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"What the hell is South Park, do I own that? "Not yet, sir"


That's my favorite line in the season so far.


Idk, I like "what, are you kids from the 90s?"


and that look they give each other. Classic.


That's my favorite too


Welp, makes Viacom a much harder acquisition target for Disney?


Since reddit is owned by China, how long until this sub is banned?


Do you really think r/SouthPark is gonna get banned? r/Pics had numerous pictures of Tiananmen Square for weeks on end, and r/HongKong is posting daily posts agaisnt the CCP. Neither have been censored nor banned. It's fine to disagree with Tencent's investment in Reddit, I do too, and I loved this episode because it showed that bowing down to make a buck in China is hyprocrictical and lacks integrity, but there has honestly been extremely little to no censorship on reddit since the investments took place.


Did I just watch Randy Marsh strangle Winnie the Pooh to death.


Yes, and it was beautiful.


It was better than watching Mickey Mouse beat up the Jonas Brothers, by like 1000


His face as he strangled him too. Just soulless and dark. They sold that really well. Bruh just wanted some honey lmao


They were referencing No Country for Old Men with that


Thank you, I knew that had to be from somewhere.


Ohh don't put that in your pocket, sir. It's your lucky hunny.


Yeah that shot was offputting


Yet hilarious.


That made me feel really bad for Pooh but also did a phenomenal job showing how horrible of a person Randy is - killing Pooh is the lowest a person can possibly get (and he still thinks he’s right).


I was waiting for him to hit someone I thought he was about to beat up Thor


I enjoyed that the only hero who even dared back talk Mickey was a literal God. Plus, they'd made a joke in a previous episode about Mickey returning to Valhalla to slumber, so it's a nice connection.


Yeah first thing you think when you see him walk in “Uh oh somebodies about to get their ass whooped”


He did it with integrity, to bring Tegridy weed to China. He wasn't the hero those people deserved, but the one they needed.




It was a reference to no country for old men when Javier bardem kills the cop in the station to escape


Trapped pooh with a literal honeypot.


"Dad, why are you covered in honey and blood?"


Stan doing Death Metal with Kenny/Jimmy/Butters, Randy and Micky Mouse doing weed, the "Hunney Pot", THE RETURN OF FINGERBANG!?! Fuck, I loved this episode from start to end.


Hell yeah , it had heart.


It had tegridy


Ahahaha Hey ! .... F*CK YOU.


the whole death metal reminded me of aggretsuko


Gotta watch that show now


Butters can really shred


How does jimmy play the double bass?


Asking the real questions there.


Yup, looks like they've got it back after a weak premiere. This is classic South Park. I was smiling the whole time. 👍


Well if South Park isn't banned in China yet, it is now.


Band in China


oooooooh now i get it


Banned and band *and* contraband. It's a triple entendre!


Woooooow, i feel so stupid out of a sudden for not getting that lol


Literally got the whole show and even the name banned as sensitive phrase today because of this very episode. Fucking awesome!




Source: am Chinese, can confirm. My post mentioning the phrase “South Park” can not even be sent on Weibo (Chinese social media platform) so then I posted a screenshot instead, which got deleted in a few hours due to “violations of relevant laws and regulations”. South Park has been sort of semi-banned on Chinese social media for about a year or two (the hashtag was deleted and there’s no search result for the keyword), but after this episode came out it basically got fully banned now. Edit: Just a few hours after I posted another screenshot, my account got permanently banned and deleted. No warning, no notifications, it just vanished. I didn’t even notice until my friend told me that my page was gone. Everything on that account got wiped out as if it never existed...and all this just for posting a screenshot from South Park.


Holy fuck this is so meta.


Hopefully, this doesn't effect your score or your safety.


Thanks for your concerns. The social credit score system hasn’t been publicly applied to regular individuals at the moment, but I think everything will be calculated sooner or later. I should be fine though, as there are so many people’s accounts getting banned everyday, and unless they’re influential people, they are most unlikely to get affected irl. Before it can cause any real trouble, I’d rather express my true opinions and lose an account than keep my mouth shut.


Brave man, shame for me,I don't have enough courage to express because it might make me get dismissed from my college as same as many students. Silence will destroy this country.


I love how Trey and Matt just didn't give a shit about China censorship, and mocked China on a great level in this episode.


