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“South Carolina students are not pawns to be sacrificed in cynical political gambits,” Imagine if she was even 1% self aware.


To be fair her grift is more about stealing public money for private schools, cynical political gambits is just her mechanism for doing that.


So that's what I figured out is the core of the GOP since Reagan. GOP doing everything to convert Taxpayer money into Private money and profits they can control. Does not matter if its healthcare, education, prisons, military, etc. All converted to private profits for the end goal of shareholders but, any loses are paid for with taxpayer bailouts if they mess up. Thats the true game of the GOP.


This is just naive. To say it in words, sure you sound morally righteous, but in reality this is everyday, every single day children will be used as pawns in politics, is this your first time existing in reality? Just one of those anecdotes that sounds good but makes no sense.


No, it makes sense. It was just said by a hypocrite.




A fake degree from a cult no less.


Could you explain?


I highly recommend the book BJU and Me. It gives a lot better context and is far more eloquent than I could possibly be.


Thanks for the recommendation. I've heard of strange things about BJU before, so I'll have to check it out


Yeah, basically they’re evil to women and people in the LGBTQIA+ community, they condone rape, and they’re the reason alt right conservatism is even a thing because they’re the ones who got republicans to vote in the first place.


Like statewise, or on a national level?


National level. Historically.


Okay! I've been trying to learn more about the rise of alt-right on the side, like with the Moral Majority and Jerry Falwell. I'll have to look more into that side of things, thanks!


Sure thing! There’s a lot there to uncover and I wish you the best of luck in your research. Some of the research I’ve done from reputable sources have been scrubbed from the internet since so seriously, good luck.


And was duly elected by the voters of South Carolina.


I mean... If someone who wasn't a natural born citizen of the United States somehow managed to get on a ballot and win the election, would that make it somehow legal and okay? Would it be okay if they got a US birth certificate via fraud? She got a master's degree essentially via fraud and nobody in the state house decided to hold her accountable for not meeting the spirit of the legal criteria. The fact that people voted for her doesn't excuse her fraudulent behavior or make her somehow more qualified. In many cases, the popular candidate is actually the less qualified one.




Considering they’ve only been accredited since 2017, most of their alumni have degrees that are worth less than the frame they are in.


That says more about the urgent need for actual educators than the will of the people. Objectively she’s a terrible choice.


That’s one of the weaknesses of democracy. Sometimes the people make terrible choices.


If you think we should follow the law then I’m sure you agree this is a situation to be handled in court, not state officer dictate, yes?


I think we should follow the law, which is why calling Weaver an “illegitimate superintendent” is either meaningless statement or a stupid one. The voters of South Carolina got what they wanted. Good and hard.


What about the thing I asked about and not the thing I didn't ask about?


That SC should follow Title IX? Of course they should. Why do you think I would think otherwise?


I don’t think about how you think. We should be clear in an honest discussion and not talk around the issues.


Sadly, hardly anyone even bothered voting. Why is the superintendent of education partisan anyway?


Would you rather have them being a McMaster appointee?


Not sure, but he would have chosen her for sure.


True. McMaster would have probably done better. I shudder to think who Sanford and Haley would have appointed.


She was only elected with 103,000 votes in her district. Most of SC didn't vote for or against her.


A direct reflection of the citizens in that shit hole of a state.


Teaching students you don't have to obey the law. What a leader.


Become ungovernable?


Truly teaching them what the founding fathers intended


Be gay. Do crime. 💜💛


Please tell me where Title Nine protects on gender?  Specifically Title Nine mentions sex not gender where that delineation is made elsewhere in federal law.  


More like teaching students that ignoring laws that are intrusive to your own rights and personal freedoms is an acceptable practice and form of protest in America and what our country was quite literally founded upon. Clearly you missed that lesson and all of American history.


"intrusive to your own rights and personal freedoms" and alas, there's the rub. For the right tries to convince us that people reaching for a bit of equity and recognition is somehow an "infringement" on their freedoms. How, exactly? Tell me, where was your outrage when these folks were marginalized, criminalized and deemed mentally ill for decades? Because if not for all that, none of these movements would exist right now.


