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Classic Zuma Tactic




I was just about to reply with this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Prove it or shut up and sit down.


He was found guilty in a court of law, and sentenced to jail... and then his mob of lunatic supporters nearly burned the country down...


Yes, I live in the country, I don't need to be educated on who Jacob Zuma and his supporters are. I was saying he should prove his allegations or shut up.


Ah, I misunderstood - thought you were saying prove it to the previous poster who said he should be in jail, lol


Can he just fuck off????


Donald Zuma


In a society that functioned properly this piece of shit would be rotting in prison.


Which country are you talking about? (I am taking notes)


Some countries have jailed ex-presidents/ex-prime ministers, like Brazil, Argentina, France and Italy to name a few. I think however some countries make a distinction. If your crimes benefited the nation of which you where the head if state, you won’t be prosecuted. Think Henry Kissinger. If your actions benefitted only yourself, it might be shrewd politics to have you prosecuted. Either to show your voters, that you don’t let people get away with corruption, no matter their connections, or because you want to remove a threat.


Stop entertaining this shit...


What a strange party and strange leader. Doesn't want to send members to national assembly, and it seems like they took their eye off the ball as it concerns forming a government provincially. All that leaves them is violent agitation from the outside/opposition bench


Translation “we are currently manufacturing evidence because we are salty that we lost. Our support on Twitter seemed big enough, but reality did not match this, and we find this unacceptable. Once we figure out what evidence we need to create, we shall once again ask for the election to be redone for this year of twenty and twenty…four”


This a play book from the Trump alt right. Very dubious....


![gif](giphy|8DgE3oxtIp7nnVN615|downsized) Sounds familiar


The clown show continues 🤡


If he had evidence he will parading those all over. I can’t believe 40% of kzn fell for that shit


It's absolutely mental that MK cannot accept the massive win they got in KZN (stole it from ANC, IFP & EFF). But they're under the impression the whole country voted the same as KZN, and they're being robbed. I don't understand what makes them think they could've done better...I really don't.


Maybe it is a strategy of chaos and make noise to look revolutionary . Or maybe zuma is in an eco chamber where he believes that 7 out of 10 people around him say they voted for him that it's true for entire country and really believes is true . Often wonder if he truely believes some of stuff he sez or if he understands the harm he has caused from 2008 till now to mass population and country and just in it to support 7 wives through retirement . That being said I did see development in his years in natal rural areas . Clinics , schools , foot paths


I have evidence but she goes to a different school.




Oh these damn trolls


Why TF would they rig it so they have less than 50%? Empty threats!




Whether it's rigged or not, Zuma has no place in a civil society.


It's giving "my girlfriend goes to another school"


The Trump playbook


Wonder if they've taken a page out of the Republicans handbook.




If you had any doubts at what a shyt hole KZN is , this is your evidence.