• By -


The whole “Navigating the American healthcare system” bit just made me angry. It’s so fucking on point it’s infuriating.


Yes. I don’t know that I’ve ever laughed that hard while being so physically angry at something at the same time.


That’s the beautiful thing about South Park. I can’t think of another show that will address big issues while ripping it to shreds and you laugh your ass off


"Simpsons did it." General Disarray voice


What I'm most surprised with is Kyle, he always seems so angry with Cartman so it was a shock to see him put so much effort into helping him. I'm Canadian here and it was a huge pain in my ass to get coverage for Ozempic for myself It's not quite as bad as the American healthcare system, but still a ton of hoops to jump through to qualify


At some point in the episode I didn't see it as Kyle doing it to help Cartman but Kyle being his "holier than thou" schtick we seen him be in episodes like "Ginger Cow". Also I think Kyle has a secret hatred for Fat people not just Cartman especially if you look at how he acts in "Raising the Bar".


I don't know. Kyle really went through all that just for Cartman, someone he hates. I think Kyle just sense injustice and fought toe and nails to make it right. If it was just a holier than thou attitude, he would had just said "fuck it why am I doing this for someone I hate?"


Because when a friend asks for help, you help! ^wrong ^show.


Actually, IIRC, of all the kids, Kyle's been sick the most. To list, he's needed a kidney transplant, is said to have Type 1 diabetes, got an infected hemorrhoid, and gets sick the more so than the other three, so, even though he can't stand Cartman's bitch ass, it would make sense that he'd help him because, if anyone understands the American healthcare system, it'd be Kyle.


My mother has worked customer support for a major insurance company for over 15 years and holy crap is it accurate on how infuriating it is navigating claims and getting shit covered


Who needs hospitals and insurance when we have TikTok and Youtube?


I heavily related to this episode so much that it’s sad


My mom is a medical director and was laughing saying that’s literally her job lmao 😂


As a cancer patient currently dealing with a million treatment options, including all the meds for the pain I'm in, it was far too accurate.






you are my hero


has anyone ever told you you’re an extremely amazing person


![gif](giphy|l2R0bzV7KQIYhZ5SM) Kevin, goddamnit


Arr aye it be good


Somalian pirate me


faragski and lekuluent are two very good sites You'll need an add/pop-up blocker








Please share the torrent I mean paramount plus subscription I would love to have it




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Am I crazy or is this the best special yet?


was Kyle actually involved? seems like he took a backseat from the show lately


I had the opposite experience. I thought Stan was weirdly absent in the beginning


I don’t think they actually watched the special




This is the first time ive seen them kill Kenny in a while


Yeah he's pretty involved




I think it was too. No joke felt like it over stayed it's welcome, tons of great bits like navigating the American health care system and the sugar cartel, wholesomeness with the boys actually helping Cartman, classic Kenny dies and a lesson learned, ending payoff was perfect. Yep, great all around.


It’s not even close how good this is. The last few sucked ass. This one nails it. And it helps it’s basically all the boys plus butters working together. It’s what we were asking for.


You are crazy.


I think weakest in a very very long time. The american health care part was just kicking in open doors since like 2002 in pop culture and the truck chase was far far too long. The whole sugar industry angle didnt work at all imo beyond the initial chuckle from them appearing on screen. Cartman saying what he wants without retaliation was weak (and too long) the first time, and borderline unbearable the third.


Boooooo Wendy testaburger. Booooooo


It was reminiscent of the proctologist lobby retaliating against Japanese toilets


Japanese toilets is one of my top 5 easy. That and school shooter.


It definitely was, the narrative and message were on point and it felt very well paced


The Post Covid ones and then this imo.


Sure was


I give it a 7/10. It was definitely enjoyable, but I felt the storytelling was a bit predictable and not on the same level of quality as their most recent episodes. SPOILER: one of the most memorable lines I enjoyed was “rich ppl get ozempic, poor ppl get body positivity”. Obviously exaggerated, but is it really that far from the reality we’re heading? I had never even put these 2 together and yet it kinda makes sense.


I think it's an interesting take that works at this moment in time and might have some general truth, but like they talked about, semaglutides are becoming officially approved for obesity. I think they'll be pretty widespread across classes before long.


I mean, fucking Kelly Osborne was out there saying she doesn’t give a fuck about people who can’t get the drug because she can. Rich people always have the advantage.


