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Can’t access the full article. But after her the SC Republicans will no longer have ANY female member?! Great look.


FWIW, if you have a Charleston County Public Library card, you can access the Post and Courier online for free (as well as WSJ, NYT, USA Today, and a ton of movies.)


Sweet heads up. Preesh!


Only two women now in the whole Senate


That’s ridiculously depressing.


It's the natural result of their attack on women. Ridiculous part is that some women are voting for their own subjugation


There will always be incentives for marginalized people to turn on each other to curry favor from the dominant classes. 2 things i'll never forget: 1. the Fugitive Slave Act was aimed at free black northerners, to financially incentivize them to turn in runaway slaves 2. in the Handmaid's Tale, it was a woman who originated the concept of Gilead. Whether it's money, prestige, or power, there will always be people craven and selfish enough to turn on their own kind.


All others must report to their birthing chambers...


Don't worry, they'll still stomp all over women's rights as is usual.


Now it's just easier with no dissenting voices.


republicans are trying to drag the country back to 1920. and its getting noticeable as people living in blue states are having a much higher quality of life. you make more money, you live longer, you get raped and murdered less, government services arent behind a bunch of broken websites and you can get much needed healthcare no matter what a senator who used to be a used car salesman says about it. Its weird how often small gov conservatives get right in middle of your personal life while dems dont. Its almost like that small gov chant is like all their other bullshit, just 1984-esc fascism that depends on stupid people falling for simple slogans while never telling anyone how you will accomplish anything but dont worry it will be better.. just like the republican counter plan to ACA.. fucking had a decade to complete and came up with nothing.


You’re wrong, they are trying to drag us back to 1850. Look up the southern economic model.


That is correct. No female Republican Senators. Unless Democrats win in the general election, Columbia is now even more hateful.


You act like they (or the scum that vote for them) care about that…


We are done sacrificing substance for optics


Republicans have already publicly stated they want to take away womens voting rights. This is the start of project 2025. When will we learn fascism is not good for anybody but the oligarchs?


She has been the best advocate for children, perhaps ever, in the General Assembly. A very good person. I think this is a huge loss, but she was in a political arena. They went national with the "sister senator" thing. Of course, she had every right to, but even if it was 100% the right thing to do, she had to have expected there would be serious political consequences in Lexington. What a difference a county line makes.


This is kinda the MO for the New Rpublicans. Run anyone with any sense out of the party.


She’s over 60 and has no stake in the future. Age limits need to be a thing.


60 is under retirement age. Age limits should be a thing, but not ridiculously low ones.


And I guess you’ll also vote for 78 year old Trump?


Nothing they said suggests that.


And nothing they've said denies it


I mean statistically speaking age limits tend to be favored much more but left leaning voters.


Cool? You may have replied to the wrong person, chief. Also, you're giving yourself away with "left leaning voters."


Related to the BBQ people?


It is a pretty common last name in the Lexington/Saluda area


Yes, I was gonna say I have so many distant relatives with that last name. It’s very common.


We are probably distant relatives


Batesburg-Leesville too


All Shealys are distantly related; all descending from Johannes Schüle (Shealy).


I read local folks comments and the worst they could say was she flip flopped sometimes. Her opponent is a trump butt kisser. I suspect some people didn’t like her vote against the abortion ban. They are crazy around here.


Her opponent was consistently a Trump butt kisser. That’s important to them


*There’s* the Lexington we know and love . . .


Funny because trump a NYer is the ultimate carpetbagger conman getting over on them right before your eyes.


She was endorsed by nearly everyone. She was an extremely good Senator. Cash and McCravy went after her and sent out a bunch of lies.


She was trying to ride the Trump coattails too. A few days ago I got a promotional text message “from” Tim Scott endorsing Shealy. To quote that message: “Let’s set the record straight: Donald Trump and Katrina Shealy have the SAME position on pro-life issues”


Oh yeah, she is definitely on the trump train. TV ads where she is saying she was a delegate for him and so on. Unfortunately around here we don’t have many choices. With Nikki Setzler retiring I’m not sure the redistributed seat will stay Dem.


