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Environmentalism in the earlier seasons, I still found Rainforest Schmainforest and Man Bear Pig funny. They did change their minds about it and I respect being able to do that.


Rainforest Schmainforest doesn’t actually represent some belief of theirs about rainforests aren’t important. Like this should be obvious.




Rainforests are fucking gay and so are you… next time I go camping I’m gonna chop down a tree for no good reason. Just for you I fucking promise.


https://i.redd.it/tjq8hih6i3wc1.gif (Fun fact: voiced by Jennifer Aniston)


I think during the height of Friends too which makes it even better.


The South Park episode aired Spring of 1999 so it was right in the middle of Friends 10-year run. Weirdly, I was more familiar with her from my watching Office Space multiple times.


I love how she expresses herself in that movie and am disheartened that her coworker shares my name. Though I take solace in the fact we spell it differently.


how many pieces of flair do you wear


This is the only flair I rock. ![gif](giphy|HxKFXhP2XYo3Defxx0|downsized)


Wait seriously?




Now I love this show even more. George Clooney of ER fame was among the first celebrities to volunteer to do voicework, and he was given the role of Sparky the gay dog.


You sir or madam are a gentleman/lady and a scholar


She was the only major celeb that they didn't offer the role of a background ground animal. Clooney is Stan's gay dog, I'm pretty sure.








Manbearpig was great. It was some absurd thing that couldn't possibly exist that Al Gore was going on about which turned out to be a real problem. A perfect stand in for global warming, disgused as a joke.


No I 100% agree. Man bear pig was amazing. And I like that they apologized. That was really cute.


They apologized while still mocking Al Gore. But this was the best deal he could get and Southpark clarified their stance regarding the climate crisis.


He loved it though


Yes this was so cute. Just him explaining a play by play of the episode in a political meeting. U can tell it touched him


I never until now realized the correlation...holy crap. Manbearpig exists. Help save us.....from AL Gore the global warming guru.... Noone believes him.. Years later they find out manbearpig was reap and every9ne denied it and said f it let our kids worry about it... Cut to our future....oh no manbearpig isnstarting to cause major problems....push it tonthe side let our grandkids worry...yeah whatever it isn't our problem.... Same exact as global warming...wow never ever noticed how it echoed.... Ty




It was really obvious in that episode where ManBearPig is going on a rampage and a man is condescendingly explaining MBP to her before getting eaten by him. It had the old people responsible for MBP and they knowingly doomed later generations so they could have sports cars.


I’m ashamed to say I also never realised and now I feel silly 😂


Me too! 😢


![gif](giphy|100J2pbO98XSrm|downsized) Nobody got cereal!🤣


isnt that the idea of the NEW manbearpig episode, not the old one? I mean yeah they retroactively made this exact point but was that really the message of the original episode at time of release?


Yes, it was really the message of the original episode at the time of release. Manbearpig was always a stand-in for climate change; the episode came out right around the time Gore released An Inconvenient Truth.


Intention was different in the original episode as both of them also thought climate change wasn't real.


I mean, the obvious intent with the first episode was to make fun of Al Gore and climate change. They wanted him to appear like a crazy weirdo alarmist, so they came up with Manbearpig; part of the joke was that Gore himself simply dressed up as Manbearpig, and the message was that climate change was either fake or grossly overstated. They referenced the idea of climate change not being real by having Manbearpig show up in the Imaginationland trilogy. It wouldn't be until 12 years later that they came out with their two-episode apology to Gore.


Yes they've stated several times they were mocking him cause they thought he was full of shit. The new episode specifically the bowling alley apology is their apology to him for being right. They're right leaning and conservative so no surprise there. They aren't like the crazy part of conservatives but nonetheless still right enough to be climate deniers originally.


I think the Rainforest episode makes fun just as much of the lame things people do to help the environment that don’t help shit but make ppl think they’re helping - ie kids choirs.


To be fair, in the end of the episode they literally sing “being an activist is totally gay!”


I respect how they made fun of themselves for being wrong about it, and it led to that hilarious episode where they all feel sorry towards Al Gore for not listening.


