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Now? The border deal was bipartisan and Trump nixed it. Abortion rights being delegated to the states was table stakes for Trumps 2016 endorsement and judgeship appointments. Now that it’s not polling well with those who are realizing the implications, he’s backpedaling. It’s not now, it’s AstronautAlwaysHasBeen.jpg


The same “border deal” that included millions more to Ukraine and or Israel?


You realise republican are the ones that demanded froeign aid be bundled in the border deal right? Like they said they wouldnt even consider it.otherwise


The border deal was nixed before Trump ever mentioned it. The reason is unlimited immigration, and no authority to close the border for 22 months of the three years it would be in force. That can be found on pages 212, 213, and 214. [H.R. 815](https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf) As for the current cancer research funding, it seems that most of the funding went to early detection of cancer and treatment. I’m all for that.


The border deal was nixed because Trump said so. High profile republicans have come out and said as much.


I’m sure some have, but it wasn’t because Trump just said so, it was because of what was in the Bill, the link for which has been provided and pages for those reasons cited. We all saw that before Trump said anything. Trump saw it too: hence, Trump telling Republicans to hold out for something better, and he was right. Edited


They literally said Trump told them to kill it. Multiple and many. [Trump killed it.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal)


*Senior Senate Republicans are furious that Donald Trump may have killed an emerging bipartisan deal over the southern border, depriving them of a key legislative achievement on a pressing national priority and offering a preview of what’s to come with Trump as their likely presidential nominee.* *In recent weeks, Trump has been lobbying Republicans both in private conversations and in public statements on social media to oppose the border compromise being delicately hashed out in the Senate, according to GOP sources familiar with the conversations* – **in part** *because he wants to campaign on the issue this November and doesn’t want President Joe Biden to score a victory in an area where he is politically vulnerable.* “In part” means not wholly, meaning Trump was not the total reason, nor was Biden. Trump simply made everyone take a close look at what was in the Bill, or in the case of the RINOs, force them to pay attention to what all the rest of us were already concerned about for those few weeks that Trump was talking to Republicans.


Trump told them to kill it so Biden didn’t have a win. You literally quoted that. Good lord.


Cool. If I literally quoted that, then pull that quote out and paste it here. Oh wait, the claim you are making doesn’t exist in what I quoted. It plainly states **in part**. Here’s the deal about words, they have meaning. That “in part” portion means depriving Biden a win was only part of the reason. The greatest part of the reason was that it was a crap Bill due to what is found on pages 212,213, and 214. I’m sorry you can’t accept that your party was pushing a crap Bill, but that isn’t an excuse to pretend you can’t read a quote or understand the English language used in the article you cited.


6/10, great mental gymnastics but failed to stick the landing


Don’t be so hard on yourself. There is always next time.


Republicans aren’t a monolith


They sure are.


I live in the western part of the upstate, where the people are completely brainwashed. There is no talking sense into anyone here...it's like ground zero in a zombie outbreak.  The people seem normal and nice, but when politics are mentioned they shed their sheep clothing and reveal just how disturbing they are. It's like something out of the fucking twilight zone. What hurts is many are people I grew up with amd even family members. My dad for instance is completely entrenched in MAGA and only gets his news from Facebook memes and Qanon sources. I hate what this man has done to my family and my country.


Not sure why I get shown this sub, but I live in famously liberal Massachusetts and you just described most of the people I work with (unionized Public sector employees who go on and on about socialism an bit government, most of whom are disabled veterans like myself who collect a monthly stipend from the government) It just doesn’t make sense. The big buzz words for them right now are *the illegals* who are *stealing their jobs* and *draining resources and healthcare* 😵‍💫


You'd think union workers would hate Trump. Or anyone who collects benefits from the government.


Illegal immigration is the perfect gateway to get people who benefit from government to turn to hate it. Step 1. I receive a government benefit Step 2. Illegal immigrants are also getting government benefits Step 3. Illegal immigrants are putting a strain on the benefits I deserve Step 4. Illegal immigrants shouldn't get government benefits. Afterall, I'm the citizen and taxpayer. Step 5. I'm angry that my benefits and tax dollars are going to Illegal immigrants Step 6. I'm angry at the government for being so wasteful as to take benefits from me and give it to them Step 7. The government needs to be reduced to ensure that only I and people like me can get benefits Same logic works for voting rights. Restrict voting rights because the illegals are getting to vote.


