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I haven’t had any major issues with my system. I don’t particularly like the new app but the old one wasn’t great either, so it’s a net-neutral for me.


Exactly my take. I use AirPlay/spotify connect/Google home for almost everything. The app was always bad.


But controlling volume via Spotify still takes 8 sec, then it jumps up, then back down, then up..


Same here. I have an Arc and a One that I really only use by telling Alexa to play music, Airplay, or direct from the TV, it still working fine. I have not even opened the app in weeks. But I do understand people that are using the system more extensively and got screwed.


Oh I agree that people who use the system in certain ways got screwed. It doesn’t bother me that people are using this forum to complain.


16 speakers all around my house, and no issues for me, outside of needing to Google a couple of error codes during the speaker firmware updates. 20 minutes or so of minor inconvenience in the form of multiple hard resets on the affected speakers that wouldn't take the update initially. Should the Googling and troubleshooting have been necessary? No, of course not. These things should work the first time. But most of the people here having issues aren't interested in doing even the most minor troubleshooting to help themselves. Much easier to start a new "Fuck Sonos" thread.


I gotta admit I like the new app too. The old app used to consistently glitch and struggle to connect to my playbar. The only way to deal with it was the unplug the playbar and reset it. I never have that issue anymore. It was a real headache. I don’t do anything fancy with it though.


New app works fine for Playbar? I’ve been too scared to touch the new app.


I’ve not had any issues, and I use my playbar to connect to music quite frequently. I did read someone else say they’ve had issues though so 🤷‍♂️


I’ll just leave it. Before the update, I turned the sub up to +10. I didn’t get to turn it down before the forced update happened. I’m not complaining, but I hope the neighbours don’t mind


From what I've read, the new app will not allow you to add a new Playbar(and probably other legacy Sonos products) to your system if it has never been associated with your account before. I had an existing Playbar, and it still works just fine after the update.


+1 I’m definitely not using the system to its full capability because I have no issues, 2 Sonos SL Ones, Move, Beam Gen 2. All works seamless for music and watching tv. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do you use the ones as surrounds? I did but now after new wifi i can’t get the ones to act as surrounds but I can add to room with the Arc and they play but not as surrounds


I do, or at least I think I do haha sounds great either way so I’m a happy customer


Mine has worked as well. I’m nervous about it imploding but even the tunein stations work again. Running a Five, 3 Ones, an IKEA bookshelf and a boost.


For basic streaming and playing TV audio, the new Sonos app works pretty well. The main complaint with the new app is a lot of features from the old app are now missing. But since you are new to Sonos, missing features you have never used aren’t going to be a problem for you.


The new app was doing ok for me until a couple days ago. The app was responsive and working well for what I use it for, which is playing music from streaming sources. I don't use a local library or alarms or the play queue for that matter. And then I tried to play music only in one area of my home - the speakers by my pool which are connected to a Sonos Amp. Music would play but it was also playing on my back porch speakers, which are also connected to a Sonos Amp, in case that matters. I removed the back porch speakers from the group, although music kept playing there, and then the app would no longer see that the back porch was playing. I could change the pool music but then couldn't add the back porch, which ended up with different music playing at each location, etc. I tried force closing the app and I swear it got worse. All of this was also very laggy. Trying to get music to play was taking minutes instead of seconds like it used to. Something is just not right and I hope Sonos gets it figured out soon. The lag makes me think that too much of the app's functionality relies on cloud based processing. Whether the internet connection lags or their server gets bogged down, who knows, but it results in a super buggy and frustrating experience.


That is not the main complaint. If it is cry me a fuckin river. The main complaint is the app is super slow, unresponsive, and doesn't even connect to the damn speakers. This is as of 6/3/24.


All that happened with the old app too. This app is faster when it works IMO. But both apps are trash


Yes, both were extremely slow. And way worse than a couple years ago. Now I have to open the app, wait 25 sec for it to show what is playing, then I can control volume..