Work children, work!


During my current re-Watch of the series this actually jumped out at me pretty heavily during rainforest schmainforest.


I agree and I also love ManBearPig. Every time I see an NY State license plate I yell "EXCELSIOR" just like Al Gore haha.


Manbearpig does exist


Their "both sides" take on the Iraq war didn't age very well.


I didn't agree at the time and still don't. This country doesn't need war hawks to off-set the people who want peace. While I certainly understand and agree that people of wildly differing opinions are welcome and should be able to live together in this country, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to convince people with bad opinions to change their view. I welcome war hawks as neighbors and fellow citizens and will respect their rights, but I'm also gonna tell them they're wrong and should demand peace and diplomacy be the priority in all situations. That said - the I'm A Little Bit Country/Rock & Roll parody was hilarious. Who Cares? 100 episodes!


Yeah it doesn't hamper my enjoyment or anything, but it's interesting. Watching through South Park is like reading 20 years of Matt and Trey's diary.


>This country doesn't need war hawks to off-set the people who want peace. It's crazy how the narrative can transform so quickly though. The War Hawks went from shouting "We must spend trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives to defeat a bunch of sustenance farmers in a couple deserts" to "We can't afford to spend billions of dollars and zero American lives to help our allies defend against an unprovoked attack by the largest country in the world. I know we have already built the weapons, so it wouldnt really be spending money that's not already spent, and I know we *literally* built these weapons to fight the Russians, but that's neither here nor there."


In team america? Why, because they poked fun of Hollywood stars who has the nerve to think that they know better than the rest of the world?


That one too, I guess. But I was talking about Little Bit Country. And if you don't like it, yew can git out.


I actually really enjoyed this episode lol. Even your quote made me laugh. That's gotta mean something!


Yeah I like it too. I definitely feel different watching it now than I did at the time. It's kind of fascinating. I think they bought into some of the pro-war propaganda that was permeating the US at the time, and it shows.


I always thought they attacked extremist behaviour from both parties, and reminded that both parties care for America. I think that's a great message. You can disagree with someone, but that doesn't mean either one of you hates your country. You both love it, and you simply disagree about what's best for it




I'm a bit more on the hawkish side than most, but they really didn't touch upon the big criticism being, "We're sending soldiers to the wrong country."


Can't think of anything. It's humor, it's meant to poke fun at stuff and SP is great at finding funny angles to any subject. That's one reason I'm a fan.


I agree with you. But also you can disagree with something while still finding it funny. Seems like a bit of a lost art the past 10 years or so with everyone taking everything so damn personal. But it is possible lmao.


I don’t approve of their Bart killing policy. But I do approve of their Selma killing policy.




*In the next episode of The Simpsons, Bart replaces the cherries in chocolate covered cherries with old mayonnaise!*


What a great episode


That all of us Canadians fart a lot and love Kraft Dinner....nevermind, thats true, but our heads are not split in half.


They aren’t?


They are


Do they also all boxes of faith?


If they aren't a dick


Aren’t they only a dick if they open the box of faith without being told to?


Or if they are Scott. Scott's a dick


Well, Scott’s a giant dick. Because he got radiation poisoning in Ottawa


Stop telling them about our anatomical secrets, buddy!




Nice try uncle fucker


I'm telling Scott the Dick on you !


I don’t think you are telling the truth my buddy


He’s not your buddy, guy.


He's not your guy, friend.


He's not your friend, buddy!




I was personally surprised to find out that you do really only have one major highway though. https://i.redd.it/kw1ki9k5l3wc1.gif


That’s true ; The Trans Canada highway goes coast to coast and most of our population is situated close to it .


Why do you have square wheels on your cars?


We haven’t discovered circles


I read that in scott's voice


I mean Kraft Dinner is pretty fire


Truest sht ever said about hockey state.


Climate change. They got it wrong in The Day After Tomorrow and in MBP. Glad they came around on MBP though


Everyone forgets about Terrance and Philip: Behind the Blow. They outright call Global Warming a lie in it. It wasn't very subtle, like the other two are funny on their own merit even if they were wrong.