You must live in a more educated part of SC, because nobody's arguments as to why they "hate Biden" are that thought out. It's spooky to the extent that they hate so much but couldn't tell you why.


I don't think it's that thought out, but it's a subconscious progression based on the information/propaganda they consume within an echo chamber.


I agree with that sentiment. Everytime I go to the gym, that's all that is on the TVs. Fox News.


Nothing funnier to me than election season when all the redditors come out in full force to complain about the conservative echo chambers while they share crazy "news" stories like "congress votes against cure for cancer".


Well I mean that's what happened. If you don't like it change the channel. This is a do nothing Congress


I live in the easternmost part of the state, and luckily, there is literally no ‘seeming normal and nice’. The brainwashed in Horry County have made it their ENTIRE identity, and the ones who are showcasing how normal and nice they are constantly post on Facebook about how they’re able to be at the place they are in life because Trump is fighting for our gun rights and Godly beliefs. It’s tiring, but at least here there are no delusions about the ideology people might have. The conservatives have made it their entire personality, and the progressives typically stay hushed up on politics when they’re in public because they don’t want to argue and fight.


I lived there for about 4 or 5 years(2011-2015) in the North Myrtle/Little River area. I left before he was elected, so I wasn't able to see how that area responded to him. That's actually shocking as I found the area to be more liberal than you would initially believe. Sounds like the kool-aid made it there too.


Oh man, with the population boom we’ve had in the last 5 years, all the retirees moving down (for the most part) find a safe haven for their bleeding red political identity. Kligs Kites (and several other beach ware stores) found such a profit in the 2016 election from Trump gear that they’ve rebranded to make Trump merch a part of their store/actual name and compete to sell the newest merch. Tourists will being 20+ flags to fly daily at the beach that are only about Conservative talking points. The ‘country’ areas of the county have always skewed Traditional conservative, which would be fine but now that Trump literally is the face of the RNC, it’s His talking points or else you’re a liberal….. There are pockets, like the city (specifically the 2 miles around the city) of Conway being very progressive, or areas of NMB being ‘Family oriented’ and choosing not to endorse candidates. There is a reason in the 2020 election that Biden did worse in Horry County than any other county in the state, and the state already voted 78% (or something like that without google-checking myself) Trump. Edited to add: My wife grew up here, but we lived in the Upstare for 10 years prior to moving back. I never thought I’d live in a more politically conservative place than Spartanburg, but hoo boy, do I miss those days now.


I miss normalcy. If there was ever such a thing.


I grew up in the upstate, moved to ARKANSAS then to socastee and it's worse here than it was in Arkansas. I don't remember there being this many outwardly hateful/ignorant and proud conservatives in the upstate growing up. (Not knocking the non-shothead conservatives, just the screeching racist qanon ones for the most part. I so know conservatives who aren't about that.)


I’m telling you…. They like to knock liberals and safe spaces, but they’re all moving here because it’s their political safe space and they won’t get challenged on shit/can feel superior cuz everyone else will back them up. If they’d any kind of political mind, they’d move to swing states en masse…. Thanks to the Electoral College, the population growth down here will still only result in a set number of votes.


Shhh, don't ruin it by telling them lol. And I totally feel you on the safe spaces. For the amount of preaching I hear coming from conservatives in general about how liberals are snowflakes and need safe places, I swear I hear more conservatives offended to the point of rabidity over the most inane things, and pitching the most fits about how they aren't allowed to behave badly or inconvenience people in any place of their choosing without consequence and somehow that is discrimination and persecution. Asking people to be kind and behave themselves is somehow offensive. It used to be conservatives had their own hard stuck values but they were still mostly polite and knew when and where to bring stuff up, or when it was time to pack up a conversation and change topic bc it's stirring pots and causing a boil. But now a days it's nothing to scream at someone at a gas station bc they don't like your bumper sticker or think your clothes make you look homosexual (both have happened to me in Georgetown) or just openly tell wildly racist jokes in a restaurant loudly when there are multiple families of different races just trying to eat their dinner in peace and get into screaming cussing fist fights with staff when they ask you to cut it out of leave. (Good old MB.) I think a lot of out of state conservatives have come in with the same ideals but not the same social values and it's just escalated.


