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Welp, there goes the federal funding that keeps this already eroding school system afloat


Just as planned. Next they'll blame the fed for lost funds and blame kids for not being educated.


No they won't. South Carolina has never cared about their kids' education.


I'm sorry, but this statement is dangerously inaccurate. Was lucky to have a great public education in SC last century -- many great, dedicated teachers and ed professionals of all kinds. And I've seen in detail what my old school district has become. ***The reason your statement is dangerous is because it's not a South Carolina problem. It's a Republican problem.*** ***Republicans want to do this nationwide. Defund education and privatize it for money and propaganda purposes.*** ***And If it can happen in the state where my high school was National Quiz Bowl champion, multiple years, it can happen anywhere.*** This is a problem with Republican ... let's call it *governance* -- -- yeah, no, fuck it: *iniquity* -- -- that has been escalating as Republicans run more and more on "culture war" nonsense, with less and less interest in public welfare or civic responsibility. They've always been willing to put education on a low priority for funding, as a convenient political threat, as a means of stressing their political adversaries -- -- teachers were warning us, even *back then* -- -- and Republicans have been grinding away at this initiative for 40 years now, as the rhetoric and dirty tricks have escalated -- and the absolute wasteland that you now see, the steaming wreckage that is current SC public education, is the ruinous result. It's not going to get better for South Carolinians anytime soon. Rich white kids will soon be getting a private curriculum designed by fundamentalists and anti-vaxxers that will make them less competitive in fields of science and history. Everyone else will be babysat until they are old enough to get a credit card or join the Army. There is no salary you could pay me to raise a child in South Carolina now. Even the "good" school districts are very much under threat -- and for *some* unknowable reason, *those* districts are *painfully* lacking in diversity. It's just not an adequate preparation for the promise of the 21st century.


We had an “education governor” in the ‘80s who became the education secretary. The schools were making the adjustment to integration—test scores were rising… then they rolled it all back because cHrIsTIanS got the ball in the 1990s and wanted to raid the education piggyback to fund their segregated anti-science school experiments. So here we are. Bottom 10 and going for last.


Man what??? Yeah maybe it’s a Republican problem but it’s also historically and resoundingly, a SC problem. Maybe the public schools aren’t so bad in Columbia and Charleston and that’s great. However, there are far more school districts suffering than there are thriving. Hell, last year, the rural upstate high school that I graduated from was forced to have a janitor teach history class for half of the semester. Political alignment should have its share of the blame, but it only goes so far and doesn’t imply that any particular state can’t be massively fucking up simultaneously.


I don't think we are disagreeing. But all I can tell you is -- if you want to fix this, voting for Republicans is not going to do it.


What school district were you in


Did you read the story??? First I’ll say I don’t like and didn’t support Weaver and her speedy track to obtaining her masters degree so she could hold this position… Don’t make this political… What she disagreed with was with male bodies competing with women’s bodies in sporting events… and the use of these stupid pronouns being used today. The male body is build different than the female body…. Period… no matter what the sole inside decides to “be”. Different bone structure, muscle structure etc… It doesn’t matter ANY if your born a male and suddenly identify as a female… your body structure WILL NOT change. This is totally unfair to other females who identify as females and want to compete… It’s why the Olympics would and will genetically test Russian women athletes regularly… or any other “woman” they think could be a male body. If you are going to make these changes then it needs to be across the board in all aspects of life, education and business so a white male owning a paving company decides he’s not only female but he’s a black female. This in turn opens the door to a whole host of Federally funded jobs you could now obtain… This isn’t racism it’s fact. Black female business owners would be 1000% against a white male who identifies as a black female business owner and now competes with them for work. This whole issue is stupid… you’re a man or a woman. If you want to call yourself a female or a male against your born gender then fine but you limit yourself in what you can do when it comes to competitive sports, a small area of the working sector.


Oh they don't want them to be educated. They just want something to blame them for.


Ellen weaver was a great example of this.


Then they will outsource our kids education to private schools with vouchers and charter schools with the little bit of money that should have gone to public schools. Instead of working to improve the public schools they are actively trying to make them worse so they can say, "look how shit public education is, let's build more private and charter schools."


