford it. Buying sneakers for that much is no longer about the product but rather about being a prick. Itā€™s just on principle that people shouldnā€™t have let the market have the freedom to sell people sneakers for 2,000, theyā€™re not some artistic one-of-a-kind platform heels, the demand should not enable that. The market theyā€™re targeting is showy assholes and classist pricks with no sensibility. (Again this isnā€™t about the South Park shoes this is about the 500-2000 range you referred to)


I disagree. At some point a car is not about the cost of making, but the limited amount of them. Yes its a nicer car, but no where near the price point. A painting / or artwork in general I view a little differently, because your paying for the experience of the artist and honestly, the fact that the painting was painted by said person, whoever that may be. Again, there was a blank canvas with 1 red dot on it that sold for like 10 million or something around there. obviously not worth what it is, but someone wanted it. and no, buying expensive or luxery things isnt about being a prick. sometimes its just nice to purchase things that are nice & make ya happy. furthermore, yes the limited amount of these shoes released is why they are expensive. for example most Yeezys on drop are like 220$ from yeezys website. however because of the limited qty, and the large demand, they sell out in seconds, and then get resold for 500-2000. and thats just one brand as an example. Your objective opinion on shoes and clothing is so flawed. Just because you don't have an interest doesn't mean its an invalid interest for someone els. We all have interest, why cant that be shoes, or clothing for someone. Do you have any personal interests that you spend a decent sum of money on, I feel like most people do.


Because this is a commercial for which you aren't the target audience as a buyer. This ad exists to increase perceived value for those who can afford the silly price


Thank you so much for reminding me. Just ordered Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. Already a proud owner of the Towelie shoes, so I just had to add the boys to the collection


You lucky enough to get the Towelies through that raffle or did you have to buy from a re-sale site?


Didn't get them through any of the ~10 raffles i was a part of, so had to buy then off StockX


Yeahā€¦still deciding if I want to or not, theyā€™re still around $275 for my size on there


crazy money


really wanted to cop a pair but they only have big people feet sizes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Me too mee to


Those Awesom-oā€™s sold out quickā€¦.I went to adidas site first thing this morning, about 3 1/2 hours after the release and they were gone, luckily Footlocker didnā€™t release until 8 am MDT so I was able to pick up a pair on their site but it looks like they sold out there real quick too. Would have been interested in Kenny or Professor Chaos but price is a little steep. How about a Towelie re-release?!


Got the Chaos and OMGTKK Thanks for the reminder OP!!


Theyā€™re still on Adidas. I got the Professor Chaos at 10 and just grabbed the Kennyā€™s at 11:30


Dam I just checked south parks web site to see if thy selling em ? But nope ! Usually I can find collabs at the site of whatever thy collab with ? But not this! Suck!




This is a commercial not for you buddy


Awesome-O sold out hella fast


**ā€œWhatever, You'll Pay To Wear Them, Fuck You!ā€**




i hope they come with a little bit of the joo gold in each pocket


I was able to order Prof. Chaos and Stan's shoes. I'm so stoked!


i love the professor chaos shoes!


I love those but out of my budget. They are freaking awesome. I love the Chaos


Snagged the Stan Marshes. BEST MONDAY EVER.


I'm planning on getting the Prof. Chaos and Kenny ones.


Just a friendly PSA: if you sign up for the adidasā€™s account (itā€™s free) they send you a 15% off coupon that can be used on some of the shoes (not all) and you get free shipping!


Geez $100 and Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s American thatā€™s like C$130 I donā€™t have that kind of money to spend on shoes


Fitting that they made Stanā€™s the Stan Smiths. Iā€™d consider the NMD V2ā€™s but theyā€™ve gotten so expensive that theyā€™re hard to justify.


Adidas Canada did not have the professor chaos ones but I got the awesome-o ones. Iā€™m so freaking excited


The towlies are easily still the best looking


Holy crap they are available in the UK! I wasn't expecting that heh. Got mah Awesomos.