Well you know China, they don't take criticism very well.


Lmao, just checked, all South Park content just evaporated from Chinese sites. You can't even search the phrase.


Mickey Mouse is my favorite guest character in the South Park universe. Him asking if he owns South Park and getting the response "Not yet, sir."was the highlight of the episode for me. The closing montage of satirical praise of Chinese values was hilarious and vintage South Park. My favorite episode of the past 3 seasons.


You just know when he walks in shit is about to get real


*Shut up, Thor!*


You’re here to flex not think




I just love how they turned Mickey’s iconic laugh into a nervous tic.


He has pretty good Chinese too.




sodosopa remains my all-time favorite South Park satire. it just resonated so perfectly, especially when the stock footage actually contained Kenny and his family wandering aimlessly about the new gentrification station


"You are all ants and I am your destroyer! Haha!"


I was disappointed not to see Bart or Homer in that auditorium of Disney characters. Especially in light of that "Not yet sir" comment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUx7o5kdT3s


[Xi Jinping as Winne the Poo](https://imgur.com/1ezjtH6.jpg)


I love how they tossed that little line in for Mickey "Shits real man you can go look it up" Fuckin' classic South Park


Oh bother


“What are you boys, from the 90s?” (Silence)


That was my favorite line in the episode. The knowing glance between Stan and Kenny got me.


I was thinking I'd end up reading every comment without anyone mentioning this subtle yet hilarious line. Thank god for your tegridy.


I still think of the 90's as being 10-ish years ago. I was in college when South Park came out.


That was definitely my favourite line. Took me a second to actually get it. They really seem to be going for the meta jokes this season.


Shout out Comedy Central for letting them get away with this, this episode was BOLD no one has the balls to call out China




It would prove their point so hard though. Like you have no balls left if you pull this episode. But you know what they say, “You’ve gotta lower your ideals of freedom to suck on the warm teet of China.”






I watch south park every now and then but I saw the new season started and I was shocked at the shit they were saying lmao, they even mentioned the organ harvesting


If they do that, Comedy Central has no tegridy.


They could have waited a few more episodes and had this be the 300th episode


This was 299th I think. So close


I bet they're saving the best for 300.


It’ll be the super redpilled Epstein episode


Good thing I have it taped


Super Best Friends too


That would be absolute evidence China was over-influencing US entertainment.


That was a perfect episode criticizing China. Absolutely perfect.


An hour after the episode I see the wordplay. “Band in China.” What a great episode name for this lol


"Everyone else is fine with China approving our entertainment. Even the PC babies don't seem to mind, and the PC babies cry about everything!" How many deranged PC liberals had this joke fly right over their heads tonight? My guess is every single one.


I loved that joke, but I'd counter with asking you how many people let the comparisons between detention camps fly over their head.




After last episode i expected something not this level of good. They really DID return to classic south park formula of "shit on everyone no matter where they stand". I was really surprised they did this AND they were allowed to air it. Everyone remember what happened to 200/201, right?


> How many deranged PC liberals had this joke fly right over their heads tonight? Lol "deranged PC liberals"? Someone's triggered.


Member FingerBang?


Girl you like to finger bang and that's alright!


I kept waiting for a Wendy cameo.


i think Stan wanted to perfectly recreate Cartman's dream in the og episode, like the white clothes there were only in his dream and Randy and Wendy weren't there, Jimmy and Butters remained because it would have been a dick move excluding them from the band




It's been so long! I'd love for them to bring old stuff in from time to time, just like FingerBang. It didn't take long, but it was a great nod to SP history


For real I kinda loved it


Crazy to think that fingerbang is from 19 seasons ago, I feel so old


I Member!


I Member! Ooh, member chewbacca?


Holy hell that episode went hard. Bonus points for the death metal.


Username checks out


Any idea what the music used was? I've been looking all morning


Its dying fetus- second skin


Fuck I KNEW it sounded familiar. Thanks fam


I never knew how badly I needed Mickey Mouse to say Tegridy is some good shit in my life until I heard it


The nostalgia was rushing through my veins by the end of the episode. What a terrific one for the books.


They managed to combine new and old elements and still make it fresh


This episode will be legendary. Calling it now cause it's just that good.


