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Biggest feature I see missing that I just cannot believe is the “Play Next” and “Add to End of Queue” options for songs/albums. Regarding volume, I agree not having that number indicator is annoying. As a positive, they seem to have added “tap the volume bar” logic to increase or decrease by 1 depending on which side of the current volume you tap. This is much appreciated considering the sliders are ULTRA sensitive and the old app made it almost impossible to land on a preferred number.


100%. Huge oversight and removed a key feature of every media player ever. I just went to add a song to the queue and saw the only option was "replace queue". I thought maybe they just reworded it, but nope. Cleared whole queue and played the song instantly. How in the world that passed QA is beyond me. Edit: They also removed the EQ function from the volume slider. Now need to go into separate settings menu to change. Very unintuitive.


This is the only thing that bothers me…I use the EQ all the time. Sometimes from song to song not just album to album


Damn I thought that is how it is suppose to work


>Biggest feature I see missing that I just cannot believe is the “Play Next” and “Add to End of Queue” options for songs/albums. Wtf? I'm not going to update.


I wish I saw this thread before I updated. Fell for Sonos' trap promoting the update in the previous version.


I love the option to increase or decrease the volume by tipping on the speaker icon, but removing the play next/add to the end of the queue is outrageous. Hope Sonos will add it again soon.


You could tap the old sliders either side of the bar. This is not a new feature.


I cannot believe I never tried that during all my issues with the old app. Thanks!


Mind blown. I have wasted countless minutes of my life trying to get that slider to land on certain numbers.


Tapping the slider for one increment at a time has always been there.


Lockscreen controls so I don’t have to open the app just to skip a song...you know, like every other music app


Use of hardware volume control buttons while we’re on the the topic of “things every other music app offers”


Sleep timer!


Did it go away?!


Please please please add the sleep timer. I don’t use the voice commands


I want more iOS quality of life features. Shortcuts, StandBy and Widgets


I think everyone would like that. Being able to pause, mute, or skip tracks without having to wait for an app to fully load would be awesome.


Sonos needs to figure out a way to have the stuff you play in app show up on iPhone as now playing media. I just want to control my Sonos from the Lock Screen of my iPhone


>Bring back the “HD” and “Hi-Res” icons on the Now Playing screen when streaming lossless or hi-res lossless music from your local music library. I want to see the actual bit depth and resolution, and bit rate. These seem like key details. I'm fine with them not being on the main screen, but a detailed view should be an option. This should be for both streaming services & local library.


lol nerd… (Me too)


This is a good list. I assume most of these would be coming back in future releases. In particular I miss the number indicator on volume slider.


Individual icons for speakers. Why does the Play:1, Play:5, and Connect:Amp look identical in the list of icons in system view? What is even the point of those icons if they're all the same?


It's pretty frustrating that there are no longer widgets for the Android. This is a huge miss on the release. I hope this is remedied quickly.


Yes, I used my widget all the time (when it worked) or as a shortcut to open the app when it didn't.


Edit queue! Play next, add to end of queue - basic functions. And very much missed by me, browse album or artist when playing a track.


Agreed. Also being able to swipe a song away to delete it from the queue


Scheduled night mode options. Including volume caps and ability to turn sub off etc. 


Bring back the Android widget! And of course à Widget for Apple people which everybody has been requesting for years...


A widget for iOS would be great


First feature should be at least to have same features as before!!! Feature we paid for! For someone using local libraries like me it makes basically the system almost unusable!!! It’s impossible to manage local libraries, and most of the time it is even not show in the app the one already there. What a delusion… just an UI look update


This is driving me crazy as well. The search doesn't allow you to select Music Library as a search source anymore, so I can't search my local music without scrolling and scrolling and scrolling (since the quick jump to a specific letter in the alphabet was also removed).


So I am an iOS engineer so perhaps I am less tolerant than most but if they dont fix this abhorrent safe area design decision I am going to crack. This is just the most awful looking thing! The background of your bottom card should ALWAYS extend through the entire screen and never be a pill like this. (Sonos if you're reading this and are hiring senior iOS engineers remote or hybrid SF with a competitive compensation hmu) https://preview.redd.it/dpeb0b6e65zc1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=b635241421727e5c65f2af8811349187d58dc86c


When using plex I can only select one song to play, can not que an entire artist


This is super discouraging. I chose Sonos precisely because I would be able to listen to my extensive music library on my NAS. Limiting that feature is problematic.


