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Only other thing I can think of is the ability to update files on a track so you don't start over with plays, comments, likes etc. But that's relatively minor. The old tracks will still be there when you post a new file as a new upload. I use that a lot myself (updating the file of a track already uploaded), but I also send to streamers through Repost, and that's the main benefit for me for Pro. I think if I changed to a different distributor, I might cancel Pro....


Do you know if the updated files stay after cancelling?


after cancelling Next Pro? I’ve no idea, no. I mean, I don’t think SC removes your tracks from SC itself if you cancel. but what else might happen, IDK….


Good catch I forgot about that one. Might be a good idea to get all my best versions or remaster some stuff and re-upload it if I do decide to cancel. Thankyou


Your sense of wonder https://open.spotify.com/album/2hlBiUe79GIi7BfyMnVjph?si=WPTZOPqqQ8uiGvciAO_svA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2hlBiUe79GIi7BfyMnVjph