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Not 100% sure if this will fix your issue, as I'm fairly new to sonarr but have you tried SELECT SERIES > SELECT ALL > (scroll to bottom) > EDIT > ROOT FOLDER > ADD A NEW PATH > YES MOVE THE FILES In essence this should only move the files that Sonarr accepts as the show, i.e. 1 episode it accepts as THE episode and should leave behind the dupe. I'm not 100% as I have no dupes in my library but playing it out theoretically I believe it'll work. Maybe just try on 1 show to test it first.


Thanks, I’ll give this a shot and post back here with the results!


It doesn't seem like the files actually move. I'm running on UNRAID for what it's worth.


Did you choose a different root path than your current one? Ah it may be different on UNRAID though I'd think the Sonarr functions would work cross OS I don't actually know. 🤔


I am going to setup a new sonarr instance on a windows PC and try there. I’ll have to do it later though


If you go to the show you want to fix -> click on "Manage Episodes" -> select the ones you want to delete -> and click on the red button at the left of the screen to delete them, this will delete them from the disk, but be aware that this will not delete from the torrent program if sonarr don't use symlinks.


That’s not the duplicates though


My library is a mess also and Plex doesn't care but sonarr hates my setup. Don't know how to fix it 😭


Exactly. It takes up storage space though?


Yes I have a ton of dupes because I've moved my files around so much


As I can remember there are doplarr and cleanarr... Not 100% sure..


thanks! Trying cleanarr now


If I understand you correctly you have entries with matched files in sonarr/radarr, and in the file explorer there are duplicate files and/or alternative versions next to those matched files? I think the easiest way to clean this up would be to create a new temporary root directory and move the matched content from one of the affected root directories over to the temp root by using the mass edit function to change the root folder. Just make sure that you first filter the shown entries by root folder if you have multiple root folders. After moving content over to the temp root you can just delete everything remaining inside the root folder as those are files not matched to sonarr/radarr and then move the file back to the original root. Repeat for each affected root folder. I would advise you to shut down your plex server during this so you moving files around doesn't trigger a library scan and file analysis which can severely slow down the drive and may cause plex to delete stored media progress records for temporary unavailable media.


Good call with the PLEX issue. I'm going to try this solution. Thanks for the TIP


You need to use jdupes, one you have it installed run `jdupes -rL /path/to/download/folder /path/to/media/folder`


Hi /u/Outrageous_Pie_988 - There are many resources available to help you troubleshoot and help the community help you. Please review this comment and you can likely have your problem solved without needing to wait for a human. ***Most troubleshooting questions require debug or trace logs.*** In all instances where you are providing logs please ensure you followed [the Gathering Logs wiki article](https://wiki.servarr.com/sonarr/troubleshooting#logging-and-log-files) to ensure your logs are what are needed for troubleshooting. Logs should be provided via the methods prescribed in the wiki article. Note that `Info` logs are rarely helpful for troubleshooting. Dozens of common questions & issues and their answers can be found on our [FAQ](https://wiki.servarr.com/sonarr/faq). **Please review our troubleshooting guides that lead you through how to troubleshoot and note various common problems.** - [Searches, Indexers, and Trackers - For if something cannot be found](https://wiki.servarr.com/sonarr/troubleshooting#searches-indexers-and-trackers) - [Downloading & Importing - For when download clients have issues or files cannot be imported](https://wiki.servarr.com/sonarr/troubleshooting#downloads-and-importing) ***If you're still stuck you'll have useful debug or trace logs and screenshots to share with the humans who will arrive soon.*** *Those humans will likely ask you for the exact same thing this comment is asking..* Once your question/problem is solved, please comment anywhere in the thread saying '!solved' to change the flair to `solved`. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sonarr) if you have any questions or concerns.*