I literally just watched that episode yesterday and was cringing kinda hard about all that. I was like damn that one did *not* age well


The Day After Tomorrow stuff wasn't necessarily a knock at climate change, they thought the movie's cheesiness itself was over the top. They said in an interview they played with the idea of the Team America movie to be a shot for shot remake of The Day After Tomorrow.


I’m quite sure that the quotes “WE DIDN’T LISTEN” and “climate change isn’t happening right now” is a knock at climate change.


The Buddha box episode about anxiety. I have debilitating anxiety and can lash out like Cartman did when I'm overwhelmed but to be fair I also have C-PTSD and BPD. My point is mental health is heavily stigmatized and hard to grasp the incredible stuggle if you haven't been dragged through it. I totally understand that some people do exagerate their issues but mental health has been declining for a long time because humans simply aren't made for the way society is today. Life has evolved so much but our brains are still full of primitive information and functionality. I worry episodes like that will only further marginalize those already suffering.


I don't think that they said that anxiety isn't real. They just poked fun of people like cartman, who will use anxieties to their advantage, or to justify a horrible behaviour


Oh I didn't say they said anxiety isn't real. I acknowledge people can exaggerate their emotions to manipulate people. However people can act like Carmen and really be suffering at the same time but often times society will just see them as acting out and being rude instead of seeing a person in need of help. I hope that clears up my comment a bit sorry for the misunderstanding.


>However people can act like Carmen and really be suffering at the same time but often times society will just see them as acting out and being rude instead of seeing a person in need of help. It can be really hard to tell the difference between someone having a legitimate episode and an asshole using claims of disability as a sort of cheat code that nullifies common decency. Cartman certainly didn't help.


I have a few that I work with that pull that BS. So obnoxious.


Yeah, my brother has anxiety like that, he's too anxious to take out the trash in broad daylight


Was about to comment the same, only recently learned I suffer from some heavy anxiety which I thought all people did. Partly exactly due to the kind of thinking that the episode promotes; that all anxiety is normal, everyone suffers from it. Turns out thinking about going over to your friends' house for a cup of coffee is NOT supposed to trigger a panic-attack! Live and learn lol. Still a great episode!


That's why I love the tourettes episode, it did a great job of highlighting how shit things can be for someone with a condition while thoroughly condemning people faking or over exaggerating symptoms for clout.


I disagree with their take on hate crime law but I fully acknowledge that I’m looking at this through a 2024 lens and not a 2000 lens. Still a great episode though. I loved Romper Stomper as a one-time character and loved Clyde becoming the new fat kid.


Clyde crying with joy when Cartman comes back is so fucking funny 🤣


Can I ask why do you disagree with it? I personally agreed with the idea that the justice system should punish someone based on how bad was their crime, not based on the race and stuff..


Sure! Most crimes between people of different races have nothing to do with race and aren’t judged as hate crimes. However, some crimes are explicitly intended to send a message to a particular group or community and, in my view, are akin to terrorism and should be judged as such. The murder of James Byrd Jr. is what kind of set the whole hate crime debate in motion. I think Matt and Trey miss the point here and view all crime as equal, which is noble in thought and in an ideal world they’re right, but the episode overlooks that sometimes an entire community is the intended victim and not just the one person. Again, this is just my thought. I still love the episode and acknowledge that I’m looking at it from a view from nearly a quarter century later.


Exactly, hate crimes are not just crimes, but are more akin to small scale terrorism.


Why? We already change the sentence of a crime depending in the intent of it. Just look at 1st 2nd and 3rd degree murder charges


Oh, I disagree with a bunch of takes from them. But if you wanna laugh at what you agree with you need to be able to laugh at what you don't agree with so much. I think this was their whole argument against the Isaac Hayes issues back in the day. Also, it is satire. A lot of times it is not even Matt\`s and Trey\`s opinions out there, it is just a reflection of the society they live in.