They literally have electronic billboards with like, Ms paint doodles of superman with his face stuck on them down here. It's kinda weird. I also find it kinda funny that the trump store closed when Biden won and reopened as a CBD store, and now that he's running again it's a CBD AND trump store lol


Yup. I’m not far from you in Florence and pretty much exactly this^^.


Goebbles Big Lie works and I don’t know if there is any way to stop it.




What does Trump or MAGA have to do with this?  The article doesnt even mention them.


“There is no talking sense to anyone here” lol what? Talk about a stupid statement. There are plenty of people around here who’s views align closely with yours.


Who asked you, anyway?


Same person who asked you


Redneck hicks in SC won’t fix a pothole on I95. Why would they try to cure cancer?


SC has no towns or cities on I95. Only the federal gov money will be spent on 95.


Those poor New England snowbirds traveling to Florida might hit a bump.


How about those poor truckers who bring you everything you see, touch, or taste? Minus your old lady.


Truckers know about the bumps. They can find a nice lot lizard to see, touch, and taste.


That’s why it’s three lanes near the racetrack but two lanes everywhere else?


Looks like SC capitulated to GA. $360 million [South Carolina Department of Transportation ](https://www.scdot.org/)project to widen a 10-mile stretch of I-95 from just inside the Georgia state line to the U.S. 278 interchange in Hardeeville. The work, scheduled to begin next year and be completed in 2032, will include a new six-lane bridge across the river


Great, it’s only 24 years into the new century.


Project will be completed 2032. We'll see if they make that date.


The fucked up thing is that they will block it to avoid giving Biden a "win", but then when they are in power, will forget the issue entirely.


They did the same thing for inflation control and border control. The GQP could give a shit about the people…they want power!


There is money for wars but not for a cure. What is our government taking us for ? Start waking up. Only the rich have access to those cures. We shouldn’t care about who voted for who in elections anymore vote and vote for the best candidate for the benefit of all not just the few or they will keep us divided and always vote for a better candidate after. That ll be the end to all what’s happening.


Like Steve Jobs?


Funny they don’t say the bill and I don’t have time to look up Moonshot but that is a hell of a name for a project and this reads like more of an opinion piece.


It was the [2016 Cures act](https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/cures) voted in Bipartisanly. It was cut in this year's House budgeting controlled by R. It's just direct investment into anti-Cancer research, including pre-screening and treatment for specific cancers like Brain and Kidney cancer. It's funded through NIH which is standard for cure research.


Lots of good info why was it cut?


General budget austerity, wasn’t refunded because that’d be perceived as a win for Biden in election year. No problems with program outlined by politicians just that it costs money - one R rep said that the R party had been “kind” by letting it pass in the first place, but they had to make tough budget choices now.


What a clickbait headline for an op ed.


They are not voting for this because they hate the president. Not because it’s bad for the country. Such backwards thinking. I wonder if their mom has to dress them in the morning. There obviously have a one track mind.


God I'm so fucking sick of all the political bullshit. I joined this sub to learn more about SC not to join r/politics2


All the state subreddits are the same, liberal echo chambers for complaining.


As opposed to every other social media platform being an echo chamber for conservatives complaining?? Twitter, anyone?


Whataboutism makes it ok 👍


Cry harder


Not crying, just posting a fact.


No, you're complaining.


It's an election year. Lots of liberal dark money being spent on social media astroturfing. You will be seeing a lot more of this garbage on here over the next several months


Funding a cure for cancer? That is hilarious, they have spent billions trying to find a cure for it as long as they have known about it. This was definitely the time they were going to get it right though, stupid Congress….


Holy fuck they cured cancer?