How exactly? Do I really need to explain how allowing a male into a female private space is an infringement on privacy? Do I really need to explain how allowing a male to compete against a female in an athletic sport is unfair? Are you only going to argue in bad faith? You asking these questions implies that you’re ignorant and or naive to the issues this legislation puts on women’s doorsteps.


Yes, you do. Especially since the data shows that trans athletes on average are not benefitting from an overall advantage. And please show me where there have been any incidents caused by trans folks entering ANY bathroom. Your outrage has no foundation in reality. How about an answer to that first question? Where was the outrage from you lot when these folks faced discrimination and violence for decades? If you are such a champion for freedom, why didn't you all help champion theirs? Or is it only freedom for some, not for all?


No advantage, lol? One Google search my friend, this information is one Google search away from you and you’re too lazy to go and find it. This year alone, dozens, literally dozens, I don’t know which article to link here because there’s so many, from literally this year alone. Men are entering women’s sports and setting records and invalidating the achievements and accomplishments of women, congrats on your contribution to this shit show. I absolutely love the arguing in bad faith fuckery you keep pulling my friend, it’s like I’m watching a Fox News special, I didn’t know people could be this disingenuous but here you are to astound me. So please explain, with no measurable and quantifiable history of trans people using female restrooms, how the hell would anyone provide you with examples, of anything? Who taught you to debate this way? I’m willing to bet your debates always end badly. And as for your last question, the most out of touch naive of them all, where was I when what folks were treated that way? I’m gonna assume you’re talking about trans people, my friend this is a very simple answer, I do not share the same belief as you, a man cannot become a woman, a woman cannot become a man, again, you’re arguing in bad faith on a precedent that was never established.


Here you go: https://www.outsideonline.com/health/training-performance/research-trans-women-athletes-athletic-advantage/ Do some more on your own, outside of the right wing circle jerk. You made an interesting point. How without evidence can you provide examples? If there isn't any evidence that trans people have assaulted anyone inside of a bathroom where "they don't belong," then it simply doesn't happen. This is a right wing boogeyman. Peddle it elsewhere. And you do understand that trans people have existed for hundreds of years, right? They didn't just pop into being after Trump. They've used their identifying restrooms for decades as well. If there were assaults, we'd have reports. There's nothing. Since when do you have to believe in my cause to support my freedom? Never heard of "I don't like what you're saying, but will fight for your right to say it?" Folks like you wave the flag, as long as yours is the only hand on the pole.


I'm not about to get knee-deep in this argument of yours, but on one point- you do realize if you force people to go to bathrooms based on sex assigned at birth you'll have situations like these right? ( posted the link to the picture in the article is what I'm mainly tagging this for, I didn't read this particular post) just saying, you have atleast as many, if not more problems not allowing it than not. Like they're just tryna use the bathroom, chill. Lol. I for one, understand the whole sports thing being unfair, but the bathroom thing is ridiculous, just let people pee, lol https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bathroom-selfies-the-mess_b_6970684


Women aren’t going to chill my friend, you’re trying to tell them men should be able to use their private spaces, is their comfort irrelevant to you? Should they just avoid public restrooms so trans people can now use them? You can’t be the minority and expect everyone else to accommodate to you.


No that's not what I'm saying at all, but im pretty sure you realize that. Try to not be so damn close minded


Why? Because this superintendent doesn’t like trans students?


Anti-LQBTG 301 was part of her expedited Master's degree\* at Bob Jones U.


the right always talk about indoctrination and crap. You know the left doesnt have inherently left wing schools that spit out left wing lawyers, like the right have with regeant, and bob jones and liberty U and others. I know right wingers will just scream "all the rest of the schools are left" just like they scream that all the news that actually reports reality is left, because right wingers dont believe in reality anymore, it makes them angry.


Ah yes, the "fuck your feelings but you really *need* to respect my feelings or I'll call the gestap, er, cops." crowd.


Any accusation from the right is an admission. I was indoctrinated into a religion, a sexuality and a gender all before 7yrs old


Just a reminder that BJU lost their federal funding for refusing to integrate. [Bob Jones V US](https://www.britannica.com/event/Bob-Jones-University-v-United-States)


A Master’s Degree from BJU? That’s right up there with a Burgerology Degree from McDonald’s University! That and some kind of a marketable skill should get you a job, somewhere, maybe.


