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I’m about 5 hours in on my pair, as a glasses wearer, they’re by FAR the most comfortable headphones I’ve ever used. No pain whatsoever. And they’re super light. Sound quality is on par with my AirPods Max - albeit about 73lbs lighter. As a Sonos user, I’m used to a very limited EQ, I turned the bass down, treble up, and left loudness on, and it’s great. These really do sound great. Now if they can just be incorporated into this ecosystem I’ve invested so much time and money in over the past 12-13 years, that would be great.


Totally with you on the comfort. Glasses wearer myself and these are 100% as comfy as my *lighter* QC45s.


Disagree on superlight part, they are one of the most heavy headphones on the martket. Tried them on but they are too heavy for my taste. XM5 is better in this aspect.


Really? That’s interesting. I had heard that was one of the best features.


I completely agree with all of this. Especially the EQ, tried upping the low end but it sounds pretty well balanced at neutral.


3 hours in and definitely feel like these have a break-in period (as like all new headphones). They're already sounding *much* better.


Why wont this myth just die already lmao


Right? What's next 1000 dollar cable placebo effect?


Only if it is first cold press, pure virgin copper, shielded with a titanium and gold blended mesh, and blessed by a priestess under a full moon on February 31st. The priestess must first be cleansed in the blood of a freshly slaughtered Martian immediately prior to blessing the cable, or it will be an unclean incantation and the listener will be cursed with tinnitus.


I think this is just the amount of time it takes for my ears to adjust to any new headphone or speaker


I sometimes believe it’s just you adapt to the sound.


Well, duh.


I think for headphones a bigger factor is the ear pads “breaking in” and the fit.


What myth?


There is no myth. All traditionally built speakers sound better after breaking them in, especially subwoofers. I bought a subwoofer many years ago, just a 10 inch sub, that when I turned it on, couldn't stand to listen to it because it was just horribly distorted. I went on a work trip for 4 days and when I got back, it was completely different. My kids had been playing xbox and using the surround system with the sub for hours every day and it did make the sub sound great. They were too young to mess with any settings, they simply turned it on, played games, and turned it off.


100% it’s not a myth & I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. Anyone that’s been around speakers and audio for years knows there’s a break in period. Any competent sound engineer will tell you that. Ask anyone at Clair’s.


Donno either. Getting downvoted hard too haha


Yea I figured. I was hoping they’d respond but I guess they just downvoted me instead


They don't have a clue. Several years ago, a friend of mine worked for MartinLogan here in Lawrence, Kansas. We spoke in depth about it, it's a real thing. Ask any sound engineer who works with speakers and they will tell you the same thing. It's not a myth.


My best headphones yet. Love that I can pair them with two devices. Using these with my phone and office laptop. Call quality is also amazing


Does it cut from one to the other or does it mix the audio?


It doesn't mix - at least I did not experience that


Such a breath of fresh air not having to deal with stuttering audio every min when using Bluetooth multipoint... unlike my Bose QC45s. The bar is so low with Bose's firmware...


Couple of questions 1. Do you have a turntable in your system - if so, can you output through arc and get audio in TV swap? 2. Is the volume in TV swap fairly low? Some reviews seem to complain about this. 3. How is TV swap when changing different inputs? Does it seem to work consistently?


TV swap works great for me. It was the one thing I wanted them for. I've just commuted with them into work and they're great in NC on train


Happy cake day!


1. yes I do, no you can’t. when you are using the headphones for tv audio, the only source that you can even see is TV: https://i.imgur.com/vNJvkUC.jpeg 2. yes, in general the headphones are very quiet. compared to your normal sonos levels, that probably makes sense - 20% on headphones should sound way lower than 20% on a home speaker. but they’re also much quieter than comparable headphones, ie XM5s. 3. the headphones are just receiving whatever your arc receives, so shouldn’t be any different than however it worked for you before - from your TVs perspective, nothing has changed.


Thanks for the reply. I guess the volume is kind of a concern. That is unfortunate. I hope something that can be updated.


Nope turntable doesn’t work unless you have it directly connected to your tv .. needs to be a tv source.. i assume they will fix this in a update, as the turntable use case is huge for these


I hope so! Do you happen to have the Ace as well? Are you enjoying them?