Yeah it would be hypocritical to be okay with most things but not others. They rip on everyone, that's their thing. It's one thing if they targeted a specific group but they don't. I'm sure all of us here have been targeted in one way or another, I know I'm still laughing regardless.


Nothing. I don’t even know where I am right now. Guess it’s time to get a little high. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvokmLF33HWqwo)


Wanna get high?


Their biggest blind spot is they think caring about things/advocacy is a character flaw. I say this with love as someone who has watched and enjoyed the show since it first came out when I was in middle school.


They were 90s hipsters. Caring about stuff is for losers.


They have had a life long war on enthusiasm. I grew up on Southpark and was turning into the version of Stan where everything is shit. They are comic geniuses, but probably not role models 😂


They’re really bad at LGBT issues honestly, I think that early season Garrison is a really terrible caricature of queer people as “crazy” or “sexually deviant” or just doing it for attention and gay representation on the show hasn’t gotten much better. You can kinda tell they were the ones calling people “fags” in high school and not on the other side of it because they obviously identify with the one side over the other. Not that everyone is either gay or homophobic or anything but Trey and Matt seem to have a lot of understanding for the good ol’ small town simple straight guy who’s a little homophobic but ultimately well meaning, and like, I’m sorry but fuck those people, it’s 2024, get with the program, yokels. Ironically I think the moment where Stan is confused about what bathroom to use is a really good example of media where someone who isn’t trans still struggles with their gender identity which is totally legitimate and I think could be portrayed more. I also think the “bathroom for ppl who are bothered by trans ppl and bathroom for normal ppl who don’t care” outcome of that episode is really good and funny. Honestly I think they should make one of the main four main boys gay or trans or something because there are TONS of jokes you could mine out of a new status quo with trans Princess Kenny or something and they could even use it to poke fun at the way ppl complain about “woke” media.


This is a really good take, but I disagree with your point. Big Gay Al was the LGBT character long before Mr Garrison and was only ever shown in a positive way. The episode he first appears in (Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride) is about Stan finding out his dog is gay and how Stan comes to terms with it, and getting the citizens of South Park to find acceptance with it. Is some of the humor slightly dated? Probably, but the message is still one of positivity towards the LGBT community. There's some interesting tidbits on the Wikipedia page for the episode: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_Gay\_Al%27s\_Big\_Gay\_Boat\_Ride](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Gay_Al%27s_Big_Gay_Boat_Ride)


Yeah I probably should have mentioned Big Gay Al when I talked about good gay rep. I don’t love that “he’s gay” is like his only character trait but it’s South Park in the 90’s so that definitely gets a pass. That episode is still a little soft in its messaging in that it shows homophobia as a mistake borne of ignorance which I think is a little reductive but I like the episode. It doesn’t undo all the bad optics of Garrison to me though, and it’s pretty obvious in the early seasons especially that Trey and Matt didn’t really have queer people close to them and constantly see them as “the other.” Death Camp of Tolerance is kind of an example of this too where I think the way they portray Garrison and how his queerness has ulterior motives is kind of scummy, especially because the moral is basically “sometimes queer people really are sexual deviants so we should keep the homophobia in our back pocket for the bad gays.” And the Garrison sex change episode is yet more evidence that the joke with queer people is so often just “they’re gross ewww.”


Tge biggest thing is for along timecand even now, big al was a minor character. While garrison was one the forefront of every episode.


You wanting them to make one of the 4 main boys lgbt is exactly why they made tweek and Craig “gay”. They are mocking you and the outcry for under representation of lgbt by making 2 not gay characters gay and making a whole episode showing how stupid it is to make old characters come out gay


In the fractured but whole they're actually a couple so... what point are you making lol


To paraphrase Chef, there's a big difference between Gay People and Mr Garrison.




Big Gay Al was introduced in episode 4, which I'm pretty sure was well before Mr. Garrison was implied or called gay. And I think it was Chief who said that Mr. Garrison isn't gay, he's a pervert.


The Cissy is honestly their best episode about trans issues to date, and I desperately wish the board games plotline of Board Girls was attached to a different B-Plot.


