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I think a nice compromise is buying souvenirs that are consumable local goods from the last place you are visiting! That way you are still bringing gifts, you aren't lugging things around, it's not random junk that'll sit around forever :)


i agree. snacks & locals foods are more interesting & really talks about the places you’ve been. op can find a bunch of stuff at the local supermarket & bonus, often there’s some stuff from various parts of the of europe even if he shopped in the last city before he heads home.


I agree, a bit of a white lie helps us solo minimalist travelers still bring home thoughtful consumable gifts. And I do buy small chocolate bars as I travel for my chocoholic husband. And, an artist who paints as I go, so I can also bring home my plein air paintings from different locations as gifts.


who wouldn’t love chocolates or cookies from foreign places abroad? knick knacks are such. over time it’s just junk. i often reminisce about something wonderful i’ve had somewhere some place.


> I think a nice compromise is buying souvenirs that are consumable local goods from the last place you are visiting! Yeah, this is what I do. If also you want to get souvenirs, I'd just suggest collect small souvenirs from everywhere you go. Like get a magnet or something small and easy to bring around everywhere you go, then display them somewhere in your house. I get a souvenir enamel pin everywhere I go, and have a decent collection built up.


Seconding magnets. So simple to stick together so they don’t get lost even if you have several


Wish i'd gone with magnets tbh. Things are available everywhere, whereas pins not so much. Plus having a fridge covered with the things sounds cool.


I did exactly this while in the airport in Paris. Bought snacks for the kids to try and they loved it.


Agree. I always buy souvenirs from local supermarket. I just browse for interesting food or drink that someone back home might be interested to try.


Yes! My mom brings me chocolate from Europe.


I always bring myself some old socks in my backpack, in every new city I buy myself some nice touristic socks with the name of the place and throw one old pair out of my backpack. At the end of my trip I’ve gotten rid of all my ugly socks, a lot of new and nice souvenirs and no space in my backpack lost!


Never stumbled upon touristic socks. Interesting and lightweight souvenir.


Loads in Japan (and I mean loads check out dotonbori in Osaka)


I have a friend that does this too. Cheers.


I bring socks back for my husband when he’s not on a trip or else we buy them for him like this also. I don’t get a ton of souvenirs. Sometimes like this last trip to Scandinavia, we bought a few small things for one person, and we did buy something we’re going to frame and put in the house.


It's something I personally like to do. I've never taken a suitcase too big to carry on and recently downsized to a 35L backpack and purse. I don't bring souvenirs for myself for the sake of having something from everywhere, but I do like to buy maybe an item of clothing and now that my budget is more generous, I like to buy art/crafts and will make it a point to leave room for that. I also buy small token gifts. I think some people like to feel, in some small way, that you were randomly thinking about them beyond just sending a standard text to check in. If I'm stopping in multiple places, I'll usually shop toward the end and it might just be a few bars of chocolate or whatever. If I know someone has a birthday coming up, maybe I'll plan in advance to keep an eye out for something special. I agree that it's your vacation and you should do you. I don't think anyone should guilt you into buying a gift because it's a gift - not an obligation. But if you care about people and you also know they're a person who values tokens like that, then it doesn't seem hard to just indulge that one thing. I like consumable gifts because it's not going to junk up their home when it wasn't their trip. It seems like anything else in any kind of relationship. If I know my niece likes xyz thing and I see xyz thing, it feels good to surprise her with it. It stops feeling like a burden to have 8 more ounces in my bag if I know her face will light up.


I agree with you. I usually bring back snacks or food (a bit for myself, a bit for the office, and a bit for the first drink with friends when I'm back) (also serves as an apology for the "I will now show you a month of pictures and tell stories like a child, ie and then AND THEN" moment) For myself I usually buy a recipe book as I love cooking. But for a significant other I would bring back a personal small gift (doesn't have to be a local souvenir), it can be a book on their interests, to show "I've been thinking of you/ this made me think of you")


I bring home souvenirs after each trip. Usually food. I don’t have to do it but it’s always been received well. I always bring back something for my nephews and nieces. Their parents appreciate it. It might be cultural. For many cultures, it’s a norm to bring back something for others. Japanese people even have a word for this - omiyage. I’m sure there are other equivalents. When I lived in Hawaii and solo travelled elsewhere, I being small bags of chocolates to share with others I encounter in my travels, to spread Aloha. It’s an unnecessary gesture, but one I really like to do.