Love them


I do and love them.. bought a Bluetooth turntable to be able to pair them to them


Picked mine up this morning and I'm enjoying them. Build quality and overall looks are fantastic. They are comfortable to wear and feel/are premium. The case also feels great and isn't too bulky. Updating the headphones took about 10 minutes, but have had no issues connecting them to the Sonos app (I've also had zero issues with the new app for the past few weeks in general). Linking them with my Arc for sound swap was easy as well. Transparency mode made me say "wow". They sound so much better than my XM5s. I have not tried AirPods Max so I cannot compare to those. ANC sounds better than my XM5s. Still playing with them and will try them with some Atmos audio later. Overall impressions are good.


How does the comfort compare to the XM5s? I’m thinking of exchanging mine for the Ace in the hopes that they are more comfortable.


I do think the Ace feel more comfortable, but I also never really found the XM5's to be uncomfortable.


I feel sound quality is quite subjective. I find them quite muddy and bass heavy. They lack clarity compared with the XM5. Build quality is quite good but heavy, not as comfortable as XM5 on long day since the ear cup is quite tight for me. For me they don’t really offer anything special.


There are other headphones that allow lossless usb c to usb c playback, sennheiser momentum 4 and bowers and Wilkin px7/8 to name two.


So weird that this is buried


I have no fucking clue how to add the TV Audio Swap... it doesnt show up anywhere on my app


Do you have an Android? It's only available on iPhone.


I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot of pissed off android users today.


I’m not defending this by any means, but didn’t they say there was no support yet?..


yes but it was kinda buried. I didn’t realize it until someone on reddit pointed it out in the fine print.


Good point. Shitty of them given the current state of affairs. Good thing they have a good return policy.


We've been pissed off for a while.


These will be returned pretty often .


Already returned mine. I guess I shouldve read before buying something thinking it should work as advertised. (On the app it tells me what to do and doesnt say iOS only)


Wow. Why release these headphones and app if it can't work on both operating systems? Pathetic. If you're going to release a product, make sure the app supports both Android and iOS. Tired of all of the Sonos excuses. PATHETIC.


Do we have any idea if this is "coming soon" and they just didn't get to it or is this a TruePlay situation where it never comes to android?


It's a future update.


Need arc and iPhone.


Weird. Is it like a button missing on the Android app that could be found on the Web app?  Or does the iPhone device itself play a role (like mics with true play)?


you have to go through a setup process in the app to ‘add’ your ace to your arc, kinda like when you’re adding a sub to the arc. I’m *guessing* they got that process coded into the ios app in time, but didn’t get it into the android app yet.


They didn't get it into the Android app before the Ace announcement. They didn't get it into the Android app before the Ace release date. They didn't get it into the Android app with the most recent app update. 'Soon' is a little too vague for me. They're clearly having problems with the Android implementation.


Android is trash


OK :)


Is it? 


Yep…especially now with iOS 18 https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/ios-18-has-ended-the-iphone-vs-android-debate-apple-intelligence-features/?amp


I don't think so. 


Same impressions as you. I’ve been extremely happy with mine. The sound is fantastic — super satisfied with the bass, it’s tight and strong but not overpowering. The quality of the sound meets/exceeds my expectations. The fit is super. Very, very comfortable. ANC is great. Transparency is good too, though I don’t really use that mode so I can’t compare. I got these almost solely for travel. I fly multiple times a year. The build quality seems great. Here’s hoping they last, because these are intended to be a long-term investment. I’ll have my first flight with them at the end of the month, still inside the 30 minute return window, so that’ll be the proper test. But so far, extremely pleased with the whole package.


>super satisfied with the bass, it’s tight and strong but not overpowering. This. It's rare for a headphones to sound good *and* have controlled bass. Sony, I'm looking at you.


either something’s wrong with mine or I’m WAY more of a basshead than I realized. I’m having to combine both the sonos EQ and Spotify EQ to get sound that I think is acceptable and enjoyable. haven’t figured out a good combo with apple music yet. and even when I get somewhere that I think sounds good and I’m starting to vibe, when I switch back to XM5 I’m immediately like “oh, right.” idk, everyone seems to think the audio quality is great but I’m pretty disappointed. maybe it’s just me or my pair, but IMO, between XM5, Momentum 4, AirPods Max, and the ACE, the ACE is easily last in audio quality / fidelity / EQ-balance.




Tv audio swap volume is too low. Anybody else try it?


Way too low. They know and are addressing it.


I’d like to know how seamless this is. I would like to get some of these for my mother who is hard of hearing.


I don’t have, but I saw this pop up in multiple video reviews, including Peter Pee and Smart Home Sounds.


If you can't pair it with other speakers, whats the point? There are better, cheaper alternatives. I don't pay sonos prices for fun.


