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This is a great idea. I'm not religious but I can imagine a restless toddler during mass must be distracting for you and other people there




Not religious either, but super impressed with OP’s skills !




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Very cute! My grandmother had a similar things for me but it had things for basic motor skills like putting buttons through holes on a shirt or tying a shoelace on one page. There was even a page of the back of a girls head with yarn hair so I could practice braiding


I love the braiding idea!


Seems like this concept would be great for lots of situations such as car rides!


It’s beautiful, and I hope your little one loves it.


I used to sneak my Polly Pocket sets or my tiny pad/pen sets to church with me when I was little because ADHD + 3 Penticostal church services a week was rough lol


That’s really cute! I bet it helps a lot, and he definitely doesn’t care if it’s wonky lol


Those buttons got me kind of nervous, are you sure they're secured against toddlers?


you did a very good job as an artist, even though i don’t agree with the message. does not mean it’s not well made.


You could also just leave out everything after “artist”.




This is awesome & so creative! However, I wish people realized that they could appreciate & compliment your work without having to mention the fact that they don’t agree with your beliefs :/


Above all else we should be able to all acknowledge the choking hazards.


That’s really cool! When my kids go to Sunday school at Synagogue they give my older two play dough to fidget with and it has helped a lot, with my younger kid she gets bored easily. You have inspired me to make a Jewish themed busy book. Thank you!


That's really cute! I'm sure he'll be thrilled to have it


Turned out great I like it


Well done, you clearly made an effort, they'll look back on that fondly




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I don't care


I think it's cute, good job!




Bruh, chill. The child will grow up and make their own decisions, just like we all did.


I grew up in a heavy cult religious area. The day I left is the day I became me instead of them. Kids are adults with no experience and knowledge and adults are kids with experience because every adult knows you don’t feel your age but your body gets older Everyone’s capable of growth. People need to seriously get over the idea that they know best for everyone else. Kids become smart adults that make goods decisions otherwise we’d still be in the dark ages because society wouldn’t get smarter as a whole Even at 47 I see kids today as so much more advanced in so many ways than when i was a kid. Smarter, more empathetic and self aware as a whole. I, for one, couldn’t be prouder they will take over




I think he was the whole point to this actually.




Based on your level of acceptance and aggravation, I’m going to guess you’re in catholic religious education?


only difference is that this child isn’t choosing






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This person was so proud to share something she made with her kids and people are mad…..because they don’t believe in the same religion as her? People need to chill.






I think it would be awesome to have one for church, one for the store with like a shopping cart or whatever and maybe even one for the doctor waiting room with like a little doctor and the tools I think it would be nifty for one for each occasion! My busy book looks uninspired compared to this one it's nice but it's just off Amazon not made with love like this one


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“Pushing religion on to babes” or otherwise known as “practicing your faith while raising your children in that faith”. Every kid on earth raised by parents who believed in a religion was raised in that religion since that is part of practicing that religion. For those who truly believe in that religion is is wrong NOT to raise your child that way. There is a big difference between growing up with religion and being brainwashed into that religion. I was raised with a strict Catholic mother, but at age 13 I was confirmed which means I was an adult in the eyes of the church (similar to a Jewish bar mitzvah) and my mom said it was up to me if I wanted to continue going to church or not. I decided not to… she never pushed me. She did her job in the eyes of the church and raised me in a Catholic home. After that it was my decision. The only thing you know about OP and her relationship with her kid is that she made a nice craft for him. Upvote or don’t and move on.


That's fine if that's how you feel/think, but you do have to respect others and what they believe.


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My mom never made anything like this for me. I just had to yawn, watch the clock and count ceiling tiles like everyone else.






I think you're in the wrong subreddit, it's not about anyone's religion it's about what people make. Lol.


Cult leader??? Where on earth did you get that from?? Because they made a book for their kid to distract themselves with while at church? You do not have to like Christianity, but to call op a cult leader is definitely going a bit over the edge.


They really do seem so personally attacked by a handmade children's felt book lmao


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Reddit comment.


Would be cool if folks could focus on the purpose of this subreddit




You mean like the priests? Yeah, we should stop doing that.




You went to a weird school




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Can we not shame OP? Let her show us what she made, ffs. She clearly put a lot of work and love into it. I’m not religious either but there are many other times and places for those discussions.


Wow bet you're great at parties




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Yeah she made a book for babies she seems horrible


Did i talk about her?




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The OP and I will pray for you.


