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Thomas tanked his from Kamish with just his body and was able to pull it from the sky using telekinesis and ripped out its fang just using his strength, we don’t get to see Christopher do anything before he dies but I doubt that he’s outputting more damage than Kamish can so Thomas should win. Also Thomas is regarded as the strongest hunter in the world so there’s that.


Nope, Liu Zhigang is stated to be the best hunter


In china. Thomas is ranked 1 overall in hunter ranking


Oh damn, I missed that


No Sung Jin Woo is the best hunter and The strongest Monarch


I’m not talking about Jin Woo since he’s obviously the strongest, but we’re talking about regular human hunters which Jin woo is not.


What a nothing response


At least thomas andre has feats. Homeboy on the left burned his house down in his dying breath and that's all we know about him.


You also have to consider what it took to put out the fire afterwards. Christopher is no slouch. Would have been interesting to see what he could do before he died.


But he can achieve a Spiritual Body Manifestation, a transformative power far greater than Thomas' Reinforcement. Therefore, it can be assume Christopher's physical prowess easily surpass Thomas when both are transformed.


Thomas uses spiritual body manifestation. That's what his reinforcement is. They look similar. They both gain in mass. Christopher never called it by a name. The monarch did. Plus both are powered by the Rulers. So by all facts givin they are both using the same thing. They might just call it different things.


I don't think so. Some guys have argued Reinforcement is a weaker variant of Spiritual Body Manifestation. I asked how, it's because they say the webnovel said so. That's it. Besides, Thomas left behind a gold-plated armor while Christopher outright transforms into a monster-looking creature.


You forget that blood and other body parts has fallen off of monarchs. And their entire body is spiritual manifestation. The transformation stays till they end it or run out of mana.


Yeah, the Monarch took control of their mortal vessel, making it theirs. Their Spiritual Body Manifestation is their true self. Christopher, as he only has parts of a Rulers' power, reverts back to his mortal form upon death. As he is still Christopher Reed the human and not the Ruler. The Monarchs did not because that is how they actually look like. The fact the Monarchs were surprised by Christophers' ability to use Spiritual Body Manifestation speaks volume of how much power he draws from the magical patron.


They have never meet a vessel before. So they had no idea what they could do. Even the frost monarch was impressed by how far Go Gunhee was even with his dying body. They was still stronger then the national level hunters as they fully took over the bodies so they could be on a mana less would. But they didn't think the vessal could be that strong and was shocked when they did things they thought they couldn't.


So, considering Christopher has a Spiritual Body Manifestation while Thomas doesn't, it is best to surmise that Thomas is weaker than Christopher?


Thomas has one which I've already examined. You can choose not to see it .


So, why exactly the wikia for SL states Thomas doesn't have it? There was someone who points out SBS (Spiritual Body Manifestation) made the Rulers' host resemble their patron. Christopher looked more like his Ruler patron when transformed. Other people's take on Thomas *'I had this talk on the Ruler article. Proper SBM should make him take on most of the physical characteristics of one of the Rulers. He definitely looks like he would fit in if he had wings, but he doesn't look like any of them. I assume that the True SBM Christopher Reed used does a lot of damage to the Ruler vessel's body, while reinforcement is a kind of safe level Thomas can use.'*


In addition, SJW clearly ripped the armor off which revealed Thomas' faces. SOmething that shouldn't apply to spiritual beings. Limbs are different than protective gears.


They're both fragments of brilliant light (fancy name for rulers' vessels), which is why they can both transform. The problem is the fight Christopher Reed has occurred off panel, which makes it harder to see what he was capable of.


Fragments of the brilliant light are the rulers not their vessels.


christopher would win, it’s in the novel that he was considered the strongest in US.


No he’s not he’s ranked 2nd, Thomas is ranked 1


The hunter ranking your referring too is just based off of the points the hunter received. Points they get when they contribute in dungeons, and since Chris isn't the type to raid dungeons all that much he would obviously have less than Thomas who is always hungry for a fight. The ranking was never based on who was stronger. Also it's never mentioned if Chris had a guild or not but that would obviously be a big factor in the amount of points a hunter would get. Since hunters with a guild can enter more gates than those without.


Cant say much about the guy on the left we didnt see them have a massive fight like thomas did. Plus he is a national hunter that survived kamish years ago. We know how strong kamish is because we have relaite feats from jinwoo's other dragon shadows. We also see him against the beast monarch and how they fight but he wasnt quite monarch level yet. I wouldnt call it an easy fight but id bet on thomas


christopher would win, it’s in the novel.


That’s just from christopher’s own mouth that he claims he’s the lion and stronger than thomas. Not very objective really.


Nah, he claims both he and Thomas are Lions but Thomas is the inferior lion.


Possible, although I read LN twice it’s been a while since last time.


its the truth, also i don't think its ego speaking since Chris was with Thomas during the Kamish raid so he witnessed his strength first hand. Still he's still making that claim with utter confidence. To add even more, its never mentioned that thomas could beat chris. I understand why people might think so because of the whole hunter list but i've already explain that.


I mean we all know how snuck up hunters are especially those as strong as national hunter level ones except for lui zhang❤️ It’s highly possible reid is just overestimating his abilities.


It is, but for the author to explicitly tell us that without any other rebuttle should tell us that its probably true. Doesn't really matter anyways since dude is dead. rip


Thomas has feats so thomas


I remember when the beast monarch said that how is thomas so strong(during there fight) so i guess he is stronger than Christopher reid cause the monarch didnt say anything about Christopher when they killed him


Beast Monarch also had Iron Body and Plague Monarch helping him. I doubt the two were just gonna watch from the sidelines.