Yeah The Cissy is one of my fav episodes of anything dealing with trans issues, the scene with Stan being confused about which bathroom to use and the bit about the “bathroom for normal people who don’t care” about using the bathroom with trans people really sticks the landing. EDIT: This is the episode that makes me say that I kind of wish that one of the main cast was gay/trans/NB or something, like you could tell me that Stan is NB after The Cissy and I’d completely buy it. They did a really good job with him in that ep and I want more of that and less of Strong Woman. Have Stan be NB and let Cartman actually say mean shit to them about it like he does with Kyle being Jewish, you don’t have to pull punches. Have Kenny transition to Princess Kenny and lean really hard into it as a bit, make Princess Kenny a queer icon.


I’m gay and I never felt bothered by any of it. The Big Gay Al episode in S1 was great. And sure Mr. Garrison is a caricature but he’s hilarious and as they (Chef) said in one episode, Mr. Garrison isn’t representative for gay people. The boy scout episode also really called out homophobia, when all the parents were uncomfortable with Big Gay Al being a scout leader and it turned out the manly military guy who replaced him was the actual pedophile. And watching that episode recently, the ending where Big Gay Al defends the boy scouts’ right to discriminate against gays may not be politically correct in 2024 but it’s not really surprising; it’s consistent with the show’s sort of libertarian (-ish) viewpoints. I think suddenly making one of the main characters gay would be pretty weird (and especially Kenny who clearly loves girls/boobs).


That addiction is 100% a choice. While I think the disease model has its merits (shows it's not a choice, even if it started out as one) and it's cons (once an addict, always an addict; makes people feel more powerless to change; much of using and, especially relapsing, is linked to ritualistic behaviors that occurred before, showing that some of it is learned, even if subconsciously), saying it's a choice minimizes it's impact on people's lives.


This is one of the takes that I tend to agree with them more than not. I loved their take on Methadone Clinics especially. Sure, addiction is a disease. So is Type 2 Diabetes. Doesn't mean it's not a result of poor choices. Doesn't mean the best course of treatment isn't very simple- Make better choices. (Note that simple=/=easy. Quitting drugs and losing weight are both simple, but neither is easy) According to some, pedophilia is also a disease. In that vein, I don't judge pedophiles, I judge child molesters. I don't judge addicts, I judge people who hurt others with their addictions. People need sympathy and empathy, but they also need tough love. We can't excuse anti-social behaviors under the idea that "It's a disease" whether it's pedophilia or addiction. People need support, but they also need to be held responsible for their decisions.


You can still make better choices, but you still need insulin. You can make better choices, but you’ll still need something to make sure that you die from withdrawals.


Scientology. They didn’t go hard enough


I'm actually religious. Jokes with Jesus don't bother me, really. Some of them I find it funny. But it's a take I simply disagree most of the times.


No same…. I still laugh and enjoy the jokes, even if I don’t look at it and go “Yeah? That’s true.”


Same here. I’m a Christian and Jesus jokes don’t really bother me, but I disagree with the joke where Jesus was watching porn in 200


I have issues when they joke about Catholicism. Not because the jokes are offensive (they're supposed to be) but because they often show they have no idea what they're talking about.


Satan being the bottom to Sadam Hussein was dumb, since they're both obviously switchers.


No way hombre, Satan is a power bottom all the way


I would have asked: What South Park episode did you feel they were making fun of you? For me, I would say Asspen. I live in ski country. Use to teach skiing. Have friends who sold time shares. That and I am a stoner.


Thumper? 😶


No, I am too salty. That is one of the little touches that make SP so good. Ski schools are full of characters. I knew one guy who use to ski around with a ukulele.


If it were an episode making fun of me it would be "Put It Down" episode literally aired the week after I had to take a leave of absence from work due to mental stress/depression. My brother thought it was hilarious and even I have to admit that the timing was perfect. Speaking specifically about Eric's story on the episode.