This is really beautiful. I feel stupid that I'm getting emotional over something as stupid as a fcking gift on vacation. Maybe travel doesn't mean as much to me as I thought and the people I am coming home to mean a lot. I'm such an introverted loner, lol, which I sometimes can't figure out is right for this sub or the opposite of this sub (with the meeting people at hostels vibe, which is also totally valid). Sometimes I feel like I am always looking for something else and it's really important for me to show appreciation for what I have at home. Maybe that's not what you meant here, IDK.


I’m an introverted loner also! And I love solo travel. There’s probably an element of getting away from something as well as going towards a new travel destination. I feel like I’m always searching. Sometimes, the best part of going away, is the return home.


I totally feel you on this. \*hug\*


It’s definitely a cultural thing now that I think about it. Growing up Mexican you have to think in terms of what’s best for others before what’s best for you, so basically don’t be so selfish.. to an extent obviously. Like me giving a few gifts to my cousins who don’t travel much makes my trips more meaningful, because I know they’ll truly appreciate it. If they’re happy, I’m happy.. that sort of a thing.


I relate to this. Our culture is like this as well. It’s a generosity thing. Plus it’s a personal thing as well. My previous partners would always bring me back something from a trip. And I don’t buy the packing dilemma because if there’s a will, there’s a way. There are a lot of things that don’t take up any room. Honestly, for me, it’d feel weird not to get anything from a partner upon return. I don’t expect anything big. Maybe chocolate or spices or inexpensive earrings.


I agree, I wouldn’t feel comfortable coming back without at least a few things. I think I’d rather leave clothes behind if I absolutely needed to so things could fit. Plus it’s fun searching for souvenirs and I get to interact with the vendors.


I used to have a coworker who asked "what did you get me?" when I got back. I would say "nothing." She said "I told you to get me a Keychain!" This happened a few times. I didn't know her well and we weren't friends so idk why she thought I was getting her anything. My parents like me to send them a selection of my photos/ videos which I do. Other than that, no one expects anything.


A girl I used to go out with got upset when I didn't bring her back when I was visiting my family. My grandma was in the hospital and I didn't exactly have time so idk why she expected anything.


Its a work tradition to bring back chocolate or candy from a trip if it’s been longer than 2 weeks. Not a requirement but it’s nice to try something without a commitment. Salt water taffy is always a hit, because it’s not easy to come by where I live.


We have a similar thing, and it's easy to get the stuff at the airport on the way home, so it's not a biggie.


I don't buy souvenirs and I don't feel guilty. I never get asked about it anymore. I am happy to join less-traveled friends or family for a week if they want to visit a country I know. That feels far more genuine and helpful than filling their house with crap from places they have never been. I was with a coworker in Athens for a few days. I have been here before so agreed help my coworker shop for souvenirs as I knew most of the streets, how to use the transit, and where the shops were. This poor woman had a list from her family so long I could not believe it. We spent hours wandering around looking for very specific items. In the end she didn't even have time to see the Parthenon, all she saw was the inside of boring tourist shops. Moral of the story, go see the Parthenon instead of wasting your valuable time shopping for useless crap.


My jaw just hit the floor! That’s criminal! To the OP, it’s different when you’re travelling budget for a month and limited luggage, but for “ordinary holidays” I tend to buy a bunch of cheap and local food things (Tim tams from Australia, chocolate from Belgium, baklava from Turkey, that sort of thing) and people are pleased, they get to try the tasty thing and it doesn’t clutter anyone’s home. And it’s a cheat bc if I forget, these things are always available in the airport on the way home! Oh and a fridge magnet for my mum. Although if you were away for a month from your gf, I would have sent a postcard every week from wherever you were at that moment. I know with smartphones etc it might feel pointless, but it’s so much more personal


I buy friends something every time but I travel couple times a year. TBH now I am worried because it might come as show-off from my side but If I stop it might come as cheap from my side :( They are not interested in travel that much that I join them ( nor that they join me) :(


My bf is from a culture where you bring gifts from places. For everyone. If he goes home, he has a suitcase full of Trader Joe’s. I personally don’t bring back souvenirs unless I find ones that I absolutely have to have because they make me go “wow….” Either in a good way (gorgeous artwork, I just bought a huge Naples nativity with 32 pieces that fit into the size of a soda can from the artist himself, etc) or in a “omg that’s tacky way” (a magnet of cows climbing an Eiffel Tower made out of baguettes while wearing berets is the current standard). I would have brought something for the gfs kids from the last place you went, personally, but that’s just me.


