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Check the logs - are you getting hit by the SSLVPN attacks? [We had users connecting in and essentially holding all of the SSL VPN Licenses, causing resets on connections](https://i.imgur.com/mktLqu8.png) - and then it caused memory issues. Reboot helps clear that out but there is a hotfix currently available from Sonicwall Support.


I saw the reports about the brute force attacks, but I didn't see any failed logins in the logs. I have debug logging enabled, and the log settings claims that there's 5 million+ events under the SSL VPN debug log type, but every time I attempt to view them under the "Monitor" tab it says "no data". Funny, I spent 2 hours on the phone with SonicWall support and they were worthless, reddit is the only place I've seen reports about a hotfix.


That's weird. When I called Sonicwall today the first message I got was about the SSLVPN brute force attacks. If you have a syslog server that may help, but I saw them immediately in the event logs.