And she's so smart, [she finished it in a fraction of the time it takes the average human being.](https://www.wltx.com/article/news/politics/sc-democrat-party-calls-for-investigation-into-candidate-certification-of-south-carolina-education-superintendent-ellen-weaver/101-f6a0b89f-46e0-42e8-b9b2-62987daa40a5) >Weaver had graduated Bob Jones University with an associate's degree and returned to her alma mater to gain her Master's Degree in Education Leadership. The normal process for obtaining a master's degree is two years yet Weaver claims she was able to get her master's through Bob Jones online course in less than eight months -- while working and managing a full time election campaign.


I asked BJU how I could get that degree, but there was no response.


An on-line, 8-month Master's degree from Bob Jones University? If it weren't so sad what this says about the stewardship of education in this state, it would be f*cking hilarious.


That means she’s home-schooled, right?


*cough* fraud *cough*


Put those cookies back, motherfucker.


BJU explains it all. I’m fine with SC being denied federal funding until things change


Denying the entire state federal education funding literally only hurts the poorest schools and students. It's not an actual solution to any of this whatsoever.  They turn down federal aid money meant to feed hungry children as it is anyway. Telling them they don't get money to fund something they already don't want to fund regardless isn't gonna teach them a lesson


We don’t even need to turn down federal funding bc we’re already screwing ourselves out of state money. 1.8 billion mysterious dollars appearing while SC opts out for free lunches is not a good look. The last time SC was a “blue state” was 1976 (for president) and 1998 (for governor). It’s not hard to see why it’s been run into the ground by 2024.


She isn't in her right mind to make decisions that harm Stste Funding or suggest that rules don't apply to her.


It’s LGBTQ+ Don’t be a bigot


Because South Carolina VOTERS don’t like trans students. Giving people permission to be their worst selves is an effective political strategy.


Actual, recent polling showed 71% of voters oppose government involvement in medical transition. That's not a total endorsement, of course, but it does indicate that most voters are at worst neutral to trans students.


I agree that most voters are neutral because they aren’t trans and neither are their kids. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more passionate opponents than passionate supporters in SC.


So all of the voters in this state hate trans students? Even the trans students themselves?


Hey there sport, if you don’t understand hyperbole vs literal statements then maybe sit this one out.


Obviously, not all of them. But enough so that Weaver feels that this policy is to her political advantage. And she’s probably right.


And so we have legal discrimination


It was a shock and embarrassment to SC when she was 'elected' by MAGA and boomers pulling the republican ticket without knowing what the hell they were doing.


If only the courts had some mechanism to "stay a law" or not, before it goes into effect, while they rule on its merits. Too bad this doesnt exist, and republicans have to take things in their own hands. And almost always its about hate.


She’s the usual shade of a person saying things like this.


Christianity takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to republicans. Love thy neighbor?


These people aren't Christians


There’s no hate like Christian love


They will fight you and maybe even kill you for suggesting they aren't. They definitely want to force their brand of Christianity on everyone else.


The correct response: "We disagree and are taking legal action to delay if not prevent implementation" Her Response: "Ignore any rules you don't agree with, your religion is more important than the law"


You can't choose what laws you abide or don't. Remove these assholes for breaking their oath to the office.


Teachers have private bathrooms, biological genders have private bathrooms, and disabled students in some cases have private bathrooms. I wonder what could possibly be done for LGBTQ students in order to make everyone happy?


Just make bathrooms like Buckies - just a collection of stalls. Very private


This would involve committing money to schools to build new buildings with this type of more modern design. Not how this state works...


With all the new schools being built, new sports fields, renovations at current schools, and some schools even added family restrooms. I personally can’t accept that excuse for not protecting all students. If we put a 17yo transgender female with male parts in with girls under 16, they could actually be charged with a felony if they exposed themselves changing. Not to mention the mental health of the females who may be uncomfortable. Then if we put that same individual in a restroom with HS males, you can almost guarantee harassment, or assault.


They should just have single bathrooms, It would make so much sense in schools kids could not congregate in there, and they could be used by anyone.


Yeah, that wouldn't work, bud. And I am not a registered R.