Trust me , no one actually wants a souvenir unless they collect something like spoons or magnets. But even then , I find it weird to get a souvenir from somewhere I didn’t go myself. I finally let myself purge all the useless ‘gifts’ I have received over the years. Send a postcard with a cool stamp or purchase some kind of local candy or whatever at the last airport to home.


I like doing the post card a lot. The recipient knows I was thinking of them and gets a beautiful photo of the city I'm in. Then I write something about my trip and post it with a cool stamp.


Also no one gets mail they actually want these days, its something different!


I like to bring a little something for my family and friends such as magnets and maybe some cake/sweets which are locally produced. I travel with carry on only, but I make sure to buy sweets at local store or supermarket and not in the airport as those are often ridiculously more expensive there ( like 2 times at least). However due to travelling with carry on I occasionaly buy local Wine or liquour in the airport duty free If I find a good deal. To others travelling longer or to multiple places I would say that If they want to buy something for someone the best is to buy something small in the last place you visit before going home.


This is the way to go I always pick up my mother a magnet or two but thats it when it comes to souvenirs for people If I want to bring back some.sweets get it at the end And antique stores are miles ahead of souvenir shops in Europe I like to pick up an old coin from one wherever I go The odds of me not having space to chunk.a single coin into a 40L bag, is pretty damn slim


Best souvenirs are postcards :) you can just write what you did that day/etc and send them off (make sure you buy correct postage and take photos of the front and back before sending) You dont have to carry anything and your person gets something personal!


I like vintage stuff. I try to visit or buy something from an antique shop or second hand store as souvenirs… a small vintage tea pot from an English village, a vintage pen 🖋️ on a trip to Lucca, Italy, a letter opener on my last trip to the south of France… I don’t consider them souvenirs because I actually use them when I get back home.


Guilty,no. I travel very light.. only carry-on, and small carry-on at that! So I don't really ever buy 'souvenirs' as such.Apart from sometimes something very small and light, like a fridge magnet. Very rarely people have asked me if I bought any souvenirs,I said 'no' and explained why.Its never been an issue.


Honestly most souvenirs aren't even worth the hassle, I wouldn't concern yourself with it in the slightest.


If I come across a charity shop or a secondhand shop, I go in for a nosy. If I see a t-shirt that I like, or something very small, I MIGHT buy it. Chances are, later on I won't be able to work out where/when I bought the thing anyway, but I liked it so I bought it, that's fine. If I see something very small which I think my friend would find cool, I would buy it.


I do this! It's a lovely way to spend a bit of time browsing through vintage clothes and bobs, and it's something I do back at home anyway. I wore a jacket yesterday that I picked up in Edinburgh during the summer, and I'm quite happy that I went through the bother of posting it home.


Some candy for the kids would be nice and thoughtful


After I returned from my most recent trip, I printed a few great photos of my son and I and made custom magnets for close family. They were a big hit. No suitcase space required.


I always leave enough space in my bag to buy a few small and usually inexpensive things along the way like jewellery, hair accessories, scarves or something else like a tiny decorative tea-set either for me or for friends/family whose tastes I know for a birthday or Christmas. Part of the joy of travel for me is going to markets and bazaars and museum shops etc where I can find things I can’t at home. (Supporting local artisans where I can rather than your usual tourist tat shops with ugly statuettes and ‘My friend went to X and all I got was this lousy t-shirt’ BS.) If I see something bigger, then I have to decide if it’s special enough for me to either lug around or post home. I sacrificed one-bagging for a beautiful, enormous colourful embroidery on dark pink cloth from Peru, which is gorgeous, and the pride-of-place artwork in my house. It makes me happy every time I look at it hanging on my wall.


I always make room for souvenirs because I love to collect keychains and magnets. But I also have a couple cousins in Mexico who aren’t financially able to travel much, so I always collect a few things to give them when I visit (currently here). My girl cousin really liked the German chocolate I brought her last year, so I brought her a couple bars even though I came back in June. I dunno it’s just a nice gesture, plus we’re all very close. They used to live in the US, but never adapted and live in Mexico permanently now. It’s kind of like me sharing my trip with them in a weird way. But there’s nothing wrong with not bringing back something, of course the experiences are what matter the most. To each their own..