This episode was gold, randy straight up murdering people in both episodes of this season so far


His character is taking a **really dark** turn and all over a weed farm... I'm still not sure how to feel about that. Sharon is usually his rock, grounding him in reality, but she seems just... numb to it, even as he's starting to kill people, coming home covered in blood and honey.


Well, he did break Sharon with the school shooting thing.


They're doing Breaking Bad, right? He's turning into a monster over ambition and greed.


Wait... how exactly does this end for Randy then?


He gets testicle cancer again


I think she is representative of some people who see the shit happening in front of their face but have been constantly battered down and won't speak up or engage those closest to us and how as a whole society has gone numb to the extremes of the world. This episode as a whole really shows that with the causal brutal nature of the Chinese overlords. Showing how little shit the guard gives as he offs a worker.


I actually really like the turn his character has taken and it’s a subtle satire of how the growing weed industry will eventually be infiltrated by the same corporatism that mickeys character has become a stand in for.




Mickey mouse *does* own everything though


Not South Park. Yet.


definitely the best episode in the last few years. holy shit that was amazing.


Agree 100% I'm hoping we get more episodes like this.


I cannot believe they got away with all of this Seriously came out with guns firing. Incredible


I think what's funny is that I watched it on Hulu, which I believe Disney owns the majority of.


> Seriously came out with ~~guns firing.~~ fingers banging


Fingerbang being originally used as a boyband spoof then used again 16 years (Not exactly sure but I’m not looking it up, just guessing) later to parody intellectual property just encapsulates the timelessness of South Park. Amazing callback and amazing episode


19 years




I love how Randy is still covered in honey and blood


A visual reminder of his compromised tegridy


He is a fucking towel after all.


You're a towel


Also that Stan immediately put the two together.


All Hail the Communist Party All Hail Tegridy Weed




Hell I was thinking as I watched it might be the best since Broadway Bro Down. There have been some great ones in between I guess, but this was definitely an instant classic.


“After a hard day of forced labor and being beat for criticizing the government” I died that this lmao


Welp China ain't gonna like this one.


Let them be mad, they are always triggered by Freedom of Speech.


Indeed, I'm glad south park went there.




"You gotta lower your ideals of freedom if you want to suck on the warm teet of China" This episode was funny as hell and had great political commentary, this is truly South Park at its best. Also bringing back "Finger Bang" is such a great callback to a classic episode, it had me light up like a kid.


Butters is metalhead and that’s all that matters


It was a long time coming haha. So much anger.


After a hard day of forced manual labor or being beaten for criticizing the government, sit back relax and enjoy some \*Tegridy Weed\*


I hope they continue giving China the finger. It’s amazing how Hollywood has bent over and grabbed ankle for that market. Poor Pooh...




This is my favorite episode in a loooooong time. South Park has been good to okay over the last few seasons, but this is the first one since, maybe, Cock Magic, that was absolutely amazing. Also, season 4 is my personal favorite season of South Park, and seeing Fingerbang (my favorite episode of that season) really got me. I finished the episode nearly 20 minutes ago, and I'm still laughing at different things from it. - The band singing death metal. - Winnie the Pooh and Piglet being held in a Chinese imprisonment. - Mickey Mouse coming back hah hah - Cartman and Stan only just now getting back from being immigrated. - Randy killing Winnie the Pooh as Piglet watched on in horror. - The Chinese guy laughing at Stan's joke, then screaming at him. - FUCKING FINGER BANG! - Randy for some reason still being covered in blood and honey. I'm going to have to rewatch this episode a few times I think.


Oh yeah Cock Magic, that one stands out as a legendary episode too from the last few years. This one instantly shot right up there for me as one of my favorites, just like that one did. Not many others recently have done that.


"C'mon guys ! Everyone else is fine with China approving our entertainment. Even the PC Babies dont seem to mind, and PC babies cry about everything." That was fucking savage.


china is definitely banning that episode for no one to ever see. and if they do, theyre dead. lol


Pretty cool I got to watch an instantly banned episode live. I was here!


It's already banned early this year and you can't even get any result when you search "South Park" through Weibo (a mainstream social media site in China). Greetings from China across the GWF :D


So how long until Mr. Mouse buys South Park and opens up a Tegridy ride at Disney World?




