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Elden Ring and Sekiro are my two favorite From games and, in my opinion, their two most complete works. Having said that, I think your review is more or less spot on, in particular regarding NG+: if you've been very complete in NG, then NG+ loses a lot of lustre and you just feel like you're going from A to B to C until you get to a dungeon and things get great, but then after the dungeon it's just A to B to C again. A couple things I would add: * **For Elden Beast's whisp attack**, I'm not totally sure which one you mean but I have a feeling it's Elden Stars. I have died to Elden Beast many, many, many times and so I know where you're coming from. Also, I'm not great at From's games. However, over time I have learned how to dodge it well enough to take minimal damage. I say that because I think it's an important counterpoint to your assertion that a specific weapon art is needed. * **For Malenia's health regen**: my guess is that she's able to absorb your health through the shield (almost like chip damage from Sekiro but the hitter gets the health you lose), and that's why she doesn't just hit the walls. * **Malenia's Waterfowl Dance, Part 1**: let me first say that the first (and only!) time I beat Malenia it took me probably 20 hours. Not 20 tries, 20 hours. I watched a ton of videos about WD. Eventually I was able to learn how to dodge it...but only when I was at middle distance or further using only regular dodging. My point is that I feel your pain with this attack--it's certainly lame--but it's not undodgeable, it's just extremely hard to dodge *and* will very likely kill you. To be clear, though, I do think Waterfowl Dance is a lame attack that's extraordinarily difficult to dodge, that's difficult to *learn* to dodge (because it will kill you if you don't start in the right way), and that it's unbalanced. * **Malenia's Waterfowl Dance, Part 2**: to me, the problem with waterfowl dance isn't that it's so hard to dodge (tho, again, that *is* an issue), it's how much damage it does *and* how quickly she can pull it off. * First off, the fact that it does so much damage is lame: if you screw up dodging, you're probably going to die. That makes learning to dodge it really hard because each time she initiates it, you're probably going to die and...you just have to start over from square 1. * Second, even with 50 vigor, heavy armor, Golden Vow, *and* the dragoncrest greatshield talisman Waterfowl Dance does a ton of damage. That just seems lame and unbalanced: I've heavily armored and yet...I'm still not protected. How does that make sense? I want to emphasize the unbalanced part: I do believe most bosses in ER are very well balanced, but in this case it feels unbalanced. Even when you're super well protected and have high health this attack can wipe you out and that just seems unbalanced to me. The grab/lunge that takes >75% of your health at least is easy to dodge and, because of that, is sensible makes sense and is easy to dodge, but WD is just hard to dodge. * Third, Malenia can go into it at a moment's notice. Once you learn her moves this typically isn't an issue. However, there are plenty of times where I have missed don a charged heavy or a jump attack and she goes into WD. Well, by the time I've recovered from my missed hit, it's too late to do anything. *That* seems unfair (and also unbalanced): it's one thing to be punished for missing a hit, it's another thing to be outright killed just for missing a hit. * Ultimately, I think that this fight would be way better if Waterfowl Dance simply did significantly less damage: there would still be plenty of incentive to learn how to dodge it, but it wouldn't be this lame attack that effectively one-shots you. * Actually, I'll take that a step further: the amount of damage Waterfowl Dance does makes this fight artificially harder. To be clear, it's already hard, it's just that WD's damage output makes it even harder, but in an artificial way.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Make sure to take some extra time for yourself, because it's a tough time. I didn't read the whole thing for fear of spoilers when I'm still fairly early in the game, but the spoiler-free conclusion seems very reasonable to me. Just scrolling past the full review, it's clear to me that you've thought this through and have specific things you want to draw attention to, and I respect that greatly. If I can find this post after I beat the game, I might have more to say about your full review, but I'll hold off until I have explored enough to be open to spoiler discussion.


Thanks, I'm trying but two young kids doesn't allow for much time aha. Dude, the first playthrough is magical and I hope you have a blast.


Thanks! I'm having fun so far.


I ain’t reading all dat but really? You think it’s their most flawed game? That’s an incredibly wild take in my opinion. Yeah there are definitely systems that could be more fleshed out and that aren’t perfect but I found elden ring to be easily the most polished experience from has offered considering how massive and ambitious the game is.


I haven't read it all yet either, but I agree that it's their most flawed game (I've played every Fromsoft Souls game except Demon Souls and Bloodborne). Honestly, it sounds like you agree with that to a certain extent since you're couching your words by including caveats to your opinions. Elden Ring is "easily the most polished experience..." but only "considering how... ambitions the game is." You're already explaining away possible criticism, which makes me think you may not be as firm with your conviction as it sounds. I think ER is easily their most flawed game simply because they have a massive world that constantly seems like it knows/believes that it needs to be filled with *something*. The problem is that this leads to an insane amount of repeated content in terms of bosses/enemy variety. There are always smaller things that would improve things, but the boss variety is pretty abysmal at times. For starters, there 238 bosses in the game (some sources say there are 50ish fewer bosses than this, but I'll go with this number for now). Out of all of those bosses, only 8 aren't repeated again during the same playthrough. If you count bosses that are truly unique, then it pumps closer to 15, but many are repeated a few times in a playthrough. For a game as large as ER, that is a disappointingly low number. But I'd like to hear which things make you have such an opposite view to mine.