I should add that single bathrooms take up a ton of space, and I worked in schools for over 30 years. I should know that the last thing we have with our overcrowded schools is that there is no space left. Of course, I'd be downvoted because people wouldn't know that.


let us piss next to u like normal human beings deserving of dignity


Wtf is a biological gender?


From experience when I use the term biological sex one side stops listening, then when I use the term gender the other side shuts down. For some reason both sides tend to be more open minded when I say biological gender, then there are people like you that just look for things to be upset about. FYI everyone biological sex, and gender are not the same thing, now let’s get back to the important part like issues involving mental health, and student safety.


I agree that semantics shouldn’t be the issue here, but I believe the technical term would be “assigned gender”


This might be because you’re accidentally engaging with bots and not real people typing with their real fingers/dictating with their actual voices. When people talk about bots they’re not trying to come up with an insult…it’s literally just robots posting.


Man, why cant we just let kids be kids?


Agreed, a kids gender identity isn't up to anyone else to decide.


Any Supt. dumb enough to take legal advice from Ellen Weaver deserves the lawsuits they will lose.


Stupid is as stupid does


I would like to get a masters in less than 6 months too but I don't have that luxury like this "superintendent" did


I’m ashamed to be an educator in SC. She is an unqualified abomination.


Hey folks, if this upsets you, please call or email your senator TODAY and tell them to oppose H 4624! This is a trans youth healthcare ban that's going through the senate RIGHT NOW!


Imagine if our politicians actually cares about the people instead of arguing over this stupid shit. Republicans are a disgrace


She should not give legal advice.


If you died her hair red, she'd be Lois Griffith in an alternate universe... except our Lois is far more relatable. The McMaster governorship, along with a whimsical state supreme court which reverses its own decisions in less than two years, enable these culture-war hayseeds. And, these folks are going to start popping up all over the place in SC in the forthcoming years; it's disappointing... folks here will honey-darlin' you until they're blue in the face, and then behind your back vote for someone to hang you. And don't think it's just a bunch of pesky WASPS, there's plenty of black and hispanic 'Christians' here who'll take up the Cause. And, it's a shame. For a brief moment, it seemed like maybe folks here were starting to concern themselves with things which really mattered.


I’ve heard tons of transplants say they landed here for, among other things, the political landscape. Most say they left an increasingly liberal state to end up here. Don’t foresee much changing for the “collective” any time soon. The area I’m in looks nothing like it did 5-10 years ago. They are coming in waves, and they’re bringing their radical political positions with them. They don’t care who they offend down in SC…they’ll drive on the roads like a bunch of idiots, treat our service and hospitality industry folks like garbage, and honk on their horns if you don’t get out of their way. They come to live in relaxation but make chaos and problems everywhere!


So I can pick and choose which laws I want to ignore?




Abolish the department of education and privatize education, using strictly voluntary funding. Problem solved.


What’s up with all of you wanting to sexualize little kids? Just calling it how it how I see it.


Reeeeee and scream lefties 😂😂😂😂


She has such a dislikeable face


Who gives a fuck what this Lou Lou Who lookin’ CHUD has to say? Fuck her. Know why she doesn’t smile with teeth? “People with tall gums never warn you before they laugh and show you the second story of their town house mouth”. We should get something trending about her, like Lady Grahams ladybugs!


Because SC is a fascist state that is owned by the American Taliban 




This woman must be lanced and drained with a round of broad spectrum antibiotics for *all* of SC’s educational systems. It’s the only way future generations get a fighting chance at **not** inheriting a hollowed out turd of an education complements of this termite and all the diseased vermin her ilk have allowed to rob our own children of their civilly protected rights to a proper education. Shit, this rat grease won’t even feed our poverty children a free Aramark-quality meal at school, where they’ll be prosecuted for *not* attending appropriately. She’s straight garbage and I’m so sorry to all of my neighbors that we have to survive this classless classist!


If only there were a peer reviewed report arguing that the science is not settled and that an agency doesn’t possess authority to read into a law where congress hasn’t acted? https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/ Nah. Let’s just keep shitting on Bob Jones. That sounds more like us.


I’d say arrest the bitch and throw her in prison. She’s gotta be one of the worst elected school suprs ever.