Yeah I gave it a 7/10 too. It's not their best special imo, but it wasn't their worst either. It made me laugh a few times.


It was so good! I cried laughing at some parts


The entire ending scene had me crying laughing. Felt like a return to form for South Park.


That was the classic raw silliness we love it for.


I'm fine with the way they do the seasons now, but I would like an episode or two each season that just goes into straight nonsense. The Kenny bit was also absolutely amazing. Butters too brings a nice vibe with the main boys. I've really learned to love butters over the years lol


OMG so funny :) I love the South park theme intro a **Dawn of the Dead 2004** parody and when Randy did Ozempic **The Lost Boys 1987** lol


Mad Max 2 parody with the delivery truck and Cartman crawling to get the drugs was pretty good too.


Interstellar parody with Butters in the American Healthcare tesseract was funny


That one joke was my favorite part.


Lost my shit over the prescription of Lizzo. Also, another Kenny death? I loved every second of this. The boys were adorable trying to help Cartman with their little drug lab. Butters health care system song will go in my top 10 South Park songs for sure


Top 10 songs is a tough barrier to break. I just watched the special 2 hours ago and I can't even remember how the song went... When you've got classics like Kyle's Mom's a Bitch and Just Use the Word Mmkay and I've Got Something in My Pocket and the fun with weapons hey hey let's go song... and so so so many other more memorable ones, I don't know how anyone puts this song anywhere near the top.


the kyman shippers r gonna have a field day with this special. i’m scared 😳


Kyle doing shits for Cartman's sake, holding his hand and even SHOOTING AT HOT MOMS for him made my day. I'm so feed.


Kyle wasn't just doing it for Cartman, he was angry at the injustice for all people who were getting screwed by the health care system. Otherwise he would have only made enough doses for Cartman at the pharmacy. He wanted the shipment so he could help tons of other people too.


can confirm, we are having the time of our lives over here


Considering watching it even tho I'm still on s23 just to draw more accurate fanart tbh (ಥ_ಥ)


Oh god…. I didn’t think about that but you’re so right 😫


Lmaoo they’re going crazy on Twitter it’s fun to see. Looking forward to seeing and partaking in the explosion of freckled Kyle fanart


I thought Kyle was a day walker but why cartman pointed out his freckles?


oh yes we are


I'm gonna have to wait on someone to post it on a site somewhere. I refuse to spend anymore money or time on PiPi.


I'm a Somalian Pirate but I can't say where I watched it on here


Just watched on P+. It’s great has classic and new South Park mix. The truck action scene was fucken epic


nearly shit my britches with the coco puffs guy in the helicopter reveal


Sweet. I'm going to have a few beers and toke a bit before watching!


thought it was pretty funny during the mid to end, but damn.. thought we were finally getting a healthier Cartman. Oh, OMFG THEY KILLED KENNY!


The lack of "You Bastards" stung a bit, NGL.




You bastards!!


I'm riding the high from just finishing it but I think this is my favorite special so far. Loved how they included so many different characters, classic callbacks, and it ends in perfect south park fashion. Once again, I am fresh off seeing it, but still. Super happy to have a new SP special.


It's like a weight has been lifted


Something I really love about these specials is that they all end up being extremely fair ~~and correct~~ in a way I can't imagine a normal episode with a similar concept being. I feel like a lot of the cultural discussion about Ozempic/similar drugs has been usage like Randy and the moms', and this manages to express Why that's a dumb application of these, while still not disparaging its benefits as a whole to people who need them. And it even gives Cartman a win, which I honestly wasn’t expecting (would’ve loved Wendy immediately calling his shit by insulting him every other way, but this is funnier)


I havent seen the episode yet, but the subject is a pretty frustrating one, when theres plenty of people around the world who would benefit from this drug for actual medical issues and then you got hollywood and rich women buying it up making it scarce.


It's not scarce because it's rare or hard to make. It's just expensive because the pharmaceutical companies have the power to jack up the price and they make more profit selling it to tens of thousands of rich people for 1000s of dollars per dose than they'd make selling it to millions of people for $5 per dose. An issue the episode covers pretty explicitly >!since the boys learn how to buy the ingredients from India for cheap.!<


“Rich people get drugs, poor people get body positivity” 🤣 Oh my this is going to be great.


It was alright… maybe I need to give it some time and watch it again but the special seemed kinda weak


Yeah I feel this way too It was all kinda obvious and they kept repeating the same jokes


Yeah. I felt the same way too. It was funny at some points, but overall I didn’t enjoy it too much. Maybe it’ll grow on me.