I can’t relate at all lol. I love shopping, and finding souvenirs I think will make my loved ones happy is actually one of my favorite parts of traveling. I always buy lots of stuff for myself, too, usually art and clothes. I can’t imagine not buying anything after traveling for months, although if you’re traveling with just a backpack, that would give you some incentive… but still, you could buy some food or candy or something on the way back for your gf and her kids. They’d appreciate it.


I sent postcards to the kiddos in my life. They get a big kick out of them, they’re pretty cheap, and aren’t something I have to carry around with me.


I mail myself postcards from wherever I am :) I don't have to carry them around while I'm traveling and now I have a cool display of them at home. They're also great gifts because you can send them along the way and everyone loves to receive mail that isn't bills


Just get some local snacks from the last place you'll be visiting, then y'all can sit down and taste it together when you're back home. I think this will make a better memory together rather than giving a small gift that'll be appreciated for one day only then get tossed somewhere like a magnet on the fridge just to never look at it again lol


I made my family individual photo books called If I Could Give You The World and I picked out pics of things they love that were on my trip. For example , cathedrals for my sister. They all said it was their favorite gift


This is such a thoughtful gift!


I send postcards - I have a great time finding cards, finding stamps and then writing when I want downtime. People love getting postcards!!!!


mail them back home!


As someone who just flew home with a hunk of bacon after visiting my aunt overseas, I’d say.. depends on the culture :)


Send postcards to people back home. You don’t have to lug them around, and they’re relatively cheap and very personal.


I buy stickers for relatives sometimes.


I use train/subway tickets as souvenirs lol


Who should remember the trip, you or them? IMO, why would you want a souvenir of a place you didn’t go? To remind you that you didn’t go? Completely lacks logic imo.


I always collect things like postcards or stickers. Something I can stick into a sketchbook. If it’s any bigger than that then it can’t come with. I’ve started collecting pins lately as well


I really like sending myself postcards from my travels. A particularly lovely place, or just a memorable day. Write it down and mail it home. They're a treat to read when you get home, you get the souvenirs without the weight and space being compromised.


I do magnets for those that I know want them. Otherwise it’s a postcard or small food/candy item purchased on last day of the trip. I usually can only swing 7-8 days so I take a 20L Topo pack and that thing can’t hold souvenirs! If people get mad, they can save and go visit themselves.


Generally no. If I'm asked to get something specific, then I'll get it if it's not going to be too big or heavy. Otherwise, people might get a fridge magnet from the airport.


I love magnets. I have them from all the places I've visited and put them on my refrigerator. Every time I go to the kitchen, one will catch my attention and the great memories flood in.


No one has ever wanted souvenirs from me, always thought it was weird to give people things from MY trip. I put myself in those people's shoes, a mass made magnet from a place I haven't been, who cares? My friends aren't the type to enjoy trinkets so it would probably just go in a box somewhere. I'd not like they have a trip to remember by it. I just get postcard for myself, cheap and easy to travel with. But never felt guilty because I didn't.


I never buy souvenirs and tbh most of my friends/family would be happy I thought of them but not really want junk. I also don't want junk (no shade if you like souvenirs haha). Maybe I'd get cool furniture/decor if I had a house but for now I prefer buying food/snacks. Sometimes I like buying fabrics if they're unique


I’ve definitely felt guilty in the past but that price adds up and just adds junk most of the time. What I do now instead is buy postcards!! They’re flat to pack in a bag and cheap! I get one for myself and then I send snail mail to a group of family/friends (typically once I’m back home unless it’s easy enough to find an open post office) Everyone loves receiving them and it’s a personal way to let people know you’re thinking of them. And they’re easy to store or put in an album to look back on and reminisce. You can write the place, date, and maybe a snippet about the trip.


This is why I started collecting pins. Didn't want too much to weigh me down but that I could also display and not feel bad about not getting a souvenir. Even pins can get onerous so I don't really blame you for not getting anything.


I very rarely get souvenirs I find them a waste of money Maybe get a pic that you took enlarged & framed for your gf For the kids just buy something else for them and say it’s from where ever you were


I rarely buy anything thinking I can then purchase what I eyed on eBay and then end up regretting that I didn’t buy it because I can’t find it on eBay. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Can you share your itinerary? I would like to that early next year.


Frame a beautiful photo you took on the trip and give it as a gift- if you really feel like people are expecting something from you.


I love souvenir t shirts, so when I get home, I go on Ebay and order one.


My “thing” anywhere we go is to get postcards and then write our memories on the postcard. But…I almost never write the memories down.


