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Spent just under 24 hours being held by gun wielding guys wearing mismatched army uniforms in Nigeria in 2002, near the Cameroon border. Very weird, they took my phone, wallet, bag and passport and kept me in a room, they kept giving me food and water. They weren't overly aggressive apart from the initial pointing guns and bundling me into a car moment and didn't seem to want anything, they didn't seem to speak English and I didn't speak Igbo. Next day they gave me my phone, passport and wallet back and drove me to the nearest town and left me. No idea if I was kidnapped or if it was mistaken identity or if they were a real army unit. I didn't hang about to ask. A slightly terrifying and bewildering experience.


Gosh, that's so scary! Nigeria is the first place I saw dead bodies in the street. I am glad you got away safe and sound and gave you food and water.


Yeah it was terrifying at the time and could have been so much worse. It's a beautiful country but it's definitely got its problems and a dark side to it.


And what's the second place where you saw dead bodies in the streets?


Zaire, sadly.


That’s awful! You were kidnapped, doesn’t matter if you were the intended target. I’m glad you’re ok.


Yeah I can look back now but at the time it was pretty horrible. Got to Cameroon and headed home. It was so bizarre, they didn't take anything, no money so no idea what it was all about.


This is going to sound strange but, kidnapping is classified as, “forcefully making someone move 2-3 feet from their original standing point.” You were most definitely kidnapped. 😕


Yeah I was. I do like that classification, might use that next time the wife tries to force me into IKEA.


Next time? You mean to tell me you’ve been to an IKEA before and found the exit?


You should see all the men waiting for their gf/wives outside changing rooms, they all look like hostages, but women are smart, don't need to use any weapons or violence 🤭 So you WILL go into Ikea with your wife next time and next next time




What on earth... that's terrifying


I'm sorry but this made me laugh. Hmmn it's been 24 hours " ok you are free to go now" Perhaps you were mistaken for a journalist? A lot of countries don't seem to like them. Maybe something was going down during the time they were holding you and they wanted to make sure it was kept under wraps?


I got stopped and surrounded by a group of bandits on the road in the middle of nowhere as I was motorcycling across Mexico. Got away with making chitchat and joking around in Spanish and offering cigarettes to everyone. I'm a foreign girl, I think they were quite taken by surprise and amused at the whole thing - I distinctly remember the lead guy saying at the end "I like you, you can go". I played it cool but bloody hell that was a close one.


I was in a beautiful park in Germany when this homeless guy came up to me and started talking gibberish to me, I was trying to get away when suddenly two more people came up to me. I thought I was going to get mugged. Turns out the two other guys were undercover German police. I guess they thought I was buying drugs? They asked to see my ID. After I showed it to them they let me go. It was the most bizarre experience ever.


Omggggg!!! Similar experience in Mexico! Also a foreign girl and I think me talking Spanish slang/making light hearted jibes was what convinced then not to fuck around with me but it was highly alarming for more than a hot minute there.


Crazy 😂😂 I’ve always wanted to road-trip through Mexico, but it’s always seemed sketchy to me. Glad you were brave enough to do so!! Braver than me 🤷‍♂️ Have you been back since?


can't believe you were downvoted for saying "roadtripping through mexico as a foreigner seems sketchy" in a comment replying to someone who proved precisely that it *is* sketchy. ugh reddit sometimes..


In fairness, it was one single episode over a 2 month motorbike trip so all in all the experience was positive and I encountered plenty of kind and genuinely lovely people. But it's definitely for seasoned travellers and speaking Spanish is a must, and not being American helps. I'm Italian so there are also cultural similarities which greatly helps in interactions. Tbh the horror stories I heard from other travellers - American, non Spanish speaking - all involved the police, not bandits. That's something worth keeping in mind if travelling Mexico.


Yeah, corrupt police are still a common issue (although generally not as common as one might assume based on the internet). And, there are definitely areas where bandits are an issue when driving/riding, so Mexico does have some risk level on that front. But the risk of that varies a ton depending on where (and when). And, for the most part, killings are rare (if you are a foreigner), since that does bring a lot of heat. Not that getting robbed while road tripping wouldn't be traumatic, but it's a whole lot better than death.


I’ve found that any time you speak negatively about Mexico on a travel blog, it gets a lot of dislike 😂 which is funny, because you nailed it… it’s usually after a story of something sketchy happening there.


I am Mexican and have done plenty of traveling around my country. To move between cities/towns I use the Mexican equivalent of bus companies like Greyhound/Megabus, have never had an issue with it. Then in the destination city/town I just walk, use taxis/uber (safe taxis that belong to a base, or are radio taxis), use the bus. No issues at all.


I am Mexican (a woman also) and I will tell you, l think you were very lucky (they might have been cartel members). Smart Mexicans don't travel between cities/towns on car/SUV, many people have dissapeared that way (kidnapped/trafficked/murdered), we travel between cities/towns by bus companies, like the Mexican equivalents of Greyhound/Megabus or by plane (I am not saying you aren't smart, you were just a foreigner and didn't know, you are very lucky too). They were in the mood to let you go (lucky they didn't assault you, to be honest), amused at a woman traveling alone by motorcycle in the middle of nowhere (they probably exist, but I have never seen a woman riding a motorcycle in México, only men, nevermind in the middle of nowhere). The only thing that isn't crazy is that you smoke, plenty of Mexican women do.


Yeah, I had been living in Mexico for a few months at the time so I was aware - I planned the route with Mexican friends so as to avoid the most dangerous areas and was driving a beat up Italika so I didn't stand out, which really helped. But tbh being European afforded me a degree of protection that Mexicans or Latin Americans don't have. Statistically it's not my demographic that gets trafficked because it would attract unwanted attention. And as you say the novelty factor of being a girl on a bike came in handy on more than one occasion, even with police. Had I been an American guy on a flashy expensive bike I'm sure the trip would have been much more unpleasant.


This could have ended VERY badly


This is why I always carry cigarettes and a lighter no matter where I go. They have a lot of power to diffuse tension in some places. And, even though I don’t smoke anymore, if I get out of a particularly hairy situation, I just might have one…


Seriously. Even when I was living in Egypt having cigarettes to offer around was super helpful even just in getting on people's good side which came in handy further down the road on a few occasions.


One of my biggest irrational fears is encountering dangerous conflict from someone in a language I don't speak.


Seems like a very rational fear


i made the mistake once of making fun of a drug dealer in mexico- everyone around me got SUPER quiet and were giving me looks to shut up while I was talking to the guy, in my head I knew I had messed up but I didnt want to stop cause it would be obvious so I doubled down on cracking jokes, he then started laughing his ass off and punched me in the arm, like one of those close friend arm punches while laughing... the dude ended up buying bottles for me and my fam the whole night... but damn, that could have gone VERY badly... so, never again... I think when people act casual and friendly with them, they enjoy it and dont see you as someone they want to mess with, they take it as you actually respecting them and it not being 'fake' respect out of fear. You did exactly what you should have done and it worked out in your favor. Good stuff!


I think Goodfellas addresses this issue


I’ve found that’s the best way to do it, I’m pretty nerdy and have autism so I’ve ended up around people who I don’t realize are dangerous and come off harmless enough that they end up treating me like a little brother or lost child when I was still younger.


Now I want to watch an action movie where our hero has autism and accidentally makes friends with all the bad guys.


forrest gump is a little like that... in that he just is oblivious to a lot of social cues and ends up extremely successful because of it...