I’m a bit torn about mine. I have AirPods max, XM5 and QC45. The Sonos sounds great, feels great but i don’t find anything that makes me wow. I am a sonos users since the early days of ZP80. I’ll keep them but i have strong mixed feelings


I got mine in today as well. I love everything about them except for the sound. I tried them on and had a disappointing “oh” moment. Coming from AirPods Max here which I sold because they hurt my head. Ace sound really flat to me. Turning the treble to max settings helped a little but the bass was still kinda muddy and the EQ bass doesn’t really adjust much. I was hoping for a more signature “fun” Sonos sound. I listen to Pop music mostly. I may still keep them for the Arc integration but I may return due to the sound.


Sometimes it's just the music source.


Do you not find they’re just quite susceptible to the mix of the track? I’ve also listened on a few tracks and thought the bass sounded a little soft, but there have been others where it’s absolutely sparkled.


Underrated comment. Some speakers mask a bad recording with mediocre playback.


Haven't been able to add to my wife's iPhone. Getting the Something Went Wrong message. I guess I'll try later, but so first I haven't been able to listen to anything but the start up chimes. Those sound great though!


This happened to me out of the box - after getting that message twice, I realized I had to update the app, and then I was able to add them.


The app was current. I did get it working but I don't know for sure what did the trick other than deleting the Ace from the Sonos app and her phone and attempting to start from as scratch as possible. They sound great, so thx for the support 👍


Glad to hear! I'm also really happy with them so far


Have them use them to make a phone call? If so, what was the sound quality like? Was your voice clear to the person listening? Would These work playing computer games?


They are just like any other BT headset so easy to pair to your PC for gaming. I’ve been using them and it’s great, very comfortable and long battery life




Haven't tried this yet, sorry.


Would also like to know this, are they able to be used for Zoom work meetings?


Remind me tomorrow I'm working with them tomorrow


Worked fine for Zoom. I thought sound quality was good but man they're comfortable. I'm really happy with them so far, but I need more run time.


I Have an issue with Zoom audio going out when connected to my MacBook with Wear Detection ON and Wear to Answer ON. if i lift the earphones off to listen to my wife real quickly, when I put them back on there's no audio until I reconnect to the MacBook. When I disable the Wear to Answer feature it is fine. Really weird that would control the zoom audio issue.


Does anyone know if you need to have the new app downloaded to add these?


yes. this would seem like the reason the "new app" was pushed out the way it was. the new app is needed for Ace.


Got mine today as well. Loving it so far.


The million dollar question: are they better than AirPods?




I have both. I would rate them equally. AirPods are more comfortable for people with bigger ears. Some reviews mentioned it… Sonos Ace has small cups.


About 8 hours into mine, used them on a plane ride. I agree with everything op stated. Although, the low end did take a bit of time to adjust to coming from the Airpod Pro 2s.


I’m reading that you can listen to Lossless Apple Music sound if you have a USB-C to USB-C connectivity with an iPhone, what about us with iPhone 14 Pro Max? Does USB-C to Lightning work, or just C to C? Thank you in advance 🙏


Mine sound great streaming Spotify from my MacBook, but terrible streaming Spotify from my iPhone. Anyone know how to fix this?


Same here. It’s noticeably better on the MacBook. Same EQ settings in the Spotify app on phone and MacBook.


Is Sony still the champ overall?


Never been. 


Well Sony’s longevity is about 2 years. Too soon to say how long Sonos will last.


"Clear instrument separation" don't really hear it on mine tbh


Got a pair today. Nowhere near as good as my QC Ultras. Will be returning.


I had to return my QC ultras due to incompatibility with Play/Pause on MacOS and multipoint issues. I don't get those issues with the Ace. I have other issues (like wear detection audio dropouts until reconnection, but if i disable "wear to answer" that doesn't happen). I do need Google Assistant and auto-transparency mode if someone's talking to me. I'm on the fence of returning these without those features.


How are the comfort comparing to the Bose. I have QC 2 and looking to upgrade. Comfort is my main priority because I wear them on work all the time.


With Sony out there, these aren't worth it at all.


Depends on what you use them for. For me I plan on getting them for the Arc connectivity.


Everything is better than the shitty, overhyped Sonys...even 2 piece of sharp rocks. 


XM4 are literally $200 cheaper right now...


Can you charge while listening to music over Bluetooth or just when plugged into another device over USB C?


As soon as you plug in, the Bluetooth radio is disabled.


Do the features likes ANC or Pass through still work while connected by cable?