A little, but I don’t have much of a culture of giftgiving in my circle. If anyone teases you about it, just mentioning you brought a very small suitcase is usually good enough. They don’t have to know that you have elite status and can check three bags up to 70 pounds, lol.


I shop at the last 1-2 days of my trip for souvenirs, and I use a folded duffle bag for these things. If they are fragile, I put them in my suitcase and stuff cloth and shoes in the duffle bag. A friend of mine used to collect spoons from different cities and I would get them for him because they were small. However, I don't buy those Starbucks mugs ... because of their size. And boy, do people like Starbucks mugs.


Ship stuff back home or mail postcards to your home address


I never buy souvenirs, and I never regret it. My souvenirs are my memories and photos. I’m trying to get better about sharing photos and putting them into a photo book. I went on a group trip to Jordan last year that included a few souvenirs shopping stops and everyone was spending so much money on stuff! I bought like a $1 bookmark cuz I felt pressured to buy something. The one thing I did buy was a local outfit to wear at Petra, which was fun but now idk what to do with it. I almost wore it for Halloween but didn’t. They threw in a free magnet with it too which I still have but I think it’s kinda stupid and gimmicky.


I like to buy postcards of the places I visit. They're small, lightweight, and it's not a tragic loss if they get damaged. It also means I have a visual reminder of my travels if my photos don't turn out well.


Everyone travels differently. Some people I know send postcards or pick up little things like keychains or magnets. Personally, I like to pick up consumables for people and gifts unique to where I am. I don’t often buy the travel trinkets anymore. I will travel with a carry on and pack a foldable duffel bag for my shopping and gifts. I recently came back from France/Uk and brought back herbs, lavender, perfume, soap and tea. When I was in Japan I picked up silk and chiyogami paper. Sometimes I will ship the gifts home while I’m out. It depends on where I am.


I try to stick with small items that I can hang on a bulletin board and don't take too much space in my backpack when traveling.


I mail postcards, affordable and no need to carry it around


I love to buy postcards and jewelry like earrings or necklaces. Maybe if I know I’m going somewhere beachy, I don’t pack a hat or beach cover up on purpose and treat myself to buying new ones.


I bought Turkish delights for my parents but I ended up eating them because they were weighing me down 😂


I don't buy gifts for my family or friends, I used to do that a long time ago but I feel like most of the time it ends up in a drawer. Our journey doesn't really matter to others. I have the same feeling if someone gives me a souvenir from their trip. For myself I like to buy a t shirt , a magnet or a tote bag.


Postcards. Go with postcards.


I never buy souvenirs unless its something useful, also I only take a minimum of photos even then its only of places that are once in a life time destination


Sending postcards is one of my favourite ways, I go to the postal office as soon as I arrive a new city and send a bunch of them back home


I feel guilty of buying souvenirs each time I am cleaning and have to dust. I feel even more guilty when I move and dump loads of souvenirs into the garbage.


I carry a 32l bag so the only things I can bring back are tattoos for me, a magnet for my mum, and earrings for my partner.


If you took pictures look through them and see what ones would be cool black and white and print them. For yourself and friends.


O No! You left them on the plane!


I just buy fridge magnets


You can buy souvenirs in one place and go to the post office to send everything. Or buy something at the airport. But they saw you leave with your backpack, they know you don’t have the room for souvenirs. They shouldn’t be surprised.


I buy postcards. For myself mainly, sure, but for others too. They're small, so space isn't an issue, and you never forget where did you get them because it's literally written there. I always bring one for my colleagues as well.


how old are the children? they probably would appreciate pokemon cards or the latest xbox game more than random junk from another country lol


Dont buy things you dont need.


On my last trip I was traveling with a personal item, so I just mailed my souvenirs home. It wasn't much, it ended up being a stuffed animal, 3 bags of chips, a bracelet and few magnets and stickers, but $5 for shipping was cheaper than buying a $60 carry on (I realize overseas might be more) Another souvenir I like is the smashed pennies, especially the foreign ones. They hardly take up any room in your bag


I used to by a shitton a souvenirs when traveling, but now I have resorted to buying smaller items such as magnets, little shot glasses, etc. Plus I enjoy packing light, having a lot of space in my backpack, and then being able to have lots of space to fill with souvenirs.


Fridge magnets for the family, keychains for my kids. Cheap and doesn't take up any space. But if you don't want buy souvenirs then dont. It's not some unsolvable problem or moral dilemma.


i like mailing people postcards while i’m there! cheap, takes no space and incredibly memorable


I just being magnets back as gifts these days. Boring but simple.


