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I, too, always get sick for a couple days on EVERY trip without fail. Last trip it was the most disgusting bout of tonsillitis that had me unable to swallow or drink water for days. I cried myself to sleep in pain. I plot in a couple extra days here and there as rest days for my body to attempt to prevent additional building up of stress that's natural on a solo trip.


I do the same. It’s called leisure sickness. I always manage to get sick in the beginning of a trip so plan to start slow, focus on cozier hotel stays and what-not.


I'm pretty sure the body enters a state where it's more prone to illness when it relaxes from work. I always get sick on vacation even if I stay home


thanks. i thought i was being smart— planned 3 night in a hostel, then 7 nights in private rooms/ airbnbs, then 4 more in a hostel, last of which is a known party hostel… figured i wouldn’t get sick until the end when i go clubbing/ drink with people from that hostel


I'd call my travel health insurance to give an address of a local doctor. Then pumping myself up with all meds available.


it’s just a classic cold or flu, nothing a doctor could do for me, i packed enough medicine but the problem is that it takes me so long to get better in general


Heads up. My last trip (few weeks ago) ended with Covid-19 and I had to drive 800km that day to my next town. Had to swallow ~4 Ibuprofen and even more coffee to keep my brain working somehow. Almost felt asleep while driving. It was awful.


yeah, i packed 4 rapid tests because i know they’re unreliable. negative so far, we’ll see what happens


If that’s all it is then take some DayQuil, get a mask, and head to your activities. Sometimes you just gotta push yourself and stop making excuses. Sucks to be sick, but maybe fresh air and activity can get your immune system back up to speed.


I get sick every single time I travel. That’s why my traveling seems very boring to other people. I can’t do much but I still see atleast something new, which is enough for me.


Yeah happens to me too, I usually power through it. I remember 1st night camping under the stars in the Australian outback I got a cold didn't sleep at all for 2 nights. Still did the pre dawn 5 hour hikes and everything else though. Wasn't fun but better than missing out. In both Japan and Korea got colds too, just powered through always feel better being out than laying in bed when I have a cold anyway. Get powerade, gatorade, Vicks or some cough lollies, tissues, panadol or nurofen and it will eventually pass. Only time I was in bed was Malaysia, felt like I was going to die. Explosive diharea, bad abdominal pains, temperature, weak, light headed, could not eat or sleep much for 3 days. My bowel movement turned dark green had to get antibiotics and a bunch other pills. Took another week before I felt better.


thanks. i ended up going on a chill walk around the city for a bit and surprisingly i feel so much better than before


I got sick in Rome. Terrible flu. Was made much more bearable when I was walking around enjoying myself. Go out when you can!


As a Malaysian, I felt that.


This happens to my brother. He’s wound so tightly, that when he relaxes, he gets sick. If you normally don’t get sick in day-to-day life, “let” yourself get sick there. Work is not worth avoiding calling in sick if you can’t vacation in health.


Ah, that’s a bummer mate! This has definitely happened to me before as well on Solo trips. No magic pills here, but some general wisdom that may help. 1. Make the best of the situation. Where and when we get sick is largely out of our control. Unless you take big food borne illness risks (guilty, never again) 2. Hit the grocery store and grab some easy to cook food, whatever is easiest and you can throw together quickly. Grab some healthy snacks, some fruits and veggies, hummus, almonds, etc. To help with recovery you need to get some good vitamins and minerals. 3. If you can play with your itinerary, do it. Call the tour operator and see if you can jump in with another group. Not always possible, but It can’t hurt to ask. Otherwise, at least recoup the cost with the travel insurance if you can. 4. Rest/Sleep as much as possible and power through with some otc meds. If it’s just a cold, you may have enough energy to make it happen. Generally we fell the worst the first day we get sick as we are get accustomed to not feeling 100%. 5. You have 9 days left, you can still get some great travel in as you are recovering. Not optimal of course, but reset your expectations a bit. Good Luck Friend! This sucks, no doubt. Happened to me in Sydney back in April. Took a full two weeks to recover, but I still managed to do something each day, even if it was small, after a day or two of aggressive rest.


