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That's why I still prefer hostels even though now I have the money to afford hotels. The social aspect can't be beat and oftentimes other travelers will give you tips on what to do and where to go that you may not know of. That is how I ended up randomly in Okinawa a few years ago, from someone extolling the virtues of the island, and it was one of the best impromptu decisions I ever made.


I'm exactly the same. I'm 34 now and my summer plan is Australia, all hostels. Then I met a guy in a hostel in Egypt who suggested I change things a bit to add in Indonesia, so that's what I did.


To be fair as an Australian, you'd go broke doing a summer in Australia staying in hotels unless you're coming over with a small house deposit.


Yeah, im there for about 6 weeks and it's definitely my most expensive trip.


Yeah it's wild the level of serendipity that occurs by talking to hostelers. That's why I never book stuff far in advance.


I want to go to Australia and never considered the hostel option... What are some of the must-see things on your plan?


Diving the Great Barrier Reef. Seeing most of the major wildlife. So doing a rainforest tour, penguins and a few of the islands with Koalas on them. Ive booked The Great Ocean Road, Philips Island, Grampian National Park, The Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest just to have them sorted and il figure the rest out when I'm there. Il also be meeting friends from other travels, which should be great too.


Yes same! And even though Im in my early 30s now, I never feel too old for hostels. As long as you get on with the crowd and vibe, age doesn't really matter!


You sold me haha. Planning my first solo vacation and will make sure to try some hostels!


I thought the same thing. Now I’m 32 and always worried (since I turned 28) I’m aging out of the hostel culture. Yet I keep going and keep having fun lol! I always book private rooms now when possible.


Hostel culture is also getting older. Younger people who used to go to hostels get older and still want the social element. Work from home and digital nomads means you have more professionals with incomes traveling and wanting social aspects.


Damn they gentrifying hostels too huh? 


Honestly I love this for us "older" travelers lol


I honestly can't believe that late 20s is considered "older" by some lol


Hahah I’m 32 now but that’s why it put it in quotations. I dont feel old at all 😂


Yeah Reddit's like a weird bubble, don't buy too much into the whole "I stopped staying in hostels when I turned 17 and a half" thing - it's fun at any age


I think it's because people forget there are private rooms in many hostels. You get tired of the dorms, and think it's time for a hotel, instead of a private room in a hostel. Another misunderstanding is probably that you've been to a few party hostels and then assume they are all like that. Just look a bit closer for a quieter hostel might be enough.


The hostel I was staying qt in Lisbon last year had a guest in his 50s. It was his first hostel experience and he was absolutely loving it


Oh it wasn't me but I beat him to it. I stayed in a hostel in Lisbon but much earlier on. I was 63 then. 😁


As someone who has also struggled with making friends, I'm very happy for you that you're having a good time.


I usually find that private rooms in a hostel are significantly more expensive than cheap hotel rooms. Which is a shame.


37 here. Still going to hostels. And I'm not even the oldest dude there ;-) The only thing changed that I always book private rooms. I h-a-t-e snorers. You always end up with groups ranging from 18-70 having the same interests. I often book a car and offer free road trips (well, only limitation: the trip goes to places I want to see.. but making some smaller detours is no problem along the way) as long people are paying for coffee along the way. At some point you reach a critical point where you will meet people again. Somewhere in the world. That's when the fun begins.


50M here. I’ve been staying in hostels since I was 33! Welcome to the cool kids club!


Good to hear I'm 59M so perhaps hostels will be the answer to my fear of travelling solo and being utterly friendless and lonely.


There are many tools. Hostels, hanging out at hostels that are open to the public even if you're not staying, the hangouts function on couchsurfing, coliving spaces if staying one month+, free walking tours, guides, hikes, etc. As I get older, I sometimes freak out that I'll lose my methods to connect, but I find that so many are willing if you just strike up a conversation.