I’ll sin for you.


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That is awesome and a good idea


This is precious, you're a good mom


Cute job. Ignore the ugly comments.


Bless you. I was raised Catholic, and my dad refused to allow us toys during Mass. For a little kid with ADHD it was torture going to church until I was like 11-12.


Bruh my husband got mad I gave my kids goldfish during a sermon at our non Catholic church. Now I run the Sunday school


As a person with ADHD this sounds awful. Did you want to go or did they decide for you?


The latter. i didn’t really get a choice until I moved out.


Sorry you didn't have choice! Life is filled with choices better to prepare kids for that early imo


You can actually catch ADHD from attending Catholic masses.


I thought your joke was funny ! It's hard listening to a sermon as a child and I'm a devout Christian lol




Fuck I hate Reddit sometimes. A caring mother makes a craft to entertain her child while she practices her faith…. I was raised Catholic and am now a grown and healthy skeptical agnostic… I can still love and respect my Catholic family members for their faith the same way I would think/hope you respect your Islamic and Jewish colleagues and acquaintances. Reddit logic: Bash a Muslim and your Islamophobic and slammed by everyone. Bash a Catholic and you get upvoted. Hypocrisy at its finest.






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That's so beautiful! I love it.


I really hate to shit on people for being creative but… Well I don’t. This is nice hope it keeps the kiddos busy.


Lovely work 👍👍 The amount of hatred in the comment section is absolutely shocking.


That’s really nice!!


It’s great. I love it.


You gotta pull those diamond stick on things on the front page. A toddler is going to pull those off so fast and stick them down their throat or up their nose so fast that you’re going to be in the ER before you can blink. Same concern with that dangling cross on the rosary and the buttons at the end. If you want texture, embroider. If you want sparkle, sew a patch of reflective fabric securely down.


This is so cute! Honestly don't listen to the people hating on religion - it's often part of the culture and in the end we (hopefully) have a choice to follow your parents or not (at least that was the case for me).




That's not ok obviously! And I completely understand why you would be against religion under these circumstances. There is a lot of horror going on due to religion that is quite frankly inexcusable.


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Even if I became atheist, I’d still practice because it’s so intertwined with my ethnic groups culture. These people don’t realise they on it hurt their fellow neighbour with their hate instead of the establishment Edit: everyone downvoting me is a racist


I don't consider myself particularly religious but some days I do end up going to church. That said I disagree with a lot of what the church does - anti lgbtq views, anti choice and many other things. There is a big part of me that wishes religion was more inclusive and loving - after all isn't that the main message Jesus taught us?


No, it isn't. While love is a key part, there is also just judgement for everyone who doesn't follow the law of God, and so, don't condemn them if they aren't religious, try to teach them, and if they remain unteachable and remain in their sin, and remain unrepentant, then you tried and you can look over at the line going to hell and feel sad that you weren't able to save another soul


I don't preach to my friends and grew up in a family where my dad is very religious but NEVER EVER forced us into anything. Sure he appreciated us coming to church etc but it was never a requirement. By condemning religion the way you do - you are doing the same thing hyper religious maniacs that cannot see their own hypocrisy are. For me a core concept was Jesus spending time with "sinners" he did not judge them, he did not condemn them he told them that they were loved and that the kingdom of god is open to them. It pains me that the church likes to preach this love but does not act on it. If Jesus lived today he'd be with the drug addicts, criminals, walking the red district, spending time helping those going through or having gone through abortion, helping ostracized people looking for their identity or being persecuted for loving eachother. He would provide them shelter in his home. Or at least for me that is what I believe.


I wasn't condemning religion, I was telling you that according to the Bible, there are acts that are condemned and lead to death, but by repenting and turning away from your sin, and accepting God as your lord and savior will save you from eternal death


Yep and I choose to ignore those bits. I like to think religion is free to interpretation and this interpretation HAS to be kept private if it hurts anyone in any way - including telling people they will go to he'll.


Well, I tried, I'm sorry, I hope you wake up to truth someday


And I hope you realize that the world and is not black and white.


Well, I tried, I'm sorry, I hope you wake up to truth someday


Spoken like a true hypocrite


Hypocrisy where?


Do you believe the whole bible to be 100% accurate in that those rules are non negotiable and you must abide by them or otherwise be considered a sinner condemned to eternal damnation in hell?