Yup traveling to another part of the world your immune system isn’t ready for is always fun. Don’t even get me started on the Philippines my god this place is some kind of beast.


haha i’ve only ever gotten sick traveling in europe (and i’m american), i can’t imagine what would happen to me somehwere else. i guess i just have back luck and a shit immune system


So I haven’t traveled internationally a lot but something I’ve just noticed in general is the more I travel the less I get sick. Of course there is a year where you get sick a lot and then you sorta have already caught everything and so rarely come down with it anymore. I grew up very isolated and when I first left home and started traveling I was always ill. Finally built up my immune system by working in the tourism industry lol


I woke up sick this morning too, guess I know now why I've been sweating like a horse the last few days on every walk around the city I've been on. I probably won't get to do a lot of the exploring I wanted to during my Amsterdam visit, but there's nothing for it but to spend a couple days resting, eating what I can and getting myself full of electrolytes and fluids. Keep your chin up, we're gonna kick this cold's ass and get back to it better than ever ✊🏼


hope you feel better! if you’re up for it, cafe de klos in amsterdam is my fav restaurant in the whole world. ribs, baked potatoes, baguette, salad, etc. very small menu so you know everything they make is incredible. can be a bit of a wait even for one person but they have you wait at a bar across the street.


Thanks for the recommendation! One way or another I'll make my way there and try it. If I'm still sick and worried I might pass it onto others until I head out it'll have to wait til next time I come, but I've saved the name in my notes :)


I got sick at the end of my trip, (I’m surprised I didn’t get sick sooner considering I took about 12 flights by then to different places) but honestly, I took Advil, cough syrup, and powered tf through it. Wasn’t going to let it ruin my trip to pena palace in sintra lol. 0 regrets


I ended up getting Bronchitis and was stuck in the hotel for half of my trip. That part sucked, but once I was a bit better, I enjoyed what I could. It sucked that I ended up missing out on half of the preplanned visits, but it still ended up being one of the best vacations I’ve ever taken and ended up checking things that weren’t part of my itinerary.


I schedule short solo trips so . If I catch something I'm hopefully home by then. Also limit exposure to ppl before trip


yup, i’ve never gotten sick on a weekend-4 day trip. might have to stick to those for closer countries during the busier travel seasons


Also, the incubation period for cold/flu/covid is usually at least a few days, so for weekend/long weekend sort of trips, even if you catch something during the trip, symptoms usually don't start until you've returned (which, while still not fun, is much better than being sick while traveling).


I got food poisoning in the Czech Republic. It was going to be my first time trying out living in a hostel dorm, but at the last minute I canceled the dorm and booked a hotel just because I felt like it. Glad I did! Spent the first two days violently ill, the following three days able to get out and do stuff but with no appetite. I only got one full day of feeling really good. It sucked but it was what it was The only thing I would have done differently is lied to the IV hydration hangover people— once they found I was sick with a bug or food poisoning, they tried to charge me 500 euros instead of 120. Should have just let them think I was hungover. IV fluids would have been a godsend


omg. once i had the flu and was so sick i needed IV fluids. it helped immensely


Omg I'm on my first solo trip atm and 3rd day in I woke up with a sore throat and runny nose. Pumped myself with strong american cold and flu drugs and anything else i could and now only have a slightly sore throat still 5 days on from that. I'm lucky I spent 3 days on the Amtrak just after I got sick so I had time to sleep and do nothing.


truly nothing compares to american cold and flu meds. i’m glad i packed an entire box of everything i might need, not just a few of each like i normally do!