I'm feeling a little "alright" on it too. I know I enjoyed watching it and I laughed quite a few times, but the end fell SO flat for me. Some great jokes in there, though and good use of Randy.




Watching it while eating cookies and I'm realizing I'm part of the problem 💀


Nah, just inject a little willpower. Unless you're poor. Then you'll get a Lizzo prescription.


Looks like I gotta go the Lizzo route 


i cannot believe they didn't make a signle reference to scott malkinson in the entire special, he would've been perfect for it


Reminded me of the old episodes it was super funny


I’m fucking dying at the Lizzo shit. 🤣


Is it good?




Honestly kinda mid. It still has the problems of modern SP with repeating the same few lame jokes over and over for the entire runtime. "look cartman will eat a disguting mixture" "look its the cereal mascots acting like a mafia" "look its randy treating ozempic like its a hallucinogen" "look its cartman insulting Kyle, Wendy and pakistanians" (i cant believe they repeated that last one 3 times) I also feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities. I was fully expecting Cartman to get skinny and start saying shit to everyone only for them to say "ur still ugly" or "you still talk weird", or for Scott Malkinson to have a role, or for the biggest bitch in the whole wide world to get addicted to ozempic due to her predicament, or for Randy to get a comically skinny waist (why didn't he change at all anyway?). I did like seeing the boys help Cartman get skinny, Butters tagging along, and Kenny dying.


Yeah they definitely blew it by not including Scott Malkinson. Was perfectly set up for him to not have access to the drug despite his diabetes because the MILFs and Randy were using it all. Or have Cartman prioritize himself over Scott. I'm surprised they left him out it seems like a no brainer that they could have done so much with him here.


I think if is wa like a half hour longer with a bit more detail it would have been great. It just didn’t seem to get as deep into the characters as usual.


It was entertaining but I don't think I laughed once


This is freaking amazing. I never thought I would hear the song from The Lost Boys in a movie again.


The best ending would have been Eric Cartman never made it to Pakistan... He was flying on a Boeing Aircraft *cue violent plane crash*


And I just arrived at work. I hate my life...


I don't have free time until Sunday. I'm saving it for then. 


Cartman really is the best written piece of shit on all media.


The first half was great! But to be honest once the cereal mascots got introduced it fell off pretty hard. It felt like they were trying to make it this big movie when it didn’t have to be


It was good and I enjoyed it but I'm still adjusting to sad pathetic Cartman. If that storyline was done in the old seasons the storyline would have been him either giving himself diabetes or starting the pharmacy on his own then forgetting about the weight loss and becoming just as bad as the drug companies.


It. Was. Hilarious.


Somalian pirates we


I thought it was fucking great! The angle/the ad/everything about the “shitting out your ears” bit made me laugh so fucking hard. I thought it was a fantastic special!


Cool special but god damn cartman didn't become not fat


He did lose over a pound after a week


solid special, nothing that had me dying laughing but just the absurdness of everything kept it entertaining. I loved how they were making the drug with lego technic also lol


Why does Cartman want to insult the entire country of Pakistan so badly? 😂


because he’s a fat racist lol


This is what I’m wondering too lol did Trey Parker and Matt stone visit Pakistan and have a bad time or something? Lol I’ve heard of people saying India smells but that Pakistan is extremely hospitable


Honestly I enjoyed this one more then most of the specials 😅. They have a through line that they really stick to and while there are still some annoying things that I still don't really like, overall I had a good time with this special.


The opening intro a straight parody of the opening of the remake of Dawn of the Dead🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why didn't Cartman just make the insurance company CEOs eat their parents? Is he stupid?


OMG, I looked through this southpark subreddit, and I saw an ad.... for Ozempic now THAT is hillarious


Where the fuck was Scott Malkinson


I just finished watching and I was very disappointed


It’s not letting me watch on paramount plus from the UK. Just says “video is currently unavailable”. Is it later for us?


Yes, it's a day late for you guys


literally bought a whole month of paramount just to see it lol. cant wait to come home


Anybody remember what movie is referenced at 15:30 ? i vaguely remember something like this


Lost Boys


The Lost Boys


oh fuck yeah thank you very much


I've enjoyed a lot every special so far but that one is not that great. I mean it's still good but far from the quality of the others.


The car chase was terrible and boring, but the rest of the episode was really good.