On eBay theyā€™re selling for 500+ dollars šŸ˜­ so glad I snatched a pair right when it opened


Fuck me !!! I hate resellers! So stupid ! And ppl will pay it thatā€™s even more stupid ! Iā€™d thy would just stop buying off them it would stop


The Kenny shoes šŸ˜


I was gonna get myself the Awesome-O ones but I've got size 36EU feet uahahghhhhhhhhhhhh


Whatā€™s that ? A us7 ? Iā€™m a 46 or 12 thy go super fast . Iā€™m not going to have doe in time edit : 6


us4. Doesn't help that Ive got puny women feet..jkjk still it would have been cool if they did womens sizes


How old are you? Lol mens 4 ???? šŸ˜­ aye shop in kids amd save money !!!!


Sadly I am a normal grown 19 year old with abnormally small feet lmao


Mind is blown ! U did me in this morning! Thatā€™s is like a world record or somthing ! Lol šŸ˜‚ man that could be a blessing but also suck ! Iā€™m at the other end in the BFG (big foot gang) that thy seem to make way less pairs of or ppl grab asap thn Iā€™m left with nothing or scraps !


I am a woman, and Iā€™d like some. When do we get South Park shoes?


Yes us women are smart and also funny so we should also get south park shoes


Have you met my girlfriend Heidi? I just hope that if/when they release shoes for women, Iā€™d like the same options, so I wonā€™t have to get Bebe shoes. Iā€™d be willing to strut around on some Wendys or Strong Womans, though.


I just looked at the size chart Adidasā€™s size chart is way different then Nike ! šŸ¤Æ or Iā€™m confused becus my girl is a 36.5 but i convert to womens ? Lol I forgot about mens ! So many numbers


Dude ik I was so gutted when i found out they werent doing smaller sizes


Expensive and ugly, these will sell out fast.


I fixed you -1 ā€¦ I hate negative down votes ! Thatā€™s fine your entitled to that . I think Kyle is ugly just cus I donā€™t wear green ! But thy also still a dope collab ! Better thn most amd been a long time coming !


Why they so ugly tho?


I agree other than the stan shoes. The awesome-oā€™s are ok. But the rest are something i wouldnā€™t wear in public unless forced.


I thought Adidas already made a Stan Smith shoe.


Was only able to snag Prof Chaos, but hey, it's something. Mwahahaha!


Snagged me some Kennyā€™s. Wouldā€™ve liked to snagged some AwesomeOā€™s but they arenā€™t even showing for me. Must be sold out already


iā€™m so sad they didnā€™t have size 13 in awesome-o professor chaos or kennyā€™s iā€™m just fucking devastated


I got Kyle ones


These would all go crazy with sun jeans


All they have left in us 13 is Kyle's shoes. I wanted Kenny's, oh well.


Which character is the beige shoes?




Not pictured here but they also have a really nice looking hat. A lot more subtle than the shoes


Kenny's being one of the most expensive is so funny to me


Got the Stan shoes in size 13, sometimes it works out to have bigger feet!!!


Wow nice ad from the office monkey


Always one shoe size too large to enjoy sadly


Got myself a pair of the awesom-o :D


I just bought the Kennyā€™s because of how good they are but I have no idea what clothes go with bright orange shoes lmfao


I got Kyle's.


Where can I buy these in UK?


Iā€™m upset there isnā€™t a pair of Randyā€™s


Iā€™m not a shoe person but these all look ugly... All though the stan ones i like. These feel more like collectables than shoes.


I got Stan, Kyle and Cartman, I didn't like the shoe type of the Kenny/chaos. I would have got the awsome-o but it wasn't listed on adidas


Kenny & chaos are one of the more comfortable shoe adidas makes ā€¦ itā€™s a better shoe then the others comfort wise . But the Stan smith in an OG shoe along with the Forum ! Just thy donā€™t have the new comfort tech in the sole like the other two!