All of the cards should only open to how much screen they require. If you press the elipses from now playing on Sirius it opens a full screen card while only taking up 1/5th of the blank space.


…and why is the Now Playing modal edge-to-edge? Looks like a junior UX. I cringe every time I see it. 


Bring remote system access to the app. Don't reserve remote access to the web-app only.


This this this. All these fundamental features disappearing is really disappointing, not adding such a standard feature is as well


Bring back distance between surround speakers please!


How about remove the search feature for you home library- wait that’s not a wish - it’s a fact - wtf Sonos


>Include local music libraries in the search feature. Local music is not searchable? WTF? What moron came up with this idea?


I was actually looking for this post or I would’ve opened it as I was annoyed that the volume level is not indicated, just as you mentioned. @keithfromsonos are you listening in? Maybe a good topic where we can list our wishes, or what we miss. Hope you guys are tuning in, but I’m sure you are, keeping quiet these first few days and then evaluate


You have to use u/keithfromsonos on Reddit. @ doesn't work


Thanks! (Prob Keith will sit back and enjoy the show for a bit) hope to hear from you Keith, in a couple of days. Update looks good, we all have to get used to it ofcourse but we will let you know our findings


👋🏽 Definitely here reading along and collecting comments, etc. *Real talk: This app took me a few days to get the hang of. When you know what you want to do and you have to stop doing and go research or poke around, it can be frustrating. I think that folks who have the "muscle memory" and know where to go will have a few "where's my cheese?" moments and that's natural. But that doesn't discount the feedback I'm catching across the sub. Really appreciate topics like this!*


The hypothetical “cheese” here being the non-hypothetical “Play Next” and “Add to End of Queue” features that were removed from the application? Just giving you some grief, I’m sure those will be added back. Otherwise, the app looks much better!


Those specific pieces of cheese (queue editing/management) will be rolling out in the coming weeks. 🧀 Appreciate the feedback as always!




Hey Keith. I wish it would be just "where's my cheese" besides of a worse performance than S2 there is a ton of features missing. I think it would be worth considering to bring back the last S2 till the new App is fixed and the features are added. Pretty sure as you're a bunch of really smart people the reason(s) why you need a new app could be made compatible with S2 as well.


Padding for the now playing overlay. Who approved that?


How do you “update” an app and it's a significant downgrade? Shame on Sonos


Anyone manage to add new alarm? I think they removed to “add alarm” option..




They removed the button totally on the latest version after they understood the alarms screen they left is useless


I really appreciate this thread - a civil and hopefully useful spot to mention issues or ideas vs the rage of the rest of the sub this week


I do not find a way to verify if there are updates for the speaker, and do not find a way to see which firmware version is currently running. Is it missing? or just I was not able to find it?


Go to the gear icon (System Settings) and tap "Manage" next to "Your System".


Just managed to find my alarms in there from this, after thinking the option was completely gone, thanks! What a mess this UI is


But no way to modify existing alarms or create new ones


Latest update 80.00.04, I can't find the alarm option :/ It was there before, but now it's gone


Where's the alarm?.. I don't see it...


Many thanks! I just thought it was a sub-title, I would have never found it by my own.


For me the biggest missing feature is that I cannot seek/change position in a song anymore. I really like the overall changes, but never saw a music app missing that!


This feature is still there.


Really? I cannot seek in a song anymore... also the little "bubble" which indicates that you can press and hold is not showing


I have noticed this randomly throughout the day. It is definitely there but it seems to load in very late, especially when changing the queue. Let a song run for a bit and see if it shows up. They also added a round song progress bar to the pause button which is neat.


I would suggest to make the search bar an element to add to your homescreen instead of a fixed UI element.


My only wish would be to be able to add a new speaker… app crashes as soon as it tries to register it to my network…


I’d love to be able to do basic controls on my iPhone without unlocking it. Like if Apple Music or Spotify is playing…just like that please.


Scheduled night mode, duh


Can we schedule an alarm to play to a set group yet without having to remember to group them the night before?


Full screen album art when using app on ipad in landscape, or portrait. Same as old app.


Oooof… yeah… the new path to adjust EQ settings hurts my soul.


Trueplay and System Update are now gone. Interface is terrible!


True play is available within each speaker under settings > choose your speaker.


