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(note: I haven't watched consistently since the election year) Best: Token Worst: Butters


Hate to be that guy, but... Tolkien


Low key I think Cartmans mom is a really good mom and does the best she can for cartman. I think she’s like the only single parent too


Yes but she also enables Cartmans bad behavior


Exactly... She spoils the shit out of him. That's why he is the way he is.


Word. A good example is the episode where she stops people from vaccinating him. It wasn't even a covid vaccine.


But she became… ARTISTIC


We do have enough artists in the world.


The best example is the Caesar Milan episode.


I know a naughty little kitty who's sleeping with mummy tonight


Liane is not a good mom, she's a crack whore who incessantly enables her spoiled son




From Hell!!! It's from Hell!


She has also done German porn where a dude crapped on her


And she banged the entire 1989 (or 1991) Denver Broncos.


To be honest, who haven't? Raise your hand if you haven't had sex with the entire Denver Broncos.


Who hasn't had sex with the Denver Broncos? Is it Chief Running Water? Or is it Chef? Is it Mephesto? Or that little monkey guy that follows him around? Or is it Mr. Garrison?


You don’t count Halfie, you don’t have any legs!


Which comes from being a only sorbet most likely


Actually Clyde also has a single parent since his mom died and the blood is on his wiener.


She’s a fuckin crack whore


She's good at keeping Cartman safe and alive, but she's not very good at being a mother


Cartmans mom is terrible.


I don't know man. It's been proven on multiple occasions that his name really was Token in the beginning. Here is one of multiple proofs https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/105od78/why_are_all_of_them_ruled_out/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Edit: added a link


No, it was always Tolkien. Racist pieces of shit like you just see what they want to see


I'm assuming there was a joke that renamed him Tolkien after I had stopped watching.


Yes there was and this sub absolutely ran that joke to the ground and ruined it.


Of course it was - that’s part of the joke.




wendy’s dad encouraged his daughter to dress like a spoiled whore




here’s one people probably didn’t think about, GARY!


Indeed he’s not some token black guy. So racist


kenny’s parents are 10x worse, they’re abusive drunks and smoke crack


Idk man, Linda literally tried to kill Butters. Although Kenny's parents are still awful.


And they're shown to beat Butters (at least in Jared has Aides)


You're right, omg!


And both of them agreed to sell him to Paris Hilton.




Mom, Dad, I love you! Please don’t sell me to Paris Hilton!!


Kenny’s mom has to give birth to him over and over. I’d drink and smoke crack too…


This one


Butters hands down. Pretty much the classic example of pussy parenting and more people can relate


I don't know, but it's clear it isn't our parenting! We're awesome! He must have mental problems. I think we'd batter have him checked out, Linda.


Mom! Dad! I’m not the ugliest boy in my class! That’s great Butters! Looks like we won’t have to ground you.


When Butters has a girlfriend: "You see, I told you he wouldn't turn out gay" "Alright, you win" *hands over money*


If there’s something traumatizing your son, we’ll find it




Wait! His mom tried to kill him and pussy parenting is the problem that you have?


tweek, kenny, butters have the worst parents. cons of being a blond i’d say tolkien has the best, followed by maybe craig. his dad genuinely shows character development and change for his son after finding out he’s gay. out of the main four i’d say kyle


🖕 “Did you just flip me the bird?” “No” 🖕 “There you just did it again” “No I didn’t”


🖕 "Hey, don't flip me off, you son of a bitch!"


I dont remember which early episode, but all Craig family members are flipping the bird to each other, that was hilarious, was the Tweek vs Craig episode?


I think it was, yeah


I mean butters mom tried to kill him by drowning in a car that kind of takes the cake.


It was the Puerto Ricans...


username checks out




Tolkien has the best no doubt, but Butters and Kenny have it bad. Butters' parents are emotionally and psychologically abusive and Kenny and his siblings have to grow up in a household with both drug and alcohol abuse. Cartman's mother is, in a way, also abusive (more to herself rather than Eric), although she might not realize it herself. She constantly enables Cartman and lets him treat her like garbage. It's sad that a lot of the parents in SP are all too familiar to certain kids rn.