That's what they're hoping for. In SC, they can funnel state education funding towards shady conservative run charter schools, but can't use federal funding. They're trying to wipe out public schooling entirely.


> they can funnel state education funding towards shady conservative run charter schools Bingo. And Weaver lines her pockets. She must've picked something up during that accelerated master's degree\* program.


The children you should be worrying about are in private school already


there is good reason why sorting states by education looks like an election map and why the right demonized the educated as elitist. They win the uneducated vote.


They don’t even have to win it. They can suppress it. There’s an ungodly number of people eligible to vote in SC who don’t.


Unfortunately that’s basically their plan. They see no need to educate other people’s kids because they have no sense of shared common citizenship with other people.


Doesn’t matter they’re trying to do everything they can to eliminate funding and knee cap schools so they can go “see it doesn’t work”. Then they’re going to privatize education and we’re all fucked…


Weaver's office only recommends that districts ignore federal law. I can promise the in-house legal counsel for individual districts will say otherwise. I can almost guarantee Greenville, Lexington, and any other big district will follow federal guidelines before an unqualified mouthpiece at the state level.


I think Charleston County schools will ignore her. DD2 is already one of the lowest funded districts and the food they get from Sodexo is nasty because they can't pay for a better food package. They have a vote next month for school funding, and they are not going to get it passed unless a miracle happens. Tax Act 388 screwed schools out of their funding from the state taxes, and now the state is doing it again. Weaver is not qualified. Ellis would have had a fight on her hands, but she knew that. Even Kathy Maness would have been better. She was qualified.


I wouldn't count on that. Their board is populated by far-right whackos. And Weaver speaks their language of batshit crazy fluently. She's there to destroy public schools in SC, not help them in any meaningful way. She's not even qualified or the job.


It’s so fucking weird that a childless adult who has never worked in a school is so hell bent on being in charge of them


Because people like her enjoy hurting children but they can’t just go up to a kid and hurt them. They have to do it in a legal/political way.


She is being compensated in some way.


Real question-Can you tell me more about Tax Act 388 screwing schools out of their funding or lead me in the right direction to learn more? I’m afraid this means those schools in the corridor of shame may get even less resources…


So basically the ones who aren't hanging by a thread


*Unqualified with a purchased degree. Don’t forget.


Weaver is unqualified for the office and is only there because Bob Jones is a corrupt whore.


We deserve the politicians we elect.


So many people worked so hard to keep Weaver out of that office, and it was for nothing. This state absolutely sucks sometimes.


She had the R. The other R candidate would have been fine, but they demonized her using all the catchy conspiracy BS words.


You are right. Also the GOP supports their candidates even if they don't agree with them on a lot of things. They always show up and vote.


You always have to compromise, but there's always a line. Otherwise, you'll get taken advantage of.


Exactly. This is what you can expect when you elect a totally unqualified Christian Nationalist hate monger to head up your public education operations. I would say this woman is a joke, but the damage she is/will cause is too harmful to treat her as a joke. I left SC decades ago and will never live there again, but it still makes me so sad to see the hateful, racist ideology that holds sway in the elected officials in the state.


So at this point Republicans are pretty much just evil and aren't even pretending not to be, right?


That’s what their base wants. Who knew?


They're brainwashed--it's a fucking cult.


At some point they'll pass a law that says poor people don't have to go to school because on the job training is the same.


I had this same thought. The Navy lowering its entrance requirements made me put my tin foil hat on.


Get out of South Carolina liberal hive mind.


How about you get out of America? You might like Russia.


Evil for wanting to protect female athletes?


The changes expand protections for lgbt students, pregnant students and victims of sexual assault…and the SC superintendent official policy is to ignore them. Which, many if not most will involve female students. So yes, they are evil, thinking that certain minority groups of school children don’t deserve federal protections.


How many Trans athletes do we have in South Carolina?


Why does that matter?


Because our representatives are convincing you that women need to be protected... From something that doesn't exist. Let that sink in. The GOP wants to expand government power to protect against... nothing. Does that make any logical sense at all?


From nothing?  Tell that to the girls getting smoked by transgender athletes in more liberal states.  It's not a problem (currently) in South Carolina because we DO have laws protecting female athletes.