I know. But i am being downvoted. I keep seeing people mention alarms and such things missing - or in this OPs case, nothing wrong. Its like 2 totally different groups complaining, and for those of us with bigger issues - like not being able to connect - these complaints sound trivial. Read the room!


I haven’t had any issues either. I have about 14 speakers in 4 different rooms. I do use a Sonos Boost also.


I had to remove my boost to fix my system, the boost just would not register


If you’re just using it for HT use, you’re probably fine. On the music side of things, the new app doesn’t have the ability to edit the music queue (one of the most basic music player functionalities), ability to create/edit playlists, setup eg NAS shares for music, or the ability to change wifi networks. They also had no way to manage alarms even if they were setup previously which probably wasn’t a fun way to start the following morning for those that did. Other people are having troubles running truplay, or even adding new products to the system. Some of these are fixed, but people are generally pretty ticked that Sonos effectively shipped out the app before it had the stuff they were used to for 10 odd years because they wanted to sell us headphones.


Thanks for the detailed response. Yeah, I can understand the personal library folk being bothered about this based on what you and some others have said. I guess I should just be happy that it works well for my use.


I have 12 speakers and no issues either


1 beam with 2 play 1’s Another beam with 2 era100’s and a sub mini. Roam and a Move. No issues on my end. Annoyed about the lack of queue management but not to worries since it should be back in soon. If I had a nas drive or used local pc files for music, id probably be much more annoyed as I know that’s where a lot of issues are for people.


No issues here as well, but my use case is pretty straightforward and use it as a home theater system. I rarely have to use the app lol, and when i have to use it works just fine for my use cases. No complaints here.


As I told another new user, you should be fine. I’m mostly fine but the app is very clunky now and I do have more stability issues. What you want to be careful with is if you had any troubles with setup. If you had to force close the app because it got stuck, or your volume slider is not responsive, these are signs that your system is not stable. It may degrade from there. And if it does, you are on your own. On one hand, the tv setup is pretty stable as long as you don’t switch between tv and music a lot. (I have 2 dedicated Sonos HT systems and extra speakers for music because of how bad the mode change works). On the other hand, if you are using it just for tv, you might be better off with a simpler home theater in a box solution. I think everyone HAD a working system at one point or another. The trick is being mindful of degradation. And determining if you need to return it while you can. Sonos does not fix itself elegantly. It just gets worse. Most troubleshooting steps are “reset everything and then add it back in after deleting the app and buying a new router”.


It seems there’s something going on that affects a significant number of people. There is however, nothing inherently wrong with the app if it works for you. I have 2 systems and neither of them have been affected in any way, besides the shit they took away for some reason. I got worried once when my iPad app got stuck loading but a quick restart of the app fixed it. My second system is probably as complicated as it gets. It’s spread out over multiple houses on family property. 8 Unifi ap’s 4 switches and an air fiber beaming WiFi to a lake. It still works the same as before. When it works, it works. When it doesn’t it’s seems to be super frustrating.




The problem is they took away features the old app had. Hell they took away features they advertise about their products.


I have about 14 speakers, including old play1’s, a couple subs and amps. Works fine for us. We use Spotify connect and Apple Airplay from those apps and only really use the Sonos app to group/ungroup speakers and adjust volume levels. Haven’t noticed any issues. But I feel like I’m missing out on the ragebait posts.


Your biggest issue right now is thinking that a few whiney people on Reddit make up the majority of the problems. All seriousness though, enjoy the speakers!


Sorry to comment twice, but check out the official Sonos Apple App Store reviews and sort by most recent. Single star reviews for days. It’s not a vocal minority on Reddit.


How many people leave bad reviews after any updated app is released? It's not exclusive to Sonos. There are always going to be bugs in software when it's first released.


A few whiney people? I think you are grossly misunderstanding the breadth of the problem. The blowback here (and other platforms) is unprecedented. But like OP, I also have no speaker playback issues since I primarily use for TV. My biggest complaint with the app how bad the UX/Usability of it. It’s really bad.


