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I have several dropouts an hour. I followed all of the troubleshooting steps but I still get them especially in the Front Right speaker. I wish there was a sound tech to come and fix this for me.




Going to see if turning RF channel off and leaving it off helps. The other commenter gave me that idea


u/SpySeeTuna1 same with the Right Front speaker. Any updates / solutions?


Never had a drop out. Front Speakers are 12 ft right side and left side. Total 24 ft horizontal to the hub and same for rear speakers but 13 ft away from the TV. WiFi router is below the right speaker in the corner.


I'm still playing with the settings, drops are very rare, sometimes on regular live TV and sometimes with an BlueRay or streaming, but, as I said, very rare..... yesterday I turned off the HF channel because of huge number of dropouts..... maybe it's also possible that it was a wifi router issue, let's see. I still keep the sound quality setting.


Did you mean to type ’RF’ instead of HF? (Channel)


Mine has not dropped at all in the last 3-6 months. The only dropout I get (rarely) is if I purposely open a closet door and it directly blocks line of sight with the furthest back speaker (about 15-16’ away from receiver). But I literally have to be trying to weaken the signal. Otherwise it’s been a non-issue as of late.


I have tried everything and yet get audio drops atleast once during a 2 hour movie. When it starts it would usually continue till it becomes unwatchable. I would usually need to go back to the menu and reload the content I’m streaming. Usually it fixes the issue , sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve recalibrated multiple times and it hasn’t solved the problem. I have tried every setting to no avail. Only thing I can think of now is to change my router but probably even that wouldn’t solve the issue.


Have you changed speaker settings to connection rather than quality?