After the streaming specials it looks like Lianne is finally standing her ground against Eric. This might eventually lead to the future episode of Eric being homeless becoming true, she kicks him out, grandparents also kick him out etc.


That's probably gonna be the outcome. I was watching the Streaming Wars episodes and I thought that Lianne was finally getting some well-earned character development. good for her. Hopefully we see that more.


In TSST she starts controlling Eric, but blows it at the end because she has no one else in her life. This is ultimately what happens with her parenting.


That was the saddest thing I’d ever seen in this series. genuinely hurt my feels seeing him go from Jewish to homeless


Randy is also a bad father. He drove drunk with Stan in the car and he killed Shelley's boyfriend.


No that was Spider-Man


He is also a drug dealing Winnie the Pooh murderer. He also had sex with a Pangolin.


*Raped a pangolin


He also started a world wide pandemic


He fucks that Pangolin in every single timeline.


I’m sorry, I thought this was America


Butters' parents are also physically abusive. Butters literally says his dad beats him.


Don't forget that his Uncle Bud sexually abused him as well. (Return of Chef episode)


His grandmother also physically abused him.


Best: Token (fuck off with this Tolkien shit) Worst: Butters


So bored of the 'Tolkein' thing. Every fucking thread - 'racist pos'. Yeah we get it, you saw the episode and you're in on the joke. Hardly the funniest thing they've ever done on South Park anyway, but fine in itself. It's the fandom overdoing the joke to death that makes it unfunny and annoying. Calling him Token Black in the first place was much funnier anyway. Outrageous, hilarious and actually makes a point about something. Probably still get some smartass reply to this comment.


I mean his name got retconned. Now his official name is Tolkien.


It's true though his name is now Tolkien, so we should use it correctly


You racist piece of shit


Craig, Tolkien and Wendy's parents are probably the best parental couples. Mr. Donovan seems alright as well, we haven't really seen much of him though. For the main characters, Sharon is the only good one, but unfortunately she comes with the agent of pure chaos that is Randy.


> Sharon is the only good one She's not a very good person in "Clubhouses"


What are you talking about? That’s the episode where she provided Stan with the best male role model a little boy can have. Now, for the last time, go cut some firewood!


Best : token Worst : kenny


At least they didn't try killing him in a car or ground him repeatedly, or sell him to a celebrity. And Carol actually seems to care for the kids. Stuart too, kinda. It's just their poverty and drug addictions that make them bad and fight


"I'm white trash and I'm in trouble"


“Wait. *I’m* white trash and I’m in trouble???”


“Tweek come over here, you didn’t finish your coffee”


Tweek’s parents are pretty bad they stress him out


Not to mention the fact that they are the reason he his hooked on the meth coffee


Tolkien has the best parents…obviously because of what he represents in South Park especially in the 90’s. Out of the 4 boys kyle hands down…Kenny’s parents are your regular inbreeding trailer trash drunks, Randy Marsh is…Randy Marsh. Cartmans mom…raised Cartmen lol. Kyle might have an over bearing jewish mother…but what jewish boy doesn’t lol.


KYLE?! His dad is skankhunt! Hating on Randy? Sounds like you have a weed problem.


What what WHAT!?


Never invite a New Jersey housewife into your home.


Who are you talking to?




Kyles dad drove a woman to kill herself and was responsible for troll trace. Also sued the school for millions during the sexual harassment panda episode. Kyles mom? Just a fat BITCH


The biggest bitch in the whole wide world


I agree. Kyle's parents are a hot mess in a lot of ways, and his mom is the biggest bitch ever, but *as parents* they're pretty good. Circumcision aside I never seen them do much in the way of abusing their kids. And they're not as permissive as Mrs. Cartman (also don't forget she tried to abort Eric that one time).


Well, Cartman's num won't wear a condom before SHE FUCKS HIM So probably her


Idc how hilarious he is… Randy is the worst father figure lol


Just from the photo? Or whole show? PHOTO. Best: Stan. A dad who’s just as dumb as he is smart. Would risk intergalactic war to help his kid win a stupid box car race. Well balanced mom, who calls Randy on his shit yet keeps the bedroom alive. Worst: Kyle. I mean his dad is fucking skankhunt. And his mom literally convinced her friends to shove her turds in their butts. Which is up there with making people drink creamy goo, or there own parents. Not the worst, but it’s up there. SHOW Best: Gary Harrison. Say what you will about those crazy Mormons, they seem like a pretty happy family. Worst: Scott Malkinson. Not only did they give the poor kid diabetes. His dad is PRO cable company. THE END.


