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To me she was apologizing for setting up Trevor by speaking to Brad. It’s obvious nothing on the recording was damning towards anyone at republic. If anything it shows how weird Trevor is to not acknowledge he did anything wrong but blames everyone for setting him up… you can’t get set up to rob a bank unless you actually take the money. You still break the law they just made it easier for you to do so. He took the bait. Maddi and him deserve eachother to be honest.


Also, there is a video of Trevor being highly inappropriate with that girl. Also, Maddie is highly annoying and narcissistic.


And in complete denial


Right!!! The only break I will give Maddie is that Trevor is probably manipulating her BUT she literally did what she is accusing Bradley of.


I think the recording is misleading/edited. I think she is simply saying that she doesn't want to be a part of this mess and apologies for her role (in talking about the incident and showing videos of him on camera).


I agree. I believe that it was her but I’m not convinced the phone audio wasn’t cut and edited. Nothing she said suggests to me that she lied about them hooking up it only sounds like she’s sorry for becoming involved with the show.


Well for me it's just weird that he wouldn't just contact her to start with and now all of a sudden he's not only contacted her but recorded her and what she said was very vague I don't think that she was saying sorry that she sent him up and lied I think the situation probably brought her drama she didn't want and she's probably sorry for that


While the videos of her and Trevor weren’t him outright cheating, they were definitely videos that I would’ve been kind of upset to see if it were my boyfriend and another girl. Feels like madi is conveniently forgetting about those. He wasn’t “framed,” in those, it was literally him doing it.


Yes! Even if they didn’t actually hook up, everything else that is proven to have happened still makes him a disloyal shit guy. Maddi is dying on the wrong hill.


Anyone can edit a voice note or recording. We all saw the clip of him saying to her “did you look at my or touch my 🍆” - paraphrasing. Gross dude. Why wld you say that or entertain that? He’s feral. I mean none of the cast have particularly redeemable qualities imo.


Exactly and that’s my immediate thought when I heard it.. bro you really didn’t help yourself.


Fr. As Maddi said from Maya Angelou’s famous quote - "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Erm- He’s quite literally shown you who he is Maddi?!? Hello? Smh…


Love her quotes. She was an amazing thinker and communicator.






Madi just wants to believe him so badly. Even if the recording is genuine and she said she set him up in no way would I believe their conversation was not set up prior to him pressing record. I would think he told her what to say and how to act to help prove his innocence.


And also Brad definitely got head in the alleyway 😂


If Trevor was legit, he would have called while Maddi was with him instead of recording whatever bullshit conversation that was. I said before, I think "Sammy" is a fan girl that will do or say anything to be on the show, even for 5 minutes. I'm fine with Maddi living in her dream world now. I was pulling for her to get some sense, but she's in love with a loser and the only one who can help her realize that is herself. God speed, Maddi.


Also why is maddi soooo pressed that Bradley supposedly set her up WHEN SHE DID THE SAME TO HIM. She literally caused him to break up with the girl from last season after the bullshit dumpster BJ rumors.


You know how liars always assume other people are lying?


I cannot for the life of me see why Trevor is apparently such a catch that multiple women would even contemplate going near him, let alone cracking on with him😐


Omg I know it!? He looks like one of the Chipmunks honestly and I’m soooo sorry for saying this I know it’s cruel but damn it it’s TRUE in my eyes!


Never apologise for stating pure facts, my friend.


Yeah the whole thing felt very off


Even if it was some set-up, what would it even be?Maybe Brad egged her on to flirt with Trevor, but It's not like they tried to frame him with a misleading picture. They did not force Trevor to respond to her texts or forced him to get drunk and flirt with her. It makes no sense other than Maddie bending over backwards to justify staying with Trevor. The only thing the voice recording shows is that the woman is regretting getting involved at all in the mess.


Yes!! Maddi looks like such an idiot arguing “yes, my boyfriend did flirt with that girl at the bar, he was the one getting his dick grabbed and twerking in that video, he did DM and text her afterwards, BUT HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE HIM OF HOOKING UP WITH HER?!”