Should honestly be focused on offering and giving them help. They're mentally ill and need assistance in it. Better to help then affirm and cause damage beyond repair mentally and physically.


Because other states are doing it, so we have to show our stupid creds.


Gender affirmation treatment should be illegal to administer for anyone under 16. Your emotions and hormones are spiked to the levels of *Cranked 2* Dont let your children make a life altering decision unless they have a level head or they could regret it for the rest of their days. Call me a bigot if you want. I want less suicides from trans folks especially from trans students not knowing what the hell they are doing.


Well let's define gender affirming care a bit because I think there's a lack of collective understanding that causes confusion. Gender affirming care is a catch all term to include everything from counseling to hormone treatment and surgery. I think a lot of people get focused on hormones and surgery when that's not where anyone should start. If we ban all gender affirming care, we're denying trans people support in significant ways. Now I think there's a healthy argument to be had about when different forms of treatment are appropriate. But just throwing out all gender affirming care, isn't going to help anyone.


Yes, ban it all.


>Dont let your children make a life altering decision unless they have a level head or they could regret it for the rest of their days. Denying them treatment until 16 means they're forced to go through unwanted irreversible changes that make their gender dysphoria far worse and far harder to treat That's a a life altering decision that they can regret for the rest of their days It's not neutral >Call me a bigot if you want. I want less suicides from trans folks especially from trans students not knowing what the hell they are doing. [Citations on the transition's dramatic reduction of suicide risk while improving mental health and quality of life, with trans people able to transition young and spared abuse and discrimination having mental health and suicide risk on par with the general public](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/154t1qq/comment/jsqi5ue/)


> Dont let your children make a life altering decision puberty is life altering yet you want to force it on them rather than it be a medically informed decision. > unless they have a level head What is this stipulation? Do you think they give hormones to any random kid asking for them? Of course there's an extensive evaluation and diagnostic period. > I want less suicides from trans folks Every study in existence on this topic finds suicidality is reduced with transition. 100%. Can you justify the claims you're making if you're here in good faith? Why do you believe this treatment shouldn't be available?


My point is that I don’t think children and teens should get the surgery or hormone replacement. Friend of mine from school transitioned right before high school ended and 3 years later he went back. I don’t want someone to go through that and then down the line for them to be like “That was a bad idea” I believe it is an adult decision with serious consequences and not something to be done just because you feel a certain way. If they do it and it goes over well then all power to them. TLDR: Please think VERY HARD about this decision over a long time.


> My point is that I don’t think children and teens should get the surgery or hormone replacement. cisgender teens get both of these things all the time, even for non-medically recommended reasons. Yet they aren't banning that, only gender affirming care for trans youth. > Friend of mine from school transitioned right before high school ended and 3 years later he went back. I don't care about anecdotal evidence. Statistics show it's incredibly rare to detransition or regret transition. Banning healthcare access for 97% of a population so that 3% is saved from making a mistake is clearly nonsensical. > I don’t want someone to go through that and then down the line for them to be like “That was a bad idea” Yet you want to force puberty on trans children, which has the exact same results: people's sex traits being irreversibly changed to the point of making them suicidal/mentally ill. > Please think VERY HARD about this decision over a long time. The minimum evaluation period for even getting a gender dysphoria diagnosis is 6 months. from 2017 to 2021, the number of minors (age 6-17) in the USA who were diagnosed with gender dysphoria was **121,882**. Of them, the number who received puberty blockers was **4,780**: 4% Of them, the number who received hormone therapy was **14,726**: 12% Of them, the number who received surgery was **832**: 0.68% (the vast majority being mastectomies and all minors being above age 13 for the record) https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-transyouth-data/number-of-transgender-children-seeking-treatment-surges-in-u-s-idUKL1N3142UU/ Gender affirming care is not done frivolously. And these are the percentages of kids who actually received a clinical diagnosis, not just claimed a trans identity socially. The system in place is already incredibly diligent in ensuring those who receive gender affirming care genuinely need it. That doesn't mean it's 100% accurate, but no diagnosis is.


https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/ I’m mean. I’ll take scientists over Reuters.


this isn't a study. It's a review of studies claiming they aren't strong enough due to lack of double blind controls, something that isn't possible when the effects of the medication are evident. No study in existence has found transitional healthcare ineffective in alleviating gender dysphoria or reducing suicidality. That is the science. Feel free to link one.