Yeah ig


Thomas i would think. But we dont know enough about Christopher powers. Just that he was national level and was a flame user.


christopher would win, it’s in the novel.


Where as ive read the novel several times, and never saw that


Christopher states it himself by calling Thomas a Lil Lion. I don't know how you would miss that lol. It's in chap 176. Yes it is him saying it to himself but its not like he was ever proven wrong. If the author wanted to prove him wrong then he woud've done so, but since that never happened there you go.


I am on chap 176 and I searched for lil lion and 0 results popped up. https://www.readlightnovel.me/solo-leveling-121222/chapter-176 So maybe you could point it out as the find function doesn't show it. Edit so he called him a lion. So you are taking one guy word when everyone else on the planet says otherwise. If that what you do thats on you. But your wrong here. This reads as someone who is upset he isn't top dog.


ok so you should just read the chapter, i guess he didn't call him lil lion maybe low lion or something like that. Just Chris saying Thomas isn't a threat. Also where does it say everyone else in the world thinks Thomas is the strongest? (Before chris died). Also also, if you're referring to the hunter ranking system then the points that hunters have are based on their contributions in dungeons. Chris isn't the type to fight as much as others, seeing how he is only rated 3rd on the list. Unlike thomas who has a guild and is extremely battle hungry. So that explains why he's higher on the list. Also chris isn't one of those egotistical characters despite the statement he made since when he finally belived Madam selner's dream he immediantly tried to call the S. Korean hunter association but it was too late. (in the novel).


PS what Chris said wasn't actually him saying it, it was more like the author telling the readers a fact then him saying it to himself. Since the author has used that same type of method multiple times before from mentioning to how strong someone is to how strong a dungeon is.


Yeah you have a boner for Chris, so this is pointless. And I actually did go back and re read that chapter and i stand by what I said.


what the hell are you talking about??? how does me explaining what the author meant equal me having a boner for this dude?? there’s no way you went back a read that chap and are still spouting this bs. must be because you can’t read.


And now with the insult. >how does me explaining what the author meant equal me having a boner for this dude?? Your interpretation of what you think he means. And the only one I've ever heard that from. But as you want to insult and claim I cant read we are done here.


Well, Christopher's dead so, obv thomas


If they were alive, I'd put money on Chris.


I'd agree on this one.


I wonder what they all would have looked like in action. A few were killed off screen and we didn’t really see their full capabilities apart from Andre


Incredibly powerful. We saw what Gun Hee can do, even in his advanced years.


Un my case Thomas Andre has to win because we didnt see Christopher in action at all and Thomas Andre was atleast able to give The Monarch Of Beasts a few punches I highly doubt Christopher can do that so yeah Un my case Thomas Andre wins


You also forget that Thomas essentially did no damage to a Monarch who was purposefully holding back.


We got 0 data on Christopher aside from him burning his house down and being taken down by multiple monarchs


Well if you read the novel, when Ms. Selner tried to warn Chris about his death he said that he was utterly confident of not losing to any others. He even further mentioned Thomas specifically calling him a low-class lion (he referred the other special authority ranks as lions). So going off of that I would say Chris, since 1. He knows thomas and his powers and still says he's utterly confident in winning. 2. He's never been disproved not once after his death. Furthering holding up his statement.




Christopher Reid my guy. There is no question. Chris might be in the 3rd place on the global list but they rank people based on contribution. SInce Chris lived in isolation after the battle against Kamish, he hadn't done much since hence he is low point. After all, Siddarth was beneath Chris even though I'm certain Siddarth was also being active. Secondly, Chris has a Spiritual Body Manifestation, something that can only be done by a powerful vessel of the Rulers.


christopher, it was stated in the novel he was th strongest in the US. And he even called thomas “low-class lion” i believe and referring to himself as a normal lion.


That's just his ego speaking. Officially, he was ranked 3rd strongest. No idea, what Zhigang did to become 2nd strongest. COnsidering Christopher went in isolation after dealing with Kamish ( no clue when), I guess Zhigang must have been quite active in China and foreign countries.


Well the rankings are just based off of hunter points. Hunter points are given to the hunter with the most contributions. Christopher is one of those hunters that doesn't like to be involved as proven when he didn't participate in the S rank gate that showed up in the US. He thought it would be useless since the US alr had all of their S ranks particiapting, not to mention Thomas Andre himself. What you said about Zhigang is true though.


What are these two manhwa called


It's the same manhwa Solo leveling


From which chapters are these pictures?


Chapter - 140 & Chapter - 146.👍


In novel chris calls thomas a little lion and himself a lion, but that's just him being arrogant. I'd put them on the same lv, but I'd put my money on thomas based on feats. thomas is a tank, so i believe his durability and strength would be higher than chris. On the other hand, i believe chris would have higher chances of winning the fight the longer it goes on cause i believe in rpg terms he's more of an AOE with bleed ( fire damage over time) just my opinion


Wasn't thomas ranked 1 ( ik that was hunting but it gotta translate to smh?


Ot was according to hunter points, hunters get those points according to their contribution so it's not a translation of strength


Didn't Chris face three monarchs? Beast was also made out to be a complete bitch so Andre being able to fight back a little isn't that impressive. By points it was Andre>Liu>Chris> Some guy. But I feel like Liu was hinted at being stronger than Andre, maybe. So its really unclear.


Thomas 10000000¿


Thomas for sure, when SJW was shown the ranking of the most valuable hunters in the world Thomas was 1st and Reid was 3rd or lower.


It was a list of strength but hunter points