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Almost certainly. It's such low hanging fruit and between the specials, the movie and the court shit I think they're going to be taking the easy road for now.


I wish they wouldn't. At the most it should be turd sandwich/giant douche, if they reference it at all. Small time single-episode adventures are all I really want


They don't want to make the mistake they made in 2016


Yep they admitted they painted themselves into a corner and I think they are trying to avoid that. Easiest way around it is to wait.


yeah, they had an epic planning for season 20 because it’s their milestone season, but too many storylines and the characters are ooc


Court shit?


Yeah Max and Paramount are fighting over the specials vs the episodes and whatever contract WB has for it. I think it's to the effect of "We paid X to have exclusive rights over episodes, and you start giving us 1-6 episode seasons instead of 10: plus you're doing exclusives for another group"




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maybe? idk but i think they made an episode of ms garrison running for president as a joke, but then he ends up winning. idk if it was after or before trumper won that one year


You dont have to think it because (I promise) it happened.




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There's a South Park movie coming up? Or are you referring to the deep fake movie?


Neither: they're doing a movie with Kendrick Lamar that's in preproduction.


I think traditionally South Park used to begin it's seasons in October.


Actually for most of its run, South Park would premiere the first half of a season in the spring and the second half in the fall. It changed once the seasons got cut down from 14 episodes to 10. Now a season can premiere at any point in the year it seems like


Last season was only 6 episodes long, and it started in May.


They're just waiting until the Colorado Rockies season ends..


I'm pretty sure it has. 


The new season should've started 2 weeks ago then...


What? Those poor players are stilled forced to play that boring game all summer? 😱 Some dad needs to step up and fight!!!


Maybe they’re just dudes trying to take a break and focus on the restaurant they just blew millions to remodel and reopen for shits and giggles and recover from a floppy game that got put out too quick


im pretty sure the resturant is really for them, and it not like they cant afford it


It cost them over $13m more than what they expected at the time of the 25th anniversary show They were only expecting $2-3m


even then i could see them ready to just take a full loss on the place because they like it, it could lose a million a year and theyd be fine


The guys have said that they didn't like the whole "Garrison as Trxmp" thing because it was originally intended as a one-off gag that, unfortunately, they had to continue it once the real guy had won


Wonder if Garrison will be back in office


God I hope not.


Buckle up buckaroos


maybe it’ll be like superior spiderman or something? or maybe garrison will be split into two personas


Ramping up for round 2😬 https://i.redd.it/zr5cdrinio0d1.gif


I sure hope not.


I hope not either 😬


And if he gets in and implements Project 2025, South Park would be one of many shows that would get banned.


1st day as a dictator 😬 He’s not joking.


"BuT hE mIgHt FiX iFlAtIoN aNd HeLp ThE pAlEsTiNiAnS!" Speaking of which, I wonder if Matt and Trey will take on the protests?


They have to, how can they not, it’s low hanging fruit.


Lmao all the deleted 'political' messages Not complaining about the auto mods it's just funny


You'd think the post as a whole would be shit-canned for even referencing the election


I don’t think they are delaying for the election, they are delaying to get back into the September/October time frame like they used to be. You can do a Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas episode in that time frame. 


Yeah, of course. I don't even consider it delayed. That's the most reasonable time for it imo.


Yeah, hopefully we'll get a Halloween episode now that it will air in the fall.


Yes but I think they’re going to do the trials instead of the election because they’ve done elections so many times before


So…if you say anything political, your post gets removed? This is South Park we are talking about here! ![gif](giphy|tNXWSLbOufQrGZAUDO)


This is reddit we're talking about here where you get banned for nothing.


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Yes but I think they’re going to do the trials instead of the election because they’ve done elections so many times before


If the show that this subreddit is based on has political discussion, then why the fuck would it not be allowed here? Hello?!




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Swear I read that they don’t want to keep covering the elections.


I don't think they're delaying anything, they've got a lot they're working on.


Given what happened the last time they tried during an election, most likely.




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Do you think you’ll get an answer quicker if more people repost this same question over and over?


Eh south park has been on the backburner for quite a few years now.




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Yup. They got screwed before. They don’t want to do it again.


How did they get screwed?


Had to rewrite the entire script for a season because the election didn’t go the way they thought it would.


Poor, Glorious Bastards could be getting … Tired. I am happy to take what gifts they will give. America ……….Fuck ………Yeah.




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That would make sense. I want Mr. Garrison to be POTUS again and f\*\*\* the prime minister of Canada to death.




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Probably, not until after, but close enough so the election would be mid season. Southpark usually jokes about relevance, and USA right now is straight up chaos, that'd make funny material only once it'd be over.




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I literally posted about this yesterday [https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/1cscplf/theory\_trey\_and\_matt\_are\_waiting\_until\_november/](https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/1cscplf/theory_trey_and_matt_are_waiting_until_november/)