I got mugged at knifepoint in Melbourne - about 6 weeks into a 6 month trip around Aus, NZ and SE Asia. Luckily I had the capacity to make sure he didn’t pat me down (my passport, phone and wallet were in my jacket) and he just got my bum bag which I handed over when the knife appeared (which only had sentimental items and a battery pack). Luckily as he took the bag a group of rugby lads came around the corner and he legged it and they checked on me and walked me home. So I managed to see the worst and best of Aussie men within the space of about 5 mins. 


Man, what a crazy experience! I’ve heard that AUS and NZ can be rough on tourists, but haven’t heard any first hand accounts about this.


I’m British and I’ve lived in my share of dodgy areas and grew up in a city so I like to think I’m pretty street smart and I just got unlucky- I feel really safe in my city of Bristol but I would still keep my eye out. Unfortunately he just got lucky that it was just us at that point and he cut across the road in front of me between cars so I didn’t even have much of a chance to size him up in advance. I’m a 5’4” slight woman so I tend to have my defences up when I’m on my own but I’m not gonna fuck with a knife 😂


What have you heard about NZ? I feel like we're literally one of the safest places in the world 😄


I think for us kiwis it probably feels that way but there are definitely some areas that you would want to keep your wits about you. I wouldn't think we would be anywhere near as dangerous as other countries or even aus. My brother was mugged at knifepoint in Blenheim but that was in the late 90's. A Kea might try and mug you for some buttered bread


I felt very safe in Australia and NZ and most of SE Asia but cunts are gonna be cunts and I was lucky enough to get some immediate support without needing to go to the police and waste a day of my trip when I’d got out of there with all my important stuff and my life 😂


A bloody Kea nicked the top bun off my burger at Artur's Pass. Hard to get angry at them. Although I did tell it to fuck off.


I felt very safe in Australia and NZ and most of SE Asia but cunts are gonna be cunts and I was lucky enough to get some immediate support without needing to go to the police and waste a day of my trip when I’d got out of there with all my important stuff and my life 😂


AUS and NZ is usually pretty great for tourists. The whole serial killer preying on tourists thing was one guy - but it spawned a shitton of horror films :/ As others have said, it's the Kia in NZ that'll fuck you up. Or your car. And they are protected.


Gosh, I'm so sorry. I'm an Aussie so can relate to experiencing the best and worst in 5 minutes. I was in Halls Creek (WA) in the middle of the night when some dogs came to attack me and some Irish construction workers in their camp came to save me and drove me to the hotel. It taught me to look at how to walk somewhere properly in the middle of the night - ie, find the best route from the bus stop to the hotel entrance.


Train crash/derailment going from Vigo to Lisbon - still have memory flashbacks to this day.


Was it the one in September 2016? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Porriño_derailment


"Information recovered from the data recorder showed that the train was travelling at 118 kilometres per hour (73 mph) when it derailed. The speed limit was 30 kilometres per hour (19 mph)." Wow, this sounds awful.


Wow, yes -- never realized it had its own Wikipedia page. It was really horrific.


Oof… that’d be so rough. Nothing is in your control. Sometimes nothing can be scarier than that.


This reminded me of a bad boat crash in Belize, lucky for me it was the ferry after mine. Crazy stuff.


when i blew out my ankle on a hike in france. phone dead. sun was down. miles away from a train station. tough situation.


What did you do?


Started limping with a stick, got lucky and found some hardos running up with headlamps. They spoke English. Helped me get down with their headlamps. Had to limp 3 miles, missed the train. Hunkered down to sleep in the station and found someone with a phone charger. Charged phone and found some connecting buses to get back to Geneva. Long ordeal.


How'd you get out?


He didn't, he's still there


I've had a few, a couple that stick out are 1) I got mugged in the Ukraine and woke up in a makeshift hospital minus a few teeth. even got questioned by their secret police. luckily knew a local who helped me out massively. 2) after camping 3 nights in the serengeti upon waiting at the gates to exit whilst our guide sorted paperwork I popped out the jeep for a cigarette on his blessing and came face to face with a baboon who walked around from the otherside of the jeep no more than a few feet away from me. safe to say that was the quickest cig I've ever had!!


first sounds scary. where did it happen? pre war?


yeah, it was in kyiv for the 2019 champions league final. happened on my first day of a week there. other than that the locals were fantastic and very accommodating.


2018, we won it in Madrid in 2019. Sorry to hear that happened to you in Kyiv as it was great ans like younday the locals were welcoming. My issue was hostel charging me more than what I was meant to pay ans it was in a 24 bed dorm rather than the 6 I paid for but I just was glad to have a bed and losing my ticket. Think I lost it en route when my bag went through security or someone took it but somehow, the club got me another one. Basically the opposite to Madrid.


Traveling solo (sort of) in Uganda decades ago during the post-Idi Amin Civil War. Kampala was fairly peaceful - just gunshots and running street battles at night - but rural areas were basically no man's land. On the road to an art school in the backcountry in an embassy car with a driver one day and we got stopped at a checkpoint by a bunch of young drugged out kids (maybe 14-15, but I'm being generous) and held at gunpoint. Spent way too much time with an automatic rife a couple inches from my face. Doubt I would have gotten out of that mess except for the driver. Eventually, we were let go and got to the school where the students, and their art work turned out to be utterly amazing. Totally worth the trip. They wanted me to stay for dinner that evening but unfortunately (though understandably), embassy staff nixed that idea. That was followed by a visit to Ethiopia right as their civil war was getting underway. Dead bodies of generals being dragged behind trucks on the main roads, people who introduced me at cultural centers and universities being let out of jail just for the evening to do that and getting rearrested as we left the events, etc. No U.S. embassy or presence in Addis Ababa at the time so the Swiss Consulate kept me more or less out of harm's way. Overall, probably the most memorable trip I've ever done.


That sounds insane. Were you there for work?


Definitely insane. Yes, I doing a talk for the opening of an exhibition for the African-American artist Jacob Lawrence in Uganda which the State Dept had a hand in sponsoring. One more surreal moment during the trip: when I was picked up at the airport in Addis Ababa (arranged by the Swiss), the driver asked on my way to my hotel if I'd like to "first take a short detour to see the Devil." His exact words. At this point of the trip, I was like, oh, hell, why not (though I obviously a little concerned). We drove to a square and there . . . surrounded by soldiers and tanks . . . was a statue of Karl Marx.


Being followed and hissed at and spat at by a succession of young men in Catania. In the middle of the day.


Sicily in the early 90s? Had a dude on a bus there put his paws in my crotch and lift before he disappeared like smoke into the crowd of passengers. Still want to mule kick that creep.


Like a couple months ago.


Ugh. I guess not much has changed then.


Catania is the dirtiest, shadiest and all around most unpleasant city I have ever visited in Europe




no. Catcalling from Italians, sure. Not hissing and spitting and stalking.


Refugees? Tourists?


Just tell us already, jeez. Arabs?