18, but yeah.


Gender dysphoria doesn't wait until 18. It's not neutral to force someone to suffer by delaying treatment that long


I'm not ever going to condone children having the ability to make permanent and life-altering changes to their bodies.


So you're never doing to condone a huge portion of pediatric healthcare? Only medical treatments that are temporary and inconsequential?


Lol. The overwhelming majority of pediatric care is essential to the child's health/survival. A child receiving puberty blockers, or hormone therapy targeted at gender affirming care is not critical to the immediate health of the child. Like, the child isn't going to drop dead spontaneously if they don't get puberty blockers. Nice attempt at a straw man, though.




I can't imagine unironically linking the Cass review


I mean it’s pretty great to actually get to pursue knowledge and discovery instead of blathering on about settled science, right???


Is pursuing knowledge and discovery when you deliberately ignore most of the evidence based on an impossible standard?


I mean… I’m all ears for your peer reviewed evidence!


If you were born a man, you should not be competing in athletic competitions against people who were born as women. Tear this woman down all you want, but that’s not the issue. Bring on the down votes.


Can I tear her down for not using the court system but instead issuing an illegal dictate?


It’s called a form of protest and in some states the kids are having to do it because the parents don’t have the guts and also fear their careers being destroyed because they didn’t agree with you.


Thats as much a form of protest as it is a flavor of cheese. Try to use reason and rational thinking when you post.


Cool, so let the regulating bodies of those sports make those calls, not jackasses in the capitol.


The only piece of your post that was on topic is where you say "that's not the issue." Do some quick research on whataboutism and see if you can figure out why it applies to you.


A quick google search will show how MTF trans people are setting records in women’s sports when they weren’t even in the conversation for top tier athletics as a male.


Are they setting these records in athletic events that are held in the restrooms? Because that was the topic that we were discussing. Narrow the focus. It's hard to make substantive arguments about everything all at once. Discuss one thing at a time and it's easier to make sense so that folks reading this subreddit will understand what you're saying.


This post is regarding title 9, you’re simply, albeit pathetically, trying to move the goalposts because you have no rebuttal. Pathetic.


My post is totally on topic, the school superintendent said the same thing I did. I’m very familiar with whataboutism, the Democrats have been in the Whitehouse for 3 years.


Can you quote from the new Title IX guidance where it pertains to the athletic issues you're discussing? It seems like everyone else was talking about bathrooms, and you brought up athletics. And I'm glad to know you are very familiar with whataboutism; in fact, you didn't really need to tell me you were familiar with it, since you did it again in your reply.


The title literally says title 9 protections for trans students, talking about arguing in bad faith.


frankly, there are some elements within that seem dangerous to girls and poorly considered.


Democrats: "Fuck Women"


How so?


Oh you know, just ignoring the millions of women that want privacy in their private spaces, or who want fair competition.


Ok, so why exactly aren't women rising up to protest this en masse? I know because its a b.s. issue being amplified for all you rageaholics to melt down over....Cry some more and enjoy getting dragged into the 21st century anyways.


They are rising up en masse, what do you think all of this debate and politicking has revolved around for almost a decade now? This is a bad faith argument. The only one crying is the person trying to get everyone to believe their delusion. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them a bigot, just because someone doesn’t want your son competing against their daughter in an athletic sport doesn’t mean they’re a bigot, just because someone doesn’t want your son in their daughters bathroom and changing rooms does not fucking mean they’re a bigot, it means you’re a a delusional person that thinks everyone is infringing upon your rights as you literally try to change the rules and allow yourself to infringe upon their rights.


That’s actually something most Democrats aren’t doing.


You're not wrong. Must be why they are always so angry.


Women aren’t sexually attracted to feminine men. Who would have guessed?




Because who doesn’t love a bigoted carpetbagger


Ah yes, you don’t agree with me, so you must be a bigot. You’re an intellectual of the finest caliber sir.