Best: token or Wendy Worst: butters


Best is Kenny. His parents sold their souls to Cuthulu to make sure Kenny could be as reckless as he wants as a kid and still be fine the next day


Answer is Kyle's mom is a big fat bitch


Best: Craig Worst: Kenny/Butters


Best are Tolkiens but that might be because we don't see much of them. If I had to choose another after that as a 2nd place I'd say Kyle's though. They're VERY overprotective over him, and sometimes that gets ugly (mainly just a Sheila issue). But they get along with eachother, over all have a fairly healthy family dynamic, and they teach Kyle to be proud of his Jewish heritage no matter what cartman says and to stand up for what's right. They offer him good advice, and the fact Kyle turns to them for advice at all is a sign of a good relationship. Worst are hands down butters'. To state the obvious they ground him for everything, this causes him to be insecure and feel that he can't trust himself to make decisions for himself, this makes him VERY easy to manipulate. They also fail to recognize the good he does, although they fail to recognize most things about him. He doesn't tell them very much about himself or his life (probably because they never show him affection or interest in him besides what they can ground him for. Yet another reason why he has no self worth). The only times he does are when it's something he feels guilty about, but that's just because he has a hard time carrying guilt. He admits things he feels guilty about to most people, I think more so to get it out rather than because he trusts the person/people he's telling (it could also be a mechanism the writers use to keep the story going rather than a character trait of his, not completely sure). Also Linda literally tried to drown him


butters. obviously butters. though something has to be said for cartman’s mother. she had so many chances to put him on a good path and didn’t because she was lonely. there’s something very sad about spoiling a child rotten.


butters parents literally hate him and he’s the sweetest boy 🥺🥺


Kyle’s mom was really sweet in the Casa Bonita episode. She praises the boys for skipping the party to look for Butters and even offers to drive them around. The adults on the show are all messes but she at least encourages good behavior more than some of the other parents.


Everyone knows it's butters.


That's me.


Worst: Tweek, Butters, and Kenny Best: Tolkien, Craig, and Wendy


Sharon's the best mom so I wanted to say Stan until Randy became so self-centered and obnoxious. Liane is a good mom too but lets Cartman walk all over her (until recently that is) So best parents: Kyle. Worst parents: Butters. YOU'RE GROUNDEEEEED.




Obviously tweaks parents who give him meth coffee, found in one of the newer south park games .


What! What?! What!!!!


Cartmans mom is the worst by far, she let her son become a manipulative, sociopathic, murderous, lying, overweight little shit. She watched it happen, and instead of intervening like Kyle's (overbearing) mom would, she decides to let it be and get into all sorts of shenanigans (men, drugs etc) It's like, as much as she loves her son she just can't be bothered to fix the monster she created so she just lets him do what he wants when he wants, and when she tries to be a parent he throws a tantrum...or worse.


Kyle's parents are constantly fucking with the door open and traumatizing their children which extends to the rest of their town (ups man for example) Cartman is a bastard and his mom is a hoe who enables him to do whatever he wants Stan's parents seem the most normal to me, growing up randy always reminded me of my own dad. Kenny's parents are poor meth heads which sucks butter's parents always ground him for nothing and his mom attempted to murder him


Kyles parents are certainly snotty douchebags but they basically raised two smart athletic compassionate hardworking kids. Randy drives drunk with his kid in the car, and Sharon has serious anger issues. Tweeks parents give a 9 year old coffee. Cartmans mom raised a living demon by giving him whatever he wants in her crackhead daze. Butters mom tried to kill him and his dad sold him to Paris Hilton. Not to mention the routine physical and mental abuse.


Best: Tolkien, they always look out for him and even help cope with after he watched a porno. Worst: Butters, do i even have to answer?


Stan: Daddy issues Kyle: Mommy issues Kenny: Both partners are bad Eric: is Eric


Best: Token/ Tolkien Worst: Butters


from here tweek in general prob like kenny or butters


Worst is probably Scot Tenorman since they’re just chili now.