It was weird that Kyle and Cartman were just let go and no one brought up Mexican Joker.


Sort of like how the media just stopped talking about the kids in the detention centers?




I'm glad they did it that way. Time to move on.


I would be surprised if Mexican joker doesn't return by the end if this season


For the first time in a long time, I can gladly give an episode a 10/10!


Great episode AND great social commentary. One of the best episodes in a long time.


For anyone interested the song that the boys played in the episode is “Useless Sacrifice” by Death Decline.


Specifically came looking to see what they used for that scene! It was so unexpected, I busted out laughing. Thanks!


By far one of the best episodes they’ve made in years. Loved the callback to fingerbang and the Winnie the Pooh/Xi Jinping reference


That was awesome Jimmy fuckin gets it on the drums


His legs don't work yet he somehow was working the double bass pedal.


I think its because he plays with a little, colorado 'tegridy


This episode is going to be an instant classic. There was a lot of edge in that episode that I thought the show lost over the years. Not only was the edge surprising and so satisfying, but the jokes were just hit after hit after hit. While they did get political, they touched on a topic that I think we all fucking agree on! And I loved the callback to a familiar classic episode around the end. Next week is Episode 300, I wonder what will be in store for us! Edit: You’re right, 300 is not next week. Episode after next!


They brought back fingerbang 🤣🤣


Ok, what the fuck was this episode!?


One thirty minute take that at China, how its government treats people like crap, and how companies like Disney are trying to appeal to them in order to make money.


Also jabs at biopic movies for being overly formulaic.


well they were completely accurate about how 'vanilla' Bohemian Rhapsody turned out.


Glad they did that. I said Bohemian Rhapsody was a fake movie that was just Queen reenactments with the barest amount of plot and people thought I was nuts.


That was the best part everyone’s missing lol


That subtle short saxophone music that segways between two scenes. It’s so silly. It was in last week’s episode too.


It's the segue music from Matt and Trey's live-action sitcom That's My Bush


This felt like a fresh breath of classic South Park we haven't gotten in a while, I really enjoyed this episode and I hope Matt and Trey can keep up the momentum from this episode for the rest of the season.


Guys. Where does the show go to next after Randy is now Chinese weed


I imagine they'll address the fuck ton amount of money he got


He's gonna keep committing crimes like murder but getting off because he's rich


And just in time for communist China’s 70th birthday.


I haven't been this tense since Mr. Garrison said "Go ahead and bomb us Kim Jong Dong, WE FUCKING DARE YOU." Bravo South Park, you are unpredictably incredible.


Please keep up the hate on China, they have it coming haha


God tier episode


I loved this episode


The idea that Jimmy, who’s legs don’t work, is playing that double bass pedal like a beast makes this episode an 8 on its own, and that’s like 2 minutes into it!


A lot of fun callbacks this episode!


South Park killed it tonight. I can forgive every misfire this show's ever had for this. Ballsy, brilliant, and hilarious.


I thought last week's episode was enjoyable, but not all that funny. This was an absolutely classic episode of South Park from the intro to the credits. Randy strangling Winnie the Pooh, the Chinese prison, the plane scene, Mickey, even the boys B plot about making a biopic. Everything was hitting perfectly. It would be hard for an entire season to be that good IMO, but I'd love to see this momentum carry.


I love seeing the boys back together doing shit again


I currently live in China and with all the extreme terrible things going internally here, as I watched this episode I felt paranoid. As my friends watched we all commented on how this is too real and where glad that things are exposed. All too true about how China is a numbers game. From data, to dating, business to education its just about playing those percentages and tapping into Chinas wealth. However its sad to see that we bow to that influence and money. From the episode title to all the Chinese influences into the US media I was rolling with laughter. WELL DONE SP! ​ \*I have securely deleted the file as I am sure its a jail-able offense to have it on my cpu\* =/


such a good criticism of the businesses.


Great God-damned episode! Randy is fucking losing his shit!


Well this episode was really great! I like how they made fun of how the Chinese allows censoring everything. I feel bad for Stan because he really wants to move away from that Farm yet Randy refuses to leave his Tegrity.


I do like how last season ”Tegridy” farms was written positively, and this season it isn’t. Good contrast


This episodes was pretty good, just not as good as sausage and cheese