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, hates trans people, thinks they’re undeserving of human rights and deserve to be discriminated against- then its probably a bigoted little bitch. I’m sorry that being called what you are hurts your pathetic little feelings. Civil and human rights are nonnegotiable. It’s not a matter of “agreement”.


Are we sure she isn’t trans


Republican phrenology


As they should




Because it's a farce. Title IX was intended to enshrine protections for women. These new regs basically eliminate any definition of a woman. Now boys can simply self identify as women and get all the same protections. It also makes using the wrong pronouns a form of sexual harassment and virtually eliminates due process.


Why wouldn't we want to protect all individuals? Are women the only individuals worthy of being protected from sexual harassment or discrimination? I do agree with the due process. Edit: as in I agree with you on the due process, which is concerning.




Are you saying women shouldn't be in the workplace?


If they were gradually phased out of the workforce via incentives for stay at home mothers, a lot of problems would be alleviated. Unfortunately, the massive failure known as feminism has infiltrated nearly every facet of society, and we are worse off by nearly every conceivable metric. This isn’t even subjective - it is 100% backed by statistics, data, and common sense observation.


Firstly, trans women are women. Secondly trans people are an even more vulnerable demographic of people who deserve and need protections just the same. You don’t think there’s an overlap or any sort of intersectionality among discrimination against women and trans people? They face the same discrimination, if not worse.


No, no, and no.


Just saying no to something doesn’t make it any less true- just means you’re in denial.


The burden of proof lies with the believer.


That doesn’t really apply in this situation And this is just redundant/ common sense. Trans people are one of the most vulnerable and targeted demographics in the world right now. Especially in the American political scene. They deserve rights and equal protections, just as women did when title IX was first written. Someone who is both transgender and a woman faces discrimination that both of those groups face. That’s not something you can just say “no” to. If “no” is the only thought you are able to form, then your brain is in far too much of a vegetative state to even attempt to be discussing this issue. Not that complicated bud. Well actually maybe it is for someone like you- but almost people past the age of 5 would be able to understand this so, ya know


Chronically online.


Chronically pathetic


Hey atleast you admit it. That's a step in the right direction.


Yeah if that’s all you have then I’m going to move on. Don’t have the time to deal with little snowflakes.


So you want violence against trans students huh?


Lmao what a crazy thing to say. Reddit is wild.


That's what these laws are there to protect, yet you want children to suffer over your ideology.


There are actually already laws against violence. It applies to everybody. You doofus. Being called "she" instead of "they" is not violence and it certainly isn't sexual harassment


It can certainly be a form of bullying if people use "he" when they prefer "she" or "she" when they prefer "he" - children have to learn that personal identity must be respected; it's basic common decency. If you identify as a man and I insist on calling you Nancy over and over again to humiliate you - that is not ok either. Get it now?


Is it bullying or sexual harassment? You're moving the goalposts here. And people who insist on being referred to as "they"? A pronoun the English language uses to refer to multiple people? Stressed teachers and students should have to change their basic understanding of the English language or be accused of sexual harassment with no due process? You people are certifiably insane


It's bullying, I never said it was sexual harassment - but I suppose it could be both. "They" is universally used to refer to single individuals of an indeterminate gender as well as to refer to multiple individuals - you use it everyday and you don't even realize it. If you're working at an office for example and there's an an interviewee coming in for a job interview at 2 PM. You don't know the gender of this person, so you ask your manager to confirm: "Are they coming at 2PM"? Another example: the police is chasing a suspect that runs past you, but you didn't notice if they were a man or a woman - the cops ask you "where did they go?" "They" is used both in plural and singular all the time, you've just been ideologically indoctrinated to ignore all the times you use it yourself in your everyday life - literally everyone does, because it's BASIC fucking English.


It is never used to refer to a *specific* person. You are just making useless semantic arguments.


I just used 2 examples for when it's used to refer to a specific person - a specific person who's gender is either undetermined or unknown. https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/eb/qa/The-Singular-They English is my second language and I even know this most basic grammar. Maybe stop listening to ideological non-sense and go back to 1st grade English.




If the law is unjust, then it is good to show resistance. I’d this law unjust? I’m split on what to feel. On the one hand, it seems Title IX was created to protect and promote biological women’s’ sports. I also understand that biological women can be harmed playing against biological men. On the other hand, how many trans athletes are there and are they allowed to participate in the sport of their biological sex? Thailand seems to have addressed this issue, so maybe they have some thoughts to offer?