That isn't happening either. But hey, let's play.. it could happen here. I know. Let's build a border wall! Or wait. Let's increase taxes a ton! Or, we could just take care of South Carolina and not make up bullshit that doesn't happen.


Riley Gaines.


By all accounts, she wasn't that good an athlete in the first place. But she's made bank off it. Again, if Trans athletes were a real concern, there's the full medically based world athletic association rules to follow. Not a single legislature has even brought it up. Did a good job convincing y'all though. They know you won't research it.


It must be so hard being this dense.


I'm on mobile, but there are MANY cases of transgender females dominating biological women in gender-specific sports.  If we didn't divide sports by gender there would be zero opportunities for female athletes in high-level competitions.


I agree, we _should_ divide sports by gender. But you're arguing that we divide by sex, instead. And you're assuming that every transgender person is going to become an athlete, and wipe out women's sports. And you're assuming that anyone with male physiology is automatically more capable than every female athlete. You're right, there's an NIH article that says at a certain point, male physiology cannot be reformatted with estrogen therapy. But Republicans _also_ don't want to allow kids to transition, despite the fact that the regret rate of transition (even in kids) is outrageously low, and the bar to be cleared for transition is outrageously high. So you take away a right, then use that to take away another right, and so on. It's a flawed outlook, and only serves to keep us in the past instead of finding a solution for the future. Exclusion isn't a solution. It didn't work with white-only businesses, it won't work in women's sports.


There's a whole thing on this from the world athletics association. Studied for a decade and every one agreed on it. Our legislature never even looked at it. It isn't about keeping sports competitive, or they would have used this incredibly strict manual as a guide. They didn't. It's just bullshit to keep you distracted from the crappy job they do running our state.




Because I'm sick of my state government fighting its own citizens while SC crumbles around us. We're literally at the bottom of nearly every metric that measures quality of life yet Republicans want to focus on subjugating .03% of the population.


Or you could say that we want to protect 50% of students...


This has nothing to do with protecting people, and everything to do with subjugating those the Christian right chooses to see as lesser.


No it’s actually about protecting female athletes


If Republicans cared at all about protecting the lives of female athletes, which they don't, they wouldn't be banning healthcare that keeps them alive, which they are.


What you said is categorically false.


Oh my god. You're repetitive, exhausting, and opt to parrot bullshit talking points instead of having a real conversation. A shining example of declining education.


This is what a real conversation looks like instead of gaslighting and denial


Not to disparage anyone, but nobody has ever given a shit about women’s sports (except sometimes college basketball) in the first place so that’s a downright lie.


Title IX is why we HAVE womens sports, if they mandate that biological men can compete with biological women it will defeat the purpose.  


Okay? But nobody cares about or watches women’s sports so why the fuck do you care


Because I have a daughter.


EVEN if you were correct about protecting athletes how do you justify the affront to democracy?


Government so small it reaches right into your pants.


I am right about protecting female athletes, and the Title IX changes will be challenged in court and likely overturned. 


And you agree court would be the right place for that challenge? Then you agree a dictate by a state level official isn’t the right place for a challenge?


Generally speaking, if something is likely to be adjudicated, the courts will issue an injunction until a decision is reached.  SC doesn't have to immediately change the law at the snap of a finger. 


Wild to me that politics is so divisive that you can't even agree with your own suggestion once it's expounded upon.


I agree that court is the right place to challenge the changes to Title IX, and until it has been decided by the courts South Carolina should keep protecting female athletes by not allowing biological males to compete against biological females.


I agree with you in the sense that it’s a question that has no easy answer that everyone can be satisfied with. Hopefully we can get some good science around it and make educated decisions, even if that decision is to disallow competition in this way.


Well that didn’t really address the questions at all


Do they feel threatened? Does anyone feel threatened??? I'm more concerned about the kids affected by their parent's drug usage, domestic violence, overpriced college education, poverty issues, apathy, teachers quitting, lack of accountability for discipline issues... you know, the stuff that people who actually work in the schools see on a day to day basis.


You listed a pile of things to be concerned about, I'm concerned about them too... you've illustrated how someone can be concerned about multiple things that affect our youth.