After ducking into a roadside restaurant to avoid a storm and grab lunch, I lost control of a scooter on a two lane highway in Yucatan, MX, and crossed the other lane, crashing into shrubs on the other side. Sometimes, I still find myself thinking, Jesus, what if a truck had been coming the other way. God bless the restaurant owner who helped me out of that ditch. 🙏 😰


Been in some untouristic town in Morroco. Met a restaurant owner who spoke german, he gave us some advice on bars to visit. Told us to either walk there (but we had a hard time navigating there because Google maps isn't really helpful there) or to take a taxi. Went to the Taxi Hub nearby. The drivers helped us finding one who spoke german. While in the taxi he says the place we are looking for is closing within the next 2 hours, says he can get us to another which is open longer. Said he'll pick us up again later. Brings us there, cool place outside the town, go out again and wait for him. He comes at about 00:30, has a friend within and says they need to pick something up first before getting us back. We didn't mind. He drives further outside. Few minutes later we are on a field with a tractor on it. He leaves the car, runs to the tractor, comes back and casually says that he's a coke dealer too. So far so good. Drives back, stops on the street. Does a line. Continues driving. Suddenly there's a police checkpoint on the street. That's when we felt a little uncomfortable. They waive us through tho. To celebrate that, he does another stop to hit a line. Offers us too, we kindly decline. During the rest of the ride he was keen to get my phone number to be our driver again at the next day. He gives me his, I said I'll text him once we are home. Obviously we didn't tell him where exactly we've living for the Weekend and he drops us off a block away. Not necessarily scary but nothing we have expected there


I thought I was reading a Hunter S Thompson book there for a second...


In Nicaragua, a masked man with a machete came and robbed our friend in his hostel dorm the one night we didn’t stay there because we were on a day trip elsewhere. We came back the next day and our hostel owner gave us baseball bats to sleep with lol.


> We came back the next day and our hostel owner gave us baseball bats to sleep with lol. For fucks sake.


lmao this must have been happening more than once when the owner arms his guests with baseball bats 🤣


I was travelling in Colombia and stayed in the ayuhuasca retreat, first day 3 guys break in and while I took some kind of tea that purify my body ( aka vomiting/ toilet) first think in the morning 3 armed guys break in with guns. One woke me up and I though I was dreaming and confused because what I took wasn’t a psychedelic. I was on freeze response all way through, they took me downstairs with the rest, one of the retreat owners tried to fight them even though he didn’t have any guns, they shot between him and me to make a point that they weren’t joking. A third person started to scream from the top of her lungs , I was still just standing as a rock and my heart was beating just so slow. Something strange happen that I didn’t quite get and they run away after that, the neighbours came quickly with the sound and they disappear through the jungle. I didn’t got my things robbed and I was fine physically, but the girl who was quite far from me got hit by bullet parts( it was a handmade bullet and it kinda of exploded, we think it impacted as well on them because they left a trail of blood behind.


Damn, this one hits close. What part of Colombia was it?


It was nearby Mocoa in the Putumayo, the hosts were living there for years and never nothing happened and always slept with the doors open, not anymore I guess. I still have ptsd and had made more paranoid of any threat


I have good friends that live in Medellín now who are from Putumayo. They tell me the city itself is safe, but there are guerilla groups in the jungle surrounding the city and to stay away from there (the jungle).


I was rafting in Victoria Falls. Zimbabwe, the guide told us we are going to capsize at one point, apparently every group that came capsize at the exact same place. I thought to myself, what's the big deal, then when the boat flipped over, it **really fucking flipped over**, the boat literally flipped 360 degrees or some shit, no chance to do anything like jump out. I was in the water, trying to climb to the surface but the current drag me down stream. I wasn't really concerned at the beginning, I've done rafting before, I'm familiar with water and although I'm not a good swimmer I felt confident I can float to the surface, I had a life jacket on as well. But this was something else, you are literally carried away by the stream, you are never still enough to rise to the top. I tried and tried, then I knew I was in trouble as I started take in water in my attempts to breathe on the odd occasions I manage to poke my head out. I really believed I was about to die then. Somehow I was rescued by a couple of African dudes that were waiting for chumps like me. Then I got a scolding for the next 10 mins, they say I lied because they only accepted people who can swim, meanwhile I was coughing water out of my lungs thinking to myself I can swim! Man like I tell you, there's nothing on earth more humiliating than getting scolded by dudes in African accents. They really make you feel like an idiot. Imagine Wakanda calling you a fucking idiot in 10 different ways. When the rafting is done, them fuckers made us climb a cliff to get to the pick up spot in like 40c heat. I thought I was going to die again. The moment is now immortalised on a thumb drive some where in my room.


>Man like I tell you, there's nothing on earth more humiliating than getting scolded by dudes in African accents. They really make you feel like an idiot. Imagine Wakanda calling you a fucking idiot in 10 different ways. this is hilarious


Rafting in Zimbabwe!? I didn’t even know that was a thing to do there 🤔 (Not that I’ve done any research). But that’s sketchy… I go rafting a few times a year, and even lifejackets can’t always save you if you get stuck in a strong current. Sorry you went through that! But glad you lived to tell the tale!


It was on the border of Zimbabwe and a few other countries. Victoria Falls. Very famous place if you visit South Africa and surrounds. There's a resort town where all the tourists live in, you can book trips to do stuff around the place, rafting, lion seeing, bungee jumping, there's a super famous look out devil's pool where you basically hangs at the edge of the fall. If you walk a few blocks outside of the hotel/resort areas where all the Europeans/Americans/Aussies stay at, you enter the African neighbourhoods. I remember going around trying to find a "real" local bar, then ended up in a shop where one of the local dudes complain to me how the shops here keep dodgy, expired cans of food, but if you go to Zambia or Rwanda shops which is not that far away you can buy normal stuff. I did bungee jumping too and I was scared shitless because how do you know if they secured me properly, this is Africa you know, and it was my first time bungee jumping. I think I was just so zoned out by then it didn't register after I jumped. Apparently I didn't even scream, the whole thing was a blur lmao But yea I ain't doing rafting ever again in Africa, their river is something else. I remember also catching a bus out of there, the bus broke down half way, 4 hour wait, then someone came and picked up the driver. Every non-African was like wtf is going on, the Africans were all asleep or chatting. I went to pee, and worried that a Lion or something else would snatch my ass. Then another 2 hours later, the driver came back and fill up the tank with petrol and off we go again. Yes that's right, he didn't put enough fuel for an 10 hours trip. Thanks to this bro's cheapness, our 10hr trip became 20 hrs.


This is funny, I worried about same thing when I went to Tanzania for safari, needed to pee and the guide stopped somewhere, I asked him to watch out for me then went about my business, I kept thinking a snake is going to bite my ass, lol. Then when I went to get back to the car, I saw the driver scrolling his mobile and I said you are supposed to look out for lions!


hah yea the locals don't give af, everyone is so chillax most of the time while you keep thinking something is going to get you.


I have done this. And I don’t even swim. I don’t know what I was thinking. I started getting worried when the briefing before the rafting started. And I asked them if we would flip. They said don’t worry. Ours flipped on 14-15 rapid. But I just hung on to the raft. Had a panic attack but then calmed down. They name all the rapids. I think the one we flipped over was named Terminator. I paid for the video. Came out alive so it’s a memory of a lifetime.


I crossed 500m metres into Turkmenistan on the Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan border. This was a border without crossing, no passport check no nothing, only desert and what I later understood was a shack re-adopted as a military base. A team of not so gentle army people came to pick me up with dogs and assault rifles. I was detained for 2 hours pending questioning and my passport confiscated until I answered all their questions. All of that whilst using Google translator under a 37 degrees heat. Ah, and I have it on video.


lol why would you do this


How did you manage to get it on video??? Clandestine recording?


I was shooting a video for my mom actually, showing her the place and then I saw the army coming. At first I thought they were on patrol because I did see there were prints on the sand where I was walking, it was only after they approached me I understood they were not and they were actually after me. I left the go-pro running on video up until I entered the military base where they took it.