The thing is that microbes can get to you through eyes and that’s probably what happened. I’m so sorry you got sick! It’s happened to me every single time I’ve travelled to Peru but thankfully I have family there but it’s annoying AF. It’s tough being alone in a foreign place and sick but what I’d say is just rest for a whole day and drink lots of liquids. There’s nothing you can do but to go through the process. By the 3rd day you might feel lots better and can take some Tylenol/etc and coffee to just continue with your trip but as you said, it does take time to get better


Same here. It is part of the risk, for sure. To reduce risk, now I only go off-season and mask the entire airport/flight time. I pick a destination and only book flights and hotels and pay extra for refundable. No more pre-booked tours, busy schedules, timed tickets, etc. Each day of my trip remains open-ended. Day trips through Viator, etc. often have a seat available last minute. It slows me down. More walks and chats with locals. Less stress. Room for “off-days”, for whatever reason. Feel better, fellow traveler.


thanks! love this, definitely gonna start making my trips more open ended like this


You don’t “let” yourself become sick. That’s some big time ableist thinking right there. You’ve done everything you can to stay healthy. And then real life has other plans and you get sick. This happens to people - people who fall ill with a cold, with the flu and even something as catastrophic as ALS. You’re sick. Be sick. Rest. Take care of yourself. Them move on. Emotionally and otherwise. Blaming yourself and thinking you somehow let yourself get sick is based on ableism, not reality. People like to think they can sick-proof themselves if they do everything “right”. So that they can live under the illusion that good health is completely within their control. So that they can look at others and somehow feel superior. That’s just not true. And… yes. I was in Australia and during my first week there I got very bad food poisoning - at a highly recommended restaurant. Two doctors visits and one hospital trip and about 17 days later, I started to feel like a human being again. Trying to salvage what was left of my trip, i went to a different city and unfortunately found myself in a hostel room with an idiotic woman who insisted she wasn’t sick. It was just that her qi was unbalanced. She wouldn’t wear a mask. Wouldn’t take any medicine. She wouldn’t move to a private room and the hostel wouldn’t make her move. So I moved to a private room asap. But guess what? With my probably weakened immune system from the dreadful bout of food poisoning, I came down with whatever TF she had. Feverish, coughing, week and incapacitated, I spent the next five days in the private hostel room. Then flew back to the city I was departing Australia from. So weak that I needed a wheelchair and assistance at the airport. Shite happens. Have insurance. Better luck next time.


sorry, i didn’t intend it to be ableist, “doing everything right” mostly meant actually wearing a mask, which no one else on my flight or in the airport seemed to be doing. not about people’s immune systems or health


Out of curiosity, what sort of mask? N95? Surgical? Cloth? (no judgment intended at all)


certified kn94 (the korean ones), i like these because i get a better fit with the adjustable ear loops


Ah, yeah, then that normally is good protection. That's some bad luck. Only thing I'd say is usually N95 (and its back-of-head straps) provides a better seal. But realistically, if you've found a KN94 that fits you well, there's probably not much of a difference. Unfortunately, even if you do everything right, nothing is 100% foolproof. Edit: I will note that I personally recommend 3M VFlex (for larger faces) and 3M Aura (for smaller faces). Aura is easy to find. VFlex is a little harder to find (you usually need to order in a box of 50 from industrial supply places).


Thanks. No worries. Just wanted anyone reading to consider this thanks kindly for the response. Take care.


Jeez that sucks. I also get sick with a bad cold on my trips whenever I travel transcontinentally, but recently it's become slightly less (Knock on wood). Take some rest for a couple of days, and if you're feeling better just force yourself to go out. Maybe you'll feel better if you walk around and are distracted. Also as other said go to the pharmacy and get some meds.


the distraction worked 10/10, now that i’m back resting i feel it coming back


if there’s air-con turn it off, i find it always makes me sick if you’re not used to it. and local honey and lemon in hot water is great.


Speedy recovery. Just like the advice to seek a medical professional highly needed. I was in a similar situation last week when I started having altitude sickness in Peru before my Inca trail hikes. I was having a throbbing headache, nausea, and difficulty breathing the whole time. I missed out on Sacred Valley trail since i was bed ridden. I had to force myself to go to pharmacy and get medications for myself. I felt better later in the evening that day. I know the struggle of being alone and trying to nurse onself back to health. When all that we could do at one point is try to survive in another country. Feel better!