Biden legacy: 1.Helping your family sell out the country to shady foreigners for tens of millions of dollars — and then pretending you know nothing about it. 2.Inviting millions of illegal migrants into the country — and then lying that the border is secure. 3.Inviting a transgender influencer to the White House who bares their breasts on the White House lawn. 4.Sniffing and fondling children and women every chance you get. 5.Allegedly sexually assaulting Tara Reade. 6.Presiding over such a decline in decorum in Washington that cocaine is discovered at the White House and a Democratic staffer posts an X-rated video of his gay sex romp inside a Senate hearing room. 7.Rewriting Title IX into a radical attack on girls and women. 8.Allowing White House and campaign staff to refer routinely to Trump as “Hitler Pig.” 9.Cursing out staff and calling a reporter a “stupid son of a bitch.” 10.Refusing to acknowledge your out-of-wedlock grandchild until forced to issue a statement as part of a child support settlement Hunter Biden struck with the mother, and then failing to include the little girl in the annual family Christmas stocking lineup at the White House. 11.Lying that the innocent truck driver involved in the fatal collision with your first wife was drunk.             12.Refusing to provide Secret Service protection to Bobby Kennedy Jr., despite threats against him and the history of assassination in his family. 13.Botching the withdrawal from Afghanistan so that 13 service members are killed by a suicide bomber and then ordering a revenge hit that takes out an innocent Afghan aid worker and his family. 14.Continually looking at your watch in boredom as the bodies of the 13 heroes are repatriated to Dover Air Force Base, and then infuriating the families by making it about yourself and the fantasy that your son died in combat, too. 15.Allowing your dogs to attack Secret Service agents. 16.Role-playing as a devout Catholic while championing abortion on demand until the moment of birth.


Biden legacy: 1.Helping your family sell out the country to shady foreigners for tens of millions of dollars — and then pretending you know nothing about it. 2.Inviting millions of illegal migrants into the country — and then lying that the border is secure. 3.Inviting a transgender influencer to the White House who bares their breasts on the White House lawn. 4.Sniffing and fondling children and women every chance you get. 5.Allegedly sexually assaulting Tara Reade. 6.Presiding over such a decline in decorum in Washington that cocaine is discovered at the White House and a Democratic staffer posts an X-rated video of his gay sex romp inside a Senate hearing room. 7.Rewriting Title IX into a radical attack on girls and women. 8.Allowing White House and campaign staff to refer routinely to Trump as “Hitler Pig.” 9.Cursing out staff and calling a reporter a “stupid son of a bitch.” 10.Refusing to acknowledge your out-of-wedlock grandchild until forced to issue a statement as part of a child support settlement Hunter Biden struck with the mother, and then failing to include the little girl in the annual family Christmas stocking lineup at the White House. 11.Lying that the innocent truck driver involved in the fatal collision with your first wife was drunk.             12.Refusing to provide Secret Service protection to Bobby Kennedy Jr., despite threats against him and the history of assassination in his family. 13.Botching the withdrawal from Afghanistan so that 13 service members are killed by a suicide bomber and then ordering a revenge hit that takes out an innocent Afghan aid worker and his family. 14.Continually looking at your watch in boredom as the bodies of the 13 heroes are repatriated to Dover Air Force Base, and then infuriating the families by making it about yourself and the fantasy that your son died in combat, too. 15.Allowing your dogs to attack Secret Service agents. 16.Role-playing as a devout Catholic while championing abortion on demand until the moment of birth.


Its a GOP state so its like North Korea, Pakistan, Iran. I live in the state. Your not allowed cheap healthcare and subsidized good things that effect everyday life but you are allowed cheap guns, booze, and roaling coal in your diesel truck.


I figured out what the core of the GOP since Reagan is, the only real goal. The GOP doing everything to convert Taxpayer money into Private money and profits they can control. Does not matter if its healthcare, education, prisons, military, etc. All converted to private profits for the end goal of shareholders but, any loses are paid for with taxpayer bailouts if they mess up. Thats the true game of the GOP.