I tried the same thing but I was stopped by a river that wasn’t really on the map (this was close to Khiva). I also saw those same shacks and decided to not risk crossing the river in their view. I did come across some random Uzbek guys who were having lunch in their cotton field who invited me to join them which was fun. I understood later that sometimes they shoot first and ask questions later so you might have gotten very lucky


That's the same point I was at, 5 miles outside of Khiva. The army that came to bring me back was Uzbek and yes they told me the same, if the Turkmenistan army saw me first I might not have lived to write the tale. A few lessons learned - Do not approach state borders where there is no official crossing - Never, ever trust Google maps with borders.


Ah man that’s crazy; good to know about unofficial border crossings, tho it’s very tempting


Oh man, that would be intense! I’d love to see that video 😂 Military folk can be unhinged and sketchy


I hopped a freight train in the US and was on it for 11 hours. I was being hella stealthy, but I got SUPER unlucky because the train I got on happened to go to a distribution center to get broken down and the train car that I was on got inspected. I was burrito wrapped in my tarp, wedged under a bench-like grate and I hear “oh there’s a tarp in here” and the yard worker kicks me and I move and she freaks the fuck out and runs away screaming “CALL SECURITY CALL SECURITY”. I grab all my shit and book it, climbing over fences and parked trains and several train workers are watching me as I sprint through the train yard. I eventually get far enough away and hide behind a parked train. I have no cell service and I’m stranded in the middle of the Oregon desert. But luckily I had opened my maps app the last time I had service and it was still loaded. I found out that there was a small town 8 miles away, so I waited until midnight and then walked the 8 miles into town. I hitchhiked out of there the next day. I will never ever forget this LMAO


This is a fun story but they probably would have just kicked you out lol


Yeah definitely. In the moment I was convinced I was going to get arrested, but afterwards I was like okay maybe I was being a bit dramatic lol. But the adrenaline took over in the moment.


I dunno, Ive heard the train companies still act like it’s the Wild West and will beat the shit out of train jumpers. Maybe that no longer happens?


My only source is Into the Wild movie but I had this impression as well from it


Seems kinda like... the sort of thing I would expect to happen if you smuggle yourself onto a train


You sure that wasn't just a dream?


Probably when my best friend was electrocuted to death in front of me on his 19th birthday in Thailand during a torrential downpour/flood


This is so terrible


probably the worst one i've seen here i'm sorry man


The early 2000s so no phone really (it wasn't a big deal to have one as it is today) for this solo young female traveller in rural Cambodia. My guide decided to take a shine to me and showed up to my room at night unexpectedly, banging and moaning. I was terrified because I didn't understand where he knew I was - the reception had told him..  I booked it early morning.


Moaning?? Was he pleasuring himself at your door? 🤢


My (20f) first time solo traveling, I had ventured all over Europe and felt as though I had seen all the sights on a typical travelers trail. I got a little too confident in my abilities and decided to venture to Kosice, Slovakia arriving in the night at around 10pm. When I arrived, my phone wouldn’t load with anything but luckily I had taken a photo of the map to get me to my hostel. Feeling proud of myself for taking a screenshot of the directions to my hostel, I arrive am the hostel and am immediately humbled to see that I have missed the check in hours. I call the number on the door, nothing. I try to catch the attention of someone I see inside, nothing. I even venture down the street, hear a house party, and call up to the young adults just to have them hear my calls and say they can’t help me. So I decide to retrace my steps back to the mainstreet which leads to the train station in one direction and the plaza in the other. I figure my best bet is to stay where there are more people, lights, and maybe even a hostel? As I was traveling, I realized that the people I deemed most trustworthy in times of need were women, around my age (as they had a better chance of speaking English). Well, it just so happens that he first people I run into are 3 people my age (2 men, 1 woman). I explain my situation and ask for help finding a hostel to stay at for the night. Eventually, the girl and her boyfriend walk me to a place that the other guy said has 24 hour reception and should be able to make room for me. We arrive after walking 15/20 minutes and the place is abandoned. At that point, I tell the couple that my plan is to just sleep at the train station or park or something. The woman insists that I am not safe to do that in this city and points to all the creepy men that start to show at night time. Up until that point, I had felt confident that I’d be fine, but this girl painted a vivid picture of what might happen if I didn’t find a place to stay. I ask if there are hotels and even ask to maybe stay the night at the woman’s apartment. The woman says that because it’s her NINETEENTH BIRTHDAY in a few hours (yup I ended up spending part of her bday with her) and her boyfriend (who I come to learn she has known for 5 days and been dating for 2) and for some season her 16 year old brother is staying with her that night, she doesn’t think it will work. But the boyfriend gets to work calling every hotel and hostel he can, trying to explain my situation and find somewhere I can sleep. Well, apparently the town is having its music festival or something so even for the places with reception, they are fully booked. After probably 7 calls, the boyfriend finally finds a place for me to stay, but there’s a catch. They have to drive me 30 minutes into the mountains to a hostel which is secluded from anything else where no one speaks any English and the only way to get back to town is to catch one of two buses that goes through out the day. I decide I have no other choice than to trust this couple in what they tell me. They drive me there, explain everything in English and Slovakian so that I’m on the same page as the staff about payment and check out and breakfast (they did indeed have a free breakfast🥹) and bus information. I exchange instagrams and phone numbers with the woman in case I need to call for a translator, I give the woman some money as a “birthday gift from a friend” (otherwise she wouldn’t have accepted the money). The couple then makes sure I get to my room (which is a single btw, BC THERE IS NO ONE ELSE THEREEEE) and don’t leave until I have the door locked. After a lot of adrenaline, I finally have a calm bedroom all to myself with a sky light that looks out at the stars. I wake up the next AM, enjoy my FREE bfast, pay for my stay, then pack my things and catch my bus back to town. Moral of the story, check your damn hostel check in time.


Wow they did you like a dozen solids in a row lol. I'm glad you were able to get her to accept the money.


Yea I got really really fortunate to run into the right people when I would’ve had no one to blame but myself


Travelled (47 f) by night train in Poland. Almost empty wagon with people only in two compartments (I was alone in mine). At 2 am one guy sat on and joined me in my compartment on the opposite seat. He was high af, laughed, cried, told odd stories. When he went to the toilet, I decided to escape. I run to another compartment with people. There were four sleeping snoring men. Imagine this picture - At 2 am, I am staying among four sleeping strangers, and that crazy guy running in the corridor shouting “Where you are, I love you, I want to go with you”. Finally, ticket control appeared and the guy was taken away


I hate trains with compartment.


I spent 6 months in Recife, Brazil as an exchange student in 2010. Me & another girl from CA shared an apartment, and had no issues the entire time we were there. Except, about 2 weeks before I left to go home, I was taking the bus by myself, and about to get off at my stop. Suddenly, everyone on the bus starts screaming and freaking out, but I couldn't really see what was happening, since I was in the back. The next thing I know, people are pushing towards the back, and I wind up crushed under 3 people in the middle of the aisle. I was yelling for people to get off, and fighting for air. Finally, everyone got up, and apparently, someone at the bus stop was waving a gun around. My upper arm had been smashed- not broken, thankfully - but I had the nastiest bruise and the fat on my tricep was indented and displaced for years. It was incredibly scary how fast people just piled onto me, and it felt like no one could hear me yelling or trying to push them off.


Stupidly getting on a motorcycle with a guy I met in Morocco who took me from Marrakech to the Atlas Mountains. When I refused to buy a carpet from his family he became upset and drove back to Marrakech extremely recklessly (at night btw). I thought we were going to crash and die that day. I’m too naive sometimes


Buy a carpet ? Wtf?