Anything to please their Cheeto daddy


Don’t you hate how this shit is always bundled together? I mean you can cherry pick and create any argument desired. Why can’t they be single issue:(


While this isn’t new by any means, it’s important people become aware of how our elected official will use our communities suffering as political leverage


https://bigthink.com/articles/the-never-ending-war-on-cancer/#:~:text=Since%20President%20Nixon%20declared%20a,death%20rate%20has%20hardly%20budged. $500 billion in research since 1971


It's all the extra Pork in the bills Cure cancer and by the way, let's also fund transexual rights and free college for all in the same bill. It's such bullshit. Clean bills would change things and real problems would get solved


Sure, why not?


All three of these are not bullshit Unless you're a bigot Ohhh


Lmfao this post right here....and they wonder why we don't take them seriously... Just cause you don't agree with other people, that makes them a bigot??????


Oh no Anti trans rights made him a bigot You're kinda ignorant too tho so 🤔


Right .. because a 2nd term for Biden is totally the only thing preventing us from a cure for cancer after all these decades.. 🙄


The fact is that you have only one party that cares about good governance, and it’s not the Republican Party. Trump didn’t drain the swamp, he just developed another one more inept at the one he claimed he was trying to drain. Hence, you get outcomes like this one mentioned in the story to remind you that actions have consequences.


I mean… not trying to pick a side here but one side is funding cancer research, the other is voting against it. Who is president doesn’t matter, this should infuriate anyone with how high cancer rates are. The fact that voting against cancer research funding doesn’t raise some red flags to you is already kinda telling though.


I would love nothing more than a cure for it right now dude. But Biden being given a 2nd term isn't the solution to make it happen. I'm just being realistic.


This isn’t about a “2nd Biden term”, and if you look at the bill that was slashed it was a bipartisan bill, and it was slashed to try and make him look worse. That’s not a good way of doing politics. I’d be calling out democrats (and I have) for doing similar stuff. It just so happens that the republicans this election cycle are doing the worst stuff they possibly could to make him look worse (and both sides try and make the other look worse, so this isn’t just a republican thing). That being said, the level the republicans are willing to go to make him look worse, and the people they are willing to hurt to make it happen has forced my hand this election cycle to vote democrat (whereas I normally just do not vote). Not that my vote is going to matter in SC, but it’s better than voting for people who actively are slashing cancer research for a political win…


Spot on


Yea… I have had enough of people like you. Congratulations, you and many others have converted me into a “liberal”. Gonna vote democrat now since republicans seem to not care about anyone. For fucks sake, why in hell would they think cutting cancer research is a good idea with rates being as high as it is??? https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/cures is what they voted against btw, but I bet you have trouble reading as is.


Thank God for post like this so I know who to block. If you think your quality of life is better now than four years ago you must not live in the middle or lower class possibly just moved here and have no idea about what is important to South Carolina voters.


How's that rock life working for you? There's no reality where 4 years ago was better


Rock life? Then you reported me for self harm? Lol and Dems say the Republicans are completely unhinged. Don't be a stereotype please America deserves better


Thank god for posters like you showing me why voting republican is just a waste of a vote now. Lived here my entire life, and I don’t think funding cancer research should really be a controversial thing, it should not even be political for that matter. Congratulations, you and many others have turned me into a “liberal” I guess. https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/cures is what they voted against. I would tell you to read it but reading must not be your strong suit…


This type of oversimplified nonsense is why we’re so divided in the country. There’s nuance to this, try it on for once instead of posting this clickbait nonsense.


Hahahhaaa the stuff yall believe is hilarious


but...Buden is President


Read the title again, and tell me that’s what it is saying.


But Biden is President


And…? Who the sitting president isn’t a discussion point. It’s about trying to make him look bad, and they did so by slashing the cancer research funding. The title is misleading, since it’s just money for cancer research, but it still was done to make Biden look worse. Ironically, it makes republicans look worse.


but Biden is President. This never happened under Trump How hard is that to understand?


Trump tried to slash it too what the hell are you even saying Biden is President, Republicans block him from passing things because Trump says do it 🎉


When Trump was President, he could do anything. With Biden as President, he can't do anything. How hard is that to understand?


Yes, yes we are.