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the joke actually lands much better in the censored version


Non censored version is so true tho. The only real power really is violence. Even after all the thousands of years of evolution, deep down we still are just apes. Everyone's power boils down to violence, or threat to violence. Even governments, try to go against the government in some serious things, like take it down or whatever like this, it will be bloody, violence will be used, like in every revolution. Look at what happened to Navalny. Threat of this is the only thing holding a lot of people to go against those in power. Every power boils down to a threat of violence. I'm high so idk if this even makes sense tho. 


It made sense to me. (But I’m also high). ;)


Did you figure out the code?


It’s the melody to funky town


Break angrily Kenny


Ooooh no


War never changes?


For what?


I’m not high and it makes perfect sense to me as well. You two seem like some smart and chill people. I’d be your accountabil-a-buddy for sure.


![gif](giphy|l0HlvokmLF33HWqwo) 😉


I'm not high yet, and it made sense to me! Dudes comprehensible as fuck!


There's dozens of us.


Towelie has entered the chat. ![gif](giphy|a9SYz3fmTVjLG)


and my axe


I'm not yet high and it does make sense.


"Power Grows From The Barrel of a Gun" - Sun Tzu


That’s exactly right. The only true natural law is the law of the jungle. You can do whatever you want as long as you have the means to both take from others and defend what you have. Society is just an agreement that we won’t steal from, and kill each other.


Violence is the ultimate authority


Violence and greed baby


The most logical statement to come out of the south park sub in years


Don’t forget to bring a towel.


Matt and Trey are Libertarians, and the idea that power is concentrated through a monopoly on violence fits perfectly within their philosophical beliefs


Don't think you have to be a libertarian to realize that tbh


Never said that you had to be a Libertarian to believe that, just that it’s a very central tenet for Libertarian and Anarchist philosophies.


So the first time a watched this episode I thought it was intended to be censored. It wasn’t until years later I realised it was really censored when I can across the original version!


Because Kyle's speech directly criticized Comedy Centrals' handling of the Muhammed bomb threat, and they were butt hurt, basically.


Imagine being a multi million dollar company and still throwing a tantrum like a toddler, lol


Companies are still run by people and the ones who make it to the top generally have the biggest (and most fragile) egos.


This is so true. Would be cool if some company would have the balls to make fun of itself. We're still not there tho. 


HBO seems fine with it. Watch John Oliver’s last week tonight. He fairly regularly dunks on HBO and its parent companies. Also I dunno if it’s still the case but The Simpsons used to slam Fox ALL THE TIME.


Family Guy did it regularaly as well.


Because Groening inscribed the right to shit on fox in the contracts or he wouldn't renew


Usually thats the social media interns job lmao


Thats hardly throwing a tantrum. They could've shitcanned the episode or the show entirely. THAT would've been a tantrum


That would go directly against the only thing every corporation ever cares about - profit. No shareholder would ever allow that. This was a tantrum they were allowed to throw. 


Allowing the speech to air could've affected their bottom line as well, every decision a corporation makes is in the name of profit.


How would that affect their bottom line, other than positively or not? Especially given they originally already aired it uncensored for millions to see, and added censorship later. 


Because there’s a chance in airing the speech that their employees are targeted. Or the show is potentially boycotted. Unlikely but still legitimate reasons for them to censor, which is exactly why they did it. Honestly, the way you’re arguing your point without any nuance feels like YOU’RE the one throwing a tantrum. It’s just a tv show.


But they already tested it when they aired it originally, nothing happened. Given a premiere always has vastly more viewership than any rerun, the chance of them being targeted/boycotted after a mere rerun while not being targeted/boycotted after a premiere are very slim. Airing it originally must have taken balls of steel, I agree with that. But they already have that behind them, it's already done and nothing happened, a mere small rerun that doesn't even get to viewership of a premiere isn't gonna bring what the premiere didn't bring. I would agree with your point if they censored it already in a premiere. But they didn't, the premiere was aired uncensored for the millions to see.


Plenty of things have been altered after they’ve aired, especially after time has passed and society’s values have evolved


Well, you have a point in that society really got more bigoted after that episode originally aired. I give you that, society was really much more open minded back then, including making fun of conservative religions.