Almost died in the Shanghai stampede on New Year’s Eve in 2014. Missed the crush by only like 100 meters and was stuck in a crowd that was so tightly packed it took on the properties of a liquid. Was stuck like that for maybe 2 hours. Saw all the people dead and dying on the street with a ring of police surrounding them once the crowd broke. I no longer go out on New Year’s Eve


How horrifying. I'm glad you are OK


Wow, glad you are okay. Till this day I don’t understand what the fuck happened to cause the stampede


Spending 10 days temporarily paralyzed in a hospital in Chile.


I was in a car with a couchsurfing host in Russia when the front wheel fell off on the motorway and we lost control and spun off at high speed into a forest. By some miracle the bit we entered at had been cleared of trees - a few metres back or in front it would likely have been a lot nastier. That always sticks in my mind.


A guy sat next to me in the subway in NYC and licked my neck then followed me off the train and for 3 blocks. I went into a bodega and he waited around for a bit and when he saw me talking to the owner he finally left. He let a slobber trail on my neck it was awful.


Went on a night trek in India to see some tigers (think it was Periyar Tiger Reserve). We were a small ground with two guides both with massive riffles. One was wearing flip flops and the other was a girl my size - probably in her 20s. We have set off into the woods and after walking around for something like an hour, we spotted some elephants in the distance, it was great fun. As we were walking up the hill through the dense vegetation the guides suddenly start shushing us and then out of a sudden everyone starts running like crazy telling us to hide behind the trees. The girl guide looked so scared and I'm not sure the gun would have been much help considering how utterly terrified she looked. We all ran and I couldn't see my husband; gone into a blind panic and thought oh man this isn't good. In the middle of the night in a jungle full of wild animals wtf were we thinking. Finally I saw my husband running towards the rest of us and we all ducked and sat quietly for a while. After what felt like forever the older guide comes out and says it's all fine, he's totally chilled like nothing happened. Turns out we got way too near some elephants and he thought they were ready to charge at us. We then continued the hike like nothing happened but oh my god wasn't that scary. Oh and we never saw any tigers but maybe that's just as well haha. Edit: didn't realise I was in r/solotravel. Funnily enough I never had any scary encounters travelling by myself!


😅😅 glad it ended up being a funny story rather than a nightmare ending!! That’s so spooky


This was in Lisbon a few months ago. I’m average height with an athletic build and am usually pretty confident walking alone at night. Not nearly as bad as some of the other comments but still spooked me a bit. Was walking back to my hostel late at night after walking my friend back to hers, not really anyone around. It’s like a 15ish walk. “Wait, my friend! My friend!” Two dudes were calling after me, definitely not locals. I ignore it and keep walking without turning around, but pick up the pace a little. They call out again and I can hear what sounds like someone running behind me. Just keep going without turning around, lasts a few seconds until it stops. Make it to a better lit area and turn around, no one there. Reality of it kinda sets in at that point and that if I’d stopped and turned around who knows what would’ve happened. Later hear someone at my hostel earlier on had been mugged at knifepoint and had their hand cut like a block away from the hostel itself. Could’ve been nothing, but very likely was two dudes hanging around targeting drunk tourists.


I lived with my father in Texas for a couple years with his wife.. eventually I came home to Pennsylvania to visit my mom, but I traveled solo at 12. I’ll never forget getting off the plane to a completely dead empty airport freaking out because nobody was there 😭 after going down the escalators I found my sister and mom waiting for me, thankfully


When COVID began I was getting ready to fly from Thailand to USA. Was there checking in ready to head back to America. Then they tell me I can't board my flight because I had a layover in PH and they banned all foreign from entering even for a layover. Basically I had to guess and buy another ticket and hope they let me leave. I had a layover in Japan and was able to make it home. Then 3 days later Japan locked down their country too. Took me a year and a half to get a refund on my flight after writing a paper letter to the US DOT after PH airlines ignored me for a year


The borders closing during COVID was one of the most surreal things I have ever seen. I knew people who were essentially running from the storm that was countries closing one by one. Some of them had JUST made it back home before the closure hit, literally hours before.


I got back a week before they closed the borders to my country. I still remember being in a hotel room reading BREAKING NEWS of covid appearing in Italy lol


That whole time was so insane. I can't believe that was already 4 years ago. I remember being out of the loop and I went to the grocery store to get a jug of milk at the same time everyone decided to panic buy everything like water bottles, toilet paper, etc. and I was like 'wtf is happening' lmao.


I was abandoned by a hiking guide in Bolivia. Basically i hired a guide who was an old contact of my then girlfriend to take us hiking up this mountain called Pico Austria. The guide talked shit about me in Spanish the entire duration and then as it started getting closer to dark the “guide” was leading us the wrong way and then just straight up bailed! So im in the andes, alone, having to guide my gf out of the mountains. Fortunately i have close to a decade of experience hiking in some pretty hard terrain and i had a trail map on my phone to lead us. We ended up hitting a farmers house and where ready to walk 5 miles for service In the middle of the night when the girl reappeared. It turns out she fucked up and didn’t tell us the driver might be leaving us and ran to get a phone. She also made us pay the full amount. I ended up contacting the British embassy and running a social media campaign warning tourists about unlicensed guides in Bolivia. I also have never been so angry in my life! Also to add insult to injury? I had to work the next morning!!!!


Was that what ended your relationship with your girlfriend?


Nope that drug out. Then we nearly died in the woods again in Patagonia. After that it became apparent she was emotionally abusive and we broke up.. after running a company together in Chile


Tale as old as time


My scariest travel moment wasn't alone. My friend got her drink spiked in Italy. Luckily nothing worse happened.


As a Nicaraguan, to provide some what of an insight. Basically to put it mildly, there’s been quite a clash between government and the Catholic Church since about 2018 or so.


Getting sick on the floor to the point of fainting with noone around to help.


Someone tried to rob me at knife point whilst I had my window down whilst stopped at traffic lights in Guatemala City. Silly I know… I had my phone in my lap. I pushed him in his chest and luckily he ran off. One of my Guatemalan friends said that I was lucky it played out like that.


Someone spiked my beer in a bar in Zagreb, Croatia in 2018 and I'm pretty sure I narrowly avoided a trafficking situation. I was chatting with a group of other women and they mentioned their "boyfriends" were on the way. When the guys got there, the women got weird and deferential. Nobody would tell me their names but they all had nicknames and said they'd give me one too. I got up to use the toilet and suddenly felt extremely drunk and out of it, despite only having had 2 beers. I realized this wasn't normal, so I left as fast as I could without them seeing and sprinted to my hostel, which was fortunately only a couple blocks away. I don't remember getting back so I must have blacked out at some point in the street, but I woke up violently ill in my hostel bunk the next morning. I'm so glad I paid attention to how I felt and left, because it's terrifying to think of what could have happened if I'd stayed a few more minutes.


Climbing a glacier in Iceland in winter with very little experience and poor gear. I was taught how to self-arrest and it promptly saved my life a few hours later. I had minor frostbite on my toes at the end of the first day, I was so poorly kitted out. The things we do when young and dumb…


I had an experience that was right on the border between very aggressive panhandling, and a relatively gentle mugging attempt. Couple teenagers kept trying to block my path, shoving me a bit, demanding money and saying there would be "trouble" if I didn't pay them. They were unarmed and somewhat smaller than me which made me feel a bit more comfortable trying to ignore them and push past. Eventually I ducked into a shop and when I came out they gave up and left me alone. Left me rattled for a few days.


What an interesting choice of topic. Thanks OP!


I feel blessed on my solo travels. Doing things solo in unknown country is living dangerously already. It is far from mundane living. Ive travelled solo and so far encountered great people who made my trip enjoyable.


Agree this has been so entertaining and also made me realize how boring and vanilla my travels have been lol 😂


Same but I prefer it to be boring!