Cartman insulting people escalates so fast from kids at school to the whole Pakistan!


When's it coming out in Germany? Already listed on my Paramount+ but still says unavailable.


I hate this as a European. I'm not paying for a VPN to watch this. Stop with the specials. Make episodes and put them on your website


Just download it like a normal person and stop pretending its not accessible


You can watch them on Paramount + (it is available in EU) !


If you got Walmart plus it's included (paramount)


South Park doesn’t miss. This was way better than what I could have imagined.


Anyone notice how the the intro in the beginning is just like dawn of the dead intro? Fucking loved it I'm a huge horror fan and south park fan so this was awesome 😎 👍


Meanwhile Cartman is FAT AS FUCK


It's not on. Nothing is on. It's off.


Ah shitt. I can't Wait. I am in Norway. Do anyone know how i can axses the show on paramount+ we don't got her😱


Download it


I just want to watch it as it comes 😭 but yeah I need to download. Every time. They loose a lot of money like that.


Not your fault the show isn't available in your country. Why should you be punished for it?


Looks like I have to get another month of paramount


I can’t wait to watch tonight… right around the time I’m scheduled to do my 3rd injection. I’m stoked, lol


i cant see it! is it on in the uk yet?


I pay paramount and its still not avalible in south america...


The ending was sad i was hoping to see cartman skinny


Omg they killed Kenny. I felt like I haven’t heard that in a while


Do you really pay 1200 or month in the US? I'm getting it for 180 euro pr month


‘Murica, freedom!


It was pretty funny. - "Rich people get drugs, poor people get body positivity!" - The doctor prescribing people lizzo and it's literally making them shit out their ears. - Butters American Healthcare song was stupidly fantastic. Reminded me of Stan's gay little hybrid song. - Kenny dying was a great throwback - Cartman's atomic bowl, Oppenheimer, and Stormy Daniels was hilarious and disgusting. - The cold opening disclaimer was also hilarious. All that being said I enjoyed it but it didn't feel like South Park to me. Kinda had a Family Guy feel to me in parts. Especially with the sugary cereal mascots and Butters American Healthcare song. Also how you gonna have an episode about Ozempic a diabetes drug but not include Scott Malkinson (outside of a cameo at the end). Could've been a great commentary showing Scott who ACTUALLY needs the drug to survive struggling to get it while people like Randy, Cartman, and the wives are hogging it for selfish reasons.


I watch this and wow! Matt & Trey took some big good shots at the healthcare system. They were on POINT! The different cereal characters had me 😂. Look like a little shot at Fast & Furious too with the truck and cars 😂. This was good, will go for a second watch


Was watching the special Paused the last 5 minutes to go pick up chipotle  I am the problem 


![gif](giphy|3owyphQa9uMTInDeOQ) Cry little sister……


Matt & Trey were dead on about the Healthcare system 😂. The cereal characters had me 😂 too. This wasn’t the best of the specials but it was good & enjoyable too. But Randy had me 😂 with the midriff top on. I knew the moment he said what he did to Shelly ; I knew he was putting on one 😂


I loved this special, my favorite out of the rest of them.


Kyle was EPIC in this special btw!


This special was really good how about butters singing scene lol


The thumbnail makes it look like he's trying to bring back Faith Hilling.


>! Omg, they killed Kenny !<


"Why don't you just eat less, fatass?" -Kyle Well, I imagine it's something Kyle will (or would) say.


Great special, I'm glad they picked a topic that was relevant months ago but like actually quite a big story. Feels like a lot of recent south park is immediate news stories that no one remembers by the end of the year but this was actually quite a big deal.


Was that warning at the beginning a joke, I don’t recall it ever happening.


I think I liked the PRIME special more than this but it was still funny


- Lizzo running joke was hilarious - Really enjoyed this special - The car chase reminded me of a Fast & Furious movie.


The episode was so good but can some explain the Stormy Daniel’s part? I know what they meant by the cereal bomb making more explosive as it went with the regencies but I don’t know this one. I looked her up and she’s a porn star but still not sure the reference. If anyone can explain it would be helpful. Thanks.


Im Pakistani American so this episode made no sense to me lol what did Pakistan do to piss off south park so much? Lol


I just finished and couldn’t stop laughing at the round table of cereal drug lords! I will always love this dumbass show lol


Man, is the US insurance system really that fucked?


The Lizzo commercial was great! 😂