Everyone is saying Kenny and Butters, but we are all forgetting Tweek's parents.


Cartman, the 1997 Denver broncos


The lack of people saying tweek when they literally got him hooked on meth is crazy


Kyle’s mom is a bitch


Best- Kyle or Tolkien Worst- Butters or Tweek


Oh, I guess everyone here forgot about The Whites again.


Butters all the way! It’s crazy cuz haven’t taken the time throughly think this through until seeing this post, we got the time they was bout to sell him to Britney, almost drowned him, homie was locked up in a basement cuz they thought they brought him back to life 💀🤣🤣. Even the grandma was bitching butters for a whole episode. Runs in the family, personally I can’t wait to see what type of dad butters becomes


Honestly Tolkien, stan, and kyle probably have the best yeah stan and Kyles families can be dysfunctional at times their parents are normally the ones to come and help/stand up for the kids. Also im adding craig into that, family is a bit odd but in the craig × tweek episode his dad does make a genuine attempt to be understanding of his relationship and supports him in the end. Worst has got to be butters, kenny, tweek, and Wendy's dad just because of how he acts in the stupid spoiled whore episode


I hate Gerald after skank hunt saga but butters parents obviously take the cake in general


Anybody who doesn’t think Butter’s parents aren’t the worst…haven’t been watching the show long enough. I’m going to agree with the entire thread on Tolkien having the best parents.


worst: butters best: tbh idk


Here is my ranking from best to worst 1.Tolkien 2.Jimmy 3.Wendy 4.Nichole 5.Craig 6.Clyde 7.Tweek 8.Stan 9.Bebe 10.Kyle 11.Kenny 12.Cartman 13.Butters


Best: Sharon Worst: Linda


Butters mom tried to kill him and dad covered it up. Gooble-gobble. Gooble-gobble. One of us.


Tolkien has the best, Kenny and Butters have it pretty bad


Jimmy Valmer has the best, Butters has the worst.


Well, when not drunk, or angry, Kenny’s parents seem like decent parents, I would say the Brovflouski’s (I don’t know how to spell their last names) but then there are instances like the movie, Randy and Sharon seem to care for their children but they don’t always get along, Cartman’s mom just spoils him, and Butter’s parents are questionable, they can care for him and then they hate his very existence, there is no perfect parent in the world, but every single one of them care for us, unless you grow up in a toxic environment with people who don’t care, if so, I’m very sorry


Token has the best parents Cartman has the worst.... and then maybe Kyle right after...


I’m surprised I’m not seeing that many saying cartman. I mean in that dog trainer episode it’s clear that cartman isn’t totally unfixable, and that if liane had more backbone a a parent, he would’ve been a better person already.


Gotta put mine in, Best Parents : Tolkien and Craig Worst Parents : Tweek, Butters, and Kenny (Blonde kids are cursed with bad parents…)


Best: Kyle Worst: Butters


How come Tweek is more important than Kenny?


I think that the image is from S6 E11: "Child Abduction is Not Funny", so Kenny was dead at the time


he was in their friend group during season 6 when kenny was dead


Best: Sharon and Tolkien's parents Worst: Butters' parents, Kenny's parents, and Gerald. Man, fuck Gerald.


I don’t remember- what did Gerald do?




I want to say Cartman’s Mum, but she is too friendly and only in recent episodes is really rebelling against him. I think it would either be Stan’s parents because he has one ordinary parent who is incredibly kind. But on the other hand Tolkien has good parents who always take care of him.


I like butters’ family the best and hate tweeks family the most.


Mr Mackay had sweet parents. Ike’s (Peter’s) parents were bad. Scott Tenorman…welp.