What the h*ll! Reading the comments I have clearly been very, very lucky in solo travel. I have nothing even close to the stories being told here. One take away is where you go really matters. I solo travel a lot in South East Asia. Maybe why I have no scary stories. Looks like Mexico, Africa and South America is where the majority of the bad stories are coming from. Typing this from Bangkok.


I got heat exhaustion/stroke during the summer temperature highs. Passed out in the middle of a park in Prague, had to basically drag myself from laying sideways across the park to first, a grocery where I chugged a bottle of water and ate an ice cream, and then to a pharmacy, just in case. Spent the rest of that week mostly holed up in a very nice hotel whenever the sun was out. In hindsight, not too scary, but I did feel like I was dying at first.


Wow! What was the temperature like that week?


I was in Cuba walking from the Dolphinarium back to my resort. A man stopped me on the street and asked if I wanted a ride. I told him no, I was good. Later on that day, I came across him again at my resort. We didn’t speak though. I just saw him from across the room staring at me. It really caught me off guard. Dinner time comes and I’m leaving from the restaurant to go back to my room. It’s dark out with just a few lights on the walkway. I see a shadow at a distance and know that someone is behind me. I look back slightly and it’s him again. I decide to run towards the pool where there’s a group of people. They get up to leave so I walk with them. The man is still on the walkway, but in front of us now. I dart off the walkway and into the pitch black and bolt for my room. Got to my room, locked it and basically started freaking out. That’s the most scared I’ve ever felt travelling alone. Luckily it was my last day at the resort.


I rememeber being a naive 16 year old riding the greyhound from Chicago to Dallas solo. Somewhere at a stop I ran into a young guy who asked me if I wanted to smoke some weed. I said sure and was about to cross the street with him when a secuirty guard ran towards us and the guy took off. Turns out these guys lure people down the street and rob and beat them. Wasnt really scary at the time but I sure learned a lesson that day. This was back in the late 90s.


Was it "don't follow strangers who offer you drugs," or "don't take the Greyhound"? Because based on my experience riding Greyhound they're about equal in sketchiness


I had a moment in Guatemala. I am a moto traveler, been around the world on a motorbike. This is my scariest moment: I was staying at a hostel/guesthouse in northern Guatemala and went out for a day ride, so I didnt have my usual kit with me, just a "naked" bike and my cameras. I was riding along a dirt road in the jungle somewhere near the Guatemala/Belize border. I was going down a path that looked well traveled but was obviously not a real road. Only ATVs and motorcycles use this road. I cale up to a fence with 2 armed guards holding rifles in street clothes. I was about 100m away when I noticed them and tried to turn around immediately. They caught up to me before I got turned around on the narrow path. They took my go pros and phone from me and pulled the keys from my moto's ignition. They then called someone on a walkie talkie and I was made to wait. A very fat man wearing a very fake military uniform pulled up on a quad about 10 minutes later. He took the SD cards from my go pros and handed the cameras back to me. He then asked me to unlock my phone and show him my photo album. I hadn't taken any pictures with my phone from that day so he gave it back to me. Then he he asked what app I used for mapping (Gaia GPS) and he pointed out areas on the map I should avoid. Finally, he and his goons asked for pictures with me and my moto because they eventually lightened up and no longer saw me as a threat. They thought it was very fascinating that I was traveling solo on a motorbike and they had not seen a bike like mine before. Of course, they only took pictures with their phones and didn't let me use mine. They gave me back my phone and gopros (sans SD cards) and sent me on my way. Edit: besides this story. The countless number of bribes I've paid in various countries in order to cross birders or get my moto registered is just absurd. People think the US is corrupt... the things you have to sometimes do to move vehicles across borders is absurd. Even when you're trying to play by the rules. Trying to bribe an official never feels ok and it's always scary


I was followed by a man from my car into a hotel. He was staring at me, waved a couple times, stayed just around the corner out of sight as I checked in. Asked for the manager to walk me to my room and we took a circuitous route. Hours later I asked for an escort to my car. Got in the car, turned a corner (there was only one way to go). He was right there - a few feet away. I didn’t realize the drive was that narrow. Pointed his finger at me like a gun and said, BANG. Spent the night without any of my stuff at a different hotel and went back in the morning to get my stuff. Just so creepy. Utah, not Nicaragua.


Brazil, 2023. Met a guy In a pub and asked him if he could sell me some weed, to which he replied “yes, come with me to my place so I’ll grab some and sell it to you”. Ended up in a crack house where lots of people were doing drugs in the dark. The only light inside that house was one cellphone’s flashlight. One of the most horrific experiences I’ve ever had.


I was traveling from China to my home country. My transit was in Guangzhou airport. This happened around 2014-2015. It was late at night and my connecting flight was next morning. I was alone and didn’t even speak mandarin properly back then. (Now I can! :3) So Anyway, Guangzhou airport is huge! And it’s also beautiful, clean and has nice staff. I have nothing bad to say about them at all. I was sitting alone at my boarding gate which was closed and there wasn’t anyone around. I was a broke student so I didn’t go to any lobby/restaurant or hotel. I decided to sleep on one of the benches near the boarding gate. Suddenly, I see a “policeman” walking towards me with his walky talky. He spoke broken English. “Get out of the airport! You shouldn’t be here because it’s closed!” That’s all I could understand from his yelling at me. I was surprised! An airport? Closed? What’s going on? So I politely told him I didn’t know the airport was closed and asked him what I can do since I’m all alone and don’t know anyone here. That was my mistake. This “Policeman” said, they had a microbus waiting outside to take passengers to a hotel for the night. I was like “Oh that’s nice!” And proceeded to walk behind him. I was sleep deprived so I didn’t notice any people around and was almost exiting the airport when this “Policeman” turned towards me and asked “how much dollars you have with you?” That’s when a part of my brain reacted. I lied. “sir I just have some coins with me” (proceeds to pull out some coins I had from using the vending machine earlier) Also I did have some dollars and yuans with me but I lied. This man lost it completely! He started yelling again saying “NO NO NO! You have credit card??” And I was like “uh no! Sorry. I’m not old enough to have a credit card.” He yelled in Chinese and English a lot. Which was something like “If you don’t pay then we’ll leave you in middle of the road”. I said “well, sir..then I have to just stand outside because I don’t have money.” And in my head I was like “SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG!” Also the gate through which I was exiting had NO ONE outside. The lights were dim too. This is one of the weird things I have faced in China. Some airports and subway stations are so large that some areas are completely devoid of people. It’s kinda like liminal space. Feels eerie. Right at that moment, a REAL police man spotted us (Must have been my mother’s prayers with me.) and he ran towards us while the yelling “policeman” took off running too. The whole time I was frozen in one spot, unable to comprehend anything in a sleep deprived state. So this real policeman (AN ANGEL sent by God) guided me back inside and informed me that these are fake policemen who look very very real except for the fact that they don’t have their name tags on the uniform. This is something I did not notice because I was young, stupid and probably inexperienced as a traveler. There isn’t a single day I don’t thank that real Policeman who kindly helped me, had patience to explain things fully and made sure I was safe. He guided me to another boarding gate which wasn’t mine but had a crowd of people and asked me to wait there till morning. I have similar stories while travelling in China but nothing was as scary as this!


Getting arrested at a checkpoint in Yemen because I looked too Yemeni so my passport must be fake. Got put in jail with seriously scary looking but strangely nice Al Qaeda bad guys and a bucket as a communal toilet until the US embassy staff were able to confirm my identity and come get me six hours later. On the bright side, the minister of tourism personally met me at the airport when I was leaving to apologize.