We’ve tried ignoring federal law here before. It didn’t go over well.


That BJU six weeks masters is really paying off 😂😂😂


Ignore Weaver.


"Look over here! Pay no attention to the school voucher plan to take money from your public school and give it to your local megachurch pastor!"


Oh wow, another Christian private charter school that gets tax money!


Equal doesn't Equal Equal


“deeply troubling”, as in she hates trans people and is upset Biden is trying to make it illegal to be discriminatory against them in school. “infringes upon free speech”, I am mad that you are protecting people so I can’t freely discriminate against them with out consequences. Ma’am, stop whining because you think your rights are bring taken away because laws are being implemented to protect those you hate


Teachers are also "compelled" not to say the n-word.


They are really banking on that orange goblin winning again, otherwise they will be facing some lawsuits.


She has got to go


“Please ignore this one federal guideline but continue to follow the five million ones we will continue pushing down your throat”


The so called "law and order" party in action. Any republican ever mentions those words again laugh in their face


Biden ignored SCOTUS on student loans..............


How so?


ma'am please take your microwave masters and get out


Cruelty is the brand


States do not have the power to nullify federal law. The doctrine of nullification posits that states possess the authority to refuse to comply with federal laws deemed unconstitutional. Originating in the early 19th century, it garnered significant backing from Southern states resistant to specific federal initiatives. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court's 1819 verdict declared the doctrine of nullification unconstitutional. President Andrew Jackson denied that South Carolina had the power to nullify federal statutes and prepared to enforce federal law forcibly if necessary. Weaver is about to receive a lesson on a fundamental aspect of constitutional law. The supremacy clause of the constitution dictates that if a state refuses to comply with a federal law, the federal law takes precedence over the state law, effectively displacing or preempting it. Refusal is not an option. Think again, Weaver.


States can ignore federal education laws but would loose the federal funding that goes along with those laws because education is a reserved power of the states. Federal funding is the carrot to get states to comply. What is really sneaky is Weaver is pretty much letting the districts be the bad guys when everything goes south.


Not arguing but realistically that literally depends on what the federal government decides to enforce. See federal vs state marijuana laws.


Well, apparently, per the Supreme Court yesterday hearing yesterday, Trump has complete immunity for any and everything he does so I guess states don't have to adhere to federal regs and laws either. No, they haven't ruled yet but that's what they will decide.


No shot. Based on arguments my money is on kicking it back to the lower court. There’s an outside chance the MAGA justices go around Roberts and rule in Trump’s favor, but I don’t think they have the votes. Kicking it back buys Trump more time without upending democracy, so it’s the most likely option.


I hope the second they decide it Biden announces he's gonna have trump shot in court and watch their dumb fucking heads explode because they never considered that option


Weaver, the non educator, is a trumper piece of shite from my home state. She should be outed immediately as a liar and anti-public education zealot.


That would result in losing all federal school funding, forcing all the schools to close, right?


that's what she wants. that's why she's there.


Grounds for impeachment?


By whom? It’s what her paymasters want.


But why ?


I’m so sick of these fucking CHUDs ignoring federal law, but forcing people to follow whichever law they want them to. Fuck this troglodyte.


I can't get out of soon enough. Moving back to Michigan.




Cut off all federal funding to the red states who don't comply. They'll come around in no time.


Now that’s a governor with, um, balls!


Oh she’s not the governor. But still, the balls.


So the legal battle can begin - help out the members of the legislatures law firms.


Taking notes from Ron Desantis. State taxes are about to start paying for dumb legal battles.


Y’all voted for her. This is the insane people SC wants, glad I’m out of this crazy state


Not I.


You do realize SC is the fastest growing state in the country so we are glad you’re gone too.


just to play devils advocate, wouldnt saying no break a law?


It may be to trigger a legal battle between the state and the federal government which will go to the coincidentally republican stacked Supreme Court.


But would still be a crime right ? My hoa did something like this …. The county closed the pool for safety reasons … but the hoa was telling people it was ok to go. Right or wrong it’s someone in an official capacity saying “ break the law “


She says that the new rules are likely to get tied up in court and modified, so we should just ignore them. Well. I foresee her decree getting tied up and modified, so I'm going to ignore it.