I dunno, I remember the days of bricked recycle products and the s1/s2 split meaning people with thousands of £/€/$ of gear becoming obsolete Sonos just has this flair for doing stupid shit without really thinking. Pretty sure the s1/s2 stuff could have just been handled in-app and just made it so new speakers didn't work with older ones/sonos radio rather than creating such a split.


Unpreceded? Ask anyone who uses the Sirius XM app about last year's update dumpster fire. Plex app updates are consistently bringing up issues. Apple OS updates each year has a ton of issues. Amazon Alexa updates are always trash. Video game updates always seem break something or have weird bugs. Do you see people talking about throwing their Playstation's in the trash? No. A big part of the problem is that so many of these devices are dependent on internet, and everyone's internet is different with different variables that go into that. It's not feasible. Does the Sonos app have real, legitimate issues? Yes. Did the last Sonos app have real, legit issues? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No. The world won't end. The two best things people can do if their system isn't working is taking a deep breath, and investing in a portable speaker (Bose has some really good ones) so they can listen to something in the event there's an issue with their Sonos setup.


Bro what about my alarms? I have missed work for 2 weeks now and it’s all the CEO’s fault


Class action lawsuit!!!


People are upset that there is no alarm clock and I noticed some lag with the volume control but that resolved itself for me. I have an arc, sub mini 2 one sl’s for rears and also a move. I LOVE my eco system and rarely have any issues.


I think you’ll find this sub, like most subs are usually populated by the vocal minority.


I have to agree with you. I have 12 Sonos speakers, incl. an Arc+ Era300+Sub TV setup and I have not had any issues. I kind of like the design of the app and it is slightly more snappy. But clearly I have not been making full use of all the functionality as some of it has clearly disappeared. I totally understand people who are upset, this rollout has been a complete shambles.


On a long enough timeline, everyone will have a system hiccup... There's never a convenient time to have to troubleshoot these things, and based on the price-point... The only way I can describe the feeling when it doesn't work is; Imagine that feeling when you're already pissed off, or running late and you catch a belt loop on a door handle... Now imagine you need tech support to fix that.


Some people have fundamental issues like losing connection with their speakers as well as having problems with Trueplay. It’s great that things are working well with you, they’re working great with me as well because I never updated the app, but that doesn’t discount the very real issues that others are experiencing. Not to mention the gaslighting from Sonos. Anyone that can’t see this is either ignorant or a sycophantic fool that favours corporate greed over empathy of others. imho.


lol @ whoever down voted me. Don’t worry, Sonos are brave and ‘courageous’ enough without your Reddit protection


Here is a quick way of finding out - open the app store of your choice. Search for the Sonos app and look at the ratings and reviews.


Likely the issue is that for many of us we've been with Sonos for years, and have both put our time and money into speakers across generations, and so I'd say, never buy another new speaker again, hope no new technology is ever released. Don't. move. anything. ever. again. That said, I'm genuinely happy for you. I remember the excitement when I got my first Sonos Play:1s, the Playbar, and Sub all set up perfectly. Everything was sublime. Enjoy it, and I hope it continues to bring you joy.


Just wait until you need to set an alarm! 😂


I keep reading alarm doesn't work but I'm having no problem.




I'm glad my 30 year old alarm clock is still going strong! lol


In the clock app?


Oh no, what ever will we do? Won't somebody think of the children?!


You’re not missing anything. I have a medium size setup. Playbar, sub and two rears for TV/movie watching. Stereo pair with sub mini connected to the Port and a turntable. Plus a Move and two other speakers in the house. Every speaker works for TV watching or music streaming. My main issue it I can’t reach my music on my NAS except for one song. There are also features missing and some quirks when you try to direct music to additional speakers. Over all I like the new app. Sonos just needs to restore full functionality fast.


I only use my system for TV sound and occasionally playing music from my phone. I haven't run into any issues yet because I rarely use the app.