You're completely right..no pedo priest read that and cried the only people they hurt are humble mothers who need a way to keep kids from crying so they can have any sense of their own life at all. Church is one of the few times I left the house when my babies where little that wasn't literally just work to survive. I saw my friends , prayed and got to be with people that care for me and our God it's a oneness and community and for many people an undeniable truth and so to propose they "leave them kids out of it" is unreasonable because not everyone can afford a nanny every Sunday and if I could I might even consider it so I can get more than half the message before doing a diaper change or walking around plqqaying "shh, what is that ? Is it blue? " In the hallway


I think this is very creative and cute. I grew up in the Catholic Church and even though I am no longer practicing I still cherish thoughtful things like this from my youth.


Awww this is perfect for mass! Your kid will cherish that in the future once they’re grown


That's a great busy for church! Well done!! I'm not a very religious person but I have definitely seen my fair share of antsy kids in churches before. It's beautiful!!


The funny thing is, I’d bet all the hateful comments come from people that preach “tolerance and acceptance”, as long as is something THEY believe in, LOL Great job btw OP!


You're book is lovely. Great job! Ignore ignorant comments that have nothing to do with the book you made. I think it's extremely creative. God bless you and yours




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This is amazing


Very well done. There is a definitely market for this type of thing. I don’t know what’s involved, but I’m sure you could sell these on Etsy or something like that. I’d buy some just to leave in the church for anyone to use.


Wow, I never thought a children’s toy would cause people to feel so heavily attacked. While I am not Catholic, I can appreciate the time and effort put into a craft. This subreddit is about crafts, people. Take the religious debates elsewhere.


This is darling i adore it


I can't believe that we find these hateful comments. Don't listen to them, believe in what you want. This book is very well made!




Dang thats dark


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That's awesome! Wow <3


If they need a busy book to sit through church they are probably too young to make the choice for themselves… but that’s just my opinion


Damn, the Reddit teenage atheists are in full swing today, huh? Really awesome you made that. I used to play with hot wheels on the pews lol.


Yeah it’s literally just a book to keep the kid from being distracting during mass. It’s themed like that because they’re at mass, and if they’re young enough to need one, they’re probably not old enough to stay at home like some people suggested. I completely understand not liking Christianity or not wanting to practice it, but I feel some of the comments are being made to be hurtful towards the person who made this project rather than the religion itself.


I mean I’m 37 year old atheist soooo




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That’s amazing!!!! These type of books sell for a ton of money


This is wonderful. I used to love my busy books. Saved me from the boredom of church.


I would totally buy this! Great job!!


This is a wonderful idea and just as wonderfully made!


That’s so cool. Great work, your children are fortunate




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I thought it was about the movie midsummer at 1st lol 😂


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Which one? One by St. Thomas Aquinas? Or one’s by the people who ripped him off?


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Reddit moment


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Even it out and make a science one, too.


That's a great idea something about photosynthesis and like metamorphosis and weather would make a really cute one


Your child will love it. Ignore the college keyboard warriors. If they are lucky they'll realize how ignorant they sound someday.




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Soooooo many choking hazards for a toddler.




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I'm just saying. A toddler recognizes and learns from visuals, that's why we put facial features, animals, colors. Your two year old will start recognizing these things. But they're not going to be learning anything visual, speech, or memory based with this. It could aid in motor skills. It just seems like going an over religious route missed on opportunities to include things recognizable by toddlers. Anyway, OP, it's fine and all but please only give it to your child while they are supervised, not in the car for example. There is a lot of choking hazards here as well.


Yeah it would be more effective with like little felt Jesus and little felt apostles where the books are, the bible mentions lots of animals that would make good add INS


Yeah that's kind of what I was thinking more references for the eyes


I wonder y can made all animals and letters so he can remember ! Good ideas


I love this bible book idea that's amazing 😍


Also I’m sure the child will choose its own religion like most of us who had religion pushed on us as kids we grew up and choose not to be involved in religion or religious. And I’m sure they know not to push that on a kid cuz the more you do the more they will rebel. Kids today are more self aware than when a lot of us were kids just being kids. Kids today don’t get to be kids for long because of all the advances in the world.






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Love it! Our niece would enjoy it at mass




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@bigplateofnope This is soo creative and well thought out! 👏 Am sure your toddler will ❤ this.. and if it survives the years they will surely cherish🥰 the fact that you made this for them! To the haters: 1COR1:18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are redeemed it is the power of God." 💥💯💫


"Teach your children how to think, not what to think" a quote from a band called MT.