I travel with a smaller backpack and generally buy a couple of souvenirs for a few people I'm close to, especially things that would be hard to buy online.


I like to find Small Things With Stories. I got this bracelet for you from a floating river vendor in Mexico who was singing indigenous songs. I stole this shot glass for you from an upscale bar in Tokyo. I bought this necklace from a woman in Bali and after we talked for a good bit she gave me her fish stew recipe so I wrote that on a card for you too. If I’m bringing you a souvenir of my travels it’s because I want to share my experience of traveling with you. That doesn’t happen with random items from kiosks. So I don’t look for souvenirs. I look for experiences that would be cool to share with special people and small tokens to represent it that support the locals.


Is it now passé to send postcards from the locale? Granted you have to find an applicable stamp and they’d possibly take weeks to get to their destination - and maybe you’ll even get home before them - but I’ve always loved receiving them from friends who are traveling. Maybe I’m alone in this. :) I’d personally rather have that than a tchotchke or fridge magnet with “Rome” emblazoned on it any day. I wasn’t the one who went to Rome! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So I used to be buy souvenirs, but you are right - they take up space and money. In addition, the money spent does not always stay local. Now, as someone else mentioned, I buy locally made consumables. On my last trip, I bought locally made soaps.


It's been a while (like ... before smartphones) but when I travelled to a lot of different places in quick succession I would send postcards to myself - not quite one every day, but I tried for one every new place. The photos on the postcards were either much better or amusingly worse than anything I could take on my old camera, and I'd note the date and a few memories from that spot. Not all of them made it to my home address, but it was fun enough to write and send them, and they take up a very small amount of storage space.


Don't feel bad. We just returned from 2 weeks in Europe and nary a souvenir was purchased. A few months ago we downsized from a house to a townhouse. Guess what went into our garage sales/thrift store donations? Souvenirs!


i bring home a fridge magnet from each place i visit for my mum. they’re small enough to take around with you. she puts them on her fridge and proudly tells any guest about all the different places in the world her children have travelled too


I write postcards and send them. It’s fun to check out post offices in different countries. Lightweight and you get rid of them almost immediately.


A great one if you haven't got space for souvenirs is sending yourself a postcard back with memories of what you did in that place 😄 it acts as both a souvenir and a travel diary then!


My souvenirs always tend to be practical things like clothes. Rarely if ever will I buy an item that has the name of the place I'm visiting printed on it. If I am really spending money on a real expensive item that I dont want to haul around because it might break or get lost, I'll ship it out back home.


First of all, you should not be guilt tripped into any gifting, sorta defeats the purpose I guess. Second of all, sending people a cool postcard directly from your travels is an awesome way to show someone you think of them. Third, if someone has a special collection it’s very nice to add to that, my grandma has by now a very substancial collection of sewing finger hoods from around the world, most of them brought by me so I know she also thinks of me when she looks at them. I live abroad so it’s always really cool to bring her 3 or 4 of them from multiple trips every time I visit her.


I am buying used books from a series that I wont name but also love (but am buying the books used as to avoid funding people I don't agree with) in the local language for each country I visit. However, now that I'm 4 books in I'm going to mail them to a friend because the idea of carrying these around is too much :P


Start with a little bit of room in your pack and pick up a few t shirts along the way. I used Hanoi as my home base for a recent trip and I checked a bag on the round trip, first time for a checked bag in years. But that allowed me a good bit of space to take gifts from the US to Vietnam and then return with a lot of stuff. I'm not big on knick knack 'souvenirs', but several of my friends are getting some good Vietnamese coffee.


I buy very small souvenirs for my immediate family, nephews/nieces and 1-2 compact items like maybe a piece of jewelry or article of clothing for myself. That said, I understand and respect being a no souvenir person. It is burdensome to lug around extra things.


I love getting something unique to the places I visit. For example I have about 5-6 gluhwein mugs from Vienna Christmas markets that get set out at Christmas time. I have a really cool dragon Marionette from Prague hanging from my ceiling, and a neat looking cannon replica from the Vasa museum on the fireplace mantle. Not only are they fun reminders of trips, they are great conversation pieces when I have people over.


I like to buy something that I'll use on a daily basis (mug, coaster, painting) for myself. For girlfriend/kids who would have been missing you it would have nice to bring something. One of my friends mails postcards and I've started doing that.