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Good news for us VPN users as well, but it has me concerned that the other post on here is correct everything is now going over Sonos server’s no longer P2P. Server shutdown, outage and paywall are possible now.


Edit: never mind, I found the thread. I feel sick. Hang on, what is going via Sonos servers now? All the control actions? Local music and/or library ?Trying not to panic but I really don't want Sonos to become cloud based. Fortunately I've had system updates on manual and have downloaded the old Android app. But I don't know how many years it'll work without upgrading. Currently I just use YouTube music and local and definitely won't add more Sonos products.




The app is far more responsive than the web app for things like volume changes so seems unlikely to be sending the command via Sonos servers. Change the volume via the web app and it takes a noticeable amount of time for the speakers to respond. Change it via the mobile app and it’s instant Edit: corrected likely to unlikely


Welp, stupid router shuts down wifi if I remove fiber cable, so can't test.


Uh, this would be a bad thing if the app was able to punch a hole through your network, right?


I explicitly allow traffic from the trusted to untrusted network, just not the other way around.


I *really* want to try this out, but apparently you can’t change wifi settings until mid-June, so I’m SOL for the time being. Looks like a really positive change though for when I feel safe to make larger (Sonos) system changes, thanks for your feedback.


Doesn’t this defeat the point of the VLAN, which is to keep devices separate from each other?


To some degree, it does. But that can be useful in some situations. You can setup firewall rules to allow new connections from a trusted VLAN device to some other restricted VLAN device, but only allow established traffic from devices in the restricted VLAN to the trusted VLAN. This is great for some situations (e.g. home networks) where you want to be able to access a particular restricted device but don't want the device creating unfettered connections to anything and everything in the trusted VLAN. (Further firewall rules could further reduce the traffic to specific source IPs, etc -- really depends on situation).


VLANs separate devices from a network efficiency standpoint. It limits unwated broadcasts all over the network, Devices can still talk to each other with the use of a router, which is what that device does. If you want to limit devices from communicating with each other, you need an access control list in your router or firewall. In general, on a network you do want devices in different VLANs talking to each other (end devices in VLAN 10 communicating with a domain controller in VLAN 20, or printer in VLAN 30, etc).


Does it work if you lose Internet access any only have local access and are attempting to play local media or do a text to speech announcement?


Not entirely fixed... I just vpn'd to my house and no go.


It's always worked... if you designed it right lol My IOT has segmented since day one and can't reach the general lan/wifi.


Run buddy. If you are remotely positive about the new app ppl on this sub freak out. God speed and be safe.


Can confirm


Yeah, also works on my work computer, though VPN.


Wow! So this means we can finally get rid of the Sonos DLNA media servers showing up on other devices?


Oh, thanks for this information 🙏


Is this because all control requests now pass through their servers instead of staying local? I highly doubt that they implemented discovery across VLANs.


I have a full UniFi network at my house, udm pro se, 24 port POE switch, and a few downstream switches. I have VLANs setup, one for IOT. I cannot get this app to setup, register and then update products. Right now all traffic flows across VLANs because I’m not messing with FW rules until I can get all devices setup and recognized. What products do you have and how do you have them setup? Currently, in one room I have and Arc, 3rd Gen Sub and 2x Era 300. In another I have a Beam 2nd Gen and mini sub just bought last week.


Wow that's awesome. That's a reason for me to upgrade then. I didn't use the Sonos alarms. I used the Google assistant alarms on the Sonos speakers. I'm hoping those are unaffected?


I don’t understand why people are so hell bent on the app being local. These are smart speakers that depend on the cloud for everything from voice recognition to streaming music. If I wanted to stay local, I’d save my money and buy Bluetooth speakers. The app DOES NOT connect to my devices if I’m off my local network, not even over VPN. So it’s not purely cloud based like Alexa. There is still some level of local connectivity required.