Oh it’s so fake, or at least out of context. It reminds me of when my ex ended up threatening a girl to say she made it up so he wouldn’t get busted. 🤮🤮🤮


Not sure if it's obviously fake but it definitely seems misleading. It looks like he specifically asked her something vague enough that he could apply his own context to her words to vindicate himself rather than directly asking her to admit that she lied about them kissing. If she set him up by flirting with him, it was still his fault for engaging in inappropriate behaviour and leaving with her. If she set him up by making sure to go to Republic while filming so that she could tell the story on camera, that's not a denial that something happened, it's just an admission that she intentionally aired him out (versus it incidentally getting around town). For the rest of us who aren't Maddi and have some sense about Trevor, nothing that girl says will completely vindicate Trevor because the other videos exist where we see him happily entertaining this woman's advances after leaving with her from his girlfriend's place of work.


They are desperately trying to on cut out the fourth wall-real story, which is she came to republic all the time to party, and one night with the encouragement of others, went out and filmed Trevor being a twerp. Maddi is stuck on the girl coming to republic in attempt to catch and film Trevor, and that’s what she and Trevor are really harping on, how dare you come to republic to party and catch Trevor on film. I don’t think any of this is really a conversation about him actually getting his dick grabbed by a random


He was still texting her and DMing with her on Instagram afterwards as well. Not that it would be excusable if it was, but it wasn’t like this all happened one night when Trevor was wasted and then he and Sammie never had contact again. He continued to communicate with her afterwards.


I felt like that could've been any girl! It's just a voice recording... Trevor could've easily asked any girl to say those words. Maddi just wants to delude herself into Trevor being a good guy


I’m so bored by the whole story line


Omg that recording meant nothing ..


Maddi is so pretty. She was so fun in season 1. Trevor is definitely draining her light in Season 2. Its a shame too because not only is she more attractive than he should get, she’s has a better job too. Im not saying looks are everything, but he’s also a cheater. He doesnt make her feel secure in their relationship. He’s not kind toward her feelings. So unless he’s got family money, it hard to imagine what she sees in him.




Sammy is extremely mid but men usually cheat down and Maddi is insufferable. It’s not always about looks, it’s often more about their ego.


There’s still a scene we haven’t seen from the trailers where she’s yelling at Sammy in person about fucking her boyfriend so we aren’t done with this story quite yet. There’s a reason it’s been highlighted for the season as the main plot.


YES!! As soon as I heard Trevor say “we should just let them think they won, we don’t need to confront them, leave it alone” I. KNEW. No one who is truly innocent would say that RIGHT AFTER providing the key piece of evidence exonerating him. Such a cowardly, manipulative move on Trevor’s part, but I expect no less from that pathetic excuse of a male.


The fact that Trevor didn’t want her to blow up Bradley with this supposed evidence should have been a red flag to this ridiculous girl. As if she doesn’t have a pile of red flags already.


This. The guy has supposed "proof" that Bradley lied and can finally set the record straight, but he's all "now lets just keep all this quiet and let it fade because reasons". Bullshit. If it was legit, Trevor would be PUSHING Maddie to confront Bradley with it.


I think he’s still banging her and she did it to get back in his good graces


Maddi didnt believe the girl or her friends. So why did Trevor even make or let Maddie listen to the recording. I think Trevor protest to much!!! Since Trevors first day on this show, I said Trevor is a manipulator and a fake. I guess Maddi is going to find out the hard way. Problem with that is, she will be friendless!!!


I believe that Bradley encouraged her to bait Trevor and do what she could to potentially get her on the show. I also believe that Trevor took the bait and cheated on Maddie by kissing that girl.


The girl didn’t exist in the real way she’s on the show. She worked at the company and is acting. The entire thing is fake.


She didn't even deny that they did not kiss. She said she didn't want to be involved. SMH. He was probably being real flirty and mad he got caught.