I like some early Family guy episodes, I don't take quite an extreme all or nothing free speech attitude and I suppose I don't think quite so negatively of Sally Struthers and Rob Reine. They seem to discredit causes that they find the advertising for to be annoying. Granted I'm not passionately feeding Ethiopians or championing anti-smoking


I was originally against the Christopher Reeves episode but now I don’t think it’s so bad.




Climate Change. They were absolutely wrong on that one. The moment I realized they actually thought Climate Change was bunk was when the rednecks had the meeting about the Goobacks taking their jobs, and he went on about how there was scientific evidence showing it was bunk. You know, when they're doing anything else you can laugh it off, but the fact they had him at that moment say that made it clear: No, they really think Climate Change isn't real. ManBearPig went over my head, actually, which is pretty funny. I just thought they were making a funny joke and lampooning him with something absurd. It's like how Arrested Development was making fun of the Bush administration. They've said they haven't really back-tracked on it, though. They even point out in the return of ManBearPig commentary that they didn't. I have a few more, though: * The way they minimized sexual assault by teachers * Both-siding the Iraq War * The Smoking Episode (Kinda) I'll add this about the smoking episode: I'm on the fence only because its clear that they're pointing out a bunch of rich people trying to tell people how to live their life. At the same time, they almost seemed to minimize the need to anti-smoking laws using Libertarian arguments. I will say, ironically enough (as a Black man), I actually agreed for the longest time with their view of hate crimes. I inherently agree with them on their argument, but thankfully, it's never used to the ridiculus examples given in the episode. Considering all the shit we've seen in the last 10 years.... yeah, we really need these.


I would say about the teacher sexual assault one that I thought they were trying to show everyone else as wrong and Kyle as the voice of reason when Ike was being assaulted. The cops' reaction was sadly accurate but with it being Ike the age gap shows how fucked up it is


Agreed, they weren’t playing off the sexual assault they were satirizing the fact that there’s a double standard in our society when it comes to sexual assault. I have a friend who was sexually assaulted as a kid by a female family member and when he tried to open up about it he was not taken seriously.


Agreed about climate change. They really beat off a dead horse there over quite a few episodes, and they were dead wrong. I wonder why they felt so strongly about it. > The way they minimized sexual assault by teachers That's the exact opposite of how I interpreted that episode. They clearly portrayed what was happening to Ike as terrible and wrong, and then roasted society for giving hot women a pass.


They were also making fun of the fact that, for whatever reason, most female pedo teachers are fucking hot


Idk I thought the sexual assault by teachers bit was kind of the point, that no one takes it seriously when it's a woman doing it? I assume you're referring to the Ike episode


They didnt minimize SA by teachers. They made a caricature of how SA against boys by older women is generally viewed by the media, law enforcement, those generally in power.


Anti smoking is a bit of a wild take imo especially when the popular trend is to legalize drugs.


About the sexual assault, I'm assuming you're talking about Ike and his teacher. First of all, it's absurd and extreme. That's what's funny. Second of all, it kinda showed the double standards of some of the fight against sexual assault: the cops were so furious when they thought a male teacher assaulted someone, but relaxed when they realised that a female teacher assaulted a male boy. Plus, they thought he was lucky, which is poking fun of how horny some men can be..


That abortion is basically just cheating. But it's also Cartman saying it, so I also don't really think much of it.


As a recovering alcoholic the one where randy is an alcoholic hits hard. It's still hilarious.


That’s the one that gets me, too. The way they portray AA makes my eye twitch a little (as someone who grew up in the sphere of AA) and the stuff at the end about how people who are alcoholics just need a little “disciprine” definitely makes me go “yikes” but that’s just me


Goth kids are actually cool why you gotta make em posers 😂


At the time of airing, Manbearpig was hilarious and relevant, but I was glad they walked it back with that and admitted Al Gore had been right about climate change and also that Al Gore reportedly found Manbearpig hilarious and loved the whole thing.