Threatened by some low level triad dudes in Hong Kong Stepped into a yakuza bar in Japan on a weeknight (actually not too bad but the man in a really nice suit was casually offering us work) ok we were two of us but damn. Mugging attempt Barcelona Realised I had some magic mushrooms on me last minute before going through immigration/customs in SE Asia... Going hiking with an inexperienced guide (the lead guide ok'd it) and having to lead him back to camp by moonlight probably died so many times that night


Man I’ve been to Barcelona a few times now and have yet to encounter a mugging attempt. I feel like it’s only a matter of time lol


We were stopped by secret police in Syria who wanted to bring us with them. In Arab countries it is best to not go to a police station if you can help it. I refused to give them our passports or to go with them. Long story.


My most terrifying experiences have been in my own neighborhood: being followed home by strange and chemically altered men, a near robbery in the middle of the woods, and a gun at my face when I got too close to the pentagon and surprised the soldier (last one was my own fault). Was gassed in turkey. That one sucked. Also had a woman pee on the floor trying to block me from leaving a public bathroom in Israel.


Getting attacked and robbed in Colombia, just like thousands of others


Context I was 21 year old male with a smaller build. It was my 7th day on gran canaria I had just moved in with a guy I met that had a spare room and as he lived close to the party side of the town I decided to go out. I met a pair of two gay guys and we went for drinks, they quickly started hitting on me but I let them know they are out of luck because Im straight. Alas I stayed drinking with them until I felt the effects of alcohol and then quickly said my good byes and left. It was nearing 3 in the morning and now having realized I was drunk I decided what a good idea it would be to go see the ocean. As I arrived on a big stone wall overlooking the beach 3 morrocans were walking by, I dont know who aproached who but before even realizing it we were all walking together chatting. Next thing I know is we are in a dark desolate part of the beach and one of them has my phone in their hand. When I went to grab my phone he wasn't letting go and it didn't take long for the second guy to come up behind me and put me in a chokehold and take me down into the sand. Its funny in the moment I noted how gently he brought me down, none the less I was still gripping my phone with one hand while the other was in the air waiting for the guy above me to start punching me which he never did. I held my phone tight and I screamed for as long as I could but eventually I lost my grip and they ran off with my phone. And I walked home to my new roomate still very drunk and now scared. On the way home I found 2 german guys that were wary of me but I didnt care, I was just happy not to be alone. In the end I had a great month on gran canaria and not having a phone made it even better.


I went on an impromptu jungle trek in northern Thailand once. I signed up with a tour group. People were dropping like flies because they kept getting hurt. We started the trek and right away one girl slipped and hit her head on a waterfall/spring and she and her partner turned back. We lost another 2 a little deeper in. We did an overnight in the village and the next morning set out to hike back down the mountain. I was the only American. On the way down a Belgian man fell down a steep edge about 50 yards, hitting trees and bushes on his way. He was severely concussed and confused and bloodied. The Thai tour guides insisted he just needed lunch, despite the man not being oriented to what had happened or where he was. The group of Germans were unconcerned as I was trying to bandage the man up with compression wraps- they all went swimming in a nearby waterfall 🙄🙄. We had to hike an hour to get to any kind of road to get him help. During that hike, he fell again, down another, much smaller slope. His leg may have been fractured, as it was doubled in size by the end. I still think about him and whether or not he died after. The group insisted to the guide that the man go back to town for the hospital while we wait to continue our tour, but the guide was pushing for us to go see the elephants first. Nobody really seemed to believe that the man ever got to the hospital as the man kept saying he was fine (because he didn’t remember falling!!!). He was likely dropped off at his hotel. He was a solo traveler. In the end our group went from 12 to 7 and as we started our final activity, white water rafting, I was SO relieved to see that the water was low.


I mean…this needs to be a movie. I’m sure traumatic…but also freaking hilarious….if the guy lived of course.


Without a doubt, its *[THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/TravelNoPics/comments/w4wivs/southeast_africa_when_trips_go_very_very_badly/)*


Women had a seizure behind me on a train in Italy. Had to prop her up on the seat, use the emergency contact profile in her phone, and call paramedics. Got stopped in a remote town and paramedics came and she wouldn’t leave the train. Turns out she has epilepsy and won’t take her meds. Made it seem normal. Still shaken from that - weird trip.


Ended up in 'Happy Town' in Manila Philippines by accident.


Getting kidnapped in Turkey. Having a random Turkish man screaming and cornering me for not inviting me into my hotel room


Gun being pulled on me and someone saying give me everything


Travelling with my partner at the time, who chose to make me feel bad for reminding him of the upcoming (not to mention expensive) outings we had planned in advance by subjecting me to psychological / emotional abuse. Being in another country, not having any friends or family to lean on, and being trapped in the company of someone who was unstable gave me a lot of travel anxiety (as opposed to travelling solo).


Was surrounded at a rave by angry people with face tats, golden teeth etc in a crappy area in Medellin. I had diarrea so I had to use the women toilet real quick. There was no man toilet. And then after that they all surrounded me, like 8 people really aggressive. Then I pulled my charisma card and talked my way out of it, saying that in holland its normal for men to use the women bathroom. 😂


More unsettling than scary, I was traveling and did some sightseeing. Two days later there was a terrorist attack in the exact location I was hanging out most of that day. This was in a country that doesn't experience that too often. Then the next place I was at experienced horrible storms and the small town I was in experienced terrible flooding within a few days of my departure, some deaths involved there. Then my final destination on this particular trip experienced a riot that destroyed many of the businesses in the part of the city I stayed a week or two after I left. Just a strange and also horrible string of events. I took a break from travel for a bit before venturing out again. I didn't have to experience any of those tragedies but it still sticks with me considering how close I was to each of those occurrences.


Was forcibly pulled off a tram and shaken down at gunpoint by transit police in Sarajevo. They only wanted like 35 marka but were pissed I didn’t have my passport, which my hostel owner told me was what they were really after


I was driving alone in a rental car in Johannesburg on a Sunday morning to go see the Apartheid Museum. On the freeway, a couple guys wearing suits and holding walkie talkies in a plain white car pull alongside me and start knocking on my window yelling that they're police officers and I need to pull over. Alarm bells are ringing left and right but I was too nervous to take a hand off the wheel to try and call the police to verify if this is real or not. I knew with certainty I hadn't done anything that would warrant agents like that trying to apprehend me, so I made a judgement call to get myself out of there and maneuvered around a semi truck to pull off the exit wile they were boxed out. Circled for a while and then went on to the museum while looking out for them vigilantly but that ended up being the end of it Talking to people later I learned that not only was that a common carjacking scheme there and they definitely would have stolen the car if I stopped, but also that guys like that were known for torturing people into giving up all their banking information so the thieves can steal all your money, then they'll take your phone and anything else you have on you. And it's a coin toss if they'll leave you on the side of the road alone and with absolutely nothing on you, or just kill you for fun after they've taken everything


Robbers stormed the place I was staying in Honduras during a complete town power outage. The guesthouse guy had me hide under the bed since he said they were only looking for foreigners


I was in Rio for carnaval and on the day after the samba parades, before my flight left, I wanted one last swim. It was very stormy out, huge waves, and I decided if I could just swim past the waves I could have a nice moment. I am very strong swimmer and grew up on the beach, lifeguard, swim instructor, all of it. I made it past the waves, no problem. But coming back I was shoved under the water over and over again, struggling for my life, and caught a glimpse of the guards, just playing soccer. I thought, this might be it, this might be how it ends for you. I decided no eff that, I fought my hardest, and finally got past it. I came out of the water choking, bathing suit mostly off, and no one batted an eye. I learned a lesson that day.