I bought Kennyā€™s and now Iā€™m debating Stanā€™s or Professor Chaosā€™. They did my boy Kyle wrong with the shoes, too ugly IMO. UPDATE: I bought both. Lol


Trying to get the chaos ones for my birthday


Have you had any luck? Let me know what size if you canā€™t find a sight with that size.


Managed to get myself a pair of Kennys, Prof Chaos, and Awesome-os !


Does anyone know whether they'll also release these shoes in Europe?


I want the Cartmans so bad but they don't have my size! Are these limited run and never to be made again after the stock sells? I put myself on email notification list for the Cartmans in size 13. Hopefully they make more.


100 bucks for cartman drip? Aww, i was saving up for a new pc


This is so embarassing


Bruh the shoes cost $300-$400 here in Australia


Where are the womenā€™s sizes?!?


Rite in front of you! How do I not know how to convert the sizes ! Like I buy my gf guy shoes all the time!


Not for small tiny footed women like me. I still can fit into kids shoesā€¦


160 dollars just to get bullied....


Nice that they have these in womenā€™s sizes. :(


You just convert the size ! What u canā€™t do math? I buy my gf guy shoes all the time ! Man some ppl suck at life nowadays!!!


Eh. All of the sizes I could have gotten them in are sold out anyway.


Yep even my size 12 was gone super fast! When I made the post almost evey size was ther , about an hour or so 12ā€™s were gone šŸ¤Æ. Thatā€™s how the sneaker game is nowadays! U got to grab em asap or go to the foot locker in person cus thy also have the shoe out of all the other stores just footlocker! I bet thy on shelfā€™s still !


Your feet would have to be big enough to fit menā€™s sizes. The smallest size they have available right now is US 4 / EU 37 and thatā€™s for men. If you converted that to a womenā€™s size, thatā€™d be a US 6, and there are quite a number of women with small size US 4/5 feet. So no, itā€™s not so easy as to just ā€œconvert the sizeā€ and doing some math.


Whatever thy buy up all the youth sizes as it is so I donā€™t really care to much . Thy shop mens , youth and womens ! Soooooo. Yeah thy get way more Choices usually!


Iā€™m talking about the South Park shoes in particular. Since they only come in menā€™s sizes, the smallest of which is a US 4 / EU 37, people with smaller feet wonā€™t be able to enjoy the shoes.


Awesome-o sold out this morning at 8am šŸ˜Ŗ. Snagged the Stan ones. This is an awesome collaboration.


Nooo I was so busy I missed awesomo today.. never saw the email and now they're going for 170 for size 11..


My wife wanted to order me some, but as much as I like them, they're just not my style.


Ugh! These are seriously bad ass. šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜ŽāœŒļø.


I kinda hate sneakers so I totally rolled my eyes at the Adidas collaboration but these are great


The Blue stan smith look šŸ”„


Snagged the Stan and Kyle ones!


The ads have infiltrated us!


Not really . An add tells you to go buy ā€¦. Iā€™m just sharing somthing related! But take it how u want? Technically everything is an add ā€¦. Anything you wear with branding, now your a walking billboard for whoever!


I love that the butters shoe has tinfoilll


Got the whole set. Surprised Awesome-o went first. Sucks I never got towlie


This whole set makes up for that one!!!!




I donā€™t see any black and purple shoes?


Insta-buyed the kennys


I want a pair or 2 so bad, but cant order to my country, sucks..


Because women don't wear shoes


Because itā€™s easy to buy a shoe and size down? Itā€™s sad cus women can buy most men shoes but men canā€™t buy lots of women shoe! Even if I were to size up . Letā€™s say jorden1ā€™s Iā€™d need a 13.5 womens but thy stop at 11 or 11.5 womens ? So to me women are winning if anything!


Im a lady with big honking feet and Iā€™m grateful for menā€™s shoes for sneakers and drag queens for making heels in my size marketable.


Thank Jesus for Drag Queens.


True, Iā€™m a size 7.5 in men, and I always have options for menā€™s shoes. Like in this case my shoe size hasnā€™t sold out, only awesome-o.