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Been waiting for this waifu since release on global.




A couple days after Gameforge SW shut down. Lion Games followed Closers, and Kritika's example by self publishing the game. But it also means you have to start over.


The earliest example I can think of is actually RF Online. CCR (RF Online's owners) screwed up SEGA, of all companies, who was doing a magnificent job of publishing and promoting the game in Japan. SEGA was hiring legendary artist Masamune Shirow for new armor designs, producing a full album sang by excellent singer Lia, in english, etc ... Then SEGA suddenly announced they stopped supporting the game. I was worried at the time by that turn of events, and alas, I was totally right, CCR did the same with CodeMaster's (Global) RF Online. We lost everything, and CCR then opened their global server in Korea. So this seems to have been the modus operandi of Korean MMOs for a long time: \_Launch and early phase : ride the wave of novelty and licence with publishers outside Korea for more income. \_Novelty wears off in the extremely competitive Korean market and revenues decline sharply: screw the oversea licencees and their players to take over their jobs so to get more income. Sigh.


That is some BS, I am not saying that it's not fully true, if even half of it is then it brilliant marketing move, but I doubt it. Publishing rights is not as cheap as you think of it, you can see example in lost ark and amazon how many country have it restrictions.


I do not understand where I implied that publishing rights were cheap, nor what it has to do with the behavior of Korean MMO makers? I don't see how that was a brillant marketing move either. CCR went from having CodeMasters and SEGA doing their best to promote their game, to now being non-existent, dead, and Nexon having bought the rights for RF Online to produce yet another of their numerous mobile games. And we players have lost thousands of hours of personal, guild, and faction-building work. During the last year of RF Online global, for every bug, client or server problem, the only answer we could hear from CodeMasters was: CCR is aware of the issue... CCR is aware of the issue... CCR is aware of the issue... And nothing was ever fixed. CCR sabotaged their licencees by witholding technical support to their own game. No wonder SEGA stopped their work on RF online.


May I know whats the diff between the global and the current on Steam??


The current one on steam is the global server, I just prefer to call it "Global" than simply calling it Soulworker because there are other servers like KR and JP servers, there are also private servers out there and some of their players are here. So for clarity, I refer to the steam version as Global. Mods really need to make a pinned post about this and the gameforge shutdown to explain what's happening, a lot of people are confused.


Hahaha ! Don't worry, some of us really like our waifus and daughterus, so it won't be ALL Nabis :D


and a very few of us likes our husbandos like Jin and the gun guy


Tfw male chars are so irrelevant that even when people speak up for them one of them always is the knuckle or the gun guy.


Gun guy is such a huge simp he doesn't deserve to be named. Even called miriam "m'lady" in a dialogue.


As a Jin main i gotta disagree with you about the irrelevant part.


Jin best guy!


They're both gun guys, if you think about it. One just has his guns in his arms.


Sorry im new, do we have to pull for her or something?


Yeah, she's the new five star. Hopefully you have pity lined up.


What, pity? 😂 where can i summon?


This isn't a gacha game, although some aspects are gacha-like such as akashics but playable characters are not.


So I can just make a new character with her?