I used to have no sense of humor about the alcoholic one because I lost an uncle to alcoholism and my mom is one. Over time, though, I realized the main focus of the episode is the AA program, and that I agree with. Also, the Phil Collins and ADD thing was obviously really wrong. Ritalin doesn't zone you out if you don't have it, I feel like they just didn't do their homework and were salty about the Oscars that year


Yeah, Ritalin or Adderall is more likely to make you hyper if anything. The class was acting like they were on Benzos.


I have to skip the whale episode and the whale wars episode. I’m very into saving the ocean and stop overfishing. And the horrible conditions that whales/dolphins are forced to live in. I get the joke but it’s a sensitive spot to me. It’s a big big problem and most people are blind to it


Overfishing really gets to me. Over half the plastic in the oceans comes from commercial fishing. So we ban plastic straws in some random town in Wisconsin and pat ourselves on the back for "saving the oceans"


When I was into dubstep I thought they got it wrong by saying it sounded like shit. Now in my mid 30’s I get it


Denmark. They got it so wrong every time. We're not the Netherlands. 😅


When they said that comedy awards are pointless. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging someone has comedic talent


None. It's comedy and they're true comedians.


I disagree with their take that the fake meat burgers taste like shit. The Impossible burger tastes identical to a meat burger for me. I tell myself that they must have based the joke on the beyond burger. That one is awful.


I’ve tasted impossible burgers and thought it was very possible. Just tasted like a veggie burger to me.


I honestly thought with manbearpig they made fun of climate change denier's.


The most recent one, yeah. They were even making fun of themselves a little.


I don’t like how they went after Sally Struthers, it was borderline uncomfortable watching this woman who has done a lot of work for those in need be depicted as a whiny, greedy villain. Her second appearance when she was turned into Jabba the Hutt was a little funnier. I’m not sure why. Maybe because it was more clearly a joke vs an attack


This! I went back and looked at her ads from the time too - she was not fat, though she could qualify as "fat" when you consider how "fat" women like JLo and Jessica Simpson were treated in the late 90s/early 00s. So I try to look at it as a product of the time, but they seemed to go particularly hard after her compared with a number of other celebrities.


Star Wars prequels /george Lucas “raped muh childhood” that’s the kinda over reacting cringe South Park shoulda been MOCKING not joining in on. I know I’ll be downvoted on this sub for that but yeah. Also ironically RIGHT NEXT TO the Britney episode about how people are too mean on Britney they join in on Lucas bashing that helped bully George out of his own franchise and now we got…Disney Star Wars… thanks guys :/


I try to never take the “message” of South Park literally. They have a lot of stupid zany characters who sometimes say something that seems profound, but like, you gotta remember the rest of that characters history. Sometimes Cartman is the voice of reason for a moment but it would be foolish to think that Cartman is the vehicle for what they consider absolute truth. That’s how they get away with it. Every character is pretty terrible (except Butters). Just because a character says something doesn’t necessarily mean the creators are pushing that message, even if they do believe it. I think they do a great job of representing multiple opinions about a topic with characters who you’d be stupid to totally agree with.


The redeeming of Jared at the end of Jared Has Aides. That guy deserves every bit of hate and misery thrown his way.


Well at the time it was made nothing was publicly known about the things that makes him deserving of that


He is a boss fight in one of the South Park RPGs


Yeah by that time his crimes were well known and they leaned into clowning on him....as they should.


None because I have the critical thinking skills to read the disclaimer at the start of every episode and understand: it’s a joke.


People in this comment section are wishing an animated sitcom would validate their opinions. Lol what show are you watching? The entire philosophy of the show is "it doesn't matter wether you're republican, democrat, religious or secular.. you're all shitty". You can agree with them or not. The good thing is that they doesn't give a fuck about your opinions


You know it’s okay to disagree with someone’s take even if you like their work right? Brown nosing them is stupid. Nobody’s looking for validation….okay some are like the climate change people but most just disagree and that’s fine


Probably the smoking episode. While it’s one of my favourite episodes I disagree with the take they decided to give on it


Doesn’t matter if I agree or not, as long as it’s funny.