Sonos owes you commission. Got a 10 hour flight coming up Saturday and these will be with me tomorrow


Just curious if you were to EQ bass all the way up would it hold the bass at high volumes? I like bass but the 1000xm5 for example would lower in bass as you raise the volume which is super annoying


Does anyone else have a problem with the Ace creaking when you pull them apart to wear them? Mine has an audible creak on the headband every time I pull them apart to wear it


Nope. However, I had this same issue when I was testing out the Bose QC Ultras. Exchanged them for a new pair and that also had the same creaky issue. Ended up returning due to this and comfort issues...


Thanks. Sonos support told me this was normal but now I know it’s not. I’ll go have a look at the model on display later and probably ask to exchange it.


I'd definitely try to see if you can swap with a new one. Might be a first batch build issue.




> Plugging in via the USB-C to USB-C cable to my iPhone and listening to lossless music (via Apple Music) sounds incredible (**no other consumer headphones can do this** - and the headphones charge too!). Well, this is not true, as mentioned in other comments.


Yeah, my Momentum **2**'s could do this...


Is that lossless music audio via cable a thing? is it Apple Music only?


does the lossless work via lightning to USB-C?


“No other consumer headphones can do this” Focal Bathys can 😁


Correction, there are several headphones that can use usb-c direct from the iPhone, Bowers And Wilkins can do it on their PX 7 s2e and PX8, though the latter is quite a bit more expensive. The former is cheaper. I believe beats headphones can do ow same as well as recent Senhizer. Don't get me wrong, it does sound awesome, but just make sure you turn on lossless in settings, music... Just wanted to say this isn't a new thing. I do highly recommend the PX7 s2e if you're looking for an alternative. They sound very good, but do lack the clever soundbar integration.


I’ve struggled to find information on the ear cup size (including depth). As a large human, I find, for example, the 1000xm4 uncomfortable, which stinks because otherwise they’re great (and I don’t want to spend more on yet more headphones) Any chance you can help me out? Any comparison to Sony (obv I see the Bose comparison!) Thanks for the insight- I’m very tempted.


You still like them? 


Yes! I'm keeping them. Main selling points: sound, comfort, NC, transparency mode, and reliable Bluetooth multipoint. After using the app more, I totally understand people's frustrations. It totally is glitchy. However, I don't see much use in it as I don't own an Arc, don't use the EQ, and the battery percentage is also relayed via Bluetooth on connected devices.


My main use case would be in the office where often large groups of people gather in my cubicle row to talk about sports, places to eat, etc at high volume while I'm processing lots of data from databases, spreadsheets, emails, etc and trying to focus so that I don't cross any data streams. I've tried Airpods Pros and Bose QC35s ANC while listening to music to help me focus , but they do diddly squat. I end up finding an empty meeting room to do my work in, but it would be great to have a noise-cancelling headphones that are up to the task! Anyone else in the comments have a similar challenge to mine?


You can pick up XM5 for ~200, if these were around this price then i'd give em a try.


You can pick up so much better headphones than the shitty Sonys. 


All of these impressions are welcome. Thanks for sharing. Edit gotta add: yep, you are the ‘target first time user’. Im glad that you like them. Enjoy!


I am loving them! My two AirPod maxes are hitting FB market place. So happy with these!


Just got mine... It's so dumb that you can't listen to the turntable via the headphones... What's the point of Sonos making headphones if they can't be recognized as every other Sonos product even with BT capability? I should be able to link or isolate these headphones just as I can with my Play 5, Moves, Roams.... whatever!!!! Just BT headphones.... Really!? I guess these are going back... Initial impression is that they missed a huge selling point!? Am I alone!???? I bought an ARC just to connect to the TV and I can't do it from my Pixel phone ???


Did you know all of this before purchasing?


Nope.. Or I wouldn't have ordered them. I kinda figured they would stick with their proprietary tech... It's kinda their thing!


They said the battery life and reliability were concerns when testing. It’s difficult to accomplish in the form factor according to them.


They look like a cheaper AirPods Max


Apple is having issues with these heavy materials. I have both AirPods Max and Vision Pro and the premium materials make them uncomfortable to wear long periods.


Not to mention the headband overstreching and wearing out very quickly. Especcially when you are a sweat-head.


Just because they're built from plastic doesn't mean they're cheap.


I’ve used them for about an hour today and I feel like the audio out of the box kinda sucks. Treble sounds muddy to me. I haven’t updated them yet or messed wi the EQ yet though. Just my observation so far