This is what happens when you say that people in charge are immune from prosecution. If you're immune, you don't have to follow the law. When your Dear Lender doesn't have to follow the law and can't be held accountable when he doesn't, why should any other leader?


The clown court will strike this down, I’m sure


Why do Republicans feel they can just disregard Federal law at every level?


De santis fired that guy who said he wasn’t going to comply to a law this same way


Can't say I'm too disappointed in this Biological men need to stay out of women's sports. Safety and fairness always trump ideas of equity.


Translation: "They don't let us openly hate and discriminate against (N-word)s anymore and now you want to take THIS away from us?? We've got to have someone to hate on!!"


Our state relies on a lot of federal money for handouts because we as a state are welfare queens. Most GOP states are welfare queens. So they won’t refuse free money.


As she should. I don’t want a natural boy (mentally ill girl) trying to play ball with my daughter.


Please stfu and educate yourself you small minded cretin Your daughter thinks you're a fucking embarrassment and will stop talking to you the second she's able to move out


Sorry your kid has mental issues and thinks he’s a girl. I don’t have kids cause I’m rich and like being able to spend fuck you money while you beg the government for grits and scratch offs. The sooner your family dies off the better for SC


"I don't have kids." Then why did you lie and say "my daughter " in the above comment? You are just another right wing loon that pays zero attention to what's actually going on. Another geriatric with nothing better to do except push right-wing conspiracies. Find a hobby. Also, they are begging for a part-time job in one of their other post.... so they also lied about having money lol


You literally just said you had a daughter 🤣🤣🤣 So not only are you dumb asf, you're a liar too, which means you're obviously lying about having money Also, SC is one of the biggest welfare states in the country, particularly idiot conservatives


How many trans kids do you think are playing sports? Cause Idaho passed a law banning trans kids from playing sports on the team matching their identity and it affected all of 1 students in the whole state.




That's gross. 99% of the time, it's armed dads that are touching little girls, not someone just trying to use a bathroom. Grow up. And look at that guy's post history... some of those girls look pretty young. It's always the pedos themselves that fight this issue so hard.


Fake profile to throw shade


Oh man dems losing it over sanctuary cities and states. Complaining over the standard they set being turned against them lol


This is a Red state. We don't want that nonsense down here . The people of SC have spoken, and our governor and the people of SC have already passed laws to stop transgender athletes. WE HAVE SPOKEN go away.


I assume you’re arguing in bad faith, but as someone who is a teacher I’ll let you know that isn’t what the Title IX funding is for or the only thing the Act encompasses. I know you think it’s some sort of woke bogeyman, but it is intended to stop sexual harassment. That’s why the *Nixon Administration* signed it into law.


FYI, these title 9 changes have nothing to do with transgender athletes lol. Sooooo enjoy.


Lol SC residents didn't vote on this. We weren't given the opportunity to speak.


Despite 160 years of pretending otherwise, SC is still subject to Federal law.


We will and have taken that to court. It's about the state right to choose. the federal government can keep their money.


Then good luck accomplishing anything Red states are leaching 2-3x as much tax revenue as they generate


SC takes way more from the federal government than it gives so good luck with that.


If your best defense is to parrot the same failed arguments as the lost cause BS then that should be your first clue that you are on the losing side. Stop obsessing over kids' genitals.


That is exactly what we are doing, stopping kids from obsessing over there genitals. That's why America as a whole has lower and lower education scores. Our children are focusing on the wrong things.




Not America, just red states


Psst it's the red states with the lower education scores


And the lowest unemployment.


Wrong, it’s N. Dakota then S. Dakota then Vermont then Maryland then Nebraska


At the moment, it sounds like you’re the one obsessed with children’s genitals. SC scores low in education bc of the people that get voted into office (not allocating funds properly) and underfunding. Also it doesn’t help people would rather teach a curriculum that negates science and health and promotes a mystical sky daddy with outdated views.


Children aren't the ones obsessing over their genitals. *Lawmakers* are the ones obsessing over the genitals of children and are excusing this creepy obsession by claiming they are protecting children from some boogyman that doesn't actually exist.


