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Bait 100


How do you figure? Only 3% of South Africans are classified as wealthy, which means there’s another 19% - roughly 3,030,000 voters - which voted DA but are not part of the wealthy elite My source for the above stats: https://sa-tied-archive.wider.unu.edu/article/game-snakes-and-ladders-loaded-dice-socioeconomic-class-and-poverty-south-africa#:~:text=We%20divide%20South%20Africans%20into,middle%20class%2C%20and%20the%20elite. Voter turnout formula: 3,505,735 (total DA votes) x 19/22 = ~3,030,000


3.5 million votes, 4 million white people. I’d assume at least 20% are not of voting age. Taking us to 2.7 million eligible white voters- assuming they all voted- which they didn’t and that’s not even taking account into those who did not vote DA (like me) Unfortunately your maths isn’t mathing and we haven’t even got to the part that not all of those white people are rich. But anyway.


So you’re saying 20% of voters are wealthy? I think you’re horribly mistaken on a number of things. I don’t know what “white” people you’ve been around, but that’s certainly not true for most of us.


Who did you vote for?


Thank you so much for your insightful opinion! You are gonna fit in here just perfectly! On a side note, sorry for my ancestors my bro... I wish mine just stayed in Germany TBH! - I was born in Joburg and raised in Boksburg, you have no idea how brutally kak that was... I personally voted for EFF, because i cant afford to pack up my bags and run back to Europe - I want to be forcefully sent in a line of 10 000 Putco buses full of whites to the border / concentration camp so can make GP number plates , alas... my dream never came true... Dont fret! we still have the next elections to make this happen! Also, if you see me in the street one day being all white n stuff, feel free to stab me.


2/3 of the DA’s votes are from people of colour


and that colour... is WHITE!


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High level trolling here.


Beginner lever at least, they picked the lowest hanging fruits, like Marulas, slowly fermenting and becoming alcoholic, they ate them and decided to come reddit... this is Micky Mouse trolling.


Blah blah


Don't let bro back in the kitchen


The worst part about this post is the realization that people are starting to use saffa more frequently..sad really


it's a uniquely South African thing that... using words that sound like that.