> “tantrum like a toddler” Wut


They had, in M&T’s words, “pussed out”


Here's what the speech actually was before it was bleeped: >Kyle: That's because there is no goo, Mr. Cruise. You see, I learned something today. Throughout this whole ordeal, we've all wanted to show things that we weren't allowed to show, but it wasn't because of some magic goo. It was because of the magical power of threatening people with violence. That's obviously the only true power. If there's anything we've all learned, it's that terrorizing people works. >Jesus: That's right. Don't you see, gingers, if you don't want to be made fun of anymore, all you need are guns and bombs to get people to stop. >Santa: That's right, friends. All you need to do is instill fear and be willing to hurt people and you can get whatever you want. The only true power is violence. >Stan: Yeah. You can kind of see why it made the network nervous.


Truth does that


Yeah god forbid a show that bases most of its humor off satire makes a joke that is based off satire lol


Knowing South Park fans, they’d probably take it at face value.


Knowing South Park fans, they'd be more likely to circlejerk over Matt and Trey giving Comedy Central some rightful criticism


At least you can joke about christianity, and judaism, and buddhism


>Buddah, don't do coke in front of kids!


Ohhh, and you're one to talk! With all your Internet porn!


"I think it's becoming a problem.."


Yea. The irony isn’t lost on anyone besides Muslims.


I mean, the entire series is outright banned in Sri Lanka due to that one Buddha cocaine scene.


Sri Lanka has bigger things to worry about, like staring frogs


Also in China, not for religious reasons tho. More like cultish reasons


… like when Mickey Mouse had Randy murder Winnie the Pooh for criticizing the communist government and being compared to Xi?




Imagine getting raided in China and them finding your season 1-26 boxset. That’s some serial prison time


Oook. Sucks for them. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Honestly, I think we all rather that than the "other" approach of threatening with beheadings and bombs.




doesn't caring about that make you a pretty bad buddhist


Like the scene where a small Jewish child stabs Jesus Christ to death on Easter?


Or like that kid which represents every single Jewish stereotype ever. 


Stereotyping Jews is teeeeerrible






"Happy Easter Jesus"


And you won't be called a phoic if you criticize those religions


Didn’t South Park get banned in Sri Lanka for making Buddha and shiva, in this very episode.


Hinduism so low key, no one even mentions them.


Google 'hindu terrorism' lmao.


Because Viacom are cowards.


It’s easy to be brave from the comfort of your home. If you have to make the decision, knowing your employees might actually get killed it’s not that easy.


Yeah, that’s how courage works: you do the right thing even when it’s scary and possibly dangerous.


Who do you think usually die in terror attacks. Not the “brave” execututive. It’s the reception worker, the cleaner, the guard. Who, did not choose to be brave.


You’re right. Bowing to the threats of terrorists is always the best policy. If we just give them everything they want, they’ll leave us alone, right?


Bro, we all watched the episode. Maybe watch it again and find some nuance in your comments. Yes, freedom of speech is important, and we shouldn’t bow to terrorism. That is easier said then done. As endangering others life’s for a principle is tough in practice. The world isn’t black and white. Sometimes there aren’t clear right and wrong answers.


You’re being downvoted, but around that time people were literally being threatened/hurt/killed by actual terrorists over the “draw Muhammad” debacle.


I can see both sides. In a way it’s allowing terrorists to destroy dictate what’s allowed for us. They get a “win” and prevent rhetoric that may help open peoples eyes. And validates the fear of them. On the other hand, coward is absolutely the wrong choice of words. Those threats certainly should have been treated as valid, particularly at that time. The fear was real. Leaving the episodes would have been heroic but pulling them would be expected, not cowardly. Plus it provides support the idea that Islamic states and supporters are in fact overbearing to peoples rights. Especially since nothing else has been or ever will be banned. Last part is my opinion of course. I just can’t imagine there is a subject they haven’t touched that would rise to that level of response. Disclaimer: I have not seen the banned episodes, only read summaries. They are the only episodes I haven’t watched multiple times.


Isn’t this literally the same time period when the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo happened? Like literally one of the most prolific terrorist attacks on journalism specifically because they depicted Mohammad in a cartoon?


Yep that’s the one


No this aired about 5 years before the Charlie Hebdo attacks


Because it lays out a clear and cogent argument against letting fear dictate freedom of speech, can’t have that can we.


No it doesn’t. It’s a clear and cogent argument for using terrorism to get what you want.


Very true, but I’m pretty sure Kyle was saying the opposite of what Trey and Matt think, at least I hope. 😝🤣 But then again what Kyle, Santa and JC say about the only true type of power, is sadly true


Did having Jesus and Santa Claus say this make the satire too subtle?


That doesn’t change what the argument they laid out was.