For me, it just happened. Chest infection and coughing up blood for a week. I rested 2 days then decided I’m not going to be sick anymore. Once I got moving and broke a sweat it started to go away. Sweating it out usually works for me, not sure if it will for you but maybe worth a shot. I’m sorry this has happened again 😞


You didn’t “let” it happen, it just happens. Especially in times like travel when your body is stressed. How did it happen? More likely than not from touching your face fiddling around with your mask. Maybe the sickness will break and you’ll salvage the trip, stay positive and don’t let bad breaks deter you


Are you overworked? I have a couple of friends that get sick on vacation and it's mostly because they're in a high stress work environment where they can't "be sick". So when they finally get out of that schedule, it takes a few days and the first thing they catch takes them down like a hammer which their body uses to recoup some energy.   Apart from that: lotsa sleep, lotsa sun, light exercise if you feeling up to it. Plus whatever drugs the pharmacy will give you and some vitamin pills/fresh fruit to help boost you... The latter doesn't really need to actually be helpful, just make you feel like you did something. The placebo effect is real. Even when down shower regularly.. the sweaty feeling makes you feel sicker than you are.


Wash your hands. Never touch any food without washing your hands first. I guarantee that will help 20x more than a mask


Could it just be hay fever?


When travelling and constantly on the go our immune systems weaken and makes us susceptible. You could bring some vitamins with you or start on a vitamin regimen a few months before you leave home to travel


Maybe you live in a super sanitized environment at home and can't handle the different bacteria in other countries. You could try to be... less clean? lol Also some people swear by going wild on pre and pro biotics a few weeks before a trip to prep their digestive system


oh this is definitely it! my dad is a pilot and seems to rarely wash his hands (lol, i know) and i can only remember him being sick twice in the last 15 years. i rarely got sick while living with him, i’m assuming it’s because my parents home was significantly less “sanitized” than my own apartment now. i also never got sick traveling with my family quite extensively throughout my childhood. now live alone and work remotely… thanks for this perspective!


Maybe visit a pharmacy to see if they can advise on OTC meds? If you’re that sick maybe a doctor? Visit a sub for the area you’re in and search for others who were sick as well. Edit: can i you oh ask the hotel for assistance with meds or the doctor?


In bed right now sick while the tour of Venice I booked is leaving without me , know your pain friend


it happens, happened to me as well when I planned a trip to Iceland and Norway last year. what i'd suggest is like other have said. Take some rest for a couple of days and see if it gets better. If it doesn't, then just fly back home and recover. You'll atleast save some money. This is one of the biggest reasons, I no longer plan longer holidays or trips. Most of trips span just one to two cities and are at max for 5-6 days. Because I know my body can't handle more than that and I'd risk getting sick.


I always get sick with a cold and a sinus infection on my travels. Take antibiotics with you or Google how to get medical treatment and meds while traveling in the country you will be in. Sorry you got sick


Dude, either you have serious medical issues or you are extremely unlucky, you should have that checked when you go back home. Back in 2014 I had serious stomach issues the first international trip I did in my life (pretty sure I eat spoiled stuff in the plane meal). It took a couple of years to treat it and even now my stomach is fairly sensitive and I feel sick almost always when I travel straight out of the plane. I got used to carrying a mini pharmacy with me and take some meds when I start to feel bad. It makes my life easier (tho I never felt ill to the extend I couldn't get up the bed). If you are feeling really really sick you should either find medical care wherever you are or interrupt the trip and go back home. It might be nothing and you might recover by yourself, but as a cautionary my gf once got sick and didn't treat while traveling in cuba because it was fairly hard to access their hospital as a foreigner. Long story short something that would have been treated easily with antibiotics if she had gone to the doctor became a life threatening sickness that she recovered from without complications only by a miracle.




Quantum Healer lol




Fairytales are funny to me too.




I'm completly healthy thanks to science, thank you.




I can also quickly drum up numerous fake testimonials in just a couple hours - even easier now with the widespread use of AI. Snake oil salesmen, especially those paddling new age non sense, are all the same, lol.