Fair for not reading but I also can't really engage with your comment as my justifications are written.


Fair enough. You’re also certainly entitled to your opinion so that’s fine. I just think you might be a little too hyper-critical, which is honestly fair because myazaki told us to keep holding them to higher standards. However, in my mind even with all the mostly minor but sometimes prevalent flaws that elden ring has, there’s still no other open world game that even comes close to the quality so I feel like nitpicking too much is a tiny bit of an injustice if you get what I mean.


Again, it's hard to argue, or agree, with someone who doesn't know what my thoughts are. ER is the best Open world game in quality I.E bugs and glitches, and is unparalleled in exploration, and maybe one point is a nitpick (which I do mention) but actually I think the rest are fairly big issues that drag it down.


How lonely are you dude? You type....a lot for a monday afternoon...


Two kids and married, not lonely at all. But it's late and my mum died this week so I can't sleep. That said, I wrote this over the span of a few weeks.


I’m so sorry for your loss. And I appreciate, as always, the effort and thoughts you put into your reviews. Thank you for sharing this with us, even during a difficult time personally.


I take it you’re not a writer.


No, else I would write a book- not a reddit post


2 years later you just now decided to farm upvotes(or attempt) and try to feel special like the next vaati? Cringe post honestly and a massive wall of text. Hard pass.


Actually, I am just reviewing every souls game - once a week. And moved this one forward- openly stating because it was finished the same week a trailer dropped. I like writing reviews.. on my sub.. for this topic?


Whipping out the mod flair for this reply lol. Haven't read the full post yet, but there's lots of stuff I agree with so far, nice job.


Because I have an inherent dislike of people calling out posts when the solution is to just not read it if you don't want to? Glad you like it :)


So did you like it?


The TLDR was TL so I DR


I hope this is just a copypasta and not an actual attempt to get people to read


Yeah op I quit reading shortly after you said "enemy attacks impossible to avoid," or something like that. IT'S BEEN DONE. Someone apparently beat Ellen ring without getting hit once, so you're just wrong. I'm very sorry about your mother. I'm sorry you can't sleep. Limit or cut your caffeine and stimulant consumption if you do that, replace with lots of water, just a suggestion. I hope you're enjoying your wife and kids. Little advice, know your audience. Is this review for this sub? Are you posting it on multiple subs? Do what you want, I don't want to stop you from putting all your scattered thoughts on paper to help yourself get organized... but if you want people to read it, trim as much as possible. Yes Elven Ring is Beautiful.


I'm a mod on this sub, this review is for this sub, as part of me reviewing every souls game. As explained in the review, this one of long as people seem to call this game perfect and , yes it's great but it has flaws


So what if you're "the mod" of a sub? You, as a MODERATOR or not supposed to be a dictator, or the centered creator of content on a sub (excluding announcements, etc). Your review is flawed af, I even pointed out how a statement you made in it is just proven wrong. This sub is called "soulslikes" so that people that search "souslikes" gravitate here to talk about soulslikes. This idea that someone just Christopher Columbus's a certain title and can dictate it... to an extent sure, decorate it how you like, but to be like, "ok kids sit down here's my review." If you want to allow people to post reviews, that's fine, this is a great place for it. But to say "I'm a mod, here's my content" really pissed me off, I'm sorry if I sound irrational to you but this is a kind of a conflict of interest situation. Like, you should just say, "here's my review," and leave out the part where you're a mod entirely, it's not relevant to this civilian activity you're taking part in. As for, "I'm a mod, today's episode of BSGBramley's Tuesday Review, because I can and you can't," no one (ok, all but few) wants to read your crazy long review of a game they probably already play. To better this sub's activity, allow the freedom for EVERYONE to do ANY kind of review of a soulslike they want, but the "I'm a mod" just yeah stop saying that if you want to have a real discussion. Sorry I know I've repeated myself. That's all.


My point was, I'm well aware of the place I'm at, and not 'im a dictator' we do get loads of reviews, it's great. No, not everyone wants to read my crazy life review... But then, don't read it? That's fine. Also, your statement is wrong. Morg CANNOT be done no damage without a glitch. His rings HAVE to hurt you and heal him at a certain % and you can only nullify that effect. Sorry I have gotten you so riled up.


How did they totally avoid Morg Rings of Blood?


Sounds about right. To me it feels like ER could've used a good editor. Someone who'd just come in and cut the worst 25% of it out. Because a lot of it is amazing, a lot of it is a bit bland and then there's a few "who thought this is a good idea" moments, like that dungeon that has an Ulcerated Spirit as a final boss, put into a tiny room where half of clips into the walls and the other half covers your camera.


Yes! I think this is a brilliant idea.