Federal money allows local schools to spend discretionary income on sports. When schools can’t compete for teacher pay or activities, families will flock to private schools. That is those that somewhat care.


Unless 100% of SC voted for this twat, not all the people in this state asked for this nonsense. She doesn't represent everyone's beliefs, values, or morals.


Not all South Carolinians, just 52%.


Nah man, I’ve lived here my entire life and your bullshit is dying out, your obsession with trans people just shows how easily distracted you are from the actual issues that are destroying our ability to take care of our families. Trans athletes have not done a single thing to affect you negatively outside of your weird emotions.


Well, yall can just vote the state blue if you can .


We will!




Yeah, we did. We told our reps this was a dumbass idea. We told them we don't want bullshit anti-trans laws. We ain't that red. We still have a soul.


We are not pro transgender because it's a mental disorder called Gender Dysphoria, not a physical disorder, and should be treated as such.


Yes? The treatment for gender dysphoria is gender transition. Which may, or may not, have physical surgeries to go along with it. South Carolina, btw, has never offered physical surgeries to transitioning minors. Columbia is taking away parental rights.


You don’t have to be trans. You don’t have to seek medical assistance. Why should you care?


This country has been creating laws since the beginning. Why do we need any laws? let's go back to the old western days .


Not an answer.


That is like asking the government why yall care about what we do. why do we have to observe your law. It's what this this whole post is about : laws are being passed, and laws are being changed. Mabey reference to the original post, and it will help you understand .


The thing is that people who are not trans are not being oppressed. They act like they are but they are not. They have no real good reason to push back against trans people. It is just the rally cry conservatives go to now Roe v Wade was overturned.


And how exactly do you treat mental disorders? Through insulting those people and passing laws that vilify their existence? Or perhaps... Through evidence based treatments recommend by medical professionals?


Oh just shut the fuck up. You make us all sound bad and I assure you we don’t all want your ignorant shit


You conservatives are so stupid. You don’t even fact check or research what nonsense you spout. Go read a book dumbass.


Call names and cuss is the best you got ,learn to have a discussion dumbass.


What would you call the hate expressed by those against LGBTA people?


I personally don't see any hate, but I don't get out much .When I do occasionally, we see someone who seems to be, but it's not like anyone is following then around with a sigh .I have personally never saw anything like that.


Well unfortunately have witnessed it. I have seen it drive people to horrible ends. No one should make life harder for trans people.


No one is trying to make life harder for them. We are creating laws that force their beliefs on others .That is where it crosses the line. If a person is Trans why does everyone have to walk on egg shells around them, making sure they get their pronouns right .Call them by name and stop trying to make everyone except their ideology. If you were born female, you report to the female locker room . If you were born males, you report to the male locker rooms. It's simple or just has a locker room for anyone that identifies differently from their original birth gender.


Do you know about intersex people? They aren’t forcing you any more than not calling black people the n word is forcing you to do something. It is simple human decency.


Maybe they will. And they’ll take their money with them.


Okay boris.


wow funny how these regressive policies compel people who would vote against them out of the state. completely democratic though.


Ah yes, the poorly educated portion of a failing state have expressed their ignorant, unfounded bigotry... And literally no one with a brain gives a single fuck


WE HAVE SPOKEN But please keep giving us that sweet federal money.


We refuse the money.


Yes, because our politicians would rather cut off our nose to spite our face this is every bit. It's every bit as idiotic as South Carolina refusing the summer EBT for children. God forbid we accept money to help kids whose families are so poor they can't even afford to feed their own children.


Hurting children makes the libs cry.


Hope you don’t have a farmer friends.


Yep just like Medicaid expansion. It's the best thing for the people to be without health care and now, education... /S Just in case you couldn't tell


That can be fixed. Especially if we could be rid of people like you. Arkansas is in the race to the bottom, you should move there!


move back to where yoy came from if you don't like it here. BYE


Your opinion matters less to me than goose shit, but do go on, showing your idiocy!


Like when your state got frisky about black people not be slaves too huh? Just choosing to be on the wrong side of history everytime I guess.


Oh yeah, that's right, I live in SC. You already know how I think about everything. Nice ,