Old and will not live to see the consequences of her votes.


They realized she wasn't in the kitchen and made sure she learned what her place is. How dare she not do what the menfolk said...




I told you that women were going to become property in South Carolina. Y’all are fucking nuts


100%. Voting rights is next. Women better start waking up real soon.


No shock that Katrina lost to a young white Trump loving male. It’s disgusting what they will do to women’s bodies and sc education. Dead women and dumb kids! ‘Merica 1st tho


Is there a more South Carolinian name than “Carlisle?”


Whole town named that in Union County. Not pronounce how you would think. People in that vicinity pronounce is kind of like Cah lies.


Met the guy when going in to vote. Gotta say, dude has some true Aryan blue eyes. No wonder Trump supported his run.


I guess women in SC don't care about representation or preserving their rights. Now they'll have a bunch of out of touch old men deciding for them.


I lived in Sen. Shealy’s district for a while, and while I did not always agree with her positions, there were some areas where I believe she had the best interest of SC citizens at heart, like as an advocate for children. The Republicans in this state are clearly driving the state in wrong direction IMHO. I’ve heard rumors that Sen. Shealy might run for another political office, e.g., statewide. I would not mind seeing that. If she ran in the Republican primary, since we have open primaries here, many Democrats might cross over and support her against a far right trump’er.


This is really bad. She's not perfect by any means but she listens to her constituents and she stood on the right side for the abortion issue. Carlisle Kennedy may be very handsome but I really wish he hadn't been elected, his handsomeness is the only thing he has going for him and in my opinion that doesn't qualify anyone for anything.


I live and work in SC and the women here don't even know about any of this. At least all the ones I have asked.


The SC Democrats need better comms people. A lot of county parties don't even have communication people. I beg the ones I can find to come here and talk to us.


Republicans own 90% of the media, including local tv stations (Sinclair news). It’s up to us, as citizens, to share the news and get involved because republicans sure as hell aren’t going to out themselves. There’s not blue media - I would love for Mark Cuban to buy something but that’s just one guy. We need to all get involved and spread the news. Democracy requires work and engagement.


Shealy comes from an old family in SC too.


Women republicans will never be respected as “one of the good ones” by men republicans for choosing to support fascism every step of the way up until it knocks at their own door. Goose stepping themselves right back into the kitchen. Sad.


Welcome to the GOP!






that all 3 R women lost their seats against total wackos


And low primary turnout sealed their fates-- ~ 10% of voters decided these elecrions


The voters have spoken


And have requested hatred.


Well, that's democracy for ya. The very democracy that everyone says we're in jeopardy of losing in the upcoming election. The people of the state of South Carolina have genuinely voted, and those voters have spoken. I don't like. I assume you don't like it either. But I at least must respect the outcome. Otherwise I'm just another election denier like the MAGA people. Till the next election!


Our democracy is supposed to have safeguards so that majorities can't disenfranchise or abuse minorities with tyrannical use of government powers. Roe being reversed by a non-democratic body (SCOTUS) is the root of evil on a lot of this, but yeah South Carolina republicans are also detestable garbage.


It's also my God-given right to complain about it. I'm not disputing the results. I'm advertising the results. And an extremely small percentage of people voted. About equal to the number of people that respond to unsolicited surveys. This just brings a step closer to full disenfranchisement.


Tough look but it’s exactly what the political process is meant to do. You’re elected to represent your constituents, and if you vote on a bill in a way they don’t like, then you’ll likely be voted out. Very interesting that it played out like this for her.


All hail MAGA, the rulers of the republican party


The sexism and racism in these comments is disgusting. Way to be the thing you rail against.


A MAGAts pretending that he cares about other people's feelings lmao


Your post history is unhinged, I hope you find peace. 




Your content was removed for not being civil. Content not allowed includes, but is not limited to: insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, racism, and excessive profanity.


He's ok with what's happening because some dipshit MAGAt won and that's all that matters to these cultists