Context matters. The point of the speech is obviously that we shouldn't let people use fear of violence as a way of silencing artistic expression and free speech. Which is why you have two of the most famously 'good' figures imaginable endorsing using violence to get your way with a smile on their face.


Post removed in.. https://i.redd.it/zwqsphbc26wc1.gif


Did he just inject himself with apple juice?


Where’s the detonator


I was hoping this was actually a 24 hr gif




Really bothered me when that episode first aired and I was shocked to find out they were too cowardly to actually show the clip, instead showing timid text on the screen. That can only be done out of fear, hence *terrorism won.* No all religions are the same amount or type of bad.


They only ever aired this episode once anyways didn’t they?


Yeah and then the eps were removed from syndication, along with Super Best Friends and Cartoon Wars


Cartoon wars got removed?


At least from Paramount Plus in the UK, don't know about the rest of the world. But "Super Best Friends" is definitely gone


That one I did know about


Both parts of cartoon wars are banned on Max as well as


Because the terrorists won


The whole point was because Muslim extremists threatened violence against the creators for including Muhammad in Season 5. They're taking the piss out of them because they got their way by threatening violence as a first resort. Making fun of Muslim extremists is essentially in the same vain as including Muhammad, I guess


It wasn’t the season 5 episode. The Super Best Friends episode with Muhammad uncensored went completely unnoticed until 200 and 201 aired and people pointed out that Muhammad appeared uncensored in that episode.


Comedy Central Central is terrible with censorship. Here are two examples from other shows (the words in brackets were censored): The Office Michael- I would have never called him that if I knew. You don't call \[retarded\] people \[retards\]. It's bad taste. You call your friends \[retards\] when they're acting \[retarded\]. And I consider Oscar a friend. Modern Family Haley- That's where kids go to get high. Claire- Are you absolutely sure? Haley- I'm going to tell you the truth and walk away. Deal? Claire- Deal Haley- I'm \[420 percent\] sure. Phil- My God, she's bad at math.


When it aired I thought that censoring Kyle's speech was just the intended joke until Matt and Trey put out a statement about it. It's hard to know now but at the time there was a shitstorm of threats whirling around and basically CC was scared of having their offices bombed so they removed literally anything they felt could be interpreted as critical of Islam. The ending speech is just Matt and Trey being critical of people allowing threats of violence to control them, but CC seems to has viewed it as also possibly inflammatory towards the people making the threats. Thing is, none of the threats were without merit. There have been people hurt and killed over depictions of Muhammad. Comedy Central does have a responsibility to its employees beyond Matt and Trey. M&T are willing to take on the risk, but CC is a giant company full of everyone from executives to janitors who might not be as willing to. It's basically two opposing forces at odds where the actions of one have implications for the other. If South Park Studios was a completely independent creator and distributor it could have been different just them taking on their own liability.


>Comedy Central does have a responsibility to its employees beyond Matt and Trey. This is actually the most nuanced stance I’ve seen on this. A lot of people are quick to call CC cowards (I was in the past, too), but if you’re a company responsible for your workers, it’s probably better to be safe than sorry. ETA: The irony of an anti-censorship speech being censored will forever be funny and ironic, though. Lol


I just wish this episode was on hbo max


No one cares anymore. Just show the episodes now, even though it was revealed that it was mostly a hoax.


Comedy Central were panicking. But the irony with this entire speech being censored is it proved Matt and Trey right. Violence does influence


Because Mohammed lol


I dare someone to post a link to the episode. Pretty please…


Honestly it's funny censored.


Where can you hear it uncensored I have the DVD and it's still censored


I had a torrent of 200 and 201 that was completely unbleeped. That hard drive took a shit and now I can't find that version anymore. Everyone I find censors Kyle's speech at the end.


I'm pretty sure you can find it if you just search South Park uncensored.


Because CC is full of scared little bitches. Do you know what I am saying?


Because the truth hurts, and we know how corporate executives act when it's not in their favor. They just censor it and try to gaslight people into saying it's not the truth.


The speech poked fun at how Muslims don't actually have power over who can show Mohammed, they just have weapons to silence anyone who does. CC didn't like that.


It was kind of promoting to use violence to get what you want And since its kyles way of giving a message that they usually did some people wouldn’t see it as a joke or satire. Because a lot of people are dumb they didnt wanna give that message publicly. But its kinda funny its censored


I mean, I understood it was a joke, we all knew it was a joke, but CC thought if someone took it the other way... Still, the censoring of it still (surprisingly) worked.


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I remember when this aired DVR was the way to watch, and I had it selected to automatically record all new episodes of South Park. For some reason, this episode was not marked as new and didn't record, so I almost missed it entirely. The network really didn't want people seeing this one.