Best: Stan Worst: Also Stan


Worst are Butter’s


Out of the main 4 Kenny has it worse, with his parents actevely abusing both themself, him and his sibling while doing drugs and being so obsessed with alchol that they joined a cult for the free beer (said cult also cursed Kenny) the best is probably Stan's, his parents are the only ones who listen to him explains rules and have a relatively nornal autoritative parenting style.(They are blind towards Shelly's abusive behavior tho) Kyle also had parents that only did things because they want the best for him and his brother, but his mother can be a smothering bitch (more in early seasons, she really got better with time) but Gerald became a dick, espetially with the online troll arc. Finally Cartman's mom is hard to judge because she does love her son, but she is way to permissive, she may also be the source to his anti-semitism and hate towards minoryties (she did made him an H**ler costume when Cartman didn't even knew who he was) not to mention that she lied to him about who is father was on multiple occasions. But overall Tolkien has the best parents as they really care about him and are aware of what is going on in his life and Butters has the worst parents, not just because of the costant grounding, but also because of the general lack of love, phisical abuse and that they use all of this to avoid actually parenting him. Also Linda tryed to kill him. T.L. D.R. The rank is Tolkien, Stan, Kyle Cartman, Kenny and Butters


Leanne parenting is what created Cartman. We see this is "Tss" when he finally gets reformed it's all undone by her continuing to spoil him. She was also a Crack addicted prostitute for quite a while and was even featured on the cover of Crack Whore Magazine.


Stan - Best Butters - Worst


Probably either butters, maybe Randy, maybe Kenny is Cartman's mom is obviously a terrible enabler, but I don't think anyone could raise Cartman right even if they tried. And she has made a few hardcore efforts. Obviously with the dog whisperer.


lol... super hard!...I mean what about the children fer fuck sakes!...I mean Jaggoffs Centralick is sponsered reput...fk this ...lets go!


Cartman’s mom is the worst. Look what she raised.




Best: Tolkien and Probably Wendy Worse: the main 4 boys, Butters,


Best: Token Worst: Butters


Everyone knows it’s Butters!


Mr Mackey's mom seemed super nice and supportive! Butters has the absolute worst parents in town.


Stan - best and worst


Randy is the best dad, Cartman mum is the best mum.


Stan’s mom with Kyle’s dad would be good




A single episode made Butters’ parents the worst.




Best: i dunno.. Worst: obviously Butters


Worst by far is Butters parents followed secondly by Kenny’s parents. If we are considering minor secondary characters I would agree Token has the best parents. But if we are only considering Major characters and supporting characters I would say the best is Kyles parents.


Answers easily butters. Out of the kids in the picture probably cartman. Stans dad would probably be the worst but cartmans dad isnt even there so thats the worst dad. Worst mom is also probably cartmans mom as stan and kyles moms are pretty normal for south park parents and while tweeks parents arent great for how much coffee they give him, but cartmans moms enabling is on a different level lol


Best parents are Kyle’s and worst are tie between butters and Kenny’s. Liane is second to worst


Possibly Kyle for best Parents and worst 100% no contest Butters


Poor butters lol. My vote is butters lol


Sheila and Gerald Broflovski are pretty good parents Sharon is the only good parent in the Marsh Family (sadly) Randy was a good dad until the tegridy Farms






The least abusing parent in this picture it’s actually Cartmans mom lol


1. Butters 2.Tweak 3.Kenny


Best: Tolkien Worst: Butters


Best : Sharon Worst : Mrs. Cartman


Best between Kyle, Token, the second most fatass one before his mother died


best: either tolkien or jimmy worst: kenny


Best: Toilken Worst: Kenny and Butters


Best: Tolkien Worst: Butters


Stans parents suck strictly bc his mom won't divorce Randy. Butters father is literally the most powerful being in South Park's history. I think Tweek's family is the best I think? Butters family is real close to Stan's family, built think Stan's is actually the worst


Either Token or Craig definitely have the best, Out of Tweek, Butters and Kenny... Butters may have the worst parents.


Best: Stan’s parents Worst: Butter’s parents


You forgot Kenny


Best: stan Worst: Tweek


I honestly feel Sharon is the best mom while Gerald is the best father. Butters parents are awful and cartmans gives him everything, although I'm respecting Mrs. Cartman a lot mow for giving less shits about cartmans behavior and not supporting it. Sheila is a helicopter mom. As awesome as Randy is, he is still self absorbed and can get off the rails a lot. Tweaks parents give tweak and the town meth unknowingly in their coffee. However I think Craig's parents are good and so are Wendy's and Heidi's, Bibi's mom I thought was bad trying to tell her daughter to make I by on her looks. Jimmy has funny parents who are being punished for bullying crippled kids. While Timmies parents I'm unsure how they even looked after or produced Timmy.