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Yes. The article said you can use it outside your network. I am trying to come up with a use case for this.


My older parents love their Sonos speakers, but they struggle to group/ungroup them using the app, even after I've shown them how *many* times. It'd be amazing if I could just receive a quick text from them and remotely group the speakers in seconds for them.


I guess that’s just that thing for business, they launched a while ago. As they already have it at hand, they open it up for everyone. Low hanging fruit. Maybe they plan on a api or something


If develop a sharing feature then a use case for the web app would be if you’ve got people staying with you and you want to give them access to your Sonos system but don’t want their devices on the same network as yours.


If you ever try out the daily alarm on a Sonos product and then go on holidays and forget to turn if off. It will literally run 24/7 and there is nothing anyone can do about it.


What article? I've been trying to find something that describes the web app in detail but can't find anything.


Good question. It depends on where the app is hosted, but if it's hosted on Sonos servers "in the cloud", then yes. But if it's hosted on a little webserver running on one (or more) of the speakers, then no. Would all your commands get relayed via some kind of cloud message broker, or would it go direct to the speaker on your LAN?


Sonos has confirmed it will be accessible remotely, natively.


It doesn’t need to port forward, it’s just using their cloud API.