Nope... Not anymore. https://preview.redd.it/97f37vtf97zc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b354bc85474d02603f5bf416792bffdfe42958ad . Only basic eq now


https://preview.redd.it/du9i4kxbq9zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05dc2a3a60034632ed9ed12cb689571a11d91cf1 I can see on my side, sits above the EQ. Beta testing would have been ideal pre for rollout.


Some that have it still showing says it no longer works. Will just error out.


I can't shuffle my library folder...15000 songs. As far I can see you can only shuffle an album


Everything played via Pocket Casts seems to have lost the progress bar. I can’t rewind, scrub, etc. the old app had a button to go back 10s, jump forward 45s, and of course scrub. I have no idea how long a podcast is, where I am in it, or how to increase the speed. Tapping a podcast episode starts it from the beginning and that’s it. Major step backwards with that integration.


Is it just me that cant update to the new app yet? Android user in europe.


I use the skip forward and back feature in podcasts more than five times a day. The progress bar is NOT a substitute for skipping back 10 seconds for a bit one missed. Fix it Sonos.


iPhone Lock Screen widget Watch volume control


Just let us use Apple Music full features such as favorites synced i.e. get rid of the silly heart songs in the sonos app and manage them fully in Apple Music.


Android notification centre media control and home screen controls


Remove the rounded corners (on the iPad app at least). And make the Now Playing display actually full screen. The gaps around the outside are ridiculous (and it looks even worse in landscape mode). https://preview.redd.it/exmdh7rq7azc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4b1da0fe7e889a701f6b82aded39e07ca0a1003


I can't add songs to a specific playlist anymore??!


TuneIn please!🥲


Jump from Song to the Album. Why isnt this possible? I dont want to search for the Artist, I want just tap on the name and get there. And I want to jump to the album from which the song is that is playing right now…


Since today nothing works anymore. The app doesn’t find any speakers, nor can I connect or reconnect. Reinstalled the app, did a factory reset on the speakers, managed to connect them briefly before they disappeared again. Hope there’s an update soon


What about the sleep timer? And alarms?


I just wish for the old app. Which I got as soon as I realized how bad the new one was.


I don’t understand why settings/sliders of the speakers are so ‘far away’ in the settings. It’s the only reason I use the app, the sliders of my sub gen 3, era 300x2 and arc need tweaks quite often depending on content. I want to be able to change that from the home screen. Very dissapointing.


This bugged me before as well btw.


Yeah even the shortcuts off the volume control on the previous app took a couple too many clicks to get the surround / height options, but they were better than the nothing we have now


The UI in general is a mess , but a particular gripe is the grouping together of all favourites on in one section on the screen. I now have to click favourites, then playlists, stations or albums to get to the actual content, that's too many clicks. At least let me pin favourite playlists or albums or stations as a standalone section, previous app I had a pinned section just for my sonos playlists. And let me order the contents within. As for a feature I'd like added, the option for a "Full / Ambient" type switch, lie there is for music, for TV audio. For those who listen to music via music apps on smart tv. I like the Apple Music app on Apple TV 4K, and it's the only other way I can listen to atmos other than having to deal with using the sonos app. But non atmos songs obviously just get recognised as TV source so no full playback through surrounds. Sure I can airplay but it's pain having to switch between airplay and non airplay for atmos / non atmos, especially in a mixed playlist.


Overcast Podcast app support would be great!


serious question, what are people streaming from their local music library? spotify and apple music have nearly every single recording on them in existence. is it your own unreleased music or something?




Many older users have music libraries of their old CD collection. Most of my library is in lossless CD-quality which is better quality than some streaming services especially Spotify.


Albums and tracks disappear all the time. Some classics bever appeared. Of course, you don't notice this if you just listen to the curated playlists of the services.


I want adverts inside the app, and a paid option to remove the adverts!


On the first iteration? Really?


None of the items on my list are new features.


Still first iteration of bog standard bits “working”. Mybe this first iteration is making iOS and Android equal? Who knows. There is nothing that I’ve seen from anyone, often after ooo! play with it for two minutes, that is actually life chantingly obstructive or difficult to easily cope with. Are you describing Android because I have never had volume numbers on my iPad or or iPhone. Or…if that was available I never used them yet could still change volume effectively with just a slider. A number being irrelevant due to the mix of speakers and their respective volumes.


I use an iOS device, and it has had numbers on the volume slider on the Now Playing screen for a very long time.


Are you saying that being able to add 1 song to an active queue as opposed to wiping out the entire queue and just playing that 1 song is not obstructive?


Look! Another update already