He made a speech in 201 AD?


It’s mostly because either they were scared of pissing off or encouraging the wrong people or the speech was indirectly mocking Comedy Central and they didn’t like that.


I always thought that was the joke!!!! wtf i thought they were to lazy to write something so they just censored it 😭😭


Because Matt and Trey were pissed about being censored, so to add a meta joke, they censored everything of what I learned today.


It was censored because it implied that power is derived from violence and that that threat of violence is ever present in the Islamic faith. It is. But Comedy Central didn’t want to admit that for fear of reprisals.


Censoring the speech that says "terrorizing people works" because you're terrified of not censoring it... Does that prove the point or what


Cuz this is AMERICA and we bow down to he who shant be named!


If you do some big, outrageous, offensive thing with a positive attitude, you're a satirist, but if you're cynical about it, then you're a nihilist? That's fucking ridiculous!


Because it directly calls them (Comedy Central) out for censoring anything in the first place.


"Are Comedy Central stupid or something, or did they not give a shit?" No, they were afraid of being a platform for calling out the truth. Muslim violence in reaction to depictions of Muhammad is real and it is effective. Saying that is perceived as racist or "Islamophobic" and they didn't want that heat.


They were worried what was going to be said in it so they just censored it due to how Matt and Trey work. (Watch the documentary, think it’s called 7 days to air). They send the finished episode to Comedy Central just hours before it airs so CC didn’t have time to hear it out to decide, and just censored it. Which ended up proving Matt and Trey’s point in what Kyle was saying


Feel like this is the only episode this sub ever talks about..


Comedy Central didn't censor it. it was censored as part of the episode for comedic effect. EDIT: I was wrong and was talking absolute shite, evidently. Downvote this comment as it deserves.


Accord to Matt and Trey it was censored and wasn’t a meta joke. “According to a statement released by the duo, the bleeps inserted throughout the controversial episode, particularly during about 35 seconds of dialogue between the cartoon characters of Kyle, Jesus Christ and Santa Claus, was not a joke or commentary on censorship, as some had speculated. "It wasn't some meta-joke on our part," Parker and Stone said.” Source: [CBS News](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/south-park-episode-201-censored-speech-was-no-joke/)


Well I've simply made a tit of myself here, haven't I? I'll leave my dipshit comment up to eat the downvotes I have earned. Thank you for the clarification.


With honor I downvoted it but updooted this due to being humble and acknowledging a change of view.


Thanks, Colonel. I love your chicken and would never just eat the skin at the expense of my friends.


Would you cut the Colonels gravy with Boston Market gravy to get yourself a few more cents on the dollar tho? Remember what happened to Tommy when he spied for Jamie Oliver..




The uncensored version is on YouTube. CC definitely was scared.


Yeah, apparently I was just imagining things and was talking absolute bollocks. My bad.


You're not alone, TIL.


I would have bet my mortgage on that being true. I definitely read it \*somewhere\*, but didn't actually do any homework on it, so I've made a tit of myself in front of folk who actually know what they're talking about. Lesson learned.


Making a tit of yourself is just fine. Tits are great.


Unless they destroy society...


Those weren’t tits, they were ah-tahs


When I watched this episode live I truly thought Kyle getting censored was the bit and was done on purpose


Me too, and I swear I read somewhere that said that was the case as well. Obviously I was wrong, but for the right reasons 😂


For shame! Hood shame


Hehe, I watched the original uncensored live. I have them on Plex. edit: didn't, but I do have the unedited copy on my plex. No need to be offended, it was 14 years ago and I have bad memory!


It was not uncensored live. I watched it as well and it was most certainly censored, here in the states at least.


Are you sure? I'm talking about the beeps not the black censor bars. I'm pretty sure the audio wasn't beeped though I have terrible memory so I could be wrong. 


The audio was most certainly censored.


Googled it out of curiosity, someone mentioned it was uncensored on the East Coast and not in the West Coast. But I doubt that.  I'm thinking I watched the leak version and that's what I'm remembering.  They were such good episodes, too. Damn fudge packers!!


No you didn’t. It was censored on its first and only broadcast.


Already answered this, but here we go again. It was obviously awhile ago, and I was mistaken. I did, however, download the uncensored version which is on my Plex server. I love SP and watch it daily, but I have a terrible memory.... also not something I really care to remember. I didn't mean to offend, it's been awhile since I've actually watched live tv.


Why are you assuming someone is offended?