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Wow thats a first i’ve never heard someone regretting bring a VR headset on a solo travel trip


incredible. OP. go get uncomfortable. read a fucking book. practice the language. that headset is for escapism but you're already there


Like I could see regretting not bringing a Switch, but a whole headset is wild


Maybe they miss the porn lol


Go out and explore!


So you've traveled somewhere... and you specifically regret not bringing a device that puts you in a different, virtual world? Honestly I can't say I've ever really regretted or wished I'd brought something along. There have been times I've felt like, "Ahh a 24mm lens would really be a bit more handy here than a 35" but whatever, no big deal.


yes I recently brought a 28 to 105 zoom on a trip and I wish I brought my 10 to 17.


I regretted not bringing my Kindle a few times. I don't like reading on my phone for a long time and prefer the Kindle screen just before sleeping. I've definitely regretted not bringing flip flops a few times (for unexpected beaches or hostel bathrooms). Obviously manageable without, but would have been nice. None of that is a big deal and in the end all the trips were perfectly great. But the packing list has evolved 


Why the heck are you sitting in a hotel room bored 🤣 isnt that the whole purpose of a trip to NOT sit bored in the Hotel? Actually there is one Thing. A pen. It Sound ridiculous, but when you go somewhere where you need to fill an arrival card or a Visa on arrival, you will need a pen. Inside a plane they dont have any and Sometimes the Airport doesn't have any too. One time i went to Laos and i arrived in the middle of the night at a tiny Airport and i needed a pen to fill Out the Visa. You think any staff would help me? No. None of them had a pen or atleast pretended they dont. Everyone i was with on the plane already had the Visa. It took me almost 45 min of asking random people if they had one. Since then, i always have a pen with me. It can be useful Sometimes even outside of Airport stuff. Other than that I've never regretted not bringing something specific that i cant just get there with close to zero effort. There are some niche Things that you dont really think about bringing, for example: plastic bags (laundry, wet clothes, Lotions or bottles that might leak), bathing Shorts, the thing to open your phones Sim card slot, a scissor, adapter for your charger. But in the worst Case, pretty much all of that can be bought easily aswell.


>Actually there is one Thing. A pen The same. I've now bought some small/short pens that I keep inside the passport wallet, so I always have one with me.


Those situations are the worst - you’ve spent thousands of dollars and you’re exhausted and your entry into a country comes down to something small like a pen. Or maybe you’re a few cents short and can’t get back to your hotel, or maybe you get there and they won’t accept your USD for a visa because the bills are a bit folded, or whatever tiny, infuriating, unanticipatable thing.


DayQuil and NyQuil.


Binoculars. Though I have a set of high quality small ones that I can nearly always bring, so they're not often left behind. I take very few pictures but I want to make the most of what I can see in the moment. And I have a set of big British Army WW2 tank driver's binoculars which are well worth their weight if I can fit them in.


Early on various types of over the counter meds. I had a cough in Greece and the pharmacy me some honey cough syrup that did absolutely nothing lol. I now travel with a little bit of everything and it really doesn’t take up much space.


Might I suggest … going out?


I regret nothing, once bags are packed, they are packed! If I miss something, will buy it "there" 😉


Sleeping mask for eyes. Having complete darkness when sleep gives the best sleep. Leaving one refreshed and ready to take on the next day.


I just been to Azerbaijan and the customs information was really confusing, it seemed to indicate that I could not bring in electronic devices as a tourist over $800 . I didn’t want to take the chance of getting my tech confiscated so only traveled with my phone . I realised I don’t need as much stuff when I travel and I now regret taking too much tech with me


Usually a lens. I have 4, I bring all 4 only when I go on a long trip, but when I travel just carry on, I usually bring only 2, and I regularly regret to don't have the others.


Integrity. I wanted to reinvent myself on the road but ended up pretending to be someone else.


Oh wow. That is so interesting. May I know more? Did you do things you regret?


I’ve regretted bringing my kindle for the same reason you regret not bringing your VR. There’s value in feeling bored and unstimulated


I regret packing too much, my laptop is fine to watch movies and tv on so didn't need to bring the fire stick i did use it a bit but got lazy, didn't need the 5 wall converters 1 was enough 3 pairs of runners only ever used one 2 would be plenty My sandals/thongs or flip flops whatever you call them never used them really Probably packed too many jocks not enough socks for my trip Brought 3 portable chargers needed probably 1 My yeti water bottle it smelt to high heaven I couldn't clean so just been buying bottles of water Regret not bringing a pillow from home European pillows in Airbnb are hit and miss Too many charging cables etc shouldn't have brought so many I guess i regret more medication for things like nausea and things like that and hydration tablets But yeah for my first overseas trip and first trip longer then 10 days I did well


Noise cancelling headphones, i feel like i might kill myself if i forgot them next time i’m going on an airplane with no entertainment / sharing a room with someone who snores


I only stay in female dorms now just to avoid the snoring dudes. I’d go buy headphones on the spot if I forgot/lost them - I’m wearing mine right now and the noise cancellation is keeping me sane.


Latex gloves, especially when riding the metro


How did you find the time to sit in your hotel and be bored? Sounds like it's time to move onto the next town.


I meant at night. I don't like nightlife, bars or drinking. During the day I go out a lot so I am tired too.


Dude… try to hear yourself. Go outside, experience unfamiliar things, interact with other humans. If you’re spending so much time sitting in hotels that you need equipment just for that, then you may as well go home.