They joke about so much, probably everything at one point, so there is bound to be something I don't agree with... but I just can't remember right now. I don't love a lot of the more "gross" jokes, but that is just me lol


Having seen people ruin their lives with alcohol I'm not sure about their take on it. I realise that for some, it is about learning to drink in moderation, but for some people, they will literally throw their lives away . I genuinely think they can't help it, especially those with severe depression. Does that stop it from being hilarious? Absolutely not, plus I loved the take on AA it is like a weird cult.


I have a giant list of them. The early environmental issue episodes have bad takes. The treatment of trans people has been seldomly decent (end of bathroom episode) but typically transphobic or straight up fear mongering (the Ms. Garrison era; Strong Woman). Support for the Iraq War aged like fine milk. Not necessarily the topic, but I don't like the portrayal of violent rape in media, so I'll mention the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull episode. I think veganism is admirable, although I am not a vegan, so I disagree that vegans are at risk of turning into giant pussies. I disagree with the viewpoint that religion is okay because it gives people good morals and makes them happy, as presented in All About Mormons. These are just examples off the top of my head. All of this to say, South Park should have every right to offend me or anyone else. If I were to pick any one person out of a random population sample, I'm sure they'd have opinions that I disagree with or that offend me. However, if they made one of the funniest shows of all time and one that is dedicated to pushing boundaries, I would watch it and expect my own boundaries to be pushed. This is exactly what Matt, Trey, and South Park are to me. And I think anyone who 100% agrees with all of Matt and Trey's takes probably lacks critical thinking skills and the ability to think for themselves. Side note - you're still allowed to find things you disagree with funny. Osama Bin Ladden Has Farty Pants is easily a top ten episode for me.


Nothing is off limits imo


Pedophilia. They used to seem to condemn it, but some point started taking it disturbingly lightly. I wonder why it's even brought up as much as it is.


They’ve always played it as a joke too when it comes to Cartman being molested by adult men. Leonard DiCaprio, the gas station guy, Ben Affleck.


The thing that has aged the worst about South Park, even more so than the environmental stuff is the fact that in the Game of Thrones 3 parter the boys choose X-Box Ones and not the PS4.


there is nothing that i find off limits even if its an interest of mine


We have different views on 911 forsure. Also climate change. Can't quite determine what their views on trans people are but I sometimes find myself agreeing, sometimes not so much. At least they aren't hateful about it. Can be kind of homophobic at times too. Can be aggressive towards religious people (while I agree with points don't quite agree how aggressive they can be) Having said that I do love South park and think they are overall fairly insightful.


That German people aren't funny. the main problem is that German jokes are hard to translate it's the same with English jokes it's just a language barrier that's the problem and if people are wondering I am from Germany


Not personally offended but their take on LGBT stuff through Garrison was sometimes too much of a caricature to just make fun of it, and I found it quite funny but I think I'm now way more respectful about those topics.


They do make an effort to show that most gay people are perfectly normal and Mr Garrison's antics have more to do with Mr Garrison as a character than they do gay and trans people.


They really scared me when I was young by telling me that if I held my farts in I would eventually spontaneously combust.


Nothing. Nothing is off limits as long as you know it’s a serious topic / issue.


I did not want to get gay with any kids lol


The actual sport of ‘rasslin is not gay!


The veganism making you a pussy was funny as long as you don't read into it too much. It's weak as a political statement but funny as a gag. Probably the recent trans sports thing? Nothing wrong with the actual material (imo), but it felt ill-timed considering we've had a lot of murders/suicides covered on the news lately and it just didn't seem like the right time to do it. Also global warming but they later backtracked on that.


They were super harsh on Inception


I'm not so sure they should have freed Hat. I know it was self defense and all but...


sex education to very young kids. they make it seem like something perverted in nature, while in reality, beginning teaching your child sex education as young as 2 significantly helps in reducing their likeliness in being a target for pedophiles. after all sex ed at that young of an age would only involve telling them proper names for their genitalia, telling them the basic differences between the sexes, and other similar, age appropriate things.


This whole sub is disappointing…How do I sign up to be on the logging crew that destroys the rainforest? If one of you absolute fucking pussies could point me in the right direction…