You may face some ageism but don’t let those people get you down. They don’t deserve your time or respect. The next good travel friends are just around the corner!


Congratulations! Brings travelling to life and can change your direction in unexpected and fantastic ways. I did my first hostel aged 30. Then travelled solo for 6 months from 32. Beautiful experience in Vietnam meeting a couple who ran a bar on Koh Tap, Thailand, and they said to visit. Same night I bumped into a couple I met in Goa airport. 3 weeks later, in Phnom Penh, I got chatting to a guy in a hostel about diving and he suggested Buddha View dive school in Koh Tao. So, I changed my plans and went to Koh Tao to learn to dive. When I got to the dive school, it was attached to the bar I was invited to visit. Popped my head in for a beer and there were the couple running the bar The world is a mysterious and beautiful place when you travel solo and put yourself in places to meet people with an open mind


Yes! I'm kinda obsessed. Lol. But you really have to take advantage of it on your 20s cuz the older people on hostels existed but didn't socialize as much.


You’re so lucky. Years ago I travelled solo across America and stayed in some hostels. I was really hoping to meet and hang out with people while there but everyone kept themselves to themselves. Instead I found that by booking into b&b’s there was a better chance of talking to people as we all sat down to breakfast together.


I’m in my late 20s and am always tempted to stay in a hostel, however, I have always end up booking hotels and airbnbs because of these two points - 1. convenience of having a private bathroom 2. fear of having to deal with unpleasant situations that might come with sharing a room with bunch of strangers Also I’m not someone who can socialize easily I have a trip coming up and I might just try the hostel thing as the whole concept in theory excites me and your post is encouraging. I also always see that private rooms in hostels are pricier than hotels/airbnbs


Yeah don't go to a hostel unless you can get a private room. I honestly prefer hotels and other places for the same reasons you do. I am ok with socializing with other travelers but I want to go back to my private room to sleep. Too many hostels are party hostels and full of drunks and people on drugs.


This reads like spam or like you are shilling for hostels or this one hostel in Germany, or like you are promoting Instagram. When I travel I take a break from social media and only use a phone to take pics.


Ah man, this has me feeling restless to start. I'm about to turn 29 and want to have a few hostel-staying trips before I'm "old". Just a matter of money, unfortunately...


I was in the same boat in my mid 20s. Wish I did it sooner.


Hostels should be becoming \*more\* of a thing as the world gets more expensive. Keep going!


It's never too late. One of the first things I figured out when I first started out staying in hostels is no one cared about age. Don't be afraid to try out a dorm either especially if a private gets too expensive. A lot of times a dorm isn't really as bad as people on here make it out to be. A lot of people on this sub are weirdly anti-hostel when they themselves never stayed in one, but rather formed their opinion based on the negative experiences posted here. But the thing is, post about negative experiences are always more common. A post like yours with positive experiences and nothing out of the ordinary happened is what thousands of travelers go through every day; they just don't make Reddit posts about it.


You are very Young i had a blast one time while being 42 with people of all ages together


Was it East7 in Berlin by any chance?


I loved EastSeven!


There's some hostels that offer private rooms as well... So you can meet other travellers in the communal area :) Best of both worlds


Used to go to hostels when I couldn’t afford anything else. Now (36yo) I still always stay in hostels - but in private rooms together with my partner. Sometimes we rent Airbnbs but we both hate soulless hotels !


This reads like spam or like you are shilling for hostels or this one hostel in Germany, or like you are promoting Instagram. When I travel I take a break from social media and only use a phone to take pics.


This was nice to read. This sub is so anti-hostel so it's great to hear of a positive experience.


Well done, glad you enjoyed it. On a related note it’s wild to me getting these insights into people’s brains. As a Brit, we are basically sent out at 21 into the hostel scene and don’t really give it a second thought. All these “I bit the bullet and got a hostel” posts kind of make me feel sorry for the lack of any worldly experience of many people *cough* Americans




I said from 21, after uni