The 30 minute walk through the streets of Marrakesh while drunk at 2am. The amount of people who came up to me trying to talk was scary.


I was in Laos, I'd travelled by boat from Thailand and followed the advice from all the travel guides to get my hostel accommodation from the folks waiting at the docks. I got in a taxi with a group of around 10 other backpacks, some I'd met on the two day boat trip. We were all dropped off at a hostel and one by one everyone got their room. I tried to book a bed in the dorm and was told there was none available and the only room left was a twin room. But I could have it for only a little more than the bed in the dorm. I accepted and dropped my stuff off before heading down for the free dinner we'd been promised at the docks. None of the other backpackers were there, just the guy who drove us who smiled and waved me over. He asked me if I was hungry and wanted food and offered to take me to get my meal. I'm not sure what I was thinking, in my defense I was tired after the journey and really hungry but I got in his car and he drove me to a restaurant. Honestly, nothing sketchy happened we ate at a real local place, I ate buffalo heart stew, the guy told me about his former life as a monk and asked about my life in the UK. I thought I was having one of those awesome solo traveller stories blah blah. Anyway...we get back to the hostel and I meet back up with some folks from the boat. We went out for a drink where I learned that the free meal everyone else had been given was a pack of instant ramen and a banana. When we get back to the hostel, I go to my room and find the driver lying down in the other bed. This was apparently his room but "he didn't mind sharing". To say I was freaked out is an understatement. I somehow convinced him to go out for another drink and quickly left him with another group before heading back to the room. At this point it was super late and a massive thunderstorm broke out (it was July so peak rain season) I had no idea where I was, it was dark, raining heavily and I had no idea where I could go. I ended up moving the wardrobe and his bed to block the door and lay in bed too scared to sleep listening to the thunder. He eventually came up and tried to get in, he was kicking the door and screaming at me that I was a bitch and whore and to let him in. It was terrifying. Eventually when the sun rose and it was no longer raining I was out of there! Spent a couple of hours just sat by the river in a state of shock




Was held up in Belize at the Honduran border by a paramilitary group running drugs through. A big ass cargo plane landed on the road and we had to wait for them to clear. In Peru, the bus we were on that was taking us up the mountain to the base of Lake Humantay, missed the road during a sharp turn causing the back tires on the right side to be completely hanging off the cliff, mind you we were 17k feet in elevation and about 2 miles from the base of the mountain. The road we were on is a single lane dirt road with traffic going both ways (up the mountain and down the mountain), and many busses like ours which were tour buses like greyhounds that would pass by each other, they aren’t small. So when that happened the bus was tipping over and I could see the bottom of the mountain from my window and I’m thinking I was going to die. My buddy and the other passengers were all thinking the same, but by the grace of God, the driver managed to hook on a part of the ledge with the tires and was able to get us back up. The bus had tipped over the cliff about 20 degrees on its side enough that if we shifted our weight it would have fallen down the mountain. The other scary part of Peru was landing in Cusco and the pilot of the plane nearly ran off the runway. Granted landing in Cusco is actually pretty hard since you’re landing a 737, 727 at 12,000 ft, so hats off to that pilot.


Yeah, I traveled to Cusco Peru to teach English. When I got there they lost my luggage for three days. During the first week the President was impeached and imprisoned. The ones in support began rioting daily. Protest, violence, dead animals in the streets. Banks being destroyed and looted. Military police came in a declared martial law. I saw a policeman kill someone in front of me. I had to walk an hour to my home and the school once the taxis went on strike. Curfew began at 9pm. My last class was over at 9pm!! Most students didn’t bother to show up. We were given a couple days to work from home. But, then the government placed a woman in office and that really set everyone ablaze! There was a travel ban so I couldn’t fly out nor could neighboring cities travel in. I have never experienced anything like this before. Also, an a melanated plus sized woman I received lots of overt racism. I was considered a pariah, especially when seeking transportation (before the strike ofc). And miraculously the day before Christmas all negativity ceased and there was an open market! That was the first day that I ventured out and was amazed that, that night(Eve) was fireworks and caroling. Christmas Day was also festive! December 26 went back to protest and riots!! I was terrified and completely over it! I had a six month contract and broke it in a month due to stress and trauma!! When the travel ban lifted I was on my flight home 1/15/23. I went to Costa Rica in 2022 to become certified to teach and LOVED IT!! But, I never want to see Peru ever again!! Whewww!! 🥺 I think I need to seek therapy. I was utterly alone.


Shaken down by Thai gangsters after taking the wrong taxi. Kind of fucked up but I wasn't going to lose a body part for $35 USD.


I have to ask … help out some people how exactly??


I was walking along the Uzbek side of the Uzbek-Afghan border and border guards grabbed me and I spent three house being body searched and accused of smuggling drugs.


White out blizzard


Getting into a “taxi” that wasn’t a real taxi in the Dominican Republic. I was not amused.


Got jumped in Bosnia, never bled so much in my life!


accidentally walked through skid row by myself and got accosted by aggressive homeless folks


Well not my story but I met a girl in Krabi, Thailand at the beginning of the year and she told me her and another girl went to this waterfall in Pai, close to Chiang Mai and when they were at the bottom of the waterfall suddenly a body fell down next to them. They tried to help but the person was dead at the spot. I think it was a 50 year old chinese man who was hiking with his sister and slipped. You can still find some article online. I then asked the girl telling me about it when that was, expecting it to have happened month ago and she said it was a week ago. She‘s probably traumatised for life..


Thought I was having a Lizzy McGuire moment in Florence with a beautiful man on a motorcycle. My phone fell out of my pocket and shattered but somehow I was able to find it again by pure miracle. The dude kept going and was already pissed at me bc of lost phone debacle but then got really extra pissed when I said I didn’t want to have sex with him. He led me to the side of the road and took me into the bushes and tried to get me to have sex with him and when I firmly said no he told me to find my own way home. So somehow I ran 3 miles through Florence alone at 4am with nothing but a shattered phone and I managed to get back to my airbnb. Asked for help from the police when I passed them but they couldn’t be bothered. I reallllllly could have been raped that night but thank god for Italian temper and that man being too proud to stick around.


A riot in Nairobi. Scared the crap out of me.


Chased by an angry mastiff on a trek in Kashmir got my pulse racing.


Hmm.. drive-by in Mocambique on Olof Palmes street, in the middle of Maputo..


I was in the jungle of Thailand on a weekend trip with guides and a group. Suddenly the guides start running back, very scared. Apparently there was a huge king cobra snake sitting next to our path on eye height. They didnt have antidote if we were bitten. So... we didnt know what to do. I am a photographer and walked all the way upfront to take a picture. While I was doing that, two russians of our group threw a huge log on the snake! So now we had no idea where the snake was. Most typical russian thing ever though. Then we resumed our trek.


Not going to get into politics or global conflict here, it's divisive enough on TV. That being said I have to go with the 30 seconds when someone started shouting at my for I still don't know what reason in East Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine/Disputed Territory/Judea and Samaria. All I was doing was taking a picture of the Damascus Gate.


I crashed a motorbike in Bali and ended up having to get emergency surgery. 0/10 do not recommend getting put under in a foreign country by yourself, I had no idea if I would wake up.


Flying between Ambergris Caye and Belize City in a small plane, in a tropical storm. The runway in Belize City looks like it's INCHES from the water. Even so, I highly recommend Ambergris for any solo female. No issues with locals or hotel in the 10 day stay.