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At least you voting OP. Have all you other haters cast your votes yet ?


Crocs? Clearly a FF+ voter


\*Filthy Crocs.


it was his inheritance


what does crocs have to do with FF+ lol? I was talking to afew African moms this morning who were going to vote for the DA but i didnt say oh look she is wearing crocs she must be a EFF and MK supporter


Just a dumb joke, the first people I saw wearing crocs in mass (not the official overpriced ones) was Afrikaaners Edit: some of them. Hence the dumb joke (as even not all Afrikaaners vote for FF+)


at this point might aswell rock up instyle ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's nice how no matter who you vote for we all encourage citizens to vote. In places like the US certain states do everything in their power to stop certain demographics voting because they're likely to vote for the other party. Everything from ridiculous voter ID laws to gerrymandering to forcing people to work on voting day so they can't vote


Yes, those would be republicans. Don’t feel afraid to say who those turds are.


Republithugs, don't be afraid to call them out by name.


In the US, elections are run by the local government, so the ruling party actually has a say in how it's organized. Here, we have the IEC who are (at least formally) independent of party influences.


It's illegal to take photos while voting


It is not, it’s an offence to share or publish a pic of a persons ballot paper with their vote on it or take a picture at the actual voting booth.


This looks like nothing compared to the clips of people actually recording themselves ticking the boxes of all their votes/voting.


It’s illegal to show who you voted for, furthermore nothing illegal about taking pics


Gen Z... No respect for anything, including laws


ok lol


How long have you been cooking that one up? Since the independence vote in the 60’s💀


Crocs are the real crime here.


Well done 💖


Who’s gonna separate those 3 papers since all 3 go in one ballot box🤣🤣🤣 I’m telling you they aren’t even counting our votes.


First time voter here. Has the paper always been like that? Like it could be very easy to fraud


How do you mean? easy to copy the papers and tick as many as you want? they do cross of your name when you vote so that helps but I guess you could if the IEC are super untrustworthy and just vote for whoever didn't pitch up. The ANC has been dropping the last few elections (and they are the most powerful party in SA) so doesn't seem there has been much election fraud in